InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Consequences ❯ Consequences ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. I do not own Kagome. I do not own the worlds they live in. I will not borrow other people's characters without a disclaimer. I will not eat chalk. I will not mock Mrs. Dumbface. I will not pretend I'm Bart Simpson writing sentences. End of Disclaimer.
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Codes: Inu/Kag, Mir/San (or canon)
Feedback: Is much appreciated. Flames are for candles, though, so please keep them to warm yourself.
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Part one
Kagome cursed as she looked at her calendar. She quickly counted again, hoping that she was mistaken, but no. It had been a little over two months. Which meant her period wasn't just late; it was officially missed.
“Damnit, InuYasha, why did I let you talk me into…” Kagome bit her lip and sat down on her bed. “I'm supposed to be smarter than this.”
“Kagome,” called her mom. Kagome groaned and laid back on her bed, knowing what was going to follow. “InuYasha's here!”
“Coming,” Kagome yelled. She didn't know why, but she had thought InuYasha would know when she was ovulating. She thought he'd be able to smell it or something. `Could he have done this on purpose?' she wondered. Maybe he didn't realize what this would mean for her. Maybe he thought her saying yes meant she was ready for children. She cursed herself for not bringing condoms back with her. Asking her mother to take her to get an abortion was going to be even harder than getting her hands on condoms would have been.
“What's taking so long?” InuYasha asked as he walked into her room. Kagome just stared at the ceiling and didn't answer him. She felt the bed shift as he sat next to her. “Kagome?” She still didn't answer him. After all, this was his fault. Why couldn't he have kept pretending not to like her? “Is something wrong?” he asked softly. Kagome closed her eyes, fighting back tears. She didn't want to kill a baby. She always thought she would finish school, get a job, fall in love, get married and have children, in that order. She couldn't mess up her life by not going to high school. She had worked too hard to balance school and the search for the jewel shards to throw it all away now.
And what of InuYasha? He put a hand on her leg and stared down at her with confusion, no trace of his usual anger at her being late. Would he come through the well to stay? Would she stay with him? She loved him, so much. He had shown that he loved her, too. But what if he didn't want to stay with her? She finally looked over at him. Would he want to spend his life watching her grow old and die?
She had wondered that before, but it had never mattered as much as it did now. She liked how he treated her now, how his patience had grown and his temper had waned.
“Okay,” Kagome said, pushing the dark thoughts away. “I'm ready.” InuYasha stood up and watched her as she stood. He took her bag, giving her strange looks of concern. She wasn't ready to discuss it with him, not until she was certain and she couldn't be really sure until she got tested. She just couldn't believe she'd let it go so long. She had just had so much on her mind, she had not even thought about her period.
She smiled at her mom and said good-bye to her, Gramps and Sota before following InuYasha down the well. She felt very far-away as she tried in vain to sense any jewel shards. When InuYasha tried to be intimate, she went and hid by Sango, who was just confused. She found herself increasingly distant, lost in her thoughts, and oddly enough, it was Miroku who noticed and said something.
She was sitting under the moon, trying very hard to convince herself to go home and talk to her mother when Miroku walked up beside her.
“Kagome,” he said quietly. “Something has been bothering you, hasn't it?”
“Oh, it's nothing…” Kagome said, trying to dismiss it. But Miroku was genuinely concerned for her and he could tell that while InuYasha was as well, he wasn't able to talk to Kagome about whatever was bothering her.
“It seems as though it might be serious. We are all getting worried about you, Kagome. You were almost killed in that last battle, but… it almost felt like you weren't there.” Miroku sat next to her, keeping a respectful distance. Kagome knew he must be taking it seriously if he wasn't trying to grope her. She sighed and gave into the urge she had wanted to since before she came back.
“I think I'm pregnant,” she stated bluntly, surprising herself. Miroku's eyes went wide.
“Is it… it is InuYasha's, yes?”
“Yeah,” Kagome said. She took a deep breath. “I know we shouldn't have and that I'm too young, although you don't think I'm too young, but I am. But I love him and I think he loves me, I mean, it's pretty obvious, but I don't know if we could ever actually be together. After all, he's a couple centuries older than me and was born like seven hundred years or so before me. Plus, he's a hanyo, so if I keep the baby, will it be a hanyo, too? Will it suffer like he does?”
“Wait, what do you mean `if you keep the baby'?” Miroku asked, interrupting her and giving her a chance to breathe.
“Well, I'll probably have an abortion,” she said. “They made it legal like fifty years ago or something.” Kagome looked over at Miroku and was surprised to see horror on his face.
“You would kill the baby?” he asked, appalled.
“I don't want to…” she admitted. “But I don't really have a choice. In my time, abortion's considered better than being a mother at the wrong time in life.” Miroku was looking away, obviously distressed.
“It is a sad thing if it is a common practice to murder babies,” Miroku said. “Many of the things from your world are amazing and often beautiful. You speak of a world without war or plagues. Yet, it is a world where children are abandoned before they may even breathe.” He paused for a moment. “I am not certain that it is worth it.” Kagome felt a tear escape. Her own misgivings broke the surface and she drew her knees up against her chest, hugging them, and buried her face in them, weeping.
“But if I don't,” she cried, “What will I do?” Miroku had no answer for her. “I mean, it's not like I wouldn't write him or her a note and explain why I couldn't care for him. I'd give him a name and everything.” Kagome wiped her face.
“Why would you… share his bed, if you didn't want a child?” Miroku asked, baffled. “Why do you not want a child?”
“Because I'm stupid and because I'm too young,” she answered unhappily.
“You are many things, Kagome, but stupid is something I would never call you.” Miroku said. Kagome sniffed. “What does InuYasha say?”
“I… I haven't told him,” Kagome mumbled.
“What?” Miroku exclaimed. “How could you give him no choice in the matter? What if he wishes to be a father?” Miroku demanded. “If I found out a woman was going to bear my child, but did not want him, I would happily take him!”
“What if it was a girl?” Kagome asked absently.
“What? What does that matter? A child is a child. If he or she is mine, I would gladly share or even take the responsibility.”
“Don't take this the wrong way, but then I wish it was yours. I'm not sure InuYasha's going to feel the same way.”
“How can you know if you don't ask?” Miroku stood up and looked down at her.
“You're right,” Kagome said, standing. “I need to talk to him before I make this decision. After all, maybe I'm not as alone as I feel.”
“You're not alone, Kagome. You have us,” Miroku said, walking off. Kagome stared at her shoes.
“Yes?” Miroku paused.
“Thank you.”
Miroku smiled. “Of course,” he said. Kagome stayed out under the moon for a while, hoping InuYasha would come to her so she wouldn't have to go find him. She lucked out, because he stepped out of the shadow of the trees a few minutes later.
“Hi, InuYasha,” Kagome said.
“Hi yourself,” he responded, walking over to her. He stepped up behind her and nervously touched her arms. When she didn't step away, he wrapped his arms around her. Kagome could feel the tension in the way he held her, afraid she would run away again. Kagome leaned back against him.
“Do you know what's been bothering me?” she asked, wondering if he could sense her pregnancy.
“No,” he answered. “Are you finally going to tell me?” Kagome sighed.
“I think I'm pregnant.” Kagome said quietly. InuYasha stiffened.
“That's what's been bugging you?”
“Did you know?” she asked.
“No. But… that's what happens when people… do what we did. I didn't know it would upset you.” InuYasha turned her around. “Why would you… if you didn't want a baby?” he asked angrily, as though it was her fault.
“I didn't think about it! I thought you'd have enough sense to know I can't get pregnant!” she shot back, her voice rising in anger.
“Why the hell would I think that? That doesn't make any sense!”
“I'm only fifteen!”
“So? Lots of women have babies when they are fifteen! And even if I did know, how was I supposed to keep you from getting pregnant?”
“By not… when I was… you know… able to get pregnant!”
“How am I supposed to know when that is? Shouldn't you know that?” he replied irritably.
“I don't know! I figured you could smell it or something! You're always complaining about my time of the month!”
“Well, yeah, because that's blood, stupid!”
“Don't call me stupid! Don't you think I feel bad enough already?” she yelled, tears forming. His expression changed and his ears went back.
“Wha-what are you… don't cry!” he yelled. “I don't want to make you cry!”
“Well I can't help it! You think I'm stupid!”
“You are stupid!” he yelled back.
“SIT BOY!” she shrieked, then sat on her heels, crying loudly. She ignored InuYasha's pitiful whimpers from where he had face-planted a few steps away. “How can you say things like that? Don't you care about me?”
“Of course I care,” InuYasha responded, speaking into the ground. After the spell wore off, he sat up and sighed. “I just don't understand why you're so upset over something that's supposed to happen. Why…” he struggled for a moment, then finally continued, “Why make love if you don't want children?”
“Because I love you!” she answered, then blushed. She had never said so out loud and to hear it… she suddenly worried that he might not feel the same. But his expression softened and he moved over to her, reaching out cautiously to touch her back.
“I love you, too,” he said. “I would never have asked if I didn't. I want you to be the mother of my children,” he said. She looked into his eyes, seeing the hurt there. “I never knew you didn't want to have my child.” He looked away, his ears drooping. “I can't blame you. I mean, I remember my mother crying for me, because she knew what it meant for me to be a hanyo. So I understand if you don't want to have hanyo children.”
“InuYasha,” Kagome said, shocked. She'd had no idea that's what he was thinking. She turned and hugged him. “I didn't mean it like that,” she said, wiping her tears on his haori. “I meant I'm not ready to have kids yet.” She stroked his hair, burying her fingers in it and laid her head on his shoulder. “I don't care that you're a hanyo. I wouldn't care that our children would be hanyo. But I don't want to lose everything I've worked so hard for.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“My education. I don't want to be just a mother. I want to be a veterinarian.”
“A what?”
“An animal doctor,” she explained. “It's what I want to be when I grow up. I want to help sick animals.”
“I didn't know that,” he said, touching her face. “But it makes sense. You're such a giving person,” he said. “I know I don't tell you a lot of things I should and I say a lot of things I shouldn't. But I do care for you, Kagome. And I do think you're pretty,” he muttered the last part.
“You do?” she asked, then beamed. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He was startled, but happily kissed her back. She sighed as she pulled back, and then turned so she was sitting with her back against his chest. “What should I do?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“About the baby? I mean, you are the father, so you should have a say in it, I suppose.”
“A say in what?”

“Whether I keep it or not.” Kagome felt InuYasha tense.
“What do you mean, `keep it'?”
“Well, I should have an abortion,” she said quietly. She felt his fingers dig into her arms.
“How can you say that?” he asked.
“People don't think of it the same way where I come from.”
“You're not killing our baby,” he said. “So stop worrying about it.”
“But how can I go to school with a baby?” she asked. He frowned and was quiet for a while.
“Can't I just take care of the baby while you're at school? I mean, I know it's weird, but if it's so important to you…”
“You would do that?” she asked.
“Yeah. Now can you stop running away every time I come near you?”
“Yeah,” she answered, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. A thought that she would still have to confront her mother and grandfather entered her mind, but she quickly pushed it away. If InuYasha was willing to help, everything would be alright. It had to be.
To be continued…