InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Happens ❯ Inuyasha I Love you ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



I don't own Inuyasha

Chapter 7

Inuyasha ran to the other to find them fighting a cat demon. Inuyasha then took out Tessaiga and cut the demon in half.

"Guys Kagome's been kidnapped by Naraku he wants the jewel shard exchange for Kagome. We have to save her!" Inuyasha yelled.

"What! How did this happen" Sango asked Inuyasha.

Inuyasha then started explaining what happen.

After Inuyasha explain, the gang went to find Naraku's castle.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>At Naraku's Castle<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Kagome just started regaining conscious when she saw Naraku's face.

"Naraku, what I'm I doing here" Kagome asked in a serious tone."

"Hmph" Was all Naraku said.

"Naraku! Answer me NOW!"

Naraku then got up then went up to Kagome and slaped her across the face.

"Shut up wench"

Kagome was silent.

Naraku then took Kagome by the hand and pulled in but then Naraku kissed Kagome forcefully. Kagome hated everything that was going on and tried to break free but couldn't.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>With The Gang (Night Time)<<<<<<<<<<<<

"Inuyasha we should rest for the night so our energy is ready for tomorrow so we can save Kagome" Miroku said to Inuyasha.

"Fine" was all Inuyasha said.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>At Naraku's Castle<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Naraku knocked Kagome out and controlling her with his power.

"Kagome I want you to kill Inuyasha"

"Yes Lord Naraku, I will kill Inuyasha."

"Good, now go and find him"


With that Kagome walked into the forest where Inuyasha and the others were.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>With The Gang<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

`Kagome I hope your safe'

Inuyasha then smelled the air and he smelled something he's smelt before.

"Kagome! Guys wake up I sense Kagome"

Kagome then appeared but her eyes where emotionless. Kagome then shot one of her arrows at Inuyasha, but Inuyasha dodge it.

"Inuyasha, Die"

Kagome then shot her arrow at Inuyasha. It hit him in the chest.

"Kagome break free of Naraku's power. Please Kagome, I Love You"

"Shut up Inuyasha. You don't love me you loving that bitch Kikyo" Kagome yelled

"Kagome please break free. I don't to lose you like I did Kikyo"

"I said Shut Up!"

Kagome then stabbed Inuyasha with a dagger

"You don't love me , Naraku does. I see nothing in you.

Inuyasha then lost conscious.

"Kagome please, break Naraku's control" Sango said while shaking Kagome.

"Please Kagome Inuyasha really does love you" Miroku said

"Shut Up" Kagome yelled and attacked Miroku and Sango with her magic claws (A/N: Like from the first movie)

Naraku then appeared. Inuyasha regain consciousness and took the arrow out of his chest.

"Naraku hand over Kagome!"

" That's not up to me to decide, but for Kagome to decide"

" Kagome is under you Fucking control how is it her to decide,

"No, Not really, all I did was take some of her memories like Kohaku, but I left the memories of you and Kikyo"

"Give Kagome back her memory or else"

"Or else what"

"I'll kill you right now"

"I you can, Kagome I leave you to kill this mutt." Naraku then disappeared

"Yes Lord Naraku, Inuyasha prepare to die" Kagome said while aiming her arrow at Inuyasha.

"Kagome please remember I don't love Kikyo, I love you"

`Why does killing him seem like the wrong thing to do'

Kagome then dropped her weapons and started running away from Inuyasha. Inuyasha then started running towards Kagome. When Kagome had finally stopped, Inuyasha started walking towards Kagome. Kagome was backing up until she hit the tree, Goshinboku. Inuyasha then took that chance and embraced Kagome . Kagome then regained a memory of her and Inuyasha


Inuyasha is on Kagome's lap in his human from poison by a spider demon.

"Kagome you smell kind of nice"

"What!?! I thought you said you couldn't stand my scent"

" I was lying"

>>End Of Flashback<<

"Kagome I love you with all my heart, you're the only one who loves me for who I am, you don't love my human or demon sides you love both. So I won't change for you"

"Inu…ya…sha I…Love…You…too" Kagome said but with a hard time due to Naraku's control.

Kagome then started crying. Inuyasha saw Kagome crying and asked" Why are you crying Kagome, its not your fault this happen. Kagome I still Love You no matter what."

"You do really?"

"Yes Kagome I do "

Inuyasha then kissed Kagome. Kagome then return that kiss and that gave Kagome all her memories back.

Karen (me): Well what do you think. The flashback was from episode 13 The secret of the first day, the black-haired Inuyasha! PLZ REVIEW!