InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny Movie Madness: June - Comedy ❯ Naraku's Real Defeat ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to Challenge Destiny on June 10, 2012 for Movie Madness June: Comedy/Romantic Comedy.

Title: Naraku's Real Defeat
Prompt Name/Prompt List/Ficlet # : Lethal Weapon – June - #7
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: Admin's Genre- Comedy
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 468
Summary: Kagome's choice of ramen flavor has some unexpected results.
Warnings: Certain disgusting body functions. I apologize in advance.


“Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick,” Kagome moaned as she tried to move away from Inuyasha. “Why did I think this would be a good idea?”

“Quit complaining wench,” a green looking Inuyasha managed to say as he tried to cover his nose. “At least your nose isn't as sensitive as mine.” A loud pffft came from the hanyou and he wavered on his feet as the smell increased.

Kagome and the others immediately stepped further away. “Kagome-sama, I think I speak for all of us when I say you must never allow Inuyasha to eat that flavor of ramen ever again!” Miroku spoke up emphatically.

Kagome nodded morosely. Who knew that the limited edition pork and beans ramen would have that kind of effect? Though she supposed she should have realized something by the look her mother gave her when she packed the thing into her bag. She repressed the urge to sigh, that would only result in her breathing more of the noxious fumes in.

“I quite agree with houshi-sama, Kagome-chan,” Sango spoke up through her mask. “That smell should be classified as a lethal weapon. Even my mask isn't filtering it out.”

Right on cue another pffft escaped the hanyou and he finally passed out.

Kagome's head shot to the side and she gasped before choking. “I..cough... sense... cough... shards... cough cough.” she managed to say.

The others grabbed their weapons but were in no condition to fight. “So, here you are,” Naraku taunted as he floated down into the clearing. He frowned at the unconscious hanyou before turning his attention to the others. “Are you ready to- Oh God what is that stench?!” The dark hanyou gagged as yet another pffft filled the air. He glared at Inuyasha. “Are you mocking me?!”


“Oh God no!” Naraku screamed as his pale complexion turned pasty green. “We'll finish this another day!” he shouted as he fled, a gust of wind sending the noxious fumes after him. There was a thud in the distance as Naraku obviously crashed to the ground somewhere.

Kagome and the others exchanged shocked looks. “I told you it was a lethal weapon,” Sango declared.

Miroku looked thoughtful. “I wonder...”

“No!” the others chorused.

He held up his hands. “Okay, okay. It was just an idea.”

Kagome glared at him. “You seem to be forgetting that we will be caught in the smell as well.”

He paled. “Point well-taken.”

Kagome glanced back at Inuyasha. “So who wants to be the one to tell him that he managed to defeat Naraku in his sleep?”

The others exchanged a look before laughing, only to start gagging as the smell hit them again.