InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Boyfriend? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 8


1. Yeah…I guess you’re all right…

2. I thank you! I did find a story that occupied my time while I tried to think of this chapter.

Oh, and to Alexa (because I’m too lazy to write you an email…), I’m so glad that you like my stories!!! It makes me feel special!

“Shit!” The girl woke with a start, wide-eyed and hair tousled. The hanyou poked his damp head into the hut.

“Oi, wench, what’s wrong?” He questioned, blinking his beautiful amber orbs.

She blushed upon realized the unneeded attention she brought upon herself.

“Well…I forgot that my family probably thinks I’m missing…Do you think you could take me home?” He opened his mouth to say ‘no’, but a rock thrown at, and effectively hitting, his head, caused him to mumble a reluctant ‘yes’.

“Great!” She was positively beaming, “Now, have some decency and leave so I can change.”

“Why should I?” She looked appalled. “It’s not like you have anything to hide…” From appalled to red-with-fury, she clenched her hands into fists at her sides.

“Sit boy! Sit! Sit! Sit!” His body slammed into the ground with each heated word. A twang of guilt hit him as he caught whiff of her oncoming tears. Even after the spell had worn off, he didn’t move.

‘She is Kikyou’s- NO! Don’t think like that! She’s nothing like Kikyou…No one will ever-’

“Come on Inuyasha!” The girl refused to look at him, but held her hand out for him. He scoffed and picked himself up.

“Wench, I don’t need your help.” She tried to calm her nerves by slowly counting to ten with her eyes closed.

“Huh?” She cautiously opened one eye. What she saw: The silver-haired hanyou with dog appendages crouched on the ground.

“I said, ‘Get on.’” Agitation was evident in his voice, leaving no room for argument.

Hesitantly she situated herself on the boy’s back. Feeling quite odd, I might add. A blush spread across her face at the close proximity of the guy. And the fact that his hands were on her thighs, hold her to him, only deepened her blush.

None of her embarrassment and discomfort went unbeknown by the hanyou. ‘What the hell is she blushing so much for? I don’t get it…’ He allowed a confused look to cross his features and jumped in the well as she told him to. He was so lost in his own thoughts he missed the beauty of the time travel. Hell, he didn’t even notice. That is, until, the loud sounds and overwhelming scents that assaulted his senses. He fell to the ground in agony, taking the girl with him. She let out a startled ‘eep’ as he landed on her.

“Get off!” She managed to huff out at him.

He quickly complied and they set off towards the shrine, with him looking at everything in confusion and wonderment.

“Come on, I’ll explain everything later.” She grabbed his hand and hastily led him into the shrine.

“Mom? I’m home!” She called out timidly, fearing her punishment.

“Oh, honey, I’m so glad! Did you have a good time with your friends?” She entered the room and smiled kindly down at her daughter.

“And who is this handsome young man, with the funny costume, you brought with you? Did you two hook up at the party? Is he your new boyfriend?”

“Kagome, what’s a boyfriend?”

I was very pleased with the reviews for that chapter, only one away from what I was expecting. Therefore, I will be expecting more for the next chapter.

1. Does anyone watch adult swim on Tuesdays? If so, message me, I’m in a bit of a crisis!!

2. I need some more good Inuyasha and Kagome stories…So if any of you readers out there have any, or would kindly recommend some…Could you please?

Updates will cease until I am satisfied with a good number of reviews. Thank you.

*.<-~Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid~->.*