InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Be Careful What You Say ❯ Chapter six: Travel ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter six

No one spoke as they traveled. They all felt the urgency that could only be releaved by hard travel. On all their minds was the thought, "Will we be able to get the antidote? And if we do, will we get back in time?" Sango understood what they faced better than the others. The ninja clans where very secretive. The price that they would want would be high, if they would deal at all. The only hope that they had was the fact that she was related by her exterminator blood.

They stopped late after a hard days travel with no breaks. "Cold camp." Sango stated, as they dismounted Kirara. "We can't afford to draw attention to ourselves. We'll eat from our dried food supplies."

Miroku and Kagome were too tired to do anything but nod as they accepted the dried beef from Sango. As they chewed, each thought about what they faced on the next day. It would be another long day.

In silence, they made themselves comfortable and dropped into an exhausted sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inuyasha sniffed the ground and caught Kagome's scent. "There it is." he grunted. His chest bothered him. He growled in frustration. He hated feeling weak. As it was, he was far behind the others, and was traveling slower than Kirara. Soon he would have to rest, even though he didn't want to. He wasn't a complete fool. He knew that he had to get some rest or he would never make it. This decided, he jumped into the nearest tree, counting on the sun to wake him at first light.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Breakfast was water and journey bread. They had all slept, but had gotten very little rest. Nightmares that she couldn't remember had haunted Kagome all night. Miroku and Sango both had been awakened by Kagome's moans in the night. And while she couldn't remeber her dreams, they had both heard her crying Inuyasha's name in her sleep.

The day was much the same as the day before, except Sango called a halt earlier than the night before.

"Why are we stopping early?" demanded Kagome. "We need to get to the assassins."

"We are a few miles from the clan holdings." explained Sango. "We need to bath and get a good nights sleep so that we may show the proper respect. These people are very proud. They must be shown the proper respect. That means you had better keep your hands to yourself, houshi."

"You offend me, Sango!" exclaimed Miroku. "This mission is to important to allow my reflexes to mess it up!"

"Stop it, both of you!" shouted Kagome. "We need to think of what is needed to get the antidote, not whether Miroku can control himself. If taking a bath and being on our best behavior will help, then we will. And if you do cause a problem Miroku, they won't have a chance to do anything to you, because I will!" After saying that, Kagome went to her pack and got her soap for her bath.

Sango and Miroku looked at each other. "I'm sorry, Miroku. This whole thing has me on edge. I fear that the ninja will not help us. And if they do, Kagome may do something rash to get their help."

"I know, I know. I worry for her too. Why don't you go take a bath with Kagome? I promise not to follow." Miroku said with a slight smile.

"See that you don't."Sango retorted, with a smile of her own. "Or you may not make it to the clan holdings."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inuyasha found their last camp before noon. "Blast it! I've got to make up for lost time or they will get there before I catch up to them." Inuyasha thought. "I don't trust those assassins." Suddenly, he doubled over in pain. "Not now!" he gasped. Holding himself against the pain, he panted until it subsided. Setting his jaw, Inuyasha set out again, ignoring the drops of blood that fell behind him.