InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Deception ❯ the battle between good and evil ( Chapter 1 )

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The Battle Between Good and Evil
“Hehehehehehe,” laughed Narraku, clearly amazed at what little efforts it took to bring the gang down. Inuyasha and Kagome were still standing but nevertheless wounded horribly. The rest were unconscious.
“It's up to you now Akura,” narraku whispered to this unspotted mysterious girl behind him. Akura just nodded. She didn't even move a muscle or blink. By appearances, she was just an ordinary girl with black hair that came up to her shoulders. Her eyes were blank like that of kanna's or kohaku's. the only unusual part about her was that she held a crystal orb which had a white lily in it. Right after narraku had told her the instructions, she had disappeared into the surrounding darkness.
Inuyasha raised his sword about to perform the wind scar. Kagome drew her bow and casted aim at narraku. And that's when it all went wrong. Kagome aimed narraku and was going to fire an arrow at him, but she never got a chance to shoot it. In 30 seconds, Akura appeared beside kagome and scattered flower petals that the cat demons had used on her before. Before kagome could let her arrow go, she fell to the ground. Akura used her crystal ball and transported her, and kagome to narraku's castle. Right at that moment, narraku fled.
Inuyasha, not knowing that narraku had fled, gazed into the wind scar looking for kagome's sacred arrow. He did not see no hid or hair of it. Panicking, he looked around for kagome but she was gone.
“NO! KAGOME! WHERE ARE YOU?” he shouted in anxiety. Kirara, who had been watching the whole thing grunted but was unable to move. “did you see where she went kirara?” inuyasha questioned kirara hopefully. Kirara grunted and turned back to her small cat form as she was sincerely wounded.
Narraku's eerie voice filled the air.
“I have kagome and im going to keep her. She'll be at my castle. I shall await you inuyasha. I'll let you live a little bit longer.” And with that, he was gone and a sun shone up in the air.
Miroku, weak, but awake because of all the noise inuyasha made about kagome, and that hideous voice of narraku's, forced himself on his staff and staggered over to inuyasha.
“Somebody must have kidnapped her. I swear that I felt a strong wind blow in that area where she was standing,” said miroku.
“nevermind that! Kagome is kidnapped by narraku and we've got to get her back! Who knows what he will do to her!!” yelled inuyasha.
“even if we knew where narraku's castle was, it would be unwise to go attack now as we are all badly wounded. We'll never beat them in this condition!” reasoned miroku.
“we'll head back to kaeda's village and heal our wounds there.”
Inuyasha and mirouku fought their way to kaeda's village. They healed quickly and were always in a hurry as who knew what narraku would do with kagome.
“kagome will be a very useful person when it comes to inuyasha. Akura I hand this job over to you,” cackled narraku.