InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dangerous Temptation ❯ Chosen ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rin walked through the castle, deep in thought and oblivious to the chaos around her. Servants were scurrying about, cleaning the floors, polishing priceless treasures, and preparing a massive feast. For what? Rin didn't know, nor did she care.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she realized something strange was going on, but her brain wasn't working properly, it hadn't clearly functioned since the night he kissed her.

The memory of the night came flooding back, the cool breeze of the wind, the silken caress of his hair, and the unforgettable feel of his lips on her own. Her lips tingled in response, even now, more than a week later; her body reacted, refusing to forget.

In her oblivion Rin nearly knocked over a young female servant who held a pile of linens in her arms. She quickly reached out to stable the young girl before the cloth fell to the ground. The servant mumbled her apologies and rushed off towards the wing of guest rooms.

Strange, was Sesshoumaru expecting quests? Rin absently wondered before turning back to the matter that plagued her mind. Her feet carried her through one of the endless corridors, the only one that was not filled with working servants. She wasn't too surprised when, after snapping out of her trance, she found herself standing in front of the door to Sesshoumaru's study.

Reaching out, Rin laid a hand on the massive door; she knew he was on the other side, sitting behind his desk, alone, as he always was. She sighed, what was it about him that made her simultaneously hate him and want to comfort him? As a child she would have rushed into the room and gleefully thrusted a tangle of flowers at him with a cheerful smile on her face. But now, as a woman her feelings had become more complicated, she couldn't hide behind innocence any longer. He had taken it from her hadn't he? That day he left her alone, the day he abandoned her and shown her what it was to hurt, that day he stripped her of her innocence and forced her to grow up.

But now, as she stood there, he heart screaming at her to go in and face him and her mind telling to run from the pain he would invariably inflict, she wished for the blind courage her naiveté gave her.

Rin turned from the room and went in search of the solitude of her room. With every step she despised the fact that he still affected her so deeply, resented the fact that he still made her feel so strongly. But most of all she hated herself, because with one kiss he had revived a long buried truth, one she had believed to be dead years ago.

How foolish she was. The truth was she still loved him, she always had.


Sesshoumaru sat at his desk, dozens of letters sat before him, demanding his attention and his time.

His eyes fell to the one on top, picking it up he began to read it only to throw it down in frustration moments later.

He couldn't concentrate; he couldn't stop thinking of her, of Rin.

Standing up suddenly in a rush of anger, he pushed away from his desk, knocking over his chair in the process; the sound of wood hitting wood reverberated through the quiet study.

He went to stand in front of the window, letting his gaze fall across the sweeping lands that made up his territory. Usually the magnificent sight calmed him, it was all his. But he would not be soothed this time.

It frustrated him that he couldn't tell what she was thinking, for the first time in his life he was unsure, and he did not like the feeling. What he was supposed to do now he had no idea, and she certainly wasn't helping. Since that night she had been wandering the castle in a deep state of contemplation. He took a small amount of pleasure in the fact that he had put her in such a state. But he was growing impatient, he knew what he wanted. Granted his stubbornness and pride had refused to allow him to see it before, but he knew now.

He wanted Rin, and he always got what he wanted.

This little "ball" that he was planning at the moment had not been his idea. It had been forced upon by the other Lords who insisted that he mate, after all, he had waited an extraordinary amount of time to do so. Some of them hoped that a mate would quell some of his more ruthless tendencies; some of them hoped that once he began producing pups he would less inclined to seek out more land for his territory. Whatever the reason, they had all banded together and threatened to attack.

Sesshoumaru did not like being threatened and he knew that he could have defeated the new alliance, but it simply wasn't worth it, nor was it in his interest to wage war at this particular time. So he had agreed to the ball. All the eligible female youkai would be in attendance.

His eyes narrowed at the thought of all the giggling girls who had repeatedly clamored for his attention in the past, as if he would chose some insipid female as his mate.

No, his choice had already been made, but the other Lords didn't need to know that.

His body tensed as the scent of lavenders and sunlight washed over him. She was standing right outside his door. He could smell the uncertainty, the longing, the sadness and the undercurrents of desire. Why did she not come in he wondered.

He resisted the urge to throw open the door in impatience as the minutes dragged on. But his pride refused to allow him to act first. The soft sound of her footsteps told him that she was walking away. He strode angrily to the door, ready to storm after her and force her to face him. But his hand stilled as it grasped the cold metal of the handle.

He laid his head against the door. Now was not the time.

But it would be soon, very soon he promised himself.


Rin walked through the spacious room, the emerald green of her kimono trailing behind her. She ignored the lingering glances of appreciative men and the venomous ones of jealous women.

Where the hell is he? She screamed angrily in her mind.

She should have known what he had been planning all week. She had seen the signs, but she had ignored them. Holding a ball to select a mate, she snorted, what a foolish idea.

Once she would have been hurt by the idea that he was seeking someone other than herself to become his mate. But now she was only enraged. Damnit! She knew he felt something for her and she wasn't going to let him run from it as he had done before. She was tired of being treated this way. It was going to end tonight.

She finally caught sight of him, the silver mane of hair catching her eye. She stalked over to where he stood, in the center of a bunch of drooling female youkai. Every girl in the room was tripping over herself fighting for his attention. Not that she could really blame them. After all, he was undeniable attractive and powerful. Who wouldn't want to be with him?

Rin stopped just beyond the circle of giggling girls and waited for Sesshoumaru to see her. When his gaze landed on hers she simply folded her arms across her chest, shot him a heated look, and walked out of the room and into the garden. He would follow her, her anger inciting his own. So she waited.

"Rin" said the voice behind her, demanding her attention. She whirled around, her cheeks flushed in fury.

"Were you even going to tell me?" She yelled, not bothering to specify what it was she was talking about. He knew what she was referring to.

"No" he said so calmly it only served to enrage her even more.

"Fine!" She yelled, "Go chose your mate, I hope she poisons you in your sleep." She spat at him as she walked away. She should have known better than to walk away from him.

He lashed out and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around until she was crushed against his chest. His arms circled her and held her in a vice like grip; there would be no leaving now.

He leaned to, his breath feathering across her cheeks and stirring her hair. She shivered when his mouth stopped near her ear.

"I have already chosen" he whispered seductively. Somehow Rin knew that whoever he had chosen she wasn't inside of the room they had both walked out of and that thought terrified her. Hope could sometimes be a terrifying feeling.

Author's Note: I'm sorry it took me so long to update. School has been pretty hectic….stupid finals!!!!! Plus I got wrapped up in another story after having encountered a serious case of writers block for this one. But no worries…a new chapter had arrived and the end is near! Enjoy….and thanks to all those who reviewed!!!

P.S. Because I feel bad that I took so long to update I am including an excerpt from the next and probably last chapter. Now that my creativity has finally returned my ideas for the way this story should end won't go away!

Excerpt from the next chapter… "Battle of The Heart: Love Always Wins": He ripped open his kimono, revealing the long, diagonal scar that still marred his chest. Rin's eyes widened in shock. Had she done that? "I never forgot Rin, I couldn't." He reached for her hand and placed it lightly on the scar she had left. Rin wasn't prepared for the words that he spoke next and she knew they would echo in her heart forever.