InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ I'm With You... ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Wanna see a disclaimer? Go to the first chapter and leave me the hell alone.

* Don't forget that I have an update list for this story. You can find the URL in my profile.*


Last Chapter: "Just try it woman." He started pushing me towards the edge and I gave a soft scream.

"Stop it! Stop Sesshoumaru-what are you-STOP!" Suddenly I lost my footing and started falling down the well. I grabbed onto Sesshoumaru for dear life and pulled him in with me and almost laughed when his eyes widened in surprise. Almost…

Chapter Six: I'm With You

Kagome climbed out of the well like she did everyday, bracing herself for Inuyasha's usual banter about her being late. When her hand touched the lip of the well another hand closed over hers and pulled her up.

"You're late, as usual." Inuyasha's cocky voice didn't hold the edge it usually did.

"Well if it's so usual then why do you always get mad? You should be used to it by now." Kagome retorted frowning as she regained her footing.

"I'm hoping one day you'll get it through your thick skull to come on time or how `bout EARLY?" Kagome opened her mouth to snap back at him but some invisible force came crashing into her, knocking her back toward the well. Before she fell into it completely Inuyasha's arms wrapped around her and dragged her away from the well.

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha and felt a wave of relief wash over her. She wrapped her arms around him and started crying. "Inuyasha! You're alive! It worked! It really worked and you're alive!" Inuyasha froze.

"What? What are you talking about Kagome?" She pulled back suddenly.

"The Tetsusaiga! Where is it?" Inuyasha frowned at her.

"It's right here." His hand went for the hilt of the sword and moved it for her to see it. "What's going on?"

Kagome paused. `How do I tell him that I've come back to change the past? To take the Tetsusaiga to his brother? But why did I come to this point in time? Where's Sesshoumaru?' Kagome frowned. There were just too many questions and no answers to any of them.

She opened her mouth to say something but her mind when blank. Totally blank. "Inuyasha…why are you holding me?" She swayed slightly. "How did I get here? More like when did I get here?"

Inuyasha stared at the girl in his arms, not believing or understanding what was going on. "What the hell is wrong with you wench? One minute you almost fall into the well then you're crying about me being alive, asking about the Tetsusaiga and now you don't remember anything?"

"I did all that?" She asked half-dazed. All memories of Sesshoumaru and her training…the weeks she spent with him…were gone. She couldn't remember any of it.

"What made you think I was dead?" Kagome stared wide-eyed at him.


"You said `You're alive!' when you were crying."

Kagome blinked. "I don't remember…anything."


Somewhere in the Western Lands…

Sesshoumaru stared out over the expanse of his grounds from his balcony. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he was going to Inuyasha to offer his aid. Naraku must be annihilated. He'd had enough of that damned hanyou's foolish games and it would end now.

Sesshoumaru turned to go back into his room when something hit him from behind. Memories flew through his mind too quickly for him to grab on to any of them. The only thing he was able to decipher before they were gone was two words…Kagome and Tetsusaiga.


Kagome ended up fighting with Inuyasha as usual but things between them seemed a little…weird. He just didn't seem to have the heart to fight with her. So they tried to explain what happened by the well to Kaede-Obaba thinking she might know what was going on but she didn't.

So shortly after dinner, they started on their way out, setting up camp a few hours after sundown. Kagome curled up in her sleeping bag with Shippou while Inuyasha found a comfortable tree. Miroku and Sango were situated rather close, making Kagome smile at their innocence. With few thoughts about the here and now Kagome drifted off into sleep.


Sesshoumaru could feel the steam caressing his bare skin. He licked his lips, his breath coming heavy and hot with the sensations that coursed through his body. A heavenly, feminine, scent of hyacinth and night with a hint of arousal rolling through his lungs and going straight to his head.

Sesshoumaru ran his long, slender fingers over warm skin, soft curves, with feather touches unfitting for his strength. He smirked when her body responded to his touches, shivering slightly. He sighed as her hands started to wonder over his exposed skin. He shivered the lower her hands traveled, closing his eyes, he savored the feel of her soft skin against his.

He bent down, his lips lightly tracing the lines of a feminine face. His lips traced her chin, her earlobe; placing butterfly kisses along her jaw, licks along her neck. Her skin was so soft; he wanted to touch her everywhere, taste her. His lips finally met another trembling pair. He opened his eyes slightly, seeing Inuyasha's strange woman-child miko's face so close to his.

He blinked and his eyes grew wide, as if through the sudden realization that there was something wrong. Kagome, the girl that had been haunting his dreams for months now, was trembling under him. He blinked, for some reason unable to draw away from the Kagome's intoxicating lips as the woman-child's tongue ran over them. Kagome's skin seemed bathed in heavenly light, with the tinted glow the moon has when it's on the horizon...that contrasted sharply with her dark hair and thick eyelashes...

He pushed away suddenly, and broke his contact with Kagome's soft lips. Her cinnamon eyes stared, hazily up into his. Gods she was beautiful, even he could see it. It was no wonder he wanted her so much…

He took a sudden breath, sucking in cool, fresh air as he jerked himself awake.


Sesshoumaru shot straight up in his bed. He'd had dreams like this before. Dreams with sensations he never thought he could feel…especially for a human. This woman affected his body in ways he never thought possible. Arousing him with the simplest glance. He wanted her, with a passion, more than anything…more than the Tetsusaiga. Why? What spell did that miko have on him? Where did the feelings come from for her?

That woman-child…Kagome. The woman-child he'd see within a few hours…


Kagome's eyes shot open suddenly as if waking from a bad dream. She sat up and looked around at the sleeping figures then sighed.

It had just been a dream…Sesshoumaru wasn't really there and they hadn't really almost…well. Kagome frowned slightly at the reaction she had with the dream. It was too…sexual for her tastes and with the wrong dog-demon in her eyes. There was just something about Sesshoumaru that tempted her. Of course she'd never admit it to anyone.

"Yo." Inuyasha's voice cut her from her thoughts. "Daijoubou?" Kagome's eyes softened slightly.

"Hai. Genki." She answered softly.

"Can't sleep?" He asked, keeping his voice down as not to wake the others. Shippou curled closer to Kagome, stirring slightly.

"No, I had a strange dream." She decided to lie back down and wrapped her arms around the tiny kit. "See ya in the morning Inuyasha."

"Aa." With that last thought Kagome drifted back into a dreamless sleep with a strange feeling of excitement coursing through her veins.


"Kagomeeee!!! Inuyasha hit me!" Shippou's shrill cry made Kagome wince slightly as she glared at the hanyou over her bowl of ramen.

"I…N…U…Y…A…S…H…A… ;"

"Kagome, ch-chotto matte yo!"

"OSUWARI!" Wham. Kagome sighed. Everything was starting to get a little mundane around there. Shippou said something to Inuyasha, Inuyasha hit Shippou, Kagome threatened Inuyasha, Inuyasha begged, Kagome sat him. On the other side of the fire Sango blushed at Miroku, Miroku smiled slyly, Sango frowned and tensed waiting for the inevitable, Miroku's hand caressed Sango's rear, resulting in Sango knocking him unconscious with Hiraikotsu.

Mundane was an understatement.

Kagome needed something new, exciting, like Sesshoumaru suddenly popping up but not wanting the Tetsusaiga because that would be dull too. No, he'd have to want something weird. Something like what happened in her dream last night…

Kagome blushed. She wondered why in the seven hells was she thinking about that silly dream. It meant nothing to her…well at least it should mean nothing to her.

"Get back here runt! You're gonna pay for that!" Kagome snapped from her thoughts to frown at Inuyasha chasing Shippou again. When had he gotten up? Had she been so deep in her thoughts that she didn't see him get up?

"Kagomeee!" Another shrill cry from Shippou.

"STOP DAMNIT!" Kagome yelled suddenly, freezing everyone in his or her tracks. Miroku, Sango, Shippou and Inuyasha blinked at the miko sitting on the ground with a rather disturbingly calm look on her face. She had just screamed, how could she look so calm?

When she didn't say anything Miroku stepped forward and waved a hand in front of her face. Kagome blinked and jerked away.

"Need something Miroku-sama?" She asked in a normal tone as she smiled up at him.

"Kagome-sama, Daijoubou desu ka?" He asked hesitantly.

Kagome frowned slightly. "Hai, doushite?"

"The hell's wrong with you wench?" Inuyasha yelled suddenly. "You scream all of the sudden then you act like nothing happened. And they say I'm weird."

"That's cuz you are, stupid." Shippou offered eliciting a growl from the hanyou.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kagome said absently.

"What the fuck is wrong with you lately? You go berserk by the well then you don't remember it then you do it again! What the fuck is going on?!" Inuyasha's face was turning slightly red with the words he spoke. Kagome frowned and opened her mouth to say something but she never got it out.

"Such language you use toward a Lady." Everyone swiveled around to the owner of the cold voice. Sesshoumaru and his infinite glory stood looking at the hanyou, his eyes narrowed slightly. Kagome stood, her hand going to her chest.

He seemed perturbed about something that hanyou said. The thing was…Inuyasha was only talking about Kagome so why would Sesshoumaru care? To make matters more confusing…why had he referred to her as a Lady?

Kagome gaped at the youkai lord who averted his gaze from his half brother to her still form standing stiffly. She froze like a dear caught in head lights when she saw the way he looked at her. There was something in his eyes that made her blood warm and flow faster through her veins.

She watched as his eyes slowly worked their way down her body, taking their time, drinking her form. She suddenly found herself blushing and she averted her gaze. When she looked back at him he had moved closer. Within a blink of an eye he was an inch away from her, gazing heatedly down at her. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her think he wasn't in control of his actions, as if he were under a spell.

She took a step back but his right and only arm snaked around her waist and pulled her against him. Kagome gasped as she realized she was experiencing things in slow motion. Inuyasha was coming towards them brandishing the Tetsusaiga around while Kagome was loosing the feeling of earth under her feet. She looked down to see the ground a few feet away and realized that Sesshoumaru was flying…and he was taking her with him.



I'm sorry it's a cliffie but I'm so tired! I'll write more soon! I promise! It's 3:10 in the morning and I didn't get much sleep the other night so I'm going to go sleep now ^_^ zz.

See ya.


Daijoubou? Daijoubo desu ka?= Are you ok?

Genki.= I'm fine.

Aa, Hai= Yes

Chotto matte yo= hold on, wait!

Osuwari= Sit

Doushite?= Why?
