InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Many Waters ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's a funny note to share: My cousin, who is a lawyer, could not attend her office Halloween party (she was at a conference), so she e-mails everyone in her firm that she is going as a weapon of mass destruction and that they'll never find her! She won second place in the costume contest. Hehe I just needed to share that.
Also, about my disclaimer from the last chapter- that does not mean that I will change the way I have been writing the story. I was Christian before, but it just began to grate on me more. I just wanted to clarify that just in case.
Phase 2
Chapter 17: Many Waters
"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it." SoS 8:7, ESV
"Beaucoup d'eaux ne peuvent éteindre l'amour, et des fleuves ne le submergent pas." SoS 8:7, FDB
While Kagome makes her visiting rounds to greet everyone, Inuyasha sits in a tree further from the village than his favorite arboreal perch. Ever since Kikyo disappeared, he has not wanted to be too close to the village, because he knew that Kagome would come back and he would have to face her. His emotions concerning the beautiful young woman from the future were already complicated. After what he perceived while inside Equilibrium, those feelings became increasingly complex.
Part of him is as angry as he was the moment that Kikyo disappeared and Kagome's soul returned to her body. Another part of him vaguely remembers Kikyo's request about not blaming Kagome, but that part of him is too logical to be heard in the emotional cacophony of his consciousness. Also, he misses Kagome and is partially worried about her, because she has not come back from whenever she is. Of course, he won't admit that to himself.
So, in the late morning sun, he perches in the highest strong branch of the tree. The base of the tree is marked with fresh claw marks that he created in a moment of anger, frustration and grief. He sits, listening to the sounds of the forest around him, and tries to calm down. Just the moment that he is able to feel more peaceful, a distant waft of scent drifts into his sensitive nostrils. Immediately, the previous conundrum comes back to him full blast. Under his breath, he tries to contain a snarling growl.
Kagome, so you're back, are you? Are you back for the reckoning? You have something to answer for, wench. This was completely your fault! You were always against my relationship with Kikyo; you never could understand the bond that connected us. You were always saying that infuriating word, especially after you knew that I had spent some time with Kikyo. You were jealous that I was with her and not with you, when I was with you all the time! Suddenly, he realizes what he's thinking, because for her to be jealous, she would have to feel something for him. Ok, maybe not jealous, but simply possessive of me. Well, I'll show that human a thing or two. I make my own decisions. With that thought, he leaps off in the direction of the village to see Kagome.
Kagome and Sango have just finished their girl-talk session when they decide to go find Miroku and Shippo to make plans. As they pass the center of the town, Kagome stops and shivers for a moment. Sango looks back at her with concern shining in her warm eyes. “What's wrong, Kagome-chan?”
Kagome shakes her head. “I don't know. I just have a bad feeling for some reason. I felt a chill brush across the back of my neck, as if something was going to happen. Something bad.” The young woman from the future looks around for a moment.
Sango pulls Kagome along with her. “I understand, Kagome-chan. You're probably just concerned about seeing you-know-who. Just remember to have hope, alright?”
Kagome almost laughs at that comment. “Yes, I will, Sango-chan. I also have hope for you and a certain lecherous friend of ours…” Kagome changes the subject, because she doesn't want to talk about Inuyasha anymore, in case it makes her more nervous.
Sango blushes scarlet and puts her hand to her cheek for a split-second before turning her head away. “Oh Kagome-chan, how could you? There's nothing going on between us! I can only have hope that he'll keep his hands to himself before I break his hand off. That would fix the problem with his Kazanna.”
Kagome gently chuckles. “You don't change, do you? You haven't forgotten how he proposed and you accepted?”
Sango stops and turns to her friend in surprise, but looks around and whispers so that no one can hear. “How did you hear about that?”
“Well, I was kinda nearby and could not help but see…”
Sango puts her hands on her hips. “Oh, I get the picture now. You were spying on us! I should have known that nothing would go right in regards to that.”
“You guys spy on Inuyasha and I when we fight all the time! Besides, you are changing the subject!” Kagome lowers her voice a bit. “You accepted and you said that you'd bear his child!”
“Yeah, so? He didn't say that he wouldn't cheat and that would be necessary for me to actually go through with it!”
“So you do love him, don't you?”
Sango doesn't respond immediately, but the way that her face turns bright red speaks for her. After a moment, she decides to answer. “Well, yes, I think I do.”
“That is so wonderful! I knew it!”
“Not that it seems to do any good, Kagome-chan! We are always, always fighting and… he keeps hitting on everyone he sees.”
“Not as much as he hits on you and besides, he has stopped doing it as much. You give him some time and I bet that he could be faithful. He wasn't raised that way. Old habits die hard, right?”
Sango laughs. “Yes, that is true. So do you think that there might be something to hope for there?”
Kagome whispers back, “Oh you bet I do. Besides, you two will be spending more and more time without Inuyasha and I hanging around. Sesshoumaru will be there, but he won't get in the way. He would rather not socialize too much with humans anyways. I can see it now. You two will sit around a campfire while Rin and Shippo torture Jaken somewhere. You will watch the sunset together, completely alone.”
Sango turns redder. “Oh come on, Kagome-chan. Stop. I don't want him to…”
All of a sudden, Shippo runs out of the bushes. “Hush! He's coming. He saw you two talking and he wanted to hear…”
A nearby bush rustles. A moment later, Miroku is pushed out by Kirara. He looks sheepishly up at them and smiles. “Greetings, ladies.”
Kagome looks at Shippo. “How much?” Shippo shakes his head to indicate that the monk had not heard anything important.
Sango's blush has not disappeared, but now she turns to the monk. “Houshi-sama! You were spying on us?!”
“Yeah, but I didn't hear anything,” he laments, rubbing his posterior. Kirara nods in quiet affirmation and growls softly to rebuke him.
Kagome places her hand on Sango's shoulder. “Guys, you can't live with them and you can't live without them.”
Sango's eyes twinkle in response, but she does not respond verbally.
Miroku looks at both of them. “What is that supposed to mean, Kagome-sama? It must be some expression from the future- no wonder it doesn't make sense.” Kagome and Sango sigh, realizing that he simply did not want to understand. Miroku changes the subject. “Well, it's time for lunch, if I could so tempt you both to join me?” They shrug and follow him with Shippo and Kirara close on their heels.
At this moment, Kagome thinks about Inuyasha and remembers how things have changed over the years. Their relationship has grown and he is more openly caring towards her and more supportive in general. He has not admitted how he feels or how she fits into his life compared to Kikyo, but he takes care of her and watches over her. He said that he would and he said that he would help her finish her quest. His words come back to her from the beginning of the trip and she remembers the warmth of his hands as they completely encompassed her own. She hears his reassurances in her head.
“Kagome, I'll be there right beside you, to give you strength and to protect you. We can do this together. We all have faith in you and your abilities.” Kagome sighs to herself and hopes that he will still have enough faith in her to listen and to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Miroku looks at her and remarks, “He can't be that stubborn forever, Kagome-sama.” Kagome turns to smile at him, but freezes in place when she notices someone familiar about to land in front of their entourage.
Inuyasha lands gracefully and glares icily at Kagome. His focus remains solely on her; he does not acknowledge the presence of any of his other friends, nor does he notice that Sesshoumaru has come out of Kaede's dwelling to watch from the sidelines. Inuyasha roughly pushes past Miroku and stands squarely in front of Kagome. “You dare come and face me, you murderer! Does it feel good to have your soul back, traitor? I sure hope that your conspiring was worth it, although it really isn't your soul in the first place- it was hers! Do you have something to say to me? Do you have the nerve to simply apologize when nothing that you say means anything?”
Kagome sighs and tries not to cry as she sees how upset Inuyasha is. She closes her eyes lightly for a moment, but when she opens her eyes, his golden orbs still burn steadfast into her own. “Inuyasha, I am sorry for your loss, but I will not apologize for a crime that I did not commit. There's more here…”
“Did not commit?” He silences her as much as possible. “That's right. You got my father in on the act, didn't you? Tell me- was it his idea to begin with or was it yours?”
Kagome ignores his insulting questions and continues. “There's more here that you know, Inuyasha. You did not see what happened before, so you do not know the whole story. We did not conspire against Kikyo. She made a choice and suffered the consequences.”
Inuyasha looks away briefly and flexes his hand as if to strangle her with it. “You two set her up!”
Kagome's anger begins to kick in more and she yells right back at him. “No, we did not! I didn't even know what would happen if she touched the pendant. How was I supposed to know? I barely know anything about it myself! I thought it was just a carved piece of wood!” She holds it up for inspection.
“You and Nozomi got so close and she was always anti-Kikyo in the first place. Why didn't she give the thing to Kikyo when she had so much more power than you do?”
Kagome bristles at being compared to Kikyo yet again. “I don't know and you know what? It doesn't matter! She's gone- I'm sorry that you lost her again, but it's done!”
“At least Kikyo wasn't a murderer.”
“Although she tried to kill me once? Besides, that was a cheap and untrue shot, Inuyasha. More than that, she was the one who tried to steal the necklace after your father explicitly told her it was a bad idea! No, she just had to try and take it from me. I didn't think that it would hurt her. Besides, you wouldn't have even been able to say goodbye to her if it hadn't been for your father taking us all to Equilibrium in the first place! Once there, Kikyo was able to let go and tell you that she loved you. She even told you a bunch of times that it was her fault and for you not to blame us! You are going against her wishes and you say that you love her?!”
“Keh! More lies!”
“If you aren't going to listen to me at all, there is no point in continuing this conversation. You are refusing to listen to the truth just because you are so frustrated that you don't know who to blame. I can understand that and so I am going to try and be the bigger person to allow you to treat me this way.” She turns on her heel and begins walking away. She walks a few steps, stops and turns around. “Or maybe not… OSUWARI!”
As Inuyasha finds himself deep in a hole, Kaede comes up behind Kagome and greets her. “Welcome back, child. How was your trip? I can't wait to hear all about it- the good and the bad.”
Kagome smiles a bit, but still feels stressed and angry. “Thank you. I am glad, I guess, to be back. I sure have a lot to tell you.”
Kaede nods. “My sister is at peace now. I am so glad.”
Kagome looks surprised. “How did you know that?”
“I could sense it and frankly, I could almost hear her telling me goodbye.”
“He hasn't forgiven me, although it wasn't my fault.”
Kaede briefly puts her hand on Kagome's shoulder to comfort her. “It'll be alright. He'll remember the truth in time. Come on; let's relax and eat some lunch.”
Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara nod in assent and begin to follow Kaede and Kagome back to eat some lunch.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha looks up from the bottom of the hole. Part of him is sorry for the way that spoke to Kagome. He dismisses that feeling as much as he can and sits up. He looks away into the woods and considers everything that Kagome said. What if I am mistaken? What if Kikyo really did start it by accident? Nah, that can't be true. Kikyo's voice echoes again in his head about how it was her fault. That must be a delusion created by Kagome's lies. Oh Kikyo, help me. What is the truth?
That's it for this one! Also, should I put Kouga in the fic? I think I will. Anyone have any particular ideas?
Random note to those of legal drinking age: Anyone tried the wine Conundrum by Caymus? Doesn't it rock? Treana White and Evolution by Sokol Blosser are also delicious white blends. I will stop there or write another chapter about wine. The reason I mention it is that I used the word conundrum in the chapter and could almost taste the elixir in my mouth. I'm a wine fan- what can I say? I've even had sake a couple of times! ^_^ Still, fresh sake- and sake is not meant to age much- is harder to find in this country than you'd expect. Anyway, there's a random aside for you.
Please review!!! I didn't ask last time and so no one did! So I'm asking!