InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Hanyou For Birthday: Part 2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 7

Hanyou For Birthday: Part 2

1. Thank god! I thought I’d go crazy if it were! And no, in this story, the Shikon jewel does not shatter.

2. -comical tears- Thank you so much for the reviews! I feel a little better now!!

“Bitch!” He growled out. “I don’t want to waste my time with a mere human, like you.” He sneered and turned his attention to the old woman.

‘Her scent…So familiar…She’s…She’s…’ His eyes widened in surprised, as who she was clicked.

“Kaede…” The woman faltered in her stance, but, she held strong.

“Aye, Inuyasha. It is me. How is it ye be back? My dear sister Kikyou did not set you free…How is it ye are?”

He seemed to calm at knowing who the woman was. He knew Kaede would never hurt him; he was like an older brother to the girl. Now, however, she seemed like the older of the two; looks only, of course.

“This…wench did!” He vaguely waved his clawed hand in the direction of the fuming girl.

“Excuse me! I will tell you this one more time and one time only! My name is KAGOME!!!” She screamed so loudly, that birds flew from the area and the hanyou winced from the volume.

He leapt at her and was yelling something about her making him go deaf. It was quite funny if one would only be walking by; to see a hanyou leaping like the dog he was on a girl in funny clothing. Kaede, using quick thinking, threw a subjugation necklace to the girl.

“Quick child! Ye need to place it around his neck and say a word of subjugation! Any word! Quick child!”

The girl, not questioning, did as she was told. As Inuyasha came close enough, she threw the charm around his neck, and screamed the first thing that came to her mind.

“Sit!” Defensively, she threw her arms over herself as the hanyou cam crashing to the ground. Startled, his face smacked against her knees.

“Uhn…What the hell is this thing?” Once the magic of the charm had worn off, he moved to a kneeling position; trying to take the necklace off. It wouldn’t come. Then, memory hit. He cursed loudly upon realizing what it was. He put his hands in his sleeves in a pouting fashion, causing Kagome to laugh as she was walking away. By the time he had looked up, the girls had already started heading towards the village.

Along the way, Kaede got into deep discussion that carried well into the night (in Kaede’s hut).

During the discussion was when they discovered Kagome was indeed the reincarnation of the deceased miko, Kikyou. After Inuyasha put in the fact that she blasted him with something, they knew she was a miko; further proving the fact. The looks, the powers, the Shikon jewel, and being able to free Inuyasha; there was no doubt who she was.

“Kagome, ye must take the jewel to Tenshi. I know not where she resides…Yet I do know that she and only she will be able to care for the jewel. After my sister Kikyou, she was the next greatest miko…” The girl nodded her head in understanding and continued to focus her attention on the old miko.

“Good. Now, ye will need Inuyasha’s help.” Both teens’ eyes widened. They both screamed ‘No!’ at the same time before blushing and glaring at one another. Completely embarrassed that they both yelled that they didn’t want to work with each other at the same time.

“I know ye both didn’t start off on the right foot…But ye need each other…Inuyasha, without the girl, ye would surely be an outcast once more…” A pained expression crossed the hanyou’s features, going unnoticed by the woman, but defiantly noticed by the young girl.

‘He was an outcast?’

“And ye, Kagome, will need Inuyasha’s protection.” He snorted at the mere notion of protection a human (save for Kikyou whom he loved).

“I ain’t helping her!” The old woman gave him a stern look and pulled him out the door to have a private conversation.

‘From what all I can gather…He and this Kikyou woman, were in love…And he injured her when he was not in control of himself…She sealed him to the tree, then died…Kaede is her younger sister, and a miko like she was…And I am apparently Kikyou’s reincarnation…He’s a hanyou…which is half demon…And apparently he’s old- in human years, not demon…’ She sighed and rubbed her temples. ‘I really should have listened to gramps…’ She shook her head and sighed again. The sound of the two entering the hut caused her to once again focus her attention on them. Her eyes locked with the amber-gold ones of the hanyou. Silently, telling her, that he would in fact protect her, with his eyes, and the nod of his head. She nodded her head in return, all the while wondering what Kaede could have said to him to make him comply.

“Now, Kagome, ye need to get out of those clothes…And are ye bleeding?” The old woman rushed to her side and began fussing over her.

That night the girl lay on a mat on the floor with a thin cover over her. She didn’t know of the amber eyes staring at her through the darkness, in a world all his own. Thoughts of Kikyou and her floating through his head.

She fell asleep that night with thoughts drifting through her mind.

‘Today was actually a great day…I got a hanyou for my birthday! Hehe!’

This chapter and the next took a LOT of concentration. I had so many distractions it wasn’t even funny! It took a long while to write this chapter and the next, before I realized it was too long, and I had to cut it in two.

1. Do I seem like I don’t have a life? I mean all I do is sit on my ass all day and write…Does that mean I don’t have a life?

2. Does anyone have any good Inuyasha and Kagome stories? I’m bored and need to read more.

PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Updates will cease until I am satisfied with a good number of reviews. Thank you. =)

*.<-~Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid~->.*