InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ The Monk Hits It Off ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 13

The Monk Hits It Off

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

I’m back from band camp, and back to writing.

A high-pitched feminine scream could be heard ringing throughout the forest. All eyes darted towards the direction from whence the sound came.

“Sango…” A wide, fearful expression appeared on the young girl’s face upon realizing the danger her friend could possibly be in.

“Get on.” She glanced in uncertainty. In her line of vision, there was red. She furrowed her brow before realizing it was Inuyasha’s backside. She quickly complied with his previous command, with Shippou between her and the hanyou. They sped of in the direction of the scream.

“You pervert!!! What are you doing here!?” She tried to cover herself at the thought of some man, whom she wasn’t married to, seeing her body. She threw a nearby rock at the young man; successfully hitting him in the face.

“I’m sorry!” Said boy held his hand over his face and tried to cover himself from the ambush of rocks flying at him.

Suddenly, he was picked up by the collars of his robes and held above the ground.

“Oi, hentai, what are ya doin’ peepin’ in on Sango?” A gruff voice from behind him, led him to believe that this was the man of the woman in the hot spring.

“Look man, I didn’t meant to barge in on your woman…” the hanyou’s eyes narrowed; He already did not like this man.

“She is NOT my woman!”

‘Really? Then why is he traveling with her…’ The man, whom was obviously a monk, was thoroughly confused. Kagome peered over the hanyou’s shoulder at the monk, as Shippou ran off after a butterfly, followed shortly by Kirara.

“Hi!” She waved and smiled brightly. “My name is Kagome, what’s yours?” Inuyasha dropped him and turned around.

“Where the hell do you get off being so damn friendly with him!? He’s a pervert!! Would you be nicer to me if I were one too!?” She put her hands on her hips and frowned at him.

“He said he was sorry! I heard him! And I don’t think you even know how to be a perv!” He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“I don’t?” ‘Well I hope that wasn’t a challenge…’

She screamed and spun around. Standing behind her, somehow, was the hentai monk. He looked completely innocent, averting eyes, and whistling.

“See! He is a pervert!” Sango angrily stomped over to the rest, fully clothed. She grabbed Kagome’s hand and yanked her away.

Inuyasha, not entirely sure what was going on, growled. “Did you touch her!?”

The monk laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “I well…uhh…” ‘So that must be his woman…? But I sense spiritual powers from her…Why would she be with a demon?’

“Are you a miko?” She looked surprised.


“Hey! Don’t change the subject! I asked you if you touched her!?” Shippou, the sweet little kitsune he is, came scampering up, jumping into Kagome’s arms.

“I seen the whole thing! He grabbed Kagome’s butt!!” Ah, how the innocent don’t lie.

“He did.” Kagome nodded her head vigorously.

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles. “If you ever touch her again, I swear I’ll rip your heart out.” Kagome blushed, embarrassed.

“Inuyasha…Sit boy.” The hanyou yelped as his enchanted beads pulled him to the ground.

“So, as I was saying, my name is Kagome. That jerk is Inuyasha, the little cutie is Shippou.” He grinned bashfully from the protection of her arms and Sango only sent a death glare his way. “The neko is Kirara. Who are you?” She smiled brightly.

“Uhh…” He was still stunned by how she could just send him to the ground. “M-Miroku. Pleased to meet you.”

“Hands to yourself monk.” Inuyasha stood up, brushing himself off. Quickly, he withdrew his outstretched hand.

Kagome rolled her eyes at the immature actions of the hanyou. “Miroku, where are you headed?”

“I am on a mission to find the great miko, Tenshi.” He bowed in respect of the woman’s name.

Kagome gasped and giggled giddily. “We are too!”

“Wait…You two are searching for Tenshi?!” Sango was incredulous. They never really discussed what they were up to…Just rather agreed to travel together and part when they came to their separate ways… “I’m searching for her…”

“You are!? Well…That’s so cool! I get to spend more time with you, Sango!” Kagome smiled happily and the taijiya smiled uneasily in return.

‘What is it that makes this girl so cheery? It’s weird…But her smiles kind of make me want to smile too…’

“Miroku, you should so come with us!! Would you!?” She clasped her hands together and widened her eyes in a pleading manner.

“Kagome!! What is the deal with you and asking for people to join us without consulting me!?” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away.

“Oh, come on, Inuyasha! You don’t like me, so I need to find people to keep me company!” She frowned and set Shippou on the ground.


“I think I missed something…” Sango whispered in Miroku’s ear.

“I don’t know…You’ve been here longer than I have.

“Just a coupla days.”

“Really!?” He raised his brows in surprise. “But it seems like you two are best friends, since forever…” Sango shrugged.

“She’s really friendly and easy to talk to…”


“HENTAI! !!” She picked up a branch and cracked him over the head.

Kagome and Inuyasha both looked at the two.

“Great…Just great…This is going to be one long trip.” He sighed and shook his head, walking back to their campsite.

Yeah, there’s Miroku for you all. I have the whole gang (yay), now I just have to figure out how to get Sesshomaru, the Tetsusaiga, Rin, Kohaku, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, and see if Kikyou comes back…….A lot of work….And then after I get everyone into the story, then, I have to have the little battles, and Kouga and Inuyasha fighting over Kagome….They have to find Tenshi, and as far as I know on that part it will be dramatic….Maybe comedy added in….Then they have to make their way home.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Please and thank you. I’m really working on trying to get longer and better chapters…But there are just so many distractions that I lose train of thought and forget my good ideas.

Please review. Thank you!!
