InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ CAMPING IS FUN!!! ...right? ❯ Mood Swings are a Bitch ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Yay!! I was so happy when i found out i had two reviews!!! sound like a ditz...^^;;; sorry!!! Thank you to babystigmata and vixenme for reviewing!!! :D was i doing??? oh yah!! STORY!!!

Disclaimer...ya know the drill.

CAMPING IS FUN!!! right???

Chapter 2:

Sango squealed into the parking lot at 40 mph, barely missing two guys, and managing to swing into the last available parking spot.

She looked over at Kagome and watched amused as she sang into her hairbrush. Reaching over, she turned off the music opened her car door.

"OOOO BABY YA KNOW WHAT THAT'S WOR...." Kagome blinked and lowered her hands... "aww....we're here...." Blushing she ducked down in her seat and gathered her stuff.

Sango laughed at her and then turned open the trunk. Raising an eyebrow she studied the two boys standing in front of her

'...hmm...#1)...pretty hott, cool eyes! wait...are those purple!??! ...weird glove but it suits guys with abs should wear shirts that tight!!!!' Sango smirked to herself, and coughed disreetly before turning her gaze to the second guy.

'#2)...silver ears...must be dog demon....nice bod...pretty hott. wait. are those fangs??!@? and what the fuck is he *growling* at me for?!?!?'

"ya got a problem?" she said calmly to silver-haired-dog-ear-fanged guy...

The guy growled louder and shrugged off the restraining hand on his shoulder... "You bitch!!! of course i have a problem!!! You practically ran us over!!!!!"

Sango's eyes narrowed as she glared at him. ' the nasty temper makes up for whatever good looks he has...' "Maybe if you had been WATCHING i wouldn't have had to cut IT SO CLOSE!!!" she yelled back.

Guy #1) laughed nervously. "of course, i'm very sorry" he said and half bowed to her before yanking on the second guy's hair.

"Inu yasha!! you'll never get girls that way!!! Come on!! We're gonna be late!!!" he muttered.

Inu shot an evil glare over his shoulder and opened his mouth to retort when he saw someone else getting out of Sango's convertible and stopped short...

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------

Kagome finally managed to get herself together and then opened the door and got out, tossing her hair out of her face, which managed to attract the attention of Sango, Inu yasha and his friend...

Looking over she saw who Sango had been 'talking' to and made her way over. 'dude...they're pretty hott!!!' she thought to herself, grinning evilly in her head... 'maybe camp won't be so bad after all....'

"Hey guys! I'm Kagome. ...who are you?"

Inu yasha blinked and managed to shut his mouth before anyone else noticed... His friend nudged him, and rolled his eyes...

"I'm Miroku and this is Inu yasha..." he said, snapping Inu out of his daze. Miroku looked over at Sango, "and your name is...." he prompted.

Sango rolled her eyes and turned away to open her trunk. "Sango." she said shortly.

Kagome grinned. "are you guys counselors for the camp too???" she said excitedly, ignoring the pointed glare that Sango directed at her back.

Miroky grinned and picked up his bag again. "Yup...we got 'volunteered' by Inu's aunt, Ms. Kaede..."

Sango snorted and tossed Kagome's backpack over... "so did we...Kag's managed to get on the wrong side of her, and in revenge she signed both of us up for this stupid camp." She slammed the trunk shut and turned back towards them and pointed the car remote over her shoulder, locking the car. "If anyone touches my car while i'm gone...i'm gonna kill them..." she muttered angrily as she snatched up her bags and stalked off towards the school entrance leaving the other three behind.

Kagome looked over at miroku and Inu yasha..." she's a little....protective of her baby..." she said hesitantly. then she bounced up and down happily and started laughing maniacly. "THIS WILL BE FUN!!!!!" she shouted..

Inu looked over at miroku wide eyed for explanation.

Slowly, miroku leaned over and whispered in inu's ear, never taking his eyes off the bouncy girl.

"Mood Swings are a Bitch..."

Hehe...end of Chapter two!!! so...what do you think...should there be other counselors?? or just these four...should Shippou be one of the kids, or a counsleor??? what about Kikyo, Kouga, Naraku, Sessy...etc etc...any ideas will be used!!! <within reason. *wink*> love ya all!!!