InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon's Seeker ❯ Tragedy Strikes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Demon's Seeker
Chapter 1- Tragedy Strikes
She was part of the dark, never truly seen, never truly known. To the police force she was known as Seeker. For she seeks the death of demons, one in particular. She was part of the night, part of a force that was seen and yet unseen.
And so she remained part of the dark, and yet she had a normal life as well. A life where all her friends knew her as Kagome Higurashi, a life that held no hunting demons, a life that was almost normal.
Kagome stood on the top of a rooftop, looking down as the young woman ran from the demon pursuing her. Kagome had on a long black overcoat and both her hands were hidden within the deep pockets, she withdrew her hand from one of the pockets and looked at the small white square of paper that she held in her hand.
On it was drawn the symbol of the Priestess, the one symbol that burnt the demons of hell, the demons who committed hideous crimes, and showed them the true meaning of the flames of Hell.
Kagome jumped off the roof, tucking her legs under her, she flipped in mid air and silently landed on her feet. She threw the piece of paper at the demon as it advanced on the young woman.
The demon screamed in pain as the charm burnt into it's back and shuddered, falling to the ground, giving the woman that it had been attacking time to go phone the police, but when she looked up to see who her savior had been, Kagome was gone.
* * * *
“ `And still the police are baffled by who this Seeker might be. At every scene that she has appeared at only a small fire charm of the priestesses is found.' I wonder who this Seeker could be. She's awfully brave to go against demons.” Sango sighed enviously as she folded the morning newspaper up at the school breakfast table.
“That must be why she keeps her name a secret. Doesn't want the demons to know her true name. And frankly I agree with her.” Meka said as she popped part of an egg into her mouth. Her brother Inuyasha sat down beside her, his eyes held a tired quality.
“I swear, dad is about to drive me up the wall. `Seeker' this and `Seeker' that! I mean come on! This girl is brave, but why do I have to hear about it every night and almost miss the bell every morning?” he asked with a groan.
Kagome went running past the table, balancing at least seven encyclopedias in her arms, she ran through the line, grabbed a pop tart and ran straight back past the table. Sango and Meka sighed.
“That poor girl.” Meka sighed shaking her head. Sango looked after her friend sadly.
“Yeah. That demon killed her family right in front of her eyes. And her sister disappeared, no one knows where she could be. She's been on her own ever since she was fifteen. At least her mom and dad had plenty of money left so that she could take care of herself.
“She even has a scar on her shoulder from the bullet that shot into her left shoulder. I've seen it whenever I stayed with her because Kohaku was so sick and mama and papa couldn't leave the hospital.” Sango sighed as she finished off the last of her own pop tart.
“Yeah, well we better get going, or Sensei Kasume will bawl us out.” Meka said standing up and going to throw her own tray away.
“Here, Sensei Harlan said you would be needing something to read and knowing you, you probably don't have a library book.” Sango tossed the folded newspaper at her boyfriend of three years, Miroku, who groaned in despair.
Inuyasha laughed slightly then froze as he heard a small cry of despair then several laughs that he recognized as Kagura's and Kanna's. He jumped up and ran out into the hallway and was angered to see Kagome sitting on the floor, her books surrounding her, Kagura had her hand held out, telling him without words exactly who had done the pushing.
“What are you doing?” he growled, his fists clenching at his sides, almost helplessly. Almost, but not quite, his claws glimmered as he brought his hand up. Kagura smirked at him.
“Ah...does the puppy wish to fight?” she asked, bringing her fan out and snapping it open. Kagome gasped, this was the one thing she hadn't wanted to happen. She couldn't help Inuyasha because then he would know that she was Seeker and tell his father who was on the police force.
`What am I going to do? Inuyasha will get put into in school if he starts a fight with that Wind Witch!' Kagome thought, she tried to stand up, but somebody pushed her back down, she saw that Kanna was smiling down at her.
“You're mine!” she said, pulling out her mirror. Kagome sighed, then stood up quickly and took off behind the corner, instantly she was in her other form. She stepped out from behind the corner, making sure that her face was hid by shadows.
“Quit this pettiness.” she commanded. Both Inuyasha and Kagura relaxed from their fighting positions as they saw Seeker. Kagome smirked as she saw Kanna staring at her in wide mouth astonishment.
She knew Kagura and Kanna feared her because their father was best friends with the demon that she had sworn as Seeker to hunt down and destroy. She wondered what they would think if they ever found out it was poor helpless little Kagome Higurashi.
“Where did that brat go?” Kanna tried to ask with arrogance but it came out more of a squeak than anything else.
“I ran into her in the hallway. She told me about this and I thought I would see what was going on. But if you ever try to hurt her, remember this, I'm always watching over my friends.” with that she went over to the window in the hallway and slid it open, she jumped, backward out of the window.
When Inuyasha looked out the window she was gone. Carefully he picked up Kagome's books, wondering where on Earth the girl could've gotten to.
`That girl is such an airhead. She'd forget her own head if it wasn't attached to her body!' he thought. And then she came running down the hallway her eyes glowing with apologies.
“I am such an airhead! Sensei Clemons would murderer me if I didn't take these with me to the library.” she took the books from him, a smile playing on her features. Inuyasha felt a warm feeling in his stomach, he liked to make Kagome smile, it always made him feel happy to know that he made her feel that way.
Kagome blushed at the look that Inuyasha was giving her, she gulped then ran off and down the stairs of the three story building, the cafeteria and the Health Classes were on the third floor, the Science and Math classes were on the second floor, part of the Library was also on the second floor, the rest of the classes and office were on the ground floor.
Kagome rushed into the second floor part of the Library and then flew down the Library steps, she placed the books on the Library desk and slumped to the floor, holding the stitch in her side, gasping for air.
“I see you made it. Would you please put these back on the shelves for me?” Sensei Clemons said handing Kagome another stack of books, only they were much smaller and much harder to balance. Kagome sighed and then set to work, wishing that she could use her powers and get it done faster but she couldn't.
She hummed a tune to herself that Kikyo had always sang when she had been working on homework, before everything in Kagome's life had been turned upside down. Kagome smiled fondly as she remembered how she would always come in and lay on Kikyo's bed just to hear her older sister sing.
Kikyo had seemed so happy, she had planned to marry her boyfriend of eight years, Kakeromoro, and become a nurse. Kagome closed her eyes as pain washed over her at the thought of her older sister no longer with her.
Kakeromoro had become silent, he never talked, and every time Kagome visited him at the hospital he would always take her hand and form the sign `N' with her fingers, which was the only time he ever showed a sign of life the doctors always told her.
Kakeromoro was no longer himself now that Kikyo was gone. Kagome wiped stubborn tears from her eyes at the thought. Her sister was probably dead just like the rest of her family.
Unbidden words from a song that her sister had wrote came to her mind. `My life seems to be part of...a world that loves nothing. My heart bids welcome to pain and my life screams for you. For you can save me from the dark that I have been thrown into, that I am forced to be a part of.'
Those words pushed Kagome over the edge. She dropped the books and ran out of the Library and fled to the bathroom, her eyes streaming with tears. She lodged herself in one of the stalls and slid to the floor, her back leaning against the door.
`Kikyo...where are you? I need you! You promised that you wouldn't abandon me! You...promised!' Kagome pulled her knees up to her chin and sobbed into them. She was alone in the world and she had to fight the entire world of demons.
She began to sob harder, her life was a joke. Someone up there really had to despise her to make her life such a living hell. She had only been fifteen when her family had been killed and Kikyo had seemed to fade from existence.
Kagome wiped the last of her tears away and opened the stall, she looked in the mirror and carefully wiped her tears away. She raised an eyebrow at the language written on the wall beside the mirror. Sighing she pulled her legendary fire charm, the one that Kikyo had once used when she had been `Seeker', and threw it on the wall. She smiled as the language literally melted off the wall.
`At least I did something good today.' she thought walking out of the bathroom. She walked back into the Library and sighed in relief when Sensei didn't ask why she had run out of the Library literally sobbing.
* * * *
Kagome walked down the streets with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru was Inuyasha's older brother, but he had always seemed cold and distance to Kagome, never showing his emotions to anyone.
Their little sister, Rin, was skipping ahead, holding hands with Sango and Kohaku's youngest brother, Shippo. The two were laughing and seemed to be having a good time.
“Hey, wait up!” they all turned to see a red headed Ayame dragging a reluctant Koga towards them, they could hear his complaints from where they were standing.
“Knowing them, they're going to the Library! And I don't want to go to the Library!” he cried as they came to a halt. Kagome laughed at her ex-boyfriend. They had broken up because she had known, with her special powers, that he and Ayame belonged together.
“Actually, we aren't going to the Library, we're going to the movies, because Rin and Shippo wanted to see a new movie that's out.” she said. Instantly Koga's sulky mood disappeared like someone would blow out a candle.
“Thank you! He's been sulky all day!” Ayame whispered to Kagome as they continued their journey to the theater. Kagome smiled and nodded.
Koga and Inuyasha had been best friends ever since they had been little and that was probably because they always fought, but it strengthened their friendship beyond measure. Kagome sighed and shook her head.
They entered the theater, but the movie couldn't hold Kagome's attention and quietly she left, and went up on the roof top of the building, she took a deep breath of the fresh night air and stretched.
She watched as the movie finally let out, and all of her friends walked out, evidently looking for her. She was about to jump down when an explosion caught her off guard, almost immediately she was in her Seeker form.
But before she could act, Sesshomaru was running at the demon, and her charm had already left her hand, the only other charm she used, the charm of death. She tried to stop it, but it hit him in the back.
`NO!' she thought as he froze, he looked back at her and she saw his eyes widen in surprise as he saw her face and realized who she was, then he fell to the ground, Kagome stumbled back, tears welling in her eyes.
`Oh, god...what have I done?' she thought. She threw a fire charm at the demon but when she turned to flee, she gasped. Inuyasha was there, his eyes glowing slightly red. Carefully Kagome kept her face hidden.
“ bitch! You killed him!” he growled, his eyes growing redder. She mustered up her normal Seeker personality so that he wouldn't know who she was.
“Stay out of my way...or I'll do the same to you.” she jumped off the building. Inuyasha was about to follow when two hands stopped him. One hand belonged to Koga the other Ayame.
“I'll kill her! I'll avenge my brother's death!” Inuyasha growled, his hands knotting into fists.
* * * *
`What have I become?!' Kagome sobbed silently as she sat on the balcony of her apartment. There was a sudden knocking on her door, she looked down at her apparel, and realized that she was still dressed as Seeker. She went over and as she did so her cloths changed back into her school uniform.
She opened the door and wasn't surprised to find an angry hanyou standing on her doorstep. She looked away in regret, not knowing how to tell him how to deal with Sesshomaru's death, she still was dealing with her family's death.
“You saw. You saw that damned hero take my brother down.” he hissed. Kagome stepped back as purple streaks formed on his cheekbones and his eyes turned permanently red.
His clawed hand came towards her, she cried out as it tore through her shirt and pierced her skin. The one man that always protected her from the bullies at school was attacking her.
“INUYASHA!” Koga grabbed Inuyasha from behind, his arms under Inuyasha's armpits holding the hanyou, now full youkai, immobile. Ayame ran to Kagome who was sitting on the floor holding her shoulder.
“Inuyasha! Snap out of it!” Kagome cried, tears pouring down her cheeks. Inuyasha's purple scars slowly began to fade and his eyes began to turn molten gold once more.
Koga let go when he had transformed all the way back into the normal acting Inuyasha. Ayame, took a good look at Kagome's shoulder and saw the scar that the girl had gotten from a bullet, when she touched the scar she gasped as Kagome's clothes began to change. Kagome jerked away and looked at Ayame, frightened.
“Inuyasha...go home.” Kagome said as she stood up. Inuyasha growled, but Koga put a restraining hand on his arm to keep him from retransforming.
“Tell me where Seeker is!” he growled. Kagome turned around, her once warm eyes, cold and unrelenting.
“GO HOME! I'll take care of Seeker myself!” she said. Inuyasha and Koga gasped as they were pushed out by an invisible force and the door shut in their face.
* * * *
Kagome and Ayame stared at each other for a few minutes. Ayame was amazed. Never in a thousand years would she have thought it possible.
“You're Seeker.” she stated.