InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ CAMPING IS FUN!!! ...right? ❯ See? Inu does have a soft side! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alright!! So, since Neko-Yuff16 responded so nicely to my plea’s for reviews, I will take her advise!! There will be 4 girls and 4 guys... I hope every one is happy!!! I am!!! I don’t have to write Kikyo!! WOOOHOOO!!! <at least as a counselor....maybe I’ll have her be a janitor or something fitting to her... ‘character’. Oh! And shippou will be a kid. wink oh...and if the characters are a little OOC...SORRY!!! This is my first attempt so deal!!! Or review and I’ll try to change it.....:S

Disclaimer: See Chappy numero uno.

CAMPING IS FUN!!! right?

Chapter 3: See? Inu does have a soft side!!!

Kagome pushed the door open to the school, and managed to just barely miss running smack into Sango. Miroku however had no such luck, and fell flat on his face. Rolling his eyes, Inu stepped over his friend and surveyed the scene in front of him. His eyes went wide and his face displayed his horror at what he saw.

Kagome dropped her bag at Sango’s feet and turned round to look at her friend angrily.

“What the fuck are you just standing there for!!!” she protested angrily, her hands on her hips....She stood there for a second and then her face slipped into a mask of concern for her friend as she looked her over.

“Sango?” she questioned quietly. “You okay chickee?” She waved a hand in front of Sango’s face, trying to snap her out of the daze she was in. Sango’s eyes were wide and her jaw was open in a look of utter fear.

Miroku groaned and hauled himself off the floor, glancing over at where Kagome was trying to wake Sango up. He grinned evilly to himself.

“Let me be of assistance...” he said politely. Kagome blinked and then nodded gratefully

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“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Sango screamed and whipped around to slap her attacker across the face.

THUD Miroku now lay on the ground with swirly eyes... “soooooo worth it...” he said happily.

Kagome stared wide eyed from Sango to Miroku before shaking her head and looking around for Inu Yasha...seeing him in the same state she groaned and smacked herself lightly.

“Why me???” she said and walked over to him, as Sango continued to beat up Miroku. Standing in front of him she stared at him thoughtfully and then leaned up to rub his ear lightly, not caring how she had to lean against him to do so.

Inu jumped in surprise and looked down at the girl currently pressed against his chest. Suddenly Kagome noticed how close their faces were and blushed, before stepping away quickly and picking up her bag.

Clearing her throat authoritatively, she looked back over at him, her face still lightly flushed, and motioned towards the gym doors.

“Shall we?” she said before looking over at what she was pointing at and stopping in her tracks. Literally covering the gym were kids of all sizes, currently involved in a massive pillow fight. The teachers and parents were huddled together in the center of the room, the kid’s bags built up in fort formation around them as they cowered in fear.

“Geez...waaaay too much sugar...” Kagome muttered before marching resolutely into the fray, dragging Inu along behind her.

She ran quickly to the center of the room where the teachers were, and grabbed the nearest air horn from where it hung limply from the PE teachers grasp. Turning to Inu she warned him to plug his ears before letting off a long blast of the horn.

The kids screamed in surprise and then quieted as they all turned mid- pillow swing to see who had made the noise...


The kids cringed in terror and ran to do as she asked...when everyone was finished Kagome smiled sweetly and looked down at the terrified kids in from of her.

“Now!!! I’m Kagome, and this is Inu Yasha, Sango, and Miroku is on the floor over there. We are some of your camp counselors this year!!! I’m sure that the camp director would like to talk to you before we leave, so listen up...” She glared evilly at them “OR ELSE!!!” she then beamed innocently and looked over to where the teachers sat in awe...

“You wanna say the rest?” she prompted, and then slid down the bags to land beside Inu.

“That was cool!” he grinned, and then became serious again to look at her hesitantly. “Don’t ever pull a psycho on me though ‘kay?”

Kagome laughed and looked over at him. “Promise.” She said before turning to pay attention to the teacher announcing the camp counselors...

“The Girl counselors this year are Kagome, Sango, Rin, and Ayame, and they guys are Miroku, Inu Yasha, Kouga, and Sesshomaru.” She then stepped aside to point out the individual counselors and separated the kids into groups.

Kagome and Sango walked over to where Rin and Ayame stood and introduced themselves.

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Rin giggled at her new friends antics. And grinned at her... “I know!! That Sesshomaru is so cute!!!”

Ayame rolled her eyes, “whatever!! Kouga is way hotter!!!” she and Rin started fighting playfully as Sango and Kagome turned to each other...

Kagome shrugged, “I want Inu, so that leaves you with Miroku.”

Sango’s face flamed up immediately “I DON’T WANT HIM!!! HE’S SUCH A PERVERT!!”

Kagome looked confused... “Did I miss something here?” she wondered aloud.

Sango glared evilly at her... “He GROPED me!!!” she whispered angrily. Kagome stared at her, and then started laughing hysterically.

Blushing, Sango looked around them as they herded kids towards the busses before hissing at Kagome... “Well I’m glad someone finds it funny...”

Kagome whipped her tears away, and giggled slightly... “But Sango!! We tried everything else to get you to wake up!!” and then cracked up hysterically again.

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The guys all looked at each other...

“I claim Sango.” Miroku was the first to speak up.

Sesshomaru looked around coldly, as if daring them to argue. “No one will touch Rin.” He stated.

Kouga grinned cheekily, and then turned to Inu Yasha. “Well I want Kagome, so you can have Ayame.”

Inu’s eyes lit up in anger. “Like hell you will!!! Kagome is MINE!” He was about to leap at Kouga when he felt something pull at his leg. Looking down he saw a tiny Kitsune staring up at him.

“What?!” he barked down angrily at the kid.

The Kitsune’s eyes started to water and his backed away slowly in fear before relaying the message he had been told to give. “I only wanted to tell you we were leaving!!!” he said, barely holding his tears.

Inu sighed, and turned around fully to face the kid, crouching down to sit before him. “Sorry kid, what’s your name?”

The Kitsune puffed out his chest in pride. “My name’s Shippou!!!” he said proudly and took one step forward again.

Inu grinned at him and offered a hand. “Do you wanna ride to the bus Shippou?”

Shippou’s eyes lit up and he leapt onto Inu Yasha’s shoulder “Yay!!! Let’s go!!!”

Inu stood up, hiding a smile and caught Kagome’s eye from across the room. As she grinned at him, he blushed at turned back to look at Kouga. “I’ll deal with you later wolf...” he growled quietly and then proceeded to walk to the bus with Shippou chattering happily in his ear.

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Kagome looked around one final time, making sure that all the kids were on the bus, before climbing aboard herself. Glancing around for an open seat she saw Sango sitting with Miroku, even though it looked like she was strongly against the situation. Kagome grinned to herself. ‘They make such a cute couple...’

The bus started to move and there were no empty seats left.

“You can sit with us Kagome!!!” she heard a little voice say.

Looking around she saw a baby Kitsune on Inu’s shoulder looking at her.

“I can sit on Inu’s lap!” Shippou said proudly.

Kagome looked over at Inu who was still blushing slightly and grinned. “Thank you!!”

Sitting down next to Inu she looked over at the Kitsune. “Now what’s your name?”

The Kitsune grinned and leapt into her lap. “I’m Shippou!!!” he said and proceeded to talk animatedly with her. Inu smiled slightly and watched the two of them. Eventually they became tired and Shippou fell asleep in Kagome’s arms.

Blinking tiredly, she looked up at Inu and smiled sheepishly...He rolled his eyes and put his arm around her shoulders, guiding her to rest against him.

“Go to sleep” he said gruffly. And looked away.

Kagome bit her lip and grinned, snuggling into his warmth before falling asleep.

Awwww...teehe. Eh...lets just say that Sango and Kagome live in a time where demons live among humans kay? Cool. Inu is ½ dog, Kouga is wolf, and sess is dog...I’ve not decided if inu and sess are brothers yet...any preferences??? Review please!