InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Not As It Seems: Part 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, a new chapter! Sorry it took so long, but it's finally out and it ended up being longer than my chapters normally are. Work was crazy; I was sick. <sighs> My second nephew was born(exact info about his birth time and weight are in my bio, if anyone's interested)- it was a wacky time. The good news for y'all is that I won't be working much longer, so I should be able to update more often. (Side note- I've seen through episode 118- yeah!)
About the new names: Nozomi means hope and Rai means trust. Masuyo means to increase the world. Finally, Kane has the following list of meanings: tribute, warrior; the doubly-accomplished, golden; man, the eastern sky; beautiful.
Review Responses:
IceRayven- Thanks for catching the spelling error- sometimes I don't get them all. <sweatdrops> Sorry that you were confused. I'm so excited that you reviewed twice in a row- it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Angelstars- Hehe glad you liked the teaser. More Sess-kun and Sesshoumaru stuff to come. Right now I setting up some things. Hopefully it'll all fall into place. I love Kenshin- great series. He's so cool! I thought about making this a slight crossover with RK so that I could use the Meiji Era as a time period, but then I realized that this would get even more complicated and much longer. I haven't seen Chobits, but I've heard some good things about it. Other than IY, I haven't seen much new anime lately. Oh well… <sighs> Thanks for the reading and giving me some feedback! ^_^
Sesshoumaru lover- I'm so glad that you liked the chapter- I hope that you enjoy this one too, although it sets more things up. I'll be updating more often from now on… those better not be not-so-famous last words, huh?
Chapter 10: Not As It Seems: Part 2
“So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.”- JFK's inaugural speech, Jan. 20, 1961
As shinidamachuu fly around her head, Kikyo glides over to the Goshinboku in the pouring rain. Placing her hand on the place where her arrowhead had been embedded in the wood fifty years ago, she shakes her head sadly and little water droplets fly off her face and hair. “Goshinboku,” she calls in her mind, “I know that you can hear me.”
“Kikyo, why are you so restless today? Can I help you?”
“You gave my job to that girl who knows nothing of time or of her abilities.”
“Kagome knows more than you would ever acknowledge, Kikyo.”
She narrows her eyes. “This is my job- no one else's.”
“Do you truly believe that, Kikyo?” She does not answer. “You are bitter, which is completely unlike how you were when you were alive.” He sighs. “You have changed much since your life was taken from you. How can this be your responsibility?”
“I know it to be true, because it's my soul.”
“No, the soul belongs to Kagome. You are not of this world…”
“She does not belong here either. Why didn't she just stay in her own time period?”
“It was her destiny to come here. Listen to me, Kikyo. I understand your frustration, but do not get involved and do not obstruct their progress.”
“I mean the whole group, but particularly Kagome and Inuyasha because they are the main ones who can travel through time.”
She scratches her chin as she eerily smiles. “He travels through time?”
“Just let it go, Kikyo; trust me.” She doesn't answer as she disappears into the dense mist.
Back in the time of the four souls:
As Kagome had fervently hoped, it's not raining back in the distant past. Instead, a beautiful, sunny day welcomes them. Inuyasha sighs and is internally grateful, but he doesn't want to admit it.
With a tiny smile, he bounds off to explore. Kagome, who is also enjoying the change in weather, calls after him. “Inuyasha, where do you think you are going? You're going to get lost!”
The Goshinboku gets her attention. “Kagome, don't worry. He won't go too far away. Besides, if you think about it, he's safer here than he is the Sengoku Jidai.” She nods but is not completely convinced. She begins to go after her friend. “Kagome, don't go yet. There is one more thing. I need to put a spell on you.”
She turns around and faces the tree. “A spell- what for?”
“You need protection from the people that you'll meet.”
“I thought that you said that it's safer here. Besides, I don't need such a spell back in the Sengoku Jidai.”
“First of all, it is safer here, but not for you. You would need such a spell if you encountered Kikyo.” Kagome's jaw drops and understanding dawns on her. “Yes, that's right. Today, you'll meet another that shares your soul. We don't want harm to come to either one of you.” He murmurs a few words that sound familiar. She doesn't initially place the memory, but a few seconds later, the realization dawns on her.
“That was the spell that Inutaisho used on all of us!”
“Very good, Kagome. Yes, I taught it to him; it's part of the training. Since you now know who you are, it is time to train you. Not right this second, but soon. Now you must go meet Nozomi.”
“Who's Nozomi?”
“Your counterpart, of course!”
“Does she know that I'm coming?”
“Yes, but she did not know the exact date.” At that moment, Inuyasha races out of the forest.
He gives her a look. “You're still here?”
“Yeah, I am. Come on! Let's go.” Side by side, they walk away. Suddenly, she turns to Inuyasha. “Did you find the settlement?”
He sweatdrops. “No, was I supposed to?”
“Well no, but since you disappeared so quickly after we arrived… never mind. What did you find?”
He shrugs. “Nothing much.”
“Oh ok, so do you smell any humans?”
“Yeah, I do. Follow me. Wait, strike that- get on my back and I'll take you. That'll be much faster.” She nods and climbs onto his back. Without any notice, he takes off. They race over hills and pause before crossing a stream.
Confused, Kagome leans forward and talks into his right ear. “Is it me, or does the land seem different than it was?
“I don't remember this stream. Besides, where did all these hills come from? The land was much flatter. Yeah it does seem different.”
“Are you paying attention so that we can get back?”
He growls and her. “Yeah, I'm not stupid! Are you paying attention?” Not feeling like starting an argument, Kagome nods, sighs and gestures for him to cross the stream and continue to follow the scent of humans.
They finally find a settlement on the very edge of the forest. The main part is situated on top of a hill. In the shallow valley, they find a roaring river where men are fishing with nets and spears. Downstream, women are washing clothes by rubbing roots into them and beating them against the sides of the large rocks in the river. Squealing in delight, children are chasing each other up and down the hill. All around the base of the hill, young men are throwing crude spears at makeshift targets while the on looking young women smile and applaud. Another group of villagers practices with slings.
Both Kagome and Inuyasha cannot hide their curiosity. Inuyasha is not as curious, because his time is pre-industrial and agriculturally based. Kagome, being a child of the post-industrial Information Age, finds this culture more intriguingly foreign to her than that of the Sengoku Jidai. Clasping her hands together, her face alights with pleasure.
After a few moments of happiness, she decides that it's time to reach her immediate goal. She walks up to one of the women in the river and bows quickly. “Excuse me, but can you please tell me where I might find Nozomi-sama?”
The dark-haired stranger bows in return. “Welcome, strangers, to our village. You are seeking Nozomi-sama?”
“Hai, we are. We come from a far distant village.That's not even a lie!
“I believe you. I have not heard of many hanyou in these parts, except for those that live here, of course.” She nods.
Inuyasha steps in. “There are other hanyou here?”
“Oh you poor thing! You must be from that part of the lands. Well, no matter what you've been told or subjected to, you can rest here. Here, humans, youkai and hanyou live and work together in peace.” She smiles at him sadly as his jaw hits the ground. Then she shakes her head and turns back to Kagome. “I believe that Nozomi-sama is weaving up in the settlement. Peace to you while you reside with us.”
They bow to each other. As Kagome and Inuyasha make a path up the hill, he turns to her in confusion. “Who's Nozomi?”
She smirks. “Nozomi-sama is my counterpart here.”
“She and I share the same soul.”
“Oh, like Kik…”
Kagome cuts him off. “Yes like her.”
“Why do you get so snarly when I mention her name? It's just a name.”
She sweatdrops and sighs heavily. “Forget it.” At that moment, they reach the peak of the hill and the conversation is ended, much to Kagome's relief.
In the center of the complex, a group of women are making thread, weaving, sewing and decorating clothes together. In the middle of their circle, a woman with black hair with dark purple highlights is weaving an amazing piece of cloth. The creation has many different colors of thread, obviously colored by ochre, berry juice and other natural means. The pattern is not recognizable yet, since she is not anywhere near finished, but her unfinished portion is still impressive.
Suddenly, nervousness runs rampant through Kagome's heart. She's so talented… I wish I could do something like that. Even if I took classes, it would take years before I could match her skill … Why did I come here? Why on Earth must it be me? Who am I, God, that you would send me?
A clear voice cuts through her nervousness. “You were sent and all who have been sent have talents that are needed.”
Kagome's head, which had fallen slightly closer to her chest, snaps up. The woman in the center of the circle is standing and looking her right in the eye. Kagome tries to guess the age of the woman in front of her, but cannot pinpoint the date. The lovely stranger could be anywhere between 20 and 35.
As her deep purple-blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight, the woman smiles. “So today you have come. There is much to say. Please come this way.” Kagome and Inuyasha follow the woman into a nearby dwelling. They settle themselves on the floor in front of Nozomi as she gracefully sits on the intricate rug that covers the floor. “As you have no doubt surmised, I am Nozomi, one of the leaders of this village. You wanted to know how old I am, did you not?” Kagome nods. “I'm 25.”
Kagome bows her head while Inuyasha stares. “Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. Nozomi-sama, I am Higurashi Kagome. Please call me Kagome. This is my friend, Inuyasha, son of Inutaisho. I believe that you know why we have come.”
“Welcome, both of you. Please call me Nozomi, after all, wouldn't it be strange for two people who share the same soul to be so formal? I do know why you have come, Kagome. Still, I know less than you think I do; you give me too much credit. Please allow me to elaborate on my earlier statement.” Kagome nods and Inuyasha yawns. “Thank you for your compliment, but the work I do does not have nearly as much to do with me as you think it does. Those who are humble enough to allow God to work in their lives seem to be powerful, but the power is God's. That's how it is with me… and how it will be with you. Because you think so little of your own power, you can be used as a conductor.” Kagome nods solemnly. Nozomi smiles at her and places her hand over one of Kagome's. “Also, I have a present for you.”
“You have a present for me?” Inuyasha raises his eyebrows. Kagome doesn't notice and so she turns to Inuyasha. “Inuyasha, I am so lucky this week; I get another present. How strange.” He turns away with a “hmph”.
Nozomi takes a necklace from around her neck. “Here you go. I will give you a warning though. After I place this over your head, please don't take it off without my permission.” Kagome examines it. The leather thong is tied in a simple knot and strung through a hole connected to the carved, wooden pendant. On the front of the pendant, someone carved a design with five interlocking circles, with an arrow through the one in the center.
Kagome smiles and allows Nozomi to slip it over her head. After pulling her hair out so the cord goes only around her neck, she bows her head to Nozomi. “Thank you so much!”
“You are quite welcome.”
Kagome nods quickly in thanks. Then, a strange warmth runs over her entire body and her senses become more acute. The smile on her face fades as her face turns redder from the heat. Nozomi notices this and acknowledges it with a gentle shake of her head. “So you felt it, didn't you?” Kagome doesn't speak but slowly moves her head up and down. She gives her new friend a questioning look. “Of course you want to know what happened. Well, I can't completely tell you yet. I can tell you that the pendant is very valuable…”
Inuyasha's ears perk up as he rolls his eyes. “Valuable? It's a piece of wood.”
Nozomi ignores him. “Your powers have been heightened. That's the warmth that you felt. Only someone with our soul can truly use that pendant.”
Kagome considers this for a moment. “What about all the stuff you said about power not being as much mine as power working through me?”
“That is a creation of power that was working through me. It just connected us through that pendant. You have access to the power, but you don't know how to use it. Goshinboku and I will train you, but now is not the time. Now, it is time for me to answer your questions. You know the basics from Inutaisho.” Inuyasha's ears perk up. “Inuyasha, your father also came here to learn.” He nods and pretends not to be interested. “So, do either of you have any more questions?”
Inuyasha takes a turn. “Who are the other three souls?”
“Rai is Midoriko's counterpart. She helps me run this village. She's away visiting the other two, one of which is her husband, whose name is Kane. Lastly, Masuyo holds Inutaisho's soul.”
He nods. “I thought that the other two were youkai.”
“They are, but youkai-human marriages are not uncommon, at least not now in these lands. Many humans in the Sengoku Jidai and your time, Kagome, have a bit of youkai blood flowing in their veins.” The older woman turns her head to Kagome. “For example, although you are not my descendant, Midoriko was a direct descendant of Rai and Kane.”
Kagome's eyes open wide. “Midoriko was part youkai?”
“Yes, she was, but just a tad, not so much that any physical traits would alert the world to that part of her heritage. As time has gone on, the human genes have become more and more dominant over the recessive youkai genes that used to be co-dominant. You, Kagome, are not in any way youkai, in case you were wondering.” She looks at the hanyou to regain eye-contact. His curiosity gets the better of him, so he nods and looks her in the eye. “Inuyasha, your mother had a bit of youkai blood in her.” He takes a sharp breath, looks away and nods.
Kagome looks surprised, but recovers. “So where are the others?”
“They are at the homestead that Masuyo has created. It is the same dwelling that Inutaisho lives in, but Masuyo is not completely finished building it yet.”
“Isn't that house imposing to those who have never seen anything like it? Why doesn't anyone just walk right in and steal stuff?”
“They just wouldn't. At least I hope it never comes to that.”
Kagome half-smiles and gently chastises Nozomi. “But it will and you know it.”
Nozomi nods with a sad smile on her face. “The policy will change when those who live around here change. Only then will he put up the barrier.”
The younger woman persists. “The evil is coming, right? Inutaisho said that people are already trying to mess with everything that you have built up!”
“Yes, but the humans and youkai in this area are loyal to the cause and to the peace. They are innocent and such ideas do not make sense to them. They are like little children…”
Inuyasha shakes his head. “They are more like stupid sheep who won't even think to prepare themselves for what may come. The wolves are coming and they just keep ignoring it!”
Kagome's mouth drops open and she glares at him. “Inuyasha, that was a bit harsh. Nozomi is only trying to do what she feels is best for her people. Even if we disagree, that doesn't make us right. How much do we know about this time and its people?”
Nozomi shakes her head. “Kagome, it's alright. He's allowed to see it that way. We aren't sure of what is to come, but we don't want to become like the others in our effort to protect our way of life.”
Kagome sighs. “I hope that we can help you protect it. Naraku doesn't come only with the clash of iron on iron; he comes to strike at the heart and mind of his opponents. Unfortunately, death and misery almost always follow his involvement.” Inuyasha lowers his head and Kagome feels slightly bad for him, because he is obviously remembering how Naraku caused the fight between Kikyo and himself.
Nozomi nods to show her understanding and asks, “Who's Naraku?”
“He is our opponent; we believe that he is behind the attacks on time. He is an extremely powerful hanyou. He is mostly youkai, but he was initially human. We have been fighting Naraku for about three years, but unfortunately, he seems to have disappeared.”
Nozomi sits back somewhat. “I don't know of him, but I would say that he is having the most success in the Northern and Southern lands.” She furrows her brow. “I will meditate on this and tell you what I've found next time that you come visit me. In the meantime, I can tell you that it is unlikely that he can directly travel through time. Still, there are ways around that. We can talk more about that next time…”
Kagome begins to finger her necklace and wonders why Kikyo never got the necklace. Kikyo also shares my soul, so why didn't she come back in time when she was alive and get the necklace? If it seems to be passed on to each person who has the soul, why didn't she get it?
Nozomi opens her mouth to answer Kagome's thoughts, but Kikyo walks into the dwelling. Inuyasha, who had been fidgeting, becomes remarkably still as she enters. Nozomi shakes her head and narrows her eyes slightly at the dead woman. “So, you've come. I don't know why you bothered. Has death kept you from thinking straight?”
Kikyo ignores her comments and turns to Kagome. “Give me the necklace. The mission is mine, as is Inuyasha. He should travel through time with me.”
Kagome stands up to face her. “He makes his own choices.” Inuyasha does not say anything, but only stares at Kikyo. Come on, Inuyasha; help me out here, just a little. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log!
Nozomi doesn't stand, but calmly and firmly deals with Kikyo. “Why didn't you listen to Goshinboku, Kikyo? Leave now, or I will make you. Read my lips: The necklace is not yours. It is Kagome's. It was never yours and you never could understand why. That's why it will never belong to you! I order you to get out of my house!”
Kikyo looks at Kagome. “This is not the end of this. The necklace is mine, little girl.” She turns to Inuyasha, who is rashly annoyed at Nozomi for speaking to Kikyo like that. “Inuyasha, come with me,” she chants sweetly. “We have much to discuss.”
To Kagome's horror, Inuyasha gets up without a word and follows Kikyo to wherever she is going. After he leaves, Kagome looks down at her hand and wrist to see the sapphires reflecting the dim light. A tear begins in her eye, but another hand wipes it away. She looks up to see Nozomi sitting beside her.
“Kagome, don't worry. It'll work out. There is a plan for this. The necklace cannot be hers, as you will see. Even when she was alive, I could not give it to her. She was so blinded by her obsession for a hanyou- obviously Inuyasha- that she couldn't listen and allow that power to work in her. If I gave it to her, she would have gotten the power, but she couldn't have healed the world at all; she would only have hurt it through her selfish impulses.”
I have such selfish impulses, just like everyone else. Why did you give this burden to me? I love him too…
“Kagome, you have been torn apart by his love for Kikyo, but you chose to forgive him… to stay for the good of your friends and to help him. Since then, you have matured further. You will make mistakes, but your choices make you different from Kikyo.”
“I hope you're right.” But wasn't she a good person? Everyone always talked about how kind and good she was and how much she helped people.
Nozomi brushes away a lock of Kagome's hair from her face. “Kagome, Kikyo was a good person, if you can say that anyone is good, since no one is completely good or evil.” Kagome gives her a confused look. “I know it sounds odd, but we don't have that capacity to be completely good or evil. Anyway, Kikyo had good intentions, but she made a mistake, as we all do sometimes. She got in so deep that she didn't even realize her position and that's what made it so dangerous.” Kagome looks away and sighs. Nozomi moves so that she can look into her younger counterpart's eyes again. “Also, the time was not right. Kikyo didn't need the necklace. She had her own mission and you have yours. Don't doubt yourself, Kagome. If you do, it would seem that this Naraku of whom you speak will be more than happy to take advantage of that and use you to hurt your friends. That is how he strikes, yes? ” Silence passes between them.
Kagome nods and her misty eyes clear. “Yes, he's sneaky. I hope that doesn't happen. I don't want to end up hurting people I love. I won't play into his hands.” Nozomi smiles and then sits back. Kagome looks outside for a moment. “I should go.” She gets up to leave.
Nozomi stands up with her and holds out her arm to prevent the other young woman from leaving. “Wait, Kagome, there is one more thing that I need to tell you. I have a message for the Lord of the Western Lands.”
All this time travel gets confusing sometimes. “Nozomi, do you mean Inutaisho or Sesshoumaru?”
“Not Inutaisho, so it must be this Sesshoumaru. He's the taiyoukai from Inuyasha's time?”
“Yes, Inuyasha's half-brother…”
“I will remember that.” The miko walks a few steps forward to examine Kagome closely. Putting a hand on Kagome's shoulder, Nozomi looks her in the eye. “There's something more about this, Sesshoumaru, isn't there? Why are you anxious and confused?”
“It's nothing; don't trouble yourself.”
Not nodding, the older woman closes her eyes and places her hand on Kagome's ring. Strange energy passes between them and Kagome feels somewhat peaceful. After a few moments of silent communion, they back away from each other a bit. “I see.”
Kagome looks wonderingly at Nozomi. “How did you know about the ring?”
“I didn't know about it, but you kept thinking about it and rubbing it with your finger, so I thought it might be able to help me see and it did.”
“You saw everything?”
“I saw enough to understand your feelings and to be sure that this Sesshoumaru is the one to whom the message belongs. So please tell him the following: Everything is not as it seems. The more that you fight, the more that you become entangled in the fabricated web of pain and hatred.”
“Wait- what does that…”
Nozomi cuts her off. “Please just tell him. All will become apparent with time.”
“How did you know?”
“I know that it's essential to completing our mission.”
Kagome sweatdrops. That's not an answer to my question.
“I know it's not an answer, but trust me and remember what I said. Please try to come back soon, so we can begin your training. Don't worry too much, Kagome. Everything will work out.” She tries to get Kagome to smile and finally succeeds. “So, where are you going?”
“Back to the Sengoku Jidai…” A picture of Kikyo and Inuyasha locked in each other's embraces comes unwarranted into her mind. She shudders and shakes her head. “Well, not there…” Where should I go? Home? No, I don't want to pretend. I want to go somewhere where I can think about this. I'm not ready to face Inuyasha. After few moments of thought, she gets the answer. “I'll go see Inutaisho-sama!”
Nozomi nods. “That's a good idea. Say hello to him for me. Well, Kagome, good luck on your journey.
Nozomi walks Kagome to the edge of town. Nozomi calls after her, “See you soon and take care of yourself.” As Kagome runs down the hill towards the forest to find the Goshinboku, Kagome stops to turn around and wave.
Important questions to all of you:
1. If you have any questions to ask Nozomi or one of the souls, or Inutaisho- please ask me and I'll work it into the story.
2. Everyone, I have an idea about Inutaisho's brother- the one that reminds him of Inuyasha. I want to use it but I can make it slightly more interesting if anyone's imagination was piqued.
3. Should I deal with Midoriko and/or another one of Rai's counterparts?
Current poll results:
1 -One youkai mate
2 -Two youkai mates (one who would die)
1 -One hanyou mate (who would die), one youkai mate
0 -One human mate (who would die), one youkai mate
1-Rin as mate and stays alive
Kagome's going to see Inutaisho and Sess-kun in the past, but how will she react to Sess-kun considering what happened between her and Sesshoumaru in the forest? What will Inutaisho have to say about his younger son's actions concerning Kikyo? What'll happen when Kikyo drops Inuyasha off in the Sengoku Jidai? Find out next time on CotS!
Please review or send me an e-mail (for those who dislike the review system or prefer e-mail) Either way works!