InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Wolves and Puppies Don't Mix ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 14

Wolves and Puppies Don’t Mix

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Excuse for not updating: I was working on Kagome’s Story (excuses are on that one). I deem that one more important, seeing as I know what to put in it, and I don’t know what to put in this one. T_T I’ve completely forgotten what train of thought I was on…Plus I don’t want to go back and read all the chapters over…So…Here are a few thoughts from everyone! : )

“Inuyasha!!” Yet another annoying plea interrupted his very important mental ranting. And yet again, he ignored them.

“Inuyasha!! We’re hungry!!” Still ignoring them. Will they ever learn? I mean, would you try to speak to a hardheaded pissed off hanyou?

“Inuyasha!!” A small voice from somewhere near the vicinity of his…shoulder!?

“What the hell!?” He nearly jumped four feet to the right in surprise. “When the fuck did you get there!?” He asked the kitsune, looking around for any threats that could have possibly slipped closer, since the little fox demon had.

“I’ve been sitting there for ever!!” The young kitsune whined and rubbed his grumbling tummy. “Can we please stop for food and camp? It’s almost dark.” Shippou pointed to the obviously darkening sky, completely stumping the hanyou.

‘Where had all the time gone?’

They set up camp, much to the delight of the near-to-starving travelers.

They had been traveling in a vague area to which they all had agreed on believing that the Miko Tenshi lived. That had gone a great distance, considering the pensive hanyou’s endless mind’s wandering. The group silently cursed the hanyou in their minds. Had to be so damn perfect, didn’t he?

Shortly after eating, the food was cleared away, and they were all dreaming on their pallets. All except for the still pondering hanyou.

He couldn’t help but wonder about his unexplainable jolts he felt when the miko touched him. At first, he had thought that it was her miko power reaching out to his impurities. However, he had realized that when he was around his prior love, whom had been a miko, he remember no jolts from her. That furthered his confusion. If it wasn’t her miko powers, then what could it be? He sighed and took flying off into the forest.

Running; something, that always made him feel better.

Kagome peeked her eyes open after sensing the lack of demonic power.

‘I may not have known Inuyasha for very long…But I’ve known him longer than any of the others…I declare that he isn’t acting like himself! I mean…He usually lets us stop for lunch and occasion breaks…But it was like he was in a completely other world! He didn’t even acknowledge our presences until Shippou spoke from his shoulder! I’ve never seen him so deep in thought…Maybe I should go check on him?’

She stood, letting the cover fall over Shippou and wrapped her arms around herself at the sudden coldness of the night. ‘Maybe I should just have stayed in the warmth of my cover? Nah.’ She shook her head and started walking into the woods following in the direction she had seen the hanyou take off. She silently-as-possible made her way through the darkened forest. She shuddered at the chillness of the night, and squeaked at every snapping twig. She nearly fell into a large crater in the ground when warm arms wrapped themselves around her waist.

She screamed and kicked at whoever was holding her. “Let go of me!” She seethed; secretly hoping it wasn’t a rabid youkai.

The deep voice whispering, “Shh…My woman shouldn’t fear me…”, didn’t do anything to calm her jittery nerves.

“Listen you-!!” She squealed in shock as the youkai holding her spun her around and crashed their lips against hers. Her eyes widened before narrowing in anger as she tried to push him away from her. However, his tight grip around her waist prevented her from doing so. She growled in frustration and beat against the wolf demon’s chest. Obviously causing no damage. How she hated Kouga right now…

“Let. Her. Go.” A low growl demanded from somewhere behind the wolf. Inuyasha stepped out of the shadows and growled lowly at the wolf again. “I said, let her go!” He raised his hand and cracked his knuckles, promising a threat.

Kouga turned to face him, Kagome still in his grasp. She glared up at him as she tried to wiggle her way away, only to result in him tightening his grasp. She sighed in frustration and picked up her knee, discreetly, and ramming it as hard as she could into his groin.

“Inuyasha!” She ran to him the minute Kouga dropped to the fetal position in pain. The hanyou bent down for her to get on her back. She scrambled on and they took off into the forest, twisting and weaving their way through, in hopes to make their train unknown. The even went so far as to pass a creek, ending their scents there.

Inuyasha’s grip tightened on her thighs and he leapt to the ground and stopped in a small clearing. When she slid off his back and was away from the body heat radiating off him, she was hit with the full brunt of the coldness once more.

Noticing her shivering he furrowed his brow at her. “Why do you wear those strange garbs in this weather?” It was strangely chilly for summer…? He noticed how revealing they were and couldn’t suppress an uncontrollable blush that stained his cheeks…

“I-” She expected a sarcastic remark to find it’s way out of her mouth, she found none and lowered her head. “I don’t know…”

“Here.” He responded gruffly as he wrapped his haori around her. She stared up at him questioningly and he only shrugged and turned around, squatting; his signal for her to get on his back.

‘Maybe being around all of us is making him less of an asshole? Oops! How did that word get- Argh! I’ve been around him too long!’ She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. The jolt that ran through his body went completely unnoticed by the girl causing it.

Sorry, for the shortness….I just really wanted to update before you all seek me out and torture me into writing…Not giving you any ideas though…heh…Anyway…I beg for your reviews! I want the number of reviews for this one to surpass Kagome’s Story. PLEASE!!??? -Puppy eyes-

Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid