InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Sixteen
*Miroku's POV*
"Wake up my darling," I whispered. Sango murmured and snuggled closer to me. We'd been almost inseparable since our not so memorable first time. "Sango," I said again. "Wake up."
"Leave me alone," Sango muttered. "I'm too tired."
I laughed, "My dearest Sango you positively wore me out. I doubt I'll be rested enough to pleasure you for a few hours yet."
"Then why are you waking me up?" she groaned.
"Because I want to enjoy the rather splendid sunrise with you," I replied.
"Why can't we enjoy the sunset instead?"
“We can, but that's not till tonight. Come on, get up."
"Arrggghh," she groaned pounding her pillow. She sat up.
"Come darling don't fret." I swept her up out of the bed and into my arms.
"Where are we going?" She asked when I started up the stairs.
"To watch the sunrise." I carried her up the stairs and up through the attic to the little porch that faced eastern side of the island. I set her down in the chair in front of the table I'd set up earlier. "Wake up Sango," I said. "If you don't wake up then all my hard work will be ruined because you didn't appreciate it. She groaned once more then opened her eyes. And gasped.
*Sango's POV*
"Miroku!" I gasped coming fully awake. Before me there was a small table covered with a white lace table cloth. A breakfast of fresh fruit and yogurt among other things was laid out on stunningly beautiful crystal dishes. "Oh Miroku your so sweet!" I exclaimed.
"So you like it then?" he asked.
"Did you think I wouldn't?"
"I wasn't sure," he said sheepishly. He pulled out a chair for me and bowed with a flourish. "Your seat Madame."
"Thank you," I said regally sitting down. Miroku sat down in the chair, that instead of being across the table, was next to me.
"Have some fruit," he picked up a slice of cantaloupe, dipped it in the yogurt and held it to my lips. I bit down on the fruit without breaking eye contact. "The things you do to me Sango," he murmured.
"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.
"You--" he sighed. "Nothing darling. Look," he pointed to the horizon where the first rays of the sun had begun to paint streaks of color across the sky.
"That's so beautiful," I sighed.
"Yes, beautiful," agreed Miroku.
*Miroku's POV*
"Yes, beautiful," I murmured. But it wasn't the sunrise I was talking about. It was Sango. She is the only woman to ever make me regret being the way I am. I wish that just one woman; this woman could be enough for me. Why do the gods mock me so? Why would they send me someone as wonderful as Sango knowing that one day I will have to let her go because of the way I am?
"What are we doing today Miroku?" asked Sango slipping an arm around my waist and leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Today my dear Sango," I said. "We have a full itinerary. We will go and visit Inuyasha once again so he may apologize for trying to kill you. Then we will wander around the island and pick flowers, and if we find a suitable place I may ravish you in some secluded field of flowers. Then we'll take a break and come home for lunch. After lunch we'll have a soak in the hot spring and maybe create a little heat for ourselves then we'll play the rest of the day by ear. How does that sound?"
"It sounds heavenly," she answered smiling.
"But first," I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. "We'll snuggle in front of the sunrise and finish breakfast."
"Apologize?" said Inuyasha incredulously. "For what?"
"For what?" I repeated. "For almost killing my darling Sango of course."
"That was your fault," said Inuyasha. "You shouldn't have left her alone on my porch."
"My fault?" I repeated. "My fault. You should stop attacking poor unfortunate humans who mistakenly end up on your island."
"It's my island; I can do whatever I want."
"But that doesn't mean you should." With each exchange we had moved closer and closer and were now standing nose to nose.
"Guys!" yelled Sango. She grabbed each of us by a shirt and with surprising strength pulled us apart. "This is pointless; I don't actually need an apology. Drop it."
"But Sango..."
"But Sango nothing," she said in a no nonsense voice. "Shake hands and make up," she ordered. Grumbling we did as we were told. "There, now don't you feel better?" she asked. "That was a rhetorical question," she added before we could answer. "Inuyasha, why don't you join us for lunch?"
"Like I really want to see you two cooing over each other," Inuyasha scoffed.
"When a lady issues an invitation it is only polite to accept," I said through gritted teeth.
"Well good thing I'm not a polite person. Leave, get away from my house." He went inside and closed the door.
"That was terribly rude," I said as we walked away. "Oh well, let's go pick flowers." I grabbed Sango's hand and started skipping.
We picked armfuls of flowers, most of which got crushed when I found a suitable ravishing place. So we picked a few more then headed home. We were approaching the house laughing when I noticed a man standing on the porch, a second later something was winging through the air towards us I shoved Sango behind me prepared to protect her and was surprised when my grandfathers golden staff embedded itself in the dirt before me.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Luction!" screamed Sango dropping the flowers and running to the man with open arms.
Chapter done Whoo Hoo Hoo! So one more chapter to go before Captive ends. Much thanks to Kagomai15 for alerting me to the fact that chapter one was missing and this chapter is dedicated to dy. for providing me with a copy of chapter one so I wouldn't have to retype it.
Love ya,