InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 28

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Dawn was breaking and standing where he had been since midnight, was Inuyasha. He leaned against the rail looking across the yard. His thoughts were drifting when he felt a pair of small warm hands slide under his shirt, up his back, and around his ribs. He sighed and relaxed at the feel of his mate's hands on his skin, her slight weight pressed against his back, and her scent as it washed over him.
“You didn't come back to bed.” Her voice was soft.
“I was thinking,” he answered as he turned in her arms.
“About what?” She asked giving him a smile.
He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. He loved the way she looked in the morning. Her hair tousled, her eyes still a bit sleepy, and the dawn light on her skin.
“About many things. Mostly about Shadara.”
“Shadara, why?” Her brow furrowed in confusion.
“I talked to her after I came down last night.” He sat and pulled Kagome into his lap.
“What did you two talk about?” She snuggled into his chest.
“She asked about my mother, she told me about her parents' deaths. She said that you're a good woman and that we are blessed to have each other.” He blushed. “She t-t-told me that I-I'm a good man.” He ducked his head.
“Oh Inuyasha, don't be embarrassed.” She smiled at him again and rubbed her nose against his jaw line. “You're the best man I know.” He blushed harder at her words as she slipped her arms around his neck.
“What else did she say?”
“That she would talk to me later. She said something strange.”
“She said she was going to explore the night with her bonded. Then she jumped the rail and disappeared. I wonder what she meant by it.”
“I'll ask Fawn about it later,” Kagome yawned and snuggled closer.
“Come on wench,” he stood with her in his arms, “let's put you back to bed.”
“Only if you come with me,” she kissed his neck.
“Keep doing that and I'll never let you get out of it.” He growled.
She giggled and did it again.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~
Kagome walked down the stairs and into the sun light. Her family and their new friends were gathered in the back yard.
“Hey Kagome,” Fawn called as she jogged over. “I was starting to think you were never coming out.”
“Sorry about that. The shower was wonderful and there was so much hot water. I couldn't resist.” She smiled when she saw Inuyasha roll his eyes. “Breakfast was wonderful. Thank you for leaving a plate out for me.”
“You're welcome. Inuyasha said that you weren't leaving the water anytime soon so I thought it would be best if I left you some.” The brunette smiled as they walked across the yard.
It was only a few steps over to Brook, Annie, and Sango. All three were kneeling in the grass weeding a large flower bed. Sango looked up as Kagome stepped up to her.
“Hey, so you finally decided to come out. About time.” She gave her sister a grin. “You should have been born a nymph. Are you sure you're not one in disguise?” She laughed and dodged as Kagome slapped at her shoulder.
“Hey Kagome, you didn't tell me you had a tattoo.” Fawn exclaimed as she stepped behind her. “It's beautiful what does it say?”
On the juncture of her neck and shoulder was the kanji for Inuyasha's name. Around those were four other words. They were all in red. Surrounding them were delicate blue and purple flames.
At Fawn's question she jumped, turned, and slapped her hand over the mark. When she felt the lines of the design her eyes widened and she looked at her mate.
“Inu- Inuyasha?” There was a question in her tone.
With a grace few could hope to achieve he rose from where he was sitting in the grass. The women watched as he strode across the yard like the predator he was. When he reached Kagome he gently pulled her hand away from her shoulder.
“I told you it would change,” his voice was deep and husky. “Did you expect it to look like a bite mark forever wench?” He asked smirking at her flashing a fang.
Brook, Fawn, and Annie looked at each other when he said `bite mark'. They quickly looked back to the couple. Shivering a little at the intense look in the hanyou's eyes.
“I forgot,” her voice was soft. Her chocolate eyes met his amber ones. “What does it say?” She shivered as he ran his claws over the mark.
“My name,” his claws traced each of the kanji. “Friend, love, home, everything you are to me. And this one says `mine'.” She laughed at that.
“You're so possessive. What does yours' say?”
He pulled his red t-shirt over his head and leaned forward a bit.
His mark was just like hers except the kanji were in blue and the flames were red and purple. She traced them with her finger tips.
“My name, friend, beloved protector, heart, and mine.” Her smile was radiant. “It seems we're both a bit possessive.”
“Damn right wench,” he growled and grabbed her by the waist pulling her to him. “No one will ever take you from me. No mangy wolf or weak human.”
“Kagome,” Fawn called, “what did he mean by bite mark?”
She turned and saw the worried look on Fawn's face. She flashed a reassuring grin.
“When Inu Youkai take a mate they mark each other. They stand together and bite the others shoulder drawing blood.”
Fawn, Brook, and Annie cringed. Kagome chuckled at their expressions.
“As the couple is doing that they reach for each other with their Youki. In our case Inuyasha reached for me with his Youki and I reached for him with my miko powers. Anyway if the couple is meant to be their auras and powers merge, their souls are bound together, and the weaker partners life span matches the stronger'.”
“That's cool,” Fawn was smiling now. “The biting part is totally weird but the rest is cool. Our people do something similar with their mates and…” She was cut off by Shippo's yell.
“PAPA, PAPA!” He called as he ran across the yard from where he had been playing at the edge of the trees.
He was still a good fifteen feet from Inuyasha when he launched himself into the air. The hanyou darted forward, grabbed the boy, turned, and in a flash deposited him in his mother's arms.
“What's wrong runt?” His tone was gentle.
“There's something in the woods. I smelled blood.” He was shaking and buried his face in Kagome's hair.
Fawn and her sisters watched as the silver haired man lifted his head and took a deep breath, pulling the air in through his nose. They were startled by his vicious and feral growl.
“Everyone back!” Inuyasha snapped. “I've got it now. Blood and a lot of it.”
“What's it from?” Miroku asked.
“I don't know I've never smelled it before.” His voice was deeper than before.
“Inuyasha where's Tessaiga?” Kagome's voice was worried.
When he turned toward her she heard Brook gasp at the sight of the dark purple stripes on his cheeks.
“In our room.” He growled. “I'm okay though. I won't lose it.” He turned back toward the tree line. As he stepped forward he sniffed again this time catching a different scent nearly covered by the blood.
“Oi Brook.”
“It's your pack leader. And I don't think any of the blood is hers.” He felt a pulse. It was similar to what Shadara had shown him last night. This time though it was laced with an incomprehensible rage. “FUCK!” He spun, ran to his mate, and called out.
“Brace yourselves! She's pissed and about to blow!” He pulled Kagome into his arms.
Brook's eyes widened at his words, then she felt the pulsing, and she knew he was right.
“Fawn, Annie!” She yelled. “Protocol!”
The two girls ran for the deck as Brook stepped over to the brick patio. They were soon standing behind her. Fawn held a blanket and Annie a long black robe.
Everyone focused on the forest waiting.
With the fluid grace of a hunting cat Shadara strode out of the trees. Her hair pulled into a high pony tail. Her sword in her hand and her white clothes drenched in blood.
With the force of a tidal wave her rage and power crashed over them.
Brook was the only one left standing. Everyone else had been driven to their knees.
Shadara moved smoothly across the yard. Rage expressed by her very being. Her eyes were black, her face stony, and the silver in her hair glowed.
Inuyasha and his family watched as she approached her friends. They all wondered what could have angered the shifter so. And what would be needed to calm her again.
For a split second Brook was afraid. She knew that something horrible had to have happened for Shadara to have lost control this way. She waited until the bloodied woman stopped in front of her before she dropped her head and spoke.
“Lady Slayer what has happened?” She held to protocol even though she wanted to hug her friend.
Shadara growled. Damn it! She had frightened them. She knew coming here in this state had been a foolish idea. But she needed their comfort.
“No court bull shit Brook!” She snarled.
Brooks head snapped up.
“Holly what happened?”
Shadara began to tremble.
“They sent a patrol to push our borders.” Her voice was rough.
“How many?” The red head asked.
“Thirty.” Brook gasp at her reply.
“So many. Are you wounded?”
“My bonded is hale. A small gash on his shoulder is all. His mate cares for him.”
“I had feared worse from your mood. They have pushed before what is so different this time?”
“They sent their young this time!” Shadara bellowed. “Young ones Brook! Every one of them less than a century old! The entire patrol were untrained, unseasoned, the only thing they knew was the hate they had been taught. The evil of their world.
“They were already twisted beyond saving. But they were so young! I could not do it; I could not slay the last two.” Her hands were shaking. “The blood, the blood, I have shed the blood of young ones now. I have cut short lives that should have spanned centuries. Oh god Brook, what have I done?” Her voice was rough and filled with horror. “I have to get the blood off of me.” She threw her van braces down and shrugged out of the harness that held her sword to her back.
She pulled her dagger, cut her belt, and pulled it off. It joined the pile of leather. She then ripped her outer shirt off. The absent long sleeve revealing a blood stained tank top. Next she kicked her boots into the pile. These were quickly followed by her jeans which she also cut away.
“Burn all but my weapons.” Her voice was now an emotionless void.
She sank to her knees and curled in on herself.
Brook turned the nearby hose on, pulled it over, and signaled to the others to hold up the blanket. Once Shadara was hidden, Brook cut away the rest of her clothes and started to wash away the blood.
Kagome was doing her best to sooth Shippo. She didn't understand why her son was so attached to the shifter but she accepted that he loved the woman. And now he was distraught at her condition.
“Give him to me.” Inuyasha's rough voice was quiet.
She looked over her shoulder at him a question in her eyes.
“Give him to me and see if there's anything you can do to help her.”
She smiled at him and stood. Gently she placed the crying child into his arms. Shippo grabbed a hold of Inuyasha's hair with one hand, the rosary with the other, and buried his face into his neck.
As Kagome walked toward where Brook was helping her friend she didn't know how she could help. She just knew she had to try.
Sango held tight to Miroku's hand as they watched Kagome.
“Oh kami,” she breathed. “She's so broken Miroku. I don't know if there is anything even Kagome can do to help her.”
“All she can do is try, my love. And we'll be right here to help if we're needed.”
Sango nodded at his words.
Fawn felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and was met by Kagome's concerned dark brown eyes.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Yeah, could you start the fire? There's already one laid in the fire pit over there.” She nodded off to the right.
“I can do that,” she answered with a smile.
She quickly found the matches next to the pit and lit the fire. Within a couple of minutes the dry wood was blazing. She turned to see if there was anything else she could do. As she did Brook took the robe from Annie. Seconds later the blanket had been dropped.
There stood Shadara. With the sunlight shining off her wet hair, clutching the robe shut, and a dark look in her eyes.
Brook picked up the bloodied things and quickly dumped them onto the fire. As it started to smoke heavily and struggle to burn Shadara stepped forward. Her black eyes focused on the stuttering blaze.
“Back away.” Her cold voice ordered.
Kagome jumped at the sound and scrambled away from the pit.
With the silver in her hair and her eyes glowing, Shadara focused. Suddenly the fire raged into an inferno. Within seconds all the wood, clothing, and leather was gone. She then turned and headed for the house. Her bare feet silent on the wet bricks.
“Weapons, field, fifteen minutes.” With that she fled up the stairs and through the doors.
Brook sighed and rubbed a hand over her face.
“We're in for the ass kicking of the century.”
“She won't hurt you will she?” Miroku asked.
“No,” Annie answered. “But we're going to be exhausted by the time this is over.”
“Hey you guys wouldn't know how to fight would you?” Brook inquired.
“Yes, we all can. We brought our weapons as well.” The monk answered.
“Good you can help us calm her down. Maybe we'll have the upper hand for once.” Fawn smiled.
“Huh, in Holly's words, not bloody likely.” Brook groused. “We'd better get going.”