InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Hearts and Crushed Dreams ❯ My Name is Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Chapter One~
.:My Name is Kagome:.
Kagome was sitting on the grassy hill overlooking Kaede's village. Her legs were brought up to her chest with her arms wrapped around her knees. The sky was reflected in the water covering the rice fields and the grass was blowing in the soft, comfortable breeze. The summer day had been hot and humid and she was glad it was almost over. The blue sky was darkening, indicating the sun would soon dip below the horizon and night would begin. She was comforted knowing that her friends were close by in the village below.
She just finished school. Kagome was always struggling with her grades and balancing her time with Inuyasha for the past few years. Now she could spend a long time here, and not worry about what she missed in class that day. She doubted she would go to college; she still needed to take care of responsibilities here.
She held the large portion of the Shikon no Tama in her hand and looked into its depths. So much pain was caused by this tiny jewel. So many lives ruined and destroyed in its wake.
She had been coming here since she was fifteen; a little over three years. She came into this world by chance. Souta, her little brother was searching for their cat in the old well house on the shrine grounds. As she was standing in front of the Bone Eaters Well, Mistress Centipede carried her back down into the well with her. That was when Kagome first witnessed her spiritual powers.
She had been trying to protect herself, when a blast of pink energy surged through her and out of her slender fingertips. At the bottom of the well she cried for her brother to go and fetch their grandfather for a ladder. There was no answer. Kagome finally decided to climb out herself; when she emerged from the side of the ancient well the shrine had disappeared. The jewel had been ripped from her body in the battle with Mistress Centipede. Later, she found out that the jewel was the reason she had been able to go through the ancient well.
Kagome had been amazed at what she saw: no buildings, no people. Just wildlife; trees, flowers, shrubbery… nothing she was expecting. As she was wandering through the woods Kagome came across Inuyasha. At first, he wanted to kill Kagome for the jewel, but he was put under a subjugation spell by Kaede, rendering him harmless.
When a nesting crow had swallowed the jewel, she knocked back an arrow and aimed for it. The arrow flew through the air, headed strait for the crow. It hit the crow with such force, the jewel shattered into many tiny shards that were spread all over Japan.
After traveling with Inuyasha up and down the countryside with their three other companions: Miroku, Sango, and Shippo, Kagome and Inuyasha had formed a strong bond. She had realized at fifteen, she was deeply in love with the half- demon. Other than the instances when Inuyasha got jealous of Koga and Hojo, she knew little of his feelings for her. A few times he had said he was afraid of losing her, she was dazed and confused in the days that followed. He never, flat out, expressed his feelings for her; they were always mixed messages.
Now, after three years of collecting jewel shards, the Shikon no Tama was almost whole once more. The only remaining piece was in the hands of Naraku.
He had once been a man. As a thieving bandit, he had been attacked by someone he'd betrayed and burned badly rendering him unable to move. The priestess, Kikyo had taken pity on the man and cared for him. Eventually he had begun to harbor fantasies for Kikyo and wished for her to be his. He then called forth the demons and became Naraku. However, he had not been planning for the demon side of him to lock away his heart and take control.
Naraku had henceforth begun a quest for the Shikon jewel shards, preying on the weak and manipulating others, slaying Kikyo in the process. He was one to never soil his hands with battles of his own. Inuyasha, who had once loved Kikyo, had vowed to kill Naraku and avenge her death; they had been after him these years.
“Kagome!” screamed Inuyasha from afar, jerking her from her thoughts of the past. He was running to her with alarm on his face, along with Miroku, Sango, and Shippo following close behind.
“What's wrong?” asked Kagome, while standing up and brushing off her behind.
“I can smell Naraku.”
Kagome put on a serious face, “Then let's go. We need to get the last of the jewel from him so we can purify it.”
“It's probably a trap,” said Sango, looking extremely uneasy and on edge.
“I know, but we've got no choice but to go after him. Whatever happens happens,” replied Inuyasha, bending down and looking at Kagome, “get on.”
Kagome resumed her place on Inuyasha's back, and Miroku, Sango, and Shippo climbing on Kirara. As the sky erupted in brilliant oranges, reds, and yellows in the west, Kagome, Inuyasha, and their friends set off for Naraku's fortress in the east.