InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Eyes ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"KAGOME HIGURASHI!! Get your stinking butt out of bed!" Akito Yagasaki yelled, banging on Kagome's door.
"I'M UP!!" Kagome yelled back forcefully, grumbling as she sat up in her bed.
Kagome got up out of bed and went in the bathroom. She came out 10 minutes later and went back into her midnight blue room.
Kagome went over to her massive stereo system and turned it onto 104.1 FM. She went into her closet to come out clad in a tight fit midnight blue shirt that said, ' I don't come in peace, get over it.' She also had put on black flared jeans and black Converses.
Singing along to the song that was currently on, Kagome went into the bathroom and put her blue, pink and purple streaked black hair in a loose bun.
She put on a blue and black choker with alot of black and blue bracelets on each arm.
Kagome only put on a little mascara and clear lipgloss.
She went back in her room and turned off her stereo and got her backpack, her favorite leather jacket and her keys and ran downstairs to get some breakfast.
When Kagome got in the kitchen she took a Poptart and put it in the toaster.
Kagome was making sure that she had everything in her backpack when a picture caught her eye. She walked over to it and picked it up. It was a picture of her, her mom and little brother from little less then a year ago.
'Those were the days,' Kagome thought sadly, ' I miss you guys so much.' She thought as she remembered them. POP!
Kagome grabbed the Poptart and her stuff and walked out to her black Beetle. She stuffed her crap into the backseat and slid intro the drivers seat, munching on her Poptart.
Kagome started her car and pulled out of the driveway. She popped her Evanescence cd in.
Kagome soon pulled into the the school parking lot, the Poptart was long gone and she was currently singing along to her cd.
She pulled into an empty space and turned off the car. She got her stuff and got out of the car.
Kagome walked into the school, getting some stares from the students wondering who the girl was. Kagome ignored them as she walked to the main office.
"Yes? May I help ye' child?" asked the old secretary, Mrs. Keade.
"I need a schedule," Kagome replied.
"The new student huh? Well there ye' go child. Have a nice day!" Keade called at Kagome's retreating back.
" Thanks," Kagome said before disappearing down the hall.
Kagome walked down the deserted hallway towards her 1st period class. When KAgome got to the classroom she opened the door and walked up to the teacher, who was in the middle of his lesson. She shoved her schedule in his face, not saying a word.
The teacher stared at her for a second before lookng at the piece of paper.
"Oh, so you're our new student! Welcome!" the teacher, Mr.Katashii, greeted her. He then turned to the class.
"Class, I'd like to introduce Kagome Higurashi. She's new to our school." Mr.Katashii told the class.
"Lucky her," said a voice from the class, getting snickers from the rest of the class.
"Haha, very funny Mr.Satashii. Will you like to say something about yourself?" Mr.Katashii asked.
"Not really," Kagome replied coldly. Everybody started snickering agian. Mr.Katashii was not expecting that answer.
"Well- umm, okay then. How about you sit next to Mis.Tayijia over there. Mis.Tayijia please raise your hand." Mr.Katashii asked.
Kagome saw a hand with with black nail polish go up in the back next to the window. She walked over to the desk next to it put her stuff on it uncerimioniosly and sat down. As soon as Mr.Katashii started his lesson, Kagome pulled out a walkman, put it on and zoned out.