InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crossed Wires ❯ Testosterone Wars ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Possession is nine tenths of the law, so how much is it when you wish to possess?

Does wishing count? Please say yes, please, pretty please?

FINE! RT owns Inuyasha, happy now?

Crossed Wires

Chapter Seven - Testosterone Wars

"Where to?" the slayer asked tonelessly.

Kagome sighed and closed her eyes. She could go home but that would leave Sango alone to face the unreasonableness of the men, and give Inuyasha an excuse to follow her, "your village?" Sango nodded and whispered to the fire cat who banked slightly to the right.


Heavy hearted she smiled faintly for the little kit, "yea Shippo?"

"You and Sango okay?"

She allowed her smile to warm for the little demon before pulling him close in front of her, "sure."

Little paws wrapped around her fingers as the kit continued, "when you and Sango left, Inuyasha didn't go to Kikyo."


The kit shook his head, "they were so miserable."

Sango cast a long look back over her shoulder at the miko, then turned back to the front, "what makes you say that Shippo?"

The little fox demon wiggled close to his surrogate mother, "all they could talk about was getting back what was theirs."

Instead of reacting as he thought they would Shippo watched the miko and slayer's shoulders slump, "right."

"I mean.."

Kagome lightly placed her palm over the fox demon's lips, "it's okay Shippo"

He dodged as a fist full of sharp claws raked downward in the spot he had been occupying, "that all you got wolf boy?" Miroku snarled at the dark haired demon his staff braced across his chest.

"Come and see" sneered Isamu as he raced at the monk.

"Miroku!" Inuyasha jumped in front of the barreling wolf demon catching a shoulder in his stomach as the monk dropped the head of his staff, tripping the wolf prince taking a claw filled swipe at the dog demon's unprotected back.

Kouga flipped twisting to catch the descending staff aimed for the back of his head, as the half-demon kneed the wolf demon beneath the chin and brought his clasped hands down on the back of his neck.

Yanking the captured tip of the staff, the wolf prince pulled the monk off balance but not before the half-demon pushed away the moaning Isamu and leapt at Kouga.

The sound of wind whistling brushed by the wolf prince's face as the claws from the half-demon barely missed by millimeters.

"STOP. it!" Ren growled trying to help up a stunned Isamu as the monk off centered from the wolf prince's yank, barreled into Kouga and Inuyasha.

Birdsong filled the late afternoon as the shadows lengthened across the training ground of the demon slayer's deserted village. Low earthen mounds announced the coming of Spring with a blanket of bee decorated wild flowers. Across the roof of the one remaining habitable hut a wisteria crawled, it's white flowered clusters dangling, partially obscuring the doorway.

Pushing the clusters gently aside the slayer and miko entered and blinked against the gloom. Dust drifted in a shaft of sunlight from the window over the earthen stove, reminding the slayer and miko they hadn't eaten since the previous night. Sango's stomach rumbled, "I'll take Kirara and see if I can get some fish."

"…and I'll get a fire started." the miko offered releasing the fox demon from her arms to scamper across the floor.

Outside the toppling walls of the enclave just beyond the tree line a fur shrouded male stood in watchful silence.

"Let go of me!" the half-demon snarled as he fought Ginta and Hakkaku's grasp.

Across from him Kouga howled his anger in the restraint of two other wolf demons. While beyond the struggling men, the monk and Isamu found themselves similarly hampered as the she-wolf Ren stood in the middle of them growling angrily, "what the hell are you all doing?"

"Fighting for my mating right!" Isamu bellowed tugging against the ones restraining him.

"Mating right? Oh hell no, not my Sango!" the monk hissed unmoving between two hulking wolf demons.

"There was no mating mark" Isamu sneered, "so she's not your Sango, but she will be mine"

"Like hell!"

"That goes for Kagome too!" the half-demon snarled jerking from Ginta and Hakkahu's hands.

"Fuck you" growled Kouga yanking from the other demon's grasp but making no move to continue the fight.

"Men!" Ren threw up her hands and glared at the fighters. "Where are these women you're fighting over?"

Inuyasha's ears flicked, and lowered, "Miroku did they tell you were they were going?"

His anger filled eyes remained on the snarling face of the wolf prince.

Kouga glanced at Isamu, eyebrow arched in question. His expression darkened at the wolf demon's negative shake of his head.

Fingering his beads the monk watched the demons around them while moving close to the half-demon, "No."

"So let me get this straight, while you four were busily dispensing testosterone, you let the women you were fighting over leave and now you don't know where they are?" Ren huffed in disbelief before crossing her arms over her breasts.

"So that would make them, unprotected, alone, this close to nightfall…" Ren purposefully goaded, "…with your biggest enemy still on the loose somewhere nearby?"

She sneered. "I am so glad I'm mated if this is an example of what I would of had to choose from!"

Grabbing Miroku's arm Inuyasha growled, "let's go monk!"

As a whirlwind of dust erupted with a, "coming Isamu?"

Within the barest of moments, quiet, dust, and peace settled upon the mossy ground near the waterfall's pool as an incensed Ren, stomped back to the cave, "idiots!"

Night slipped over the enclave, darkening the shadows cast by the toppling walls. Within the small hut the girls, bundled beneath tattered blankets, slept as a lone owl called to it's mate.

Kirara - eyes wide - watched the shadows while beside her the little fox demon shivered, "you sense it too?"

A soft meow was his only answer before the fire cat stood and facing the door transformed. With a low growl she alerted the slayer who sitting up reached over and shook the miko awake.

"Ku ku ku.." a soft menacing voice whispered, "so beautiful, and so alone…"


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