InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Birth Marks ❯ Adoption ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya! I didn't get that many reviews last chapter, but I guess that's my bad. Delete author notes, and THEN update chapter! Well, I just hope that I'll get more reviews this time, right? RIGHT?
As with all things on the Internet, I don't own Inuyasha. And neither Yu Yu Hakusho for that matter either.
Chapter 30: Adoption
Last time: “…Kuwabara, why don't you climb first so if you pass out from exhaustion we can catch you before you fall all the way down.” Kuwabara gave Yusuke a dry look, ruined by the powdered sugar of the jelly bun, and started climbing.

One thing that she learned from traveling in the feudal era, aside from packing efficiently in that bottomless yellow bag of hers, was how to make tea from practically anything.

This time: “They're back.” Kagome nodded, shifting Shippou on her other shoulder so she could look out the door, the form of a cat with two riders descended over the trees as the sun came up.
Inuyasha stood up and stretched before leaping over to greet the couple. After a few moments, Miroku nodded, seemingly agreeing to something that Inuyasha had said. Sango gave a small smile and patted Inuyasha's shoulder before he leaped off into the woods.
“How's Shippou doing?” Sango asked, walking through the door and leaving it open so Miroku could be part of the conversation.
“No better, no worse,” Kagome sighed, stroking the kitsune's hair. Sango nodded and noted the change in wardrobe. During one of the brief breaks in tremors, Shippou had woken up and Kagome had helped him into the clothes he now wore. His fir vest was still there, but oddly it seemed like something that would never change.
While she was still a child, Sango had heard about demons like this: they had accessories, like Shippou's fir vest or Sesshoumaru's tail, which was a sign of status as an animal spirit. Of course, most of them had markings on their face and bodies as well. Shippou was destined to be quite powerful, that's for sure, despite his lack of visible skin markings.
Shippou, still bleary-eyed, looked around, not really taking in anything. For the adoption process that night, it was best that there were no other drugs in his system that could react badly; or so Inuyasha had insisted. The tremors weren't as bad as the day before, but Shippou was clearly still in pain.
“How's your ankle Miroku?” Kagome asked, noting that he wasn't limping as badly as before.
Miroku grinned and stretched his leg out for the girls to see, “Kaede looked at it when we got back and for a human, I apparently can heal pretty fast!” his ankle was still wrapped in bandages, but not as severely as it had been a few weeks prior.
Kagome smiled in relief, “that's good. I was starting to worry that it wouldn't heal properly.”

Inuyasha reached the well in record time, and with only a moment's hesitation, jumped in. he was surrounded by the blue of the well's magic and took a deep breath. Hopefully, the project that he had asked Kagome's mom about was finished and on time.
Jumping out of the well, he nearly tripped on a plainly wrapped package at the top of the steps. “What the…?”
Looking down at the package, he noted that there was an envelope on top addressed to him. Sitting down on the stairs, he took a claw and carefully slit the envelope open to extract the letter:
I hope that this was what you were speaking about. If not, come inside and we can figure out where I went wrong.
Good luck,
Inuyasha peeked inside the box and nodded in approval. He gathered it up and disappeared within the well once again with a blue flash.
“Huh?” Kurama thought he sensed something. Moving towards where the power flashed from, he sniffed discreetly. “I know this scent…” he mumbled to himself, not trusting himself to go any closer to the building without rushing inside to abate his curiosity. There was another flash of power and he slammed the door open in time to catch the last burst of light coming from what seemed like a dry well.
His eyes lit up. It had been so long since he saw something like that. Closing the door gently as he could, he stepped back and took a calming breath. As far as he knew, he had not been to this shrine before, but there was just that something that called to his soul that was Yoko. “Could it be?” he mumbled to himself, unconvinced. After a moment, as like in silent debate, he shook his head. It had to be too much of a coincidence. Too long since he had been in this area that maybe his memory was skewed. That had to be it, he was getting old for his age too soon. And he was only just over 500 years old, though he told others that he was well over 1,000 to explain his colors and knowledge.
Looking around, Kurama concluded that no one saw his less-than picturesque acting moments beforehand and walked off. There was nothing he could do about it now but act like nothing happened. Kurama spent the rest of the day on the grounds like a normal tourist, reading the plaques on various buildings and praying at the main temple to Inari (fox goddess).

“Are you sure?”
“…It's not like you're going to attack me… right?” Inuyasha let out a terse laugh, tensing himself despite his verbal assurances.
“Yeah… I'll try.” The humans looked between the two like a tennis match, just as unsure, if not more so, than the two hanyou.
Just like in the phrase, it was `time to let the hounds out.' Miroku saw Inuyasha's tense nod, giving silent permission to peel off the last of the wards. Almost immediately, Inuyasha stiffened into the likeness of a stone statue as her alluring scent hit him. Kagome stepped forward almost as hesitantly, carrying Shippou to Inuyasha.
“Do you want to take him?” Kagome asked, holding Shippou out gently.
Inuyasha nodded, trying his hardest to not to touch Kagome in the meanwhile. He brought Shippou up so he could rest his head under Inuyasha's chin. Sniffing discreetly, Inuyasha took in Shippou's scent to imprint it more firmly into his memory. The better the scent was imprinted, the easier it was to track him if anything happened.
Shippou snuggled closer into Inuyasha and blinked tiredly, covering a small yawn. Shippou's small claws scratched lightly at Inuyasha's neck in a reflex to attempt to grab anything. It was in this moment that Inuyasha realized just how small the kit was. True, he was encountering a growth spurt, but how young was he to be this size? If the information given him was correct, Shippou would end up growing at an inu's rate, which was faster and had a longer life span in the end.
“He's ready. There are some coming, so we'll wait until dusk.” Inuyasha said gently, leading the entire group into the forest along a well-known path that they all used frequently.
The clearing was a welcome sight, full of memories, and appropriate for the adoption ceremony. Inuyasha had been gone the majority of the day and Kagome now knew why. There was a large stone circle made of white river stones off to one side of the well. Inside, there was a plain brown cardboard box in between and off to the side of a pair of logs that faced each other. There were other logs to sit on, but they stood outside the ring of stones.
From the details she gleaned from Inuyasha in conversation, Kagome was fairly sure what was in the seemingly out of place box. It was the various supplies that were needed during the ceremony: an unused ceremonial bowl, a kunai, and sake that was as old as the date that the child had been found.
The first two were relatively easy to get, considering Kagome's family lived on a shrine and was used to ordering ceremonial paraphernalia for various holidays. The sake was a different matter altogether. Something with a specific date was hard to come by in the feudal era. But since Kagome came from a different time… he'd sent Gin out to find the exact date sake in her time. Relatively it would still work… just 500 (give or take) years' difference.
Kagome smiled and sat down by the well, leaning against one of its walls. There was some obscure detail that the ceremony had to take place in a significant environment to the adopters and adoptee. What was more important than the clearing of the well to the entire pack? Maybe Kaede's village, but it didn't have the serene quality that just felt right about this spot.
Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome and shifted Shippou so that he was between the two of them. Kagome tilted her head to rest on Inuyasha's shoulder to look down at the sleepy kit. “Ready Shippou?” Kagome asked softly.
Looking up, Kagome could see the fatigue in the kit's face, but underneath was the light of happiness and pride that lit up his eyes. Shippou nodded a yes and gave a small grin. As he put his head back down, Kagome saw a small flicker of worry cross his face.
It reflected in everyone's faces. Everything was too peaceful, too unexcitable to be normal. Like `the calm before the storm' is one of the phrases Kagome brought from her time that would fit this sense of unease that settled across the field.
“The first one's coming,” Inuyasha commented, looking up at the setting skies to a dark outline contrast to the pinks of the clouds. He stood up and handed Shippou back to Kagome.
The black outline quickly became larger and formed itself into the shape of a large bird. Inuyasha stepped out into the clearing with his arms in a welcoming gesture. The bird landed and shrunk, all in Inuyasha's welcoming arms. “Thanks for coming Rumiko-san.”
The woman now known as Rumiko hugged Inuyasha back, “do you think I would miss something as important as this?” the blue-feathered demoness leaned back to look Inuyasha over, but spotted something more interesting off to his left. “You must be Kagome!” she slipped out of his grasp and ran as well as she could over to the startled hanyou girl. All Kagome could manage to do was nod her head and point her questioning eyes at Inuyasha.
“If you aren't Kagome, I'd be very upset. Seeing that I made these clothes specifically for her. You are Kagome, aren't you?” Rumiko cocked her head off to the side like the inquisitive bird that she was.
Inuyasha put his hands on Rumiko's shoulders and laughed lightly. “Rumiko-san, this is my mate-to-be Kagome and our soon-to-be son Shippou.”
“And such a cute boy at that! Why, he looks almost just like you when you were his age!” she kneeled down and cooed at the shell-shocked kitsune.
“Rumiko-san took care of me after mother died,” Inuyasha informed the group, grinning. “Only two more people to show up, if that bastard decides to come after all.” He mumbled the last moment, Kagome disapproving of his choice of language.
The sun dipped lower so that the full moon could be seen even brighter. With a crash of thunder and a `moo,' Totosai arrived, riding Momo the bull.
“Inuyasha-sama!” the squeal was heard before Inuyasha slapped his nose, knocking the flea flat to float down into Inuyasha's waiting hand. “How dare you not invite me! And to your son's adoption ceremony as well! And with all that blood…”
“And that's why.” Inuyasha drawled out, tossing Myoga to a waiting Totosai. “Hey old man.”
“Humph, no respect from kids these days.” Totosai slid off Momo, crossing his arms. Myoga appeared on his shoulder and nodded in agreement.
“I guess that's everyone then,” Sango spoke up, stepping up to say her hello to the old sword smith.
“Nope, the bastard's not here yet.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes and sat down on one of the pair of inner logs.
“Little brother, I would be more civilized when this Sesshoumaru is the one blessing this ritual.” The stoic lord spoke up, walking up from the woods surrounding them. A moment later, Rin came running out of the bushes, laughing while the green imp known as Jaken yelled after her.
“Hello Rin, how are you doing?” Kagome asked, stopping the girl with her words. The former human grinned and waved before running from Jaken again.
Delicately, Sesshoumaru raised his nose and stiffed the air. He could smell the woman, Kagome's, scent. Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow at Inuyasha and snorted lightly. Inuyasha caught the implications and stepped in front of Kagome. “This Sesshoumaru has no interest in a Hanyou bitch.” Inuyasha growled softly and directed Kagome to sit down on the inner log that was across from him. The others took their cue and sat down on the outer logs, demons on one side and humans on the other. Momo and Kirara, in her large form, laid down behind their respective owners.
“Shippou, you ready?” Inuyasha asked softly, looking up at the moon through closed eyes. The kit nodded and sat as straight as he could on Kagome's lap. Inuyasha growled softly, taking a deep breath, and spread his arms to the moon. “Give me your strength…” Inuyasha murmured, opening his eyes to reveal a reddish tint that had invaded his gold.
Kagome's breath hitched, she could tell that Inuyasha was on the edge. The painted on stripes were obviously real now, as well as his fangs had lengthened considerably. “Inuya…” he silenced her with a simple look, the worry that she harbored instantly dissipated like the morning fog.
Bending over, Inuyasha retrieved a dish from the plain box and traced the intricate designs with a lengthened claw. “Hand,” nothing more was said as Shippou held out one paw for Inuyasha to take. Inuyasha took the small appendage in his much larger hand and marveled briefly how much difference there was between the two. If he wasn't careful, his claw could easily sever the entire hand off, if not only a muscle or two.
He whimpered slightly, looking into Shippou's completely trusting eyes. Inuyasha kneaded his palm with the pad of his thumb to get the blood circulating. How could such tiny hands be able to hold onto something so strongly? Shippou gave a smile for his adoptive father and Inuyasha took a deep breath, making the shallow cut needed to begin the ritual.
The blood pooled quickly, shining a dark crimson—almost black—in the moonlight. Only the smallest of flinches told the story of the pain that Shippou felt in his hand as he watched his own blood trickle off the side of his palm and into the shallow dish. Kagome massaged Shippou's arm, hoping that it would increase the blood flow enough to get enough out before the wound closed completely.
The hairline cut sealed itself and stopped bleeding; the remainder of the viscous liquid was tipped into the dish. Now it was Shippou's turn to do Inuyasha's hand. The kit took Inuyasha's hand in his own paws, stopping to realize that the claws that he had would barely even scratch the surface of the skin, let alone make a single cut deep enough for it to bleed out the required amount.
Handing Kagome the bowl to hold, Inuyasha rubbed his own hand, particularly his fingertips, until they were red with blood. Gesturing Kagome to hold the bowl still, Inuyasha took Shippou's uninjured paw and started running his fingertips over Shippou's claws lightly. After a few times, Inuyasha pressed his fingertip onto Shippou's claws enough to make the slice on the delicate nails.
The tips were so red from blood from Inuyasha's rubbing that in only the few moments for the wounds to heal, Inuyasha's portion of the blood was donated to mix with the kits'. Inuyasha watched in wonder as the blood seemed to flow and separate, like oil on water, before slowly melding together into one red mass.
Taking the sake, Inuyasha looked at the top helplessly before handing it off to Kagome to fool with. Kagome gave a small smile and a half-laugh before taking a claw to the wrapper that ensured that the screw-off lid stayed put on the bottle. After taking care of the nuisance, Kagome handed the now-open bottle back to Inuyasha, who eyed the amount of sake pouring into the dish before setting the bottle down beside him. He then took a claw—the one used to cut Shippou—and used it to mix the potion into what looked like red wine.
Taking a sip of the potent brew, Inuyasha barely concealed a sour grimace. To put it bluntly, it tasted like a dirty penny or another type of copper. Inuyasha nodded to himself, it tasted almost exactly how Sesshoumaru described it. And the sake was just to cover the taste mostly, as well to make it go down easier. Like it helped.
“Don't forget to drink it all, Shippou.” Inuyasha reminded, helping Shippou to hold the dish to drink from. Shippou coughed and sputtered when the liquid hit his lips. The concoction tasted even worse than Kagome's bright red stick in a tube! (Lipstick) Inuyasha pulled the dish away until Shippou stopped coughing.
“Yes, you have to drink it.” Inuyasha reminded, not letting Shippou's helpless look fool him. Kagome smiled sympathetically and gave the kit a small hug.
“It's not that bad Shippou-kun!” Rin said, giving a small smile.
Shippou smiled back. If a human could do it, he could too! Steeling himself, Shippou took the bowl and downed it as fast as he could, still choking slightly. Kagome smiled lightly and rubbed Shippou's back.
“Aww, how touching.” The wind started to blow, announcing the wind witch, Kagura's, entrance.
Inuyasha stood up and snarled, “what are you doing here!”
“Touchy, touchy.” Kagura opened and closed her fan with a small click, “I just wanted to congratulate you on your new… addition,” she sneered, looking at the half-asleep kit and the female hanyou holding him.
Inuyasha moved so that he was shading the two from Kagura's sight. “What do you want, witch?”
Kagura sighed in mock impatience and brought her fan up, “why must you ruin my fun? Dance of Blades!” she brought her fan down and solid blades of wind twirled around the clearing, making it so that everyone had to dodge at least one. “If you must know,” Inuyasha retaliated by sending a Sankon Tessou toward her, “Naraku sent me to invite you to his castle...”
Inuyasha snarled and drew out his sward, transforming it into the fang. “Kaze no Kizu!” the claw marks of the attack burst along the ground, hitting the wind witch across her fan arm. With a small gasp, she grabbed the feather in her hair and took off with it. She delivered the message, but she didn't need to die for it!

A black claw tapped the polished silver. “Good, this'll make it even more interesting. Don't you think so also Kanna?” the white girl did nothing but hold her mirror that still held the image of the hanyou family.

Sorry for taking so long. I don't have any excuse but my own lazy imagination not having any inspirational juices to make the inspiration-driven hydraulics of my fingers to actually go. There, Naraku enters the scene after… 30 chapters. I think it's about time I had an actual villain in here! Don't worry, I'll hopefully have my new chapter up sooner. And thank you for those people that actually had the gall to write up their longest review ever just to yell at me to get off my lazy butt and do something!
Also, I have an actual web site now (that's dreadfully pathetic for the time being…) and if you have any suggestions for that, please tell me.
Later, Dark (Long note, ne?)