InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Death Shan't Do Us Part ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Death Shan't Do Us Part
The hound held his feet firmly on the ground as he watched his blade turn black. “Inuyasha, you mustn't try to acquire any more youki!” Miroku exclaimed, forcing himself onto his feet, “Your body would not be able to handle it!”
A shock struck the hound, making the half demon scream in pain. His arms trembled but he refused to bring it down. Reopening his eyes, he could see his foe preparing for a final attack. Behind the hound, Kagome laid barely conscious on the ground. Blood tainted the white of her uniform and her skirt had long lost its original emerald glaze. Gritting his teeth together, he begun to focus more upon his sword. The sword darkened further, almost pure black. Still, the hound held his ground, breathing heavily through his nostrils. “I won't let you…harm…another that's…important to me…EVER!” he hissed through his clenched teeth.
Naraku waved his arms open, releasing another round of poisonous gas. Putting his hands together, he began to focus as well. The shikon jewel began to glow in his chest, just under his chin. An orb formed between his palms.
The gas split into two as it glided toward Inuyasha, pushed away by the energy of the demon. His eyes began to get bloodshot and his pupils changed to a greenish-blue shade. Two purple stripes darkened on his cheeks and his claws lengthened.
“His changing into a full demon?” Sango gasped.
“Impossible,” Miroku swallowed, “He is still holding the Tessaiga!”
“You fall today Inuyasha!” Naraku shouted, unleashing the orb toward the hound.
“NARAKU!!” Inuyasha roared with hatred in his eyes and leapt toward the orb. His eyes twitched as a line formed in his vision. `Right here!' “Backlash Wave!” he swung his sword into the orb. Wind circled the hound, forming what appeared like a white barrier. He heard a crack from his sword.
“I won't let it end here!” he shouted again, pushing his sword further into the orb. The ground cratered underneath him and debris flew upward, some shattering as it hit the layer of wind that surrounded the hound.
Then, through the purple light of the jewel and the white light of the winds, a series of black tornadoes begun to form.
Miroku's eyes widened. “We have to get out of here Sango!” he turned to the girl as he picked up Kagome onto his shoulders. Sango nodded and the two jumped away as quickly as their numb legs still allowed them.
The earth shook under their feet and the crater created by the clash of attacks enlarged with a loud rump.
More tornados formed and circulated the area, creating a path of destruction behind. Then, all came concentrated back upon the blackened sword, and all fused into one giant spiral, it seemed to acquire further energy from Naraku's attack, changing its color to a glowing red. “IT ENDS HERE!” Inuyasha blasted, pushing his arms forward with sudden force.
The cyclone spiraled up toward Naraku, striking the demon directly into his chest. With a blinding explosion and the final scream of the evil demon, things began to settle with the dust.
Inuyasha landed on his feet, then immediately dashed toward his allies. Kneeling down beside the raven-haired girl, he brought her head up and pillowed it on his lap. “Kagome, wake up Kagome. It's all over now,” he said with a soft smile.
Kagome opened a crack through her eyelids, then smiled weakly. “Inu…yasha,” she whispered.
“It's so cold, why is it so cold?” she asked, her eyes beginning to fade.
“Hold on Kagome,” Inuyasha whispered, “Please.”
A warm sensation aroused the hound's hand he held under the girl's waist. It was blood. He turned to the girl with horror. “Inuyasha…am I…going to die?” Kagome looked up to his face.
The question dug deep into the half-demon's chest. “W..What are you talking about you stupid girl,” his voice quivered under the joking smile he managed to his face, “Of course not. You'll be fine and we'll all go home and…”
“You're a bad liar Inuyasha,” Kagome laughed softly.
“Damn it Kagome, don't say that!” he held the girl closer to him, his eyes returned to it original shade and tears began to roll silently down.
“I so sleepy Inuyasha,” Kagome said, momentarily closing her eyes.
“No, don't give up on me. Please, just hold on!” Inuyasha pulled her head to his chest.
“I didn't want to die yet,” Kagome looked to the hound in his eyes.
Inuyasha bit his teeth together and turned away.
“I was hoping to tell you…how much I loved you before I died,” she raised a hand a touched him on his face, brushing his tears away with a tired grin.
Then, the hand fell. Her eyes closed and with a final heave of breath, her muscles relaxed.
Miroku and Sango closed their eyes.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said, giving the limp girl a few shakes, “Come on Kagome. Wake up, come on KAGOME!!” He pulled her in even tighter, “I swear Kagome, that I'll get you back, even if it means I have to fight through the flames of the underworld, I will get you back!”
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