InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ The Lord and the Rings ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the next chapter… I finally got it up- not nearly as late as most of the others lately, huh? ^_~ But there may be typos or things I left out because I'm tired and I rushed, but I'll fix it tomorrow if there are.
Special thanks to Kagome-Inuyasha and Kdogg218- you two made my day! ^_^
IceRayven- Hey! Haven't heard from you in a while! I'm glad to know you're still reading… when I get a chance I'll e-mail you to tell you what's up. I hope you and your family are well! Thanks again for all your support!
Part 7: The Lord and the Rings
Standing outside his castle in the moonlight, Inutaisho thinks about his sons, particularly Sesshoumaru. Behind him inside the dwelling, Sess-kun, Mika and most of the servants are already fast asleep. Those who notice their master staring off into the distance know better than to disturb him and so they scurry off to continue their nightly duties.
A slight breeze picks up and causes the Lord's long, loose hair to waft in the evening breeze. The cool, crisp scents of grass and wildflowers tickle his sensitive nose. An untrained human would neither smell nor hear anything except the wind rustling through the trees; to them, silence hovers over the world of the Western Lands. However, Inutaisho's heightened senses give him an adaptive advantage over all those in the species of Homo sapiens sapiens. He can hear the soft sounds of life in the distance. All of these sensations should comfort him, but tonight, he cannot be comforted easily. A feeling of dread plaques the taiyoukai as he considers what must have happened in the future. Kagome gave him the ring, didn't she?
Not expecting an answer, he internally startles when he hears the Goshinboku in his mind confirming his thoughts. Nodding, he mentally thanks his old friend before blocking the connection so that he may think without interruption or detection.
So now it begins. Soon, he will be forced to bring everything to the surface- both the good and the bad memories. I regret the turmoil that he will experience… but it is necessary, so I believe. He will at least know the truth and after that, he will be able to heal. He will want to seek revenge. I only wish there was another way…
Sesshoumaru has wandered around the general vicinity for hours. The mid-afternoon light beams through the arching trees of Inuyasha's forest. In his hand, the unopened box waits and begs to be opened. An unusual emotion passes through Sesshoumaru's cool heart- apprehension. As he gracefully seats himself on a fallen tree with brown and green moss growing on it, he shakes anxious thoughts from his mind. This is only a box; it cannot hurt me. I, Sesshoumaru, do not feel such ridiculous emotions. This box contains a present from my father; that is all. As quickly as possible, he rips the box to shreds with his claws and sees a beautiful signet ring and a note resting peacefully in his hand.
My father was passing out rings to those who come after him. The beautiful youkai takes the ring between his thumb and forefinger to study it. The symbol of their family, the moon in all its phases, appears in brilliant 24 karat gold with a tiny centered diamond on that flat top of the ring. He then pauses to read the attached note from his father.
Dear Sesshoumaru, my son and heir,
I pray that you are well, dear boy. I wonder what type of youkai you have become. I'm sure that you rule the Western Lands with pride, dignity and strength, as did all who came before you. You always were extremely intelligent and strong. My wish is that I could see you as you are now, but there are pressing matters here. Since you are also the Lord, you must understand exactly what I mean.
How is your brother, Inuyasha? I hope that you have been taking care of him as you promised that you would. He has a purpose in this world- obviously his destiny is far different from yours, but he is still needed. I suppose that you recognized the ring and bracelet that we gave to Kagome and you know the implications involved. She will be Inuyasha's mate one day and I hope that you will also protect her, your future sister-in-law. I have seen how stubborn your brother is- admittedly a family trait from which we all suffer- but he is like your uncle, may he rest in peace. He will grow up someday- please teach him what I did not get a chance to teach him.
Now, I must tell you about your present. You must be wondering why I gave you another ring. This ring is a signet ring, but you will not be able to use all the aspects of this ring. You are a very strong ruler, but this is not a matter of will or ability. You will need to pass this ring on to the one who will follow you. For now, it is important that you wear the ring at all times. Someday you will understand.
I will explain more when the time is right. Remember what I said, Sesshoumaru. I remain as ever…
Your loving father,
Inutaisho, Lord of the Western Lands
Sesshoumaru sighs deeply and shakes his head. Father… why do you ask such things of me? He brings the ring closer to his face so that he can see it better. I cannot use the ring? Why did you give it to me in the first place? His anger rises and with it, a low growl unconsciously escapes from his throat. What do you mean by the one who will come after me? Is he insinuating that I should take a mate? The other Lords bring that subject up more than I can stand. Even some of the servants dare to make such ridiculous suggestions. What is the purpose in having a female around at all times? Physical pleasure? I could get that whenever I wished, but I have more important things to do with my time. Having a family would also leave me more vulnerable to attack. Also, having annoying offspring run around, make a racket, and practically destroy the castle would annoy me to no end. Besides, I cannot stand children… I can barely put up with Rin. Well, she's different; she is not like all the other obnoxious youngsters I have met.
There is another possible meaning. If I should die now, the rightful heir would be Inuyasha. Maybe I will not live very long and Inuyasha, a half-breed, a half human will rule the Western Lands. Inuyasha, he seems to be Father's favorite because of that woman. He received Tessaiga… even if he needs it to control his demon blood, Father's blood. He glances at the sword at his side and narrows his eyes slightly. Tenseiga- another sword forged by Toutousai. I cannot deny the fact that possessing this sword has aided and even saved me. Without it, I would not have Rin. Without it, there were times when I would most likely have died. Even now, Father protects me. All of a sudden he shakes his head to dispel that inalterable fact. I do not need protection, not from Father or from anyone or anything else. I accept his gesture, but someday I still wish that Tessaiga would be mine.
He glances at the ring again. Now I have another somewhat unwanted gift, but still I will bow to Father's wishes. After all, what could happen to me simply from slipping a little ring on to my finger? Shaking his head in annoyance, he positions the ring and slides it into place on the fourth finger of his right hand. Without realizing that he's doing it, he holds his breath. For an instant, nothing happens, so the inuyoukai sighs with reflexive relief.
As he relaxes, the forest around him seems to disappear. He blinks his eyes, but the view of the area does not return. After a few moments, he sees his castle as it was in the old days when he was younger…
A young, elegant youkai strides through the castle with grace- as much as she can have considering that her pregnancy has almost gone full-term. A silver-haired young lord appears beside her and tenderly holds her hand.
Adoring her with every glance, he smiles. “How are you doing, Sumi, my love?” She gives him a cryptic smile; he pulls her close and kisses her gently. “Do not fear, dear one, everything will be fine. I will be here to protect you. I will do everything in my power to keep you happy and safe.”
Sumi looks at him and smiles. “Love, don't worry about me so. I'm strong. I can handle this. Besides, Nami is here on call. Although she is a human, she is quite skilled. Between the two of you, I have nothing to fear.”
He nods. “Did she say how soon it will begin?”
“Soon, very soon it will all be over. You will have a son, an heir.”
“I would be just as happy with a little girl. That's what I told you when you first conceived. I just want you to be safe.”
“I know.” She affectionately caresses his cheek. “This is my gift to you. It has been my dream.”
“Then continue to follow your dream. I love you.” He pulls her into the protective circle of his arms.
She whispers back, “I know and I love you too.”
Later that day, Sumi goes into labor for the first time. She was warned that the first time is always the hardest, but nothing could truly have prepared her for the experience. A few agonizing hours pass ever so slowly. Drenched in sweat and trying to breathe whenever she has a chance, Sumi continues to hold on for the sake of her unborn child. A midwife from a nearby village attends her travail. Sumi grew from a white haired youth to a stunning inuyoukai female to be the wife of the Lord of the Western Lands.
Although most youkai despise humans, Sumi did not. She knew that her husband had no objections to them and she was not one who was raised to despise another race, certainly not a race that had never tried to hurt her or her family. With her grace, came educated intelligence and common sense. She did not wish to single out members of any race and blame them for the mistakes that their species had made. In her mind, they were innocent until proven guilty. That is why she trusted Nami- caring, intelligent, perceptive and blunt Nami.
The child slips from the mother's womb and new life comes into the world. Nami cleans the young one and cuts the umbilical cord. “You have a strong son who looks so much like you, Sumi.”
Sumi sighs in relief. “What a blessing… and Inutaisho has an heir.” Nami smiles as she presses on the lady's abdomen to release the afterbirth, which gushes out onto the waiting sand. Meanwhile, the young youkai holds up her son and softly croons to him.
Time seems to freeze in place. Sesshoumaru, the child, stares into his mother's exhausted face and smiles. This moment is burned into Sesshoumaru's mind. In that moment, Inutaisho bursts into the room and Sesshoumaru's memory goes blank.
I never saw her again… Sesshoumaru thinks. They told me that she died in childbirth, but after I saw the birth of Inuyasha that was so easy for that human, I cannot accept that my mother would die in childbirth when a human could live. In the end, humans are only worthless vermin whose promises mean nothing. My mother was mistaken- she trusted her human “friend”. Love, trust and friendship- what a waste of time… especially if humans are involved. They all deserve to die. My mother was accepting and they killed her! I hate them! I hate them all!
At this moment, Kagome stumbles into the clearing in search of Sesshoumaru…
To Be Continued
Sumi means Elegant, clear and Nami means wave
Author's note- Children encode information to their long-term memory differently after about age 5. Most do not have memories from before this time, not because the information is not in the brain, but because the brain no longer knows how to interpret the code when it attempts to access it. Imagine that a computer is trying to access a computer file from the 1970's: the encoding is so radically different that the newer program does not know how to interpret the information. As with everything, there are exceptions to this rule.
Ok that's all for this little chapter… next coming soon! Please review everyone- your words really help to speed my writing! Unfortunately, I'm nice so if I have anything, I'll put it up anyway! Thanks to all who just read too… later minna!