InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ We Need to Talk... ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Wanna see a disclaimer? Go to the first chapter and leave me the hell alone.

Haven't heard back from my beta yet but I feel like I owe you guys so please ignore the grammatical mistakes and such until I get the beta'd version up.


Last Chapter: "Kagome…" There it was again…the way he said her name. Lovingly…and terribly frightening. Kagome's heart raced as the distance closed between them and Sesshoumaru's oh-so soft lips brushed tenderly against hers. His arm sank below the water and pulled her waist against his, his free hand tangled in her hair. His lips were soft against hers. Not demanding or cruel, but sweet and kind. Kagome's heart melted when she realized he was waiting for her to respond, not pushing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissed him back just as softly…just as lovingly.

It's too late…She thought as she felt her soul soar with each soft, tender touch Sesshoumaru gave her. I've already fallen in love with him. I'm sorry…Inuyasha.


"Kanna." Naraku's unnervingly calm voice called out to the spirit sitting leisurely in the tree above, staring into her mirror. The girl's body shimmered, disappeared then reappeared on the ground in front of him.

"Hai, Naraku-sama." She said as emotionless as usual.

Naraku frowned at the girl. "Would you care to explain yourself?"

Kanna bowed slightly, turning her mirror so that it only reflected what was in front of it. "The taiyoukai, Sesshoumaru-sama loves Kagome, as she him. This love is new and not unyielding. It can be used against them."

Naraku regarded her for a moment, taking in her cryptic response. He wasn't entirely convinced that this spirit was completely under his control and that she was telling him everything.

"And Sesshoumaru's arm?" He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Kanna turned away, giving him her back. "He needed it." She said just as cryptically as her body shimmered again and disappeared into the fog.


Inuyasha glared at Kikyo for a few moments. Something smelled rotten, no pun intended, and he figured she knew. What was it Kagome used to say when things were fishy? "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark." Whatever the hell Denmark was.

Kikyo's eyes drifted over the village a little too coolly for his tastes. When they fell onto him he shuddered. He would always love Kikyo, in life and in death but this was starting to give him the heebie jeebies. Or was it jeepers creepers? He sighed, making a mental note to stop trying to use Kagome's euphemisms.

They stared at each other for a moment as if sizing the other up. Inuyasha didn't like the look of pure contempt as she glanced at his companions then back to him. So what? So she didn't approve of his friends? Tough. They were his friends not hers…she didn't have to approve.

He stood and glared at Kaede. "Where the hell is she? What the hell could that jackass possibly want from her? We should have followed her. And where the fuck is Sesshoumaru?!"

"He's with Kagome." Shippou said suddenly, looking off in the distance where Kagome headed. The poor kit looked terribly downtrodden. Sango wrapped her free arm around him and pulled him onto her lap.

"What do you mean Shippou-chan?" She asked softly.

"Kagome's safe. As long as Sesshoumaru's with her she's safe and he wouldn't leave her." Sango and Miroku exchanged glances then looked at Inuyasha whose face was too calm to be believable.

"How do you know he'll protect her?" Miroku asked, sparring one last glance to Inuyasha.

"Because he loves her." He said in barely a whisper as he looked up at Inuyasha.

Sparring a glace at everyone, Inuyasha's heart sank. Miroku and Sango were shocked, obviously they hadn't known. Kikyo looked too damn smug and he found himself with the urge to send her back to the grave where she belonged but immediately quelled it. He loved her after all…right? Kaede refused to look him in the eye. So she had realized it too. He didn't bother looking at Shippou. He knew the kit was telling the truth and he didn't need any more reinforcement on the fact.

He shook his head slowly, not really sure why but he did. It was as if he were denying the obvious. He didn't want to believe that Sesshoumaru, his cold unfeeling half brother was in love with his-his Kagome. He wasn't capable of it was he?

As much as he wanted to deny it he already knew. Sesshoumaru loved his Kagome and Kagome…Kagome just might love him back.

"Are you sure Shippou-chan?" Sango asked quietly as if she didn't want to ask.

"Hai." Came the soft reply.

"And Kagome?" Miroku rang in. "Does she know?"

Shippou frowned slightly. "I'm not sure but she…" He spared a glance to Inuyasha. "I think she feels the same." A rush of wind flew past Sango who was holding Shippou leaving them both blinking in the suddenness of it. It only took a second to register…

Inuyasha was gone.


Kagome relished in the feeling of Sesshoumaru's lips on hers. It felt so…right. But if everything was so perfect why were silent tears still running down her face? Or was that the rain? It could be from the water Sesshoumaru had so nicely dumped her in. Or the sudden rush of emotional overload within the past hour.

Damn it all.

Kagome pushed Sesshoumaru away hard but he proved unyielding. She however was not unmovable and therefore ended up flying backwards almost going under the water if it hadn't been for Sesshoumaru's quick reflexes. As she collected her wits about her, her brown eyes fell unsteadily on the golden ones of her snogging partner.

"We…I…" The rest of her stuttering was cut short by a sudden violent shiver coursing through her body. Her arms wrapped protectively around herself as she looked at the taiyoukai. "I'm cold." Sesshoumaru's only answer was to snort and wrap his arms around her then bounding out of the water and into the forest.

Kagome wiggled slightly, trying to get comfortable in Sesshoumaru's arms, finding that it was rather easy to do so and was disturb-well if truth be told she was giddy to find out that she practically molded to him. Try as she might she couldn't ignore how she seemed to just…fit within his arms.

She glanced up at him to see if he noticed it too and their eyes met. Sesshoumaru gave a small almost imperceptible nod then averted his gaze ahead. Within a few heartbeats they were slowing obviously coming to whatever destination Sesshoumaru was planning.

They finally came to a stop in front of a cave where Sesshoumaru settled the unstable miko on her feet then disappeared into the wood again. The brief frown donned Kagome's face when he disappeared then immediately faded when the taiyoukai came back into the clearing carrying a few dry logs. She quirked a brow at him as if to ask where he found the dry logs in this heavy downpour but Sesshoumaru betrayed nothing.

A few moments later Kagome was huddled gratefully next to a roaring fire sending surreptitious glances toward Sesshoumaru every few seconds. She found herself wishing that he'd just say something…or wishing that she could think of something to say. She was baffled and ultimately speechless about what happened today and she wasn't even worrying about Naraku's part in it.

Frowning, she pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees as she gazed at the dancing flames. Things, it seemed were getting more and more complicated by the day.

"There are things we must discuss Kagome." She would have retorted with a 'Thank you, Captain Obvious' if she hadn't been too busy jumping out of her skin from the suddenness of Sesshoumaru's all too calm voice. Instead she ventured for ignorance.

"About…?" She asked with her eyes still gazing at the thriving fire. She didn't have to look up to know that he was frowning at her. Apparently ignorance wasn't the way to go.

"I've come to a decision." After a rather lengthy pause Kagome finally looked over at him.

"And?" She asked.

"You will belong to me. No man, especially Naraku, will ever touch you." Kagome frowned and lifted her head from her knees.

"You can't make that decision for me. In my time…our time, men ask for women to see only them. You can't demand it."

"We're not in your time. This is how it is done in this time." He said matter-of-factly.

Sesshoumaru glared when he heard her mumble something sounding suspiciously like 'sanctimonious bastard' then sigh.

"Look, as soon as Naraku's gone and the jewel's complete I'm going back to my time and I'm staying there and you are not going to abduct me again for your demented little incursions. I don't care how much I lo-" She paused flushing slightly. "I don't care what my feelings are toward anyone here, this isn't where I belong. You've proven that."

"If anything I've proven that you belong here." He said with a soft snort.

"I don't and you know it." With a small sigh she continued. "Sesshoumaru…I…I don't know what happened between us today but I don't think it warrants you claiming that I'm yours and yours alone. One kiss isn't a marriage vow."

"I do not think that I need to remind you, Kagome, that there have been more than one kiss." Again she flushed at this. "Furthermore, I have already stated intent to claim. You will be mine."

"If you wanted me to be with you why didn't you just ask? Did you ever think that I might say 'yes'?"

"And would you?" He asked with the calm coolness that made you wonder if he really cared about what you were talking about.

"I don't know but I don't think that's a decision you can make on your own and in so short a time. Isn't intent to claim good enough for you right now? I really think we have a wee bit too much on our minds to worry about tension between us."

"Inconsequential." He countered, she scowled.

"The future, my future…Inuyasha's life," At this Sesshoumaru growled. "Is at stake here. I've been given a second chance to save him and set everything right. I'd say that's pretty important." She paused, gazing into the flames again. "Then again…-oh, I just don't know anymore." With a small frown she pressed fingers to her forehead as if fighting off an oncoming headache.

"What is it that really bothers you?" He asked quietly but the nearness of his voice alerted her as to how close he was. She hadn't seen him move until he was right next to her, pushing away a stray hair from her face.

She hesitated as she gave into her inner debate, she looked down, afraid to meet his eyes. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that when this is all over the jewel will force me to go home again but this time…this time you wont be there." She glanced up in time to catch Sesshoumaru's eyes widen noticeably then immediately looked back down.

"You would miss me…if I weren't there?" He asked quietly.

Kagome gave a small nod. "I don't want to repeat this but I want you to be there again. Not trying to force me to give you the Tetsusaiga but just to be there…for me--with me."

He didn't respond. He probably didn't know how to. How monumental…the taiyoukai Sesshoumaru was speechless.

…How frightening.



I'm soooo not liking this chapter but I'm not sure what's wrong with it (but I haven't updated in so long I feel like I need to get this chapter out). The first two sections were great I don't mind them it's the last that bug me but I've been working on it for so long so if it's not right by now then it's gonna stay this way O.o;. Here it is anyhoo! Sorry it took so long to update!

Napea aka Meamiko