InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Deception ❯ inside narraku's castle ( Chapter 2 )

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Inside narraku's castle
Kagome woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room that was dimly lit. She looked around her and realized that somebody was watching her. She screamed and scrambled to a corner in the room.
“Finally awake are you?” sneered Narraku or otherwise a white baboon.
“Narraku! Where are Inuyasha and the others? What have you done with them?” questioned kagome.
“They are not here yet, but I assure you that they will be here sooner or later. In the meantime, why don't you stay here with a friend of mine so she can keep you company? Her name is Akura,” and with that, he was gone.
Kagome felt her back for some arrows and a bow but they were gone. She looked for the sacred jewel shards she carried with her and realized that they were still safe. She wondered why narraku didn't take them in the first place. Kagome looked around and spotted akura(who was looking at the other direction) .
“you're the one who transported me here aren't you? You separated me from my friends on Narraku's instructions didn't you? Take me back there!” screamed Kagome.
Akura turned around and said, “Kagome, look at this crystal orb I'm holding. Concentrate on the flower inside.”
Kagome looked at Akura who look very much like Kanna. She tried to look away but something about Akura couldn't make her look away. It was as if Akura had supernatural powers that could glue Kagome's eyes onto her. Somebody from behind her pushed her head down just enough so that she was looking into the orb.
Nooooooooooo,” thought kagome in her head, and for the second time that day, she felt like she had fainted. Except this time it was different. As kagome stared at the orb, her body went out of her control. Her mind remained hers but lifeless like a stone. She felt herself being pulled down into water where she could still breathe but that was the least she could do. If somebody was to barge in, they would have seen that Kagome on her feet frozen and her eyes the color of Kohaku's.
An eerie voice of Akura's filled her surroundings, “Kagome, give me the jewel shards that you carry.”
This eerie voice echoed around and around the water which Kagome felt to be imprisoned in. She felt her own hand lift and grab the shikon jewel.
“Nooooooooooo,” she thought, “I will not give them to Narraku. You can resist her Kagome,” she said to herself, “ you know you can!!!!!”
“What's wrong?” said narraku as he went into the room to see how it was going.
“She is not responding,” said Akura who's orb was now a shade of blue.
“I knew she wasn't so easy to control, but the least we can do is to try and break her defense down a little and I know that you know exactly what to do. In the meantime, I have to help inuyasha find his way here so I can, or shall I say kagome, can finish him off. I'm willing to keep her as my personal slave here as she will prove useful to kill many. I'll leave you two alone. You know what to do Akura.” instructed Narraku.
Akura reached into a secret pocket in her kimono and took out some powder. She sprinkled it into the air onto kagome.
In kagome's head, she was brought to a scene where inuyasha and kikyo were togther. It seemed to kagome as if they were in love with each other. Kagome turned around and found that she was facing narraku who was leering at her.
“Give in Kagome,” he said, “ listen to Akura like a good girl.”
Kagome, uncomfortable now, turned around and saw inuyasha and kikyo again except that inuyasha was talking to her this time. “kagome, I've chosen kikyo. I have to leave you.”
“Don't say that,” said kagome to what she thought was inuyasha.
“Inuyasha,” said Miroku, “I advise you to use your nose.”
Inuyasha, who was already on the ground, said “look at me sprawled on the ground. What do you think I'm doing? Taking an afternoon nap?” growled inuyasha.
At that moment, the sky went dark and narraku appeared in front of them as a white baboon.
“heheheh, inuyasha. Looking for kagome aren't you?” cackled narraku.
Inuyasha drew his sword and was about to perform the windscar at him again when miroku whispered in his ear, “follow him to his castle instead of killing him. You know that he's a puppet.”
The puppet baboon looked behind him and sneered. They were falling right into his trap.