InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ Haunted... ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Wanna see a disclaimer? Go to the first chapter and leave me the hell alone.

* Don't forget that I have an update list for this story. It's in my profile!*


Last Chapter: "Do not apologize for being yourself. All those things that annoy me also are the reasons why I respect you. You stand defiant where others would yield and run like cowards. I would despise you and would not be able to stand your company if you were not the way you are." Kagome stared awe-struck at the youkai lord practically singing praise to her.

All the while the one thing that was screaming through her head was `What the hell is going on!?'

Chapter Nine: Haunted…

Naraku leaned forward slightly as he frowned into Kanna's mirror. The miko was getting too close to Sesshoumaru for Naraku's tastes. A team as powerful as they would make would be a problem for the hanyou. This would not do. He had to come up with something to sabotage their partnership…and fast.

Naraku's lips twitched upward as the plan formed in his mind. He gave a slight nod to Kanna. She turned her mirror and the images left. Her emotionless face that rivaled Sesshoumaru's turned away from her `father' and headed out of the room as Naraku sat smiling to his self.

With one fluid movement he was standing and heading out the door.


Sesshoumaru offered his hand to the stretching girl which she took without hesitating. With one fluid movement he pulled her against her chest and resituated his arm around her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Hold on to me tightly." She gave a quick nod and snaked her arms around his neck. With a sudden rush of wind they took to the sky.

Sesshoumaru's senses kicked in immediately, looking for his half-brother's scent. It wasn't hard to follow when he found it. As they got closer to the group their altitude dropped until they were standing by the well. Kagome immediately broke away and walked toward the well as if in a trance.

"Why did it take you?" She asked quietly as if she weren't really talking to anyone. Sesshoumaru came up behind her and took her side.

"Perhaps fate had a hand in all of this." He said emotionlessly. She didn't think he believed that. At least she wasn't entirely convinced.

"Or maybe it knew you were being an ass and decided to teach you a lesson." Sesshoumaru turned his fiery gaze to her but she didn't relent.

"You still do not know your place." His hand was suddenly clasping her chin. "One day Kagome you will follow me where ever I tell you to." Kagome glared at the youkai.

"In your dreams Sesshoumaru and get your hands off of me. If you keep doing this then you can fight Naraku on your own." Sesshoumaru's grip loosened slightly.

"Stay here while I talk to your damned mate."

"He's not my mate for Kami's sake. Could stop with the mate crap?" his hand fell from her face as she rolled her eyes.

"Good," He said with a slight smirk. "Then it will be easier to take you from the hanyou." Kagome frowned.

"Oh, for Kami's…just…you stay here and I'll go talk to Inuyasha." He opened his mouth to protest but Kagome put a hand up to stop him. "Look if you go in there without me he'll go nuts thinking you killed me. If I go in there unharmed and try to convince him then there's a chance he'll let you stay. Remember this isn't how it happened last time…everything's changed."

She paused and waited for him to say something. He gave a quick nod and sat down on a nearby rock…well more like lounged. That man made sitting on uncomfortable objects look comfy. Kagome scoffed and headed towards Kaede's village.

When she was far enough away that she knew Sesshoumaru wouldn't hear her she sighed. "Sesshoumaru's so rude." She mumbled to herself. The last thing she expected was a response.

"That he is. Planning behind my back…tsk tsk." Kagome gasped and whirled around trying to find the owner of the voice. A hand clamped down on her mouth and nose cutting off her air before she saw anything. As the suffocation slowly took her, her eyes fluttered as grey dots danced across her vision until she fell unconscious.


Inuyasha growled at the kitsune who had implied, for the millionth time, that Kagome's kidnapping was the hanyou's fault. Sango beckoned the kitsune before Inuyasha did anything painful to the poor kit.

"Come over here and say that again stupid fox." Inuyasha grumbled angrily. Sango frowned at him and hugged Shippou tight.

"Inuyasha he's just a kid." She said defensively.

"No, he's a pain in the ass, that's what he is." Sango opened her mouth to say more but Inuyasha's attention flicked to the forest. Sango followed his eyes to the opening of the forest where a female figure was stumbling out of the woods.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha and Shippou said in unison.

"Kagome-chan?" Sango asked as the kitsune jumped out of her arms and toward the beaten girl. She ran after Inuyasha and Shippou to Kagome's side. The beaten girl smiled up at them then collapsed to her knees. "Kagome-chan?" Sango said worriedly.

"Sango-chan…" Kagome teetered forward. Sango's arms instinctively flew out and caught her before she landed face first in the dirt. Inuyasha growled suddenly causing Sango to jump slightly.

"Inuyasha…what?" She started.

"Sesshoumaru. I can smell him all over her and he's here somewhere." He stood suddenly and looked toward the trees Kagome stumbled out of. Sango pulled Kagome closer to her as the said demon came strolling out of the tree line.

Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked from Inuyasha to the unconscious girl then back to Inuyasha as a low growl began in his chest. "Inuyasha what have you done?" He growled angrily.

"What have I done?! What have you done? What did you do to Kagome?!" Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked to the unconscious miko again then back to Inuyasha. He didn't know…neither did Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to say something but a muffled cry interrupted him.

"Sesshoumaru…Naraku…Naraku's trying to blame you…Sesshoumaru, help me…" Both inu youkai's stared wide-eyed at the mumbling miko who was fazing in and out of consciousness. Before Inuyasha could protest Sesshoumaru was at Kagome's side and lifting her up.

"What are you doing?" Sango half-shouted.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed at Inuyasha. "Where is your healer?" Inuyasha and Sango blinked at him. Inuyasha's face went neutral and he gave Sesshoumaru a small nod and bounded off with Sesshoumaru hot on his heals.

Sango and Shippou ran after them as fast as they could all the while dumbfounded. For a moment there…a brief moment, there had been an understanding between brothers. Maybe…just maybe there was hope for this battle after all.



K there's the next chapter O.o; and oddly enough I'm not so peachy with it. I think it's a little too much like a scene in Voices at Midnight but hey it's my own work so it's not like I'm plagiarizing or anything ^_^ OK I'm going to go take a well-deserved nap! I may come back and change this chapter tomorrow so if you see 9: Haunted (revised) then read it cuz I changed it (obviously ^_^)


Napea *Meamiko*