InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ Lost Within You... ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Wanna see a disclaimer? Go to the first chapter and leave me the hell alone.

Wow you guys are paranoid! I wasn't going to have Sesshoumaru rape Kagome (ew) I don't believe in those kinds of sess/kag stories. It's always mutual with me.

* Don't forget that I have an update list for this story. It's in my profile!*


Last Chapter: "Kagome…" Sesshoumaru whispered against her skin and started kissing up to her jaw. Kagome froze like a dear caught in headlights. She cringed inwardly as he stared down at her with slightly reddened eyes filled with animalistic lust. She had a feeling this was gonna be painful.

Chapter Eight: Lost Without You…

Kagome shook with a mixture of emotions but her fear was taking her over. The longer he stared down at her the more she shook involuntarily until the red in his eyes started to fade. She took this opportunity to wriggle free of his already loosened grasp on her arms.

Sesshoumaru stared down at her with that perfectly blank face. Not even his eyes gave away what he was thinking. She carefully slid out from underneath him and crawled off the bed, her eyes never leaving his. When her feet hit the solid ground she backed away from him.

She didn't like the way he was looking at her. She'd seen it a few times before when they were training and she gave up and ran. When he chased her he had that look in his eyes. It was the look that told her he was enjoying the chase.

"Sesshoumaru…we need to get back to Inuyasha." His eyes narrowed slightly then he was suddenly in front of her, growling softly.

Sesshoumaru hated it. Hated it with a passion, when the wench was right. He had originally gone to give his aid in the defeat of the damned hanyou but the damned miko distracted him. That's another thing that angered him. He shouldn't have been distracted, not by anything, especially not by her, a human bitch.

But he had been distracted. He'd been distracted in her time when he trained her. At that time he'd contributed it to being five hundred years older or he must have been going insane. To ever be attracted to…to desire a human…he had to have gone insane.

But what was his excuse now?

He could feel the memories he'd recovered growing dimmer. Why? It was harder to keep a hold of certain thoughts. He owned something…a business of such. He had used a certain tactic to keep Kagome with him…what was it? The annoying kitsune cub. That's right. Had he threatened his life in order to keep her? The details were growing fuzzy.

Sesshoumaru growled again at this revelation. His memories were fading and he had just got them back. Was Kagome experiencing the same problem? He glared down at the miko in front of him looking for signs of a dilemma like his but there were none. She was looking at Sesshoumaru with that frightened face that was slowly fading and being replaced with anger. He snorted inwardly. Even when the girl was afraid she could easily replace it with anger. That may be her downfall someday.

"Sesshoumaru." Kagome said through her teeth bringing the youkai lord out of his thoughts. He glared down at the girl.

"What?" He bit out.

"What the hell is wrong with you? We need to get back to Inuyasha and you're off in your own little world. Wanna share?" She bit out sarcastically. "I'll show you my world if you show me yours."

Sesshoumaru smirked and Kagome flinched at the sight. "When this is over wench, I'll have the Tetsusaiga and you." Kagome frowned at him.

"What? Look you can have the Tetsusaiga if you leave Inuyasha alone but that's all you're gonna get." Sesshoumaru's face went back to that beautifully blank mask.

"That would be the case should you die. However, if you are still alive after I kill Naraku, I will claim you and the sword." He leaned forward, his lips lightly brushing her ear. "Or perhaps I shall just claim you." Kagome backed away and slapped him. Yes siree she slapped him.

Sesshoumaru and Kagome both stood there dazed. She hadn't really thought she'd make it. She figured he would have stopped her but he hadn't. Why hadn't he stopped her?

Sesshoumaru shifted slightly and Kagome closed her eyes tightly, thinking he was going to kill her. When light fingers slowly traced her face she opened them in shock. He was touching her face so softly it was like he wasn't touching her at all.

"So soft…" Sesshoumaru whispered softly. "Such open, expressive eyes and yet so deadly." He stared at her with something akin to wonder. "What have you done to me Kagome?"

She fought the urge to gasp. Sesshoumaru had used her name before but the way he said it now…so familiar.

Before he said her name with anger, annoyance, hate and, more recently, lust. But now…now the way he said her name reminded her of the way papa would say mama's name. So…lovingly.

Kagome reached her hand up to his face where she had slapped him and lightly ran her fingers over his cheeks, tracing the line of his jaw.

"Sesshoumaru, what's going on? Why are you acting so funny?" Kagome asked in a half-whisper. Before he could answer her question another voice entered.

"Because my Sesshoumaru-sama has fallen in love." Kagome spun toward the voice and gasped. Kourin hadn't changed in five hundred years. The same girl that was at Sesshoumaru's mansion in Kagome's time was now standing before her.

"Kourin, right." Kagome asked. The girl gave a small bow and her eyes flicked to Sesshoumaru. Kagome took the opportunity to get a good look at the girl. Long straight black hair framed a long pale face. Glowing green eyes stayed fixed on their master like a good dog…and a dog she was. Inu youkai that is. Her kimono was a solid blood red with silver flowers here and there.

"Your coming was foreseen Kagome-sama. We've been waiting for you. It was said that a human miko would steal the heart of the taiyoukai of the western lands when a great evil would rise against the miko and her followers." Kagome gaped at the girl for a moment before gaining her composure.

"I don't have any followers and Sesshoumaru is not in love with me." The girl gave another small bow.

"The ones you travel with hunt the great evil as well. They follow you." Kagome frowned at the girl.

"Their my friends not followers. This great evil you speak of…is that Naraku?" The girl flicked her green eyes to Sesshoumaru again and Kagome followed. Sesshoumaru gave a short nod and the girl's attention was back on Kagome.

"Hai. Sesshoumaru-sama came to you to help with the downfall of this great evil did he not?" Kagome snapped her attention to Sesshoumaru. His face was impassive but his eyes…he was surprised.

Sesshoumaru hadn't told anyone that he was going to help his half-brother kill the hanyou yet his servant Kourin knew. 'Perhaps…' He thought idly. 'She really is a seer. I will not however fall for his slip of a girl who is human no less. There the prophesy is faulty.'

"Leave Kourin." Sesshoumaru's booming voice caused Kagome to jump slightly. He almost smiled at the reaction. Kourin gave another bow and left the room, sliding the door shut. He went to his desk and started flipping through some papers as Kagome followed and watched.

"You're not right?" Kagome asked suddenly. Sesshoumaru's eyes never even flicked up to meet hers.

"Not what?" He asked emotionless.

"In love with me. I mean I'm human and you hate humans and most of all you hate me. So you could never fall in love with me besides I didn't think you were capable of love since you have such a cold heart. Actually I'm not even sure you have a heart, do you? I mean you never seem to use it and even a little hint of emotion is disturbing from you. And what really gets me is the whole 'Rin' thing. I mean, she's human so what's the deal-"

"Woman, cease your rambling." Sesshoumaru said suddenly, ending her endless triad. Kagome snapped her mouth shut and frowned at the taiyoukai. "There are things you do not know and things you could not possibly understand. It is better if you do not press the matter and leave me alone. We will leave tomorrow for your wretched mate's village where I will still give you my aid in defeating the hanyou."

There was silence for a minute as Kagome absorbed everything he said before she said anything.

"I'm not his mate and how do you know I won't understand? Run them past me. What harm could there be?" She asked, with a slight smile.

"Kagome, I will explain things to you at a later time." She stared at him wide-eyed. Ok this whole Sesshoumaru-compromising thing…yeah it really gave her the creeps. She nodded dumbly and walked back over to the bed. She sat down on the edge and looked out the closest window.

"I'm sorry." She said suddenly and softly. If Sesshoumaru were human he would have missed it.

"For what?" He asked finally looking over at her but she continued to look out the window.

"For slapping you, for being a pain in the ass, for anything I've done to annoy you. I'm sorry." She said just as softly. Sesshoumaru was shocked to say the least. She had just apologized for all that?

He stood and walked over to her, stopping right in front of her. When she didn't look at him he put a hand on her chin to make her look at him. When her eyes met his they both froze. It was like looking into a mirror that showed your opposite.

Sesshoumaru was the first to recover as he kneeled down in front of her.

"Do not apologize for being yourself. All those things that annoy me also are the reasons why I respect you. You stand defiant where others would yield and run like cowards. I would despise you and would not be able to stand your company if you were not the way you are." Kagome stared awe-struck at the youkai lord practically singing praise to her.

All the while the one thing that was screaming through her head was 'What the hell is going on!?'



Here ya go peps. Hope you enjoyed! Now I need sleep it's 1:51 in the morning and I'm being tortured by a crazed bunny named Houdini. Sad thing is…I really do have a crazed bunny named Houdini. Anyhoozles g'night!


Meamiko *Napea*