InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Kitsune ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 12


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

To clear up any confusion: It’s the next day; they know each other’s names and whatnot.

The hanyou sat in a tree, his grumbling could be heard by the two females and the nekomata youkai sitting around the fire. The taijiya scooted closer to the miko and whispered in her ear, “Is he always so moody?” Her eyes widened and she stifled a giggle; she whispered in response.

“For as long as I’ve known him…Yes.” They laughed and the nekomata mewed. They turned their heads in her direction.

She really was a magnificent sight. Kirara was cream colored with black paws, black ears, and black on her two tails and a black diamond/star on her forehead. She had brilliant orange eyes and fluff on her chest. To add to it, she could transform into a fierce, fighting, tiger-like feline.

“Hey, wenches!” The hanyou growled from the tree he was perched in. “I can here you, ya know.”

The two said ‘wenches’ pretended they hadn’t heard the hanyou as he continued to rant on-and-on about this and that; boring things, actually. He leapt down to their level upon realizing they were paying him no mind.

“Hey-” Sango stood up with her Hiraikotsu and looked towards the woods.

“I sense a demon.” Kirara transformed in an engulfment of flames.

“Well…Inuyasha is-” Kagome tried to input, thinking it was only the inuhanyou the girl had been sensing.

She shook her head and frowned. “No, I mean I sense a full demon.” Inuyasha scoffed at once again being reminded he was only but half.

Sango determinedly walked towards the woods with Kirara following obediently behind. Cautiously she crept forward, not making a sound, with her giant boomerang poised, ready to fling.

She gradually pulled back leaves of a shrub and nearly dropped her Hiraikotsu; she stood taken aback.

Kagome and Inuyasha watched on in interest. What had made the taijiya falter? They didn’t know. The hanyou was by her side in a minute, peering over her shoulder. The miko couldn’t read their facial expressions from where she stood, behind them, so she, too, crept forwards. She cooed at the sight.

Laying in an indent of brush was a small kitsune. He was wearing a pale blue top with white leaves, dark blue bottoms, and a tan vest. He had a bow in his auburn hair and a tan poofy tail. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Their breaths hitched in their throats, fearing they might awaken him. Instantly Kagome’s heart leapt out to the young lad.

‘Where are his mother and father? Why is this young boy alone in the woods? I know this is the Feudal Era…But someone couldn’t be so careless as to leave his or her child alone…Could they? Oh the poor thing!!’

A mutter softly escaped from the kitsune’s throat. He moved in his slumber before he froze in place. Had he sensed them? Yes. His tiny nose moved in a sniffing motion and he slowly cracked an eye open at the four. In the blink of an eye, he bolted towards a nearby tree; but not before the hanyou caught him by the tail, preventing him from running.

“Hey, runt, where’re your parents?” The kitsune glared at Inuyasha.

“That’s none of yer business. Put me down!!” He squirmed helplessly before the miko came to his rescue.

“Inuyasha! Put the poor little guy down! Come here…” She picked up the kitsune that said hanyou had so loving ‘placed’ on the ground. She cradled him in her arms and rocked him back and forth, as if he were a baby. She cooed and waggled her finger in front of his face. He giggled happily, already liking the woman that was acting as if she were his own mother.

‘Mother…’ His expression saddened and she wondered if she had done something wrong.

“Hey, Kagome, I’m going to go find a hot spring to bathe in. I’ll be back in a little while.” Sango and a small Kirara went off in search of said water spring.

“Okay!” She waved after her newfound female companion. She turned her attention to Inuyasha, whom was being unusually quiet.

I’m so sorry for cutting it off here, but I have to get this up before 11:00p.m. I have to be in bed by then and it’s 10:54. I’m leaving in the morning for band camp…..Sorry! I’ll work on trying to introduce Miroku while I’m there. Please review!!!!!! I’m so sorry for the long wait and then this crappy short chapter. But hey! At least Shippou’s here now!
