InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dew Drops ❯ Baby's Drum ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Theme: Heartbreak
Title: Baby's Drum
My heart beats like a baby's drum, out of tune and most likely broken. Frayed on the edges from too much use, and useless items jingling around inside. Holes on the top made from little hands jamming too much hurt inside, and letting all the good fly out. Cast aside, underneath the dolls and bears, to wait out eternity until a kind soul comes by to put me out of my misery.
My heart is the baby's drum, and you are the violent toddler. Every moment spent with you is pure pain. At first though, it was nice. The way you would rub across the surface, the little pats you would give, you could make my heart beat softly underneath your hand. You grew too rough.
Another person came along, and he showed you how to rip me apart. He ripped the first hole, and filled me up with the most pain. He caused you to betray me.
Now I am hollow, filled only with the regret and pain you gave me. My heart doesn't beat like before. It cannot make the sweet sounds you grew to adore; it's hollow and broken.
Like a baby's drum.
A/N: Care to take a guess at whose point of view this is from?