InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon's Seeker ❯ Finding the Courage ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12- Finding the Courage
Kagome stood staring at the barrier that hid Naraku's castle, she closed her eyes and sighed, then walked towards the barrier, the others fell behind her and they walked through the barrier with ease, Kikyo was staying behind with Sesshomaru, they didn't trust Naraku to not pull his controlling stunt again.
Lesser demons were waiting for them at the gate, Koga was voted to accompany Kagome the rest of the way and so together they fought through the demons into the large building, where they found Kagura and Kanna waiting for them, Kagura snapped open her fan and Kanna raised her mirror.
“We don't have time for this!” Koga cried running foreword but he was blasted back by a gust of wind, Kagura laughed as the armor around his stomach broke, he and Ayame had wore the outfits of the wolf demons so that it would be easier for them to fight.
“Stand aside…I have to save Inuyasha!” Kagome cried, Kagura just laughed harder than she had before, then glared at Kagome before raising her fan.
“Inuyasha does not need to be saved….he will soon join you in death! Dance of Blades!” Kagome reacted without thought, she transformed and pulled out her death charm and threw it at Kagura who screamed as she turned into dust, Kagome turned to Kanna and found herself caught in the mirror's deadly glare.
“I don't think so!” Koga broke the mirror with his fist and Kagome gasped as Kanna burst into a thousand pieces of dust, Koga looked back at her and she nodded, but they didn't get to far, Inuyasha was waiting for them, but before Kagome could say anything he and Koga were fighting.
Kagome screamed as Inuyasha knocked Koga to the ground, but Koga stood up apparently receiving no injury, but he used his claws on Inuyasha causing a large wound appear on Inuyasha's shoulder and blood spurted up onto Inuyasha's face, Kagome jumped out of the way as Inuyasha crashed into the wall that she had been standing in front of.
She cried out as she was knocked to the floor as Inuyasha's gaze met hers and her soul started to flee her body, she felt tears welling in her eyes as Koga tackled Inuyasha to the ground, but Inuyasha blasted him to a wall, and stood back up his gaze locking onto Kagome's again, she let the tears flow.
“You have no choice but…to die.” he growled, she couldn't close her eyes as memories poured into her mind.
Flashbacks- (I like flashbacks, they're so fun to write…yeah right)
“I thought I told you to back off, Hentai!” Inuyasha growled at Miroku, raising his eight year old clawed hand up, Miroku laughed before backing away holding his hands up defensively, Kagome grabbed Inuyasha under the arm pits and held him immobile.
“Inuyasha! Stop acting like a kid! He was just being Miroku!” she cried, her face buried in his back, he shot her a look and sighed.
“Kagome, I am a kid, if you hadn't noticed, and you are to.” he pointed out; Kagome blinked, before laughing and letting go, a blush covering her cheeks.
“Bastard…don't you know that it's rude to hit girls?” fifteen year old Inuyasha growled slamming the boy into a locker and holding by the collar of his school jacket.
“Heh, what would you care, that girl is a pathetic fool…she's so stupid…like I said, pathetic.” Inuyasha gave a low growl as his face got close to the boy's his eyes shining with rage.
“One more time…one more time, Onigumo, and I swear you won't be around to see graduation.” he hissed, the boy laughed as though amused by the hanyou's anger.
“Pathetic.” he hissed back, Inuyasha punched him in the face and if Kagome hadn't pulled him away would have carried out his threat, he tried to get away from her, but she did the one thing she knew would keep him immobile, she grabbed his ear.
“Inuyasha, calm down, you've broke his nose already.” she said as the teachers lead him away, Inuyasha growled and tried to go after him but gave a small cry as Kagome tugged on his ear leading him to their history class.
“He called you pathetic!” he cried trying his best to escape, he heard her sigh before she let go and looked him in the eye, with tears in her eyes.
“I know…I was standing there, remember? He called me that when he hit me to.” she said pointing to the cheek that he had slapped, Inuyasha sighed and hugged her tightly before taking her hand and they went to class.
“Kagome…that bastard you are going out with…he was kissing Ayame!” Inuyasha growled barging into her apartment; Kagome gave a small squeak as she fell out of her chair at her kitchen counter.
“Huh?” she asked as he pulled her up and dragged her out of her home and down the street where Koga and Ayame were indeed locking lips, Kagome shook her head and dragged him back, he shot her a glare.
“Inuyasha…I know they're locking lips! I'm the one that set them up! Koga and I broke up almost two days ago!” she laughed as she landed on her couch, Inuyasha blinked then growled.
“Why didn't you tell me?!” he cried.
Next and Last-
“Inuyasha, you're my best friend, and as your best friend I'm asking you not to kill Onigumo.” Kagome said to the hanyou as he slammed the locker door shut, he looked at her angrily.
“He can beat up on me if he wants…but he will not get away with hitting you then having the gall to try and hit Rin, which resulted in you having that black eye because you protected her.” he hissed, Kagome grabbed his arm, her eyes pleading.
“I have someone that I know that can take care of this and she won't be expelled for…please…don't go after him!” she begged, finally Inuyasha sighed and nodded agreeing to do as she asked just this once.
`Inuyasha…is there anyway that I can get you back?' she thought as he raised his hand.