InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Collected Works ❯ Hold ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Hold
Author: LuxKen27
Universe: Mid-canon manga (Chapter 286)
Word length (250 min): 1374
Rating: T
Warnings: Light cursing, angst
Summary: Inuyasha realizes the power he holds over Kagome, even as he realizes her hold on him

Entry for: iyfic_contest Week 160, “Power” prompt (3rd Place)

Disclaimer: The Inuyasha concept, story, and characters are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media.


Inuyasha heaved heavily as he skidded to a stop on the riverbank. Something’s not right, he thought as he prowled the perimeter. I can’t detect Kikyo’s scent at all, and none of the villagers around here have seen a miko. A low growl rose in the back of his throat as he stared into the serene river, momentarily allowing his frustration to take hold.

He almost missed it, the slight scent of low-level youki carried on the wind. Blood boiling, he shoved off once more, determined to find out what happened to his long-lost love.

What he found was not what exactly he expected.

“AUGH! Don’t do that!” Shippo shrieked, curling around to glare at his captor, his tiny limbs fluttering helplessly in the air. Inuyasha stared at him, slightly surprised himself, his sense of wariness growing.

“Where are the others?” he demanded, giving Shippo a shake.

The fox kit’s eyes filled with fear. “They were captured and taken to the castle! Kirara and I set out to find you, but I’ve even been separated from her,” he said. “Inuyasha, you have to save them!”

“On my way.” Inuyasha tossed the kit over his shoulder and took off in the direction of the last village his group had stopped.

So it was a setup, he thought wildly, bounding through the air. While I was looking for Kikyo, Kagome was – ! He growled again, forcing himself to concentrate and pick up her slight scent, but he couldn’t stop the train of self-rebuke. Dammit, dammit, dammit – I am such a fool! A complete, utter, wasteful idiot.

By the time he arrived at the castle, his heart was racing, his vision was red – he was absolutely itching for a fight. He recognized Miroku and Sango struggling in the courtyard, and he was primed to strike – first with a swipe of his sword, then with an even more satisfying punch of his fist. His friends’ voices came at him as if through a long, narrow tunnel; he managed to stop himself from inflicting even more harm as he realized he was dealing with mere humans.

He glared at the head of the castle guard with murderous intent. What would he want with Kagome? It made no sense.

“Inuyasha, Kagome’s inside the castle!” Miroku shouted, giving him a hard shove.

It was all the encouragement he needed.

That’s Kagura’s scent, he cursed as he burst through the castle’s doors. His nerves were on end, adrenaline coursing through his system. In the back of his mind, a small seed of fear began to bloom.

He tore through the castle, ripping through every room until he finally reached the end. There lay a noblewoman, her eyes glassy, blood tricking from her mouth. He heaved an exasperated sigh, frustrated to have been thwarted. “I’m too late,” he mumbled, casting his eyes around the room, searching for a clue.

His heart seized as he noticed another figure slumped on the floor. That’s the priest who told us about Kikyo, he thought, drawing an involuntary breath as he realized the implication. So it was a setup!

“Dammit,” he cursed. “This is all my fault.”

He didn’t bother to wait for his comrades; he was off like a shot when he located the faint trail of Kagome’s scent. It mingled with Kagura’s, as well as some other, nefarious odor.

I’m such an idiot! he berated himself, his feet pounding across the floor of the forest. I can’t believe I fell for such an obvious ploy. His heart clenched as the memory assailed him; Kagome’s stoic expression as she sent him off in search of Kikyo. He thought she understood, and maybe she did...

I can’t move on with my life, one way or the other, until I know her fate, he thought, sweat beading on his brow as he flew through the air. But, dammit, I can’t lose you, too, Kagome! I won’t.

He traveled as fast as he dared, anger and frustration easing his flight, fear edging against his determination. He’d already lost one woman to Naraku – he wasn’t about to let another one fall prey on his watch.

Finally, he spotted it, the tiny castle jutting from the side of the mountain. Emotion gathered and boiled over in his chest as he burst through the window.

Kagome!” Her name took on a fierce, guttural cry, a piercing, primal call.

Please, God, be okay. Be alive.


Kagome had been lying on the ground for hours, still unconscious. Inuyasha sat over her in a quiet vigil, absolutely refusing to move until she came around. For once, their comrades seemed to get the hint; making excuses to refill their canteens, Miroku and Sango dragged Shippo off in the direction of the nearby river.

Inuyasha gazed down at her, his face as impassive as his heart was tortured. The infant’s words rattled around his brain. “There will always be a way to break that girl,” he’d sneered down from the safe haven of his barrier, “as long as you, Inuyasha, can’t forget about Kikyo.” Not until that moment did he realize the power he held over Kagome – how easily, carelessly he could – and did – hurt her.

Maybe he was fooled by the way she didn’t protest his decisions – hell, last time, she practically made the decision for him! They had made a tentative, unspoken agreement long ago: she would stay by his side, and he would continue avenging Kikyo’s death by Naraku’s hand. It had never really occurred to him that his quest was taking such a personal toll on her, mostly because he was so preoccupied with the power she held over him.

As she lay there, unmoving, he was tempted to give it voice. Don’t you know I think the world of you? He swallowed convulsively, feeling the words stick at the back of his throat. It’s from you I gain my strength, to carry your burdens, too…I’d give my world for you. “Kagome,” he whispered, reaching for her, his heart bursting – with fear, with loathing. Don’t you know that?

Kagome’s eyelids fluttered; soon enough her blue gaze was full to his. She seemed oblivious of the relief that flooded through him. “Inuyasha,” she said, her voice full of gravel. “So you did come for me.”

“I’m sorry,” he replied. I’m sorry that I left you alone like that…I’m sorry that I was almost too late. “I wasn’t there…”

She struggled to sit up; he reached for her shoulders and helped her arrange herself. “It’s okay,” she sighed, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs.

“No it’s not!” he admonished, slightly surprised she wasn’t going to yell at him. Didn’t he deserve at least that? “I put you in serious danger!” God, one minute longer…and I truly would’ve been too late to save you. A myriad of emotions rushed through him – possession, anxiety, longing…

She looked at him, her expression still downcast, as if she was dreading whatever she was thinking. “If you hear news of Kikyo’s whereabouts again, you’ll go after her, won’t you?”

“I will not!” he declared. “I’ll never leave your side again, Kagome!” She was usually so sensitive to his moods – couldn’t she feel his trepidation about this whole situation?

“Liar,” she muttered.

That brought him up short. “Wha – I am not lying!” he cried. Don’t you know my blood rushes through my veins just for you?

She gave a sad shake of her head. “Just how long have we been together?” she asked archly. “You’d go.” She sighed, resting her chin against her knees. “And I’d get upset, again.”

Her words finally seemed to penetrate his righteous indignation. “You’re really upset, aren’t you?” he murmured, daring to reach for her once again, his arm settling lightly over her shoulders.

She leaned against him, as he’d hoped. “Yes,” she sighed, relaxing into his embrace. Her sweet scent enveloped him, and he realized she’d given him her forgiveness without ever saying so explicitly. He tucked her head under his chin as they sat there, enjoying their private moment. Thank you, Kagome, he added silently, running his hand lightly across her arm. I’ll try to never hurt you again – to you I’ll always be true.