InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Endings ❯ Informant ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~*A/N: There it is! Ha, caught you, you evasive little plot you! *winks* Didn't wait long to update just so I could get the plot rolling, but don't expect me to update this fast in the future, k? Hmm... *ponders* Not sure how I feel about the title yet... I think it's growing on me. I knew what I wanted to write, but am still unsure how to title it. Well, I'll take votes on whether or not you think it's suitable. Enjoy, minna!*~

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them, I just occupy their time with my silly little stories.

Chapter Two: Informant

They had finished eating, and Sango and Kagome had helped Kaede clean up while the males lounged in front of the hut. Everything having been cleaned and put away, Sango and Kagome grabbed their things and headed for the hot springs. Kaede had gone to visit someone in the village. Shippo was scribbling furiously with his precious crayons near the fire in Kaede's hut. Miroku sat cross-legged, hands on his knees and eyes closed, meditating. Inu-Yasha stood from his spot in the corner, reaching out to pull the mat aside from the door. Suddenly Miroku was next to him, a hand on his shoulder. "Are you going to check on the girls?" he asked eagerly.

"Keh," Inu-Yasha shrugged him off and continued out of the hut. He heard tell-tale footsteps following him and snorted.

"You know, I've mastered the art of sneaking to watch them bathe," Miroku confided, his voice a loud whisper.

Inu-Yasha spared a glance over his shoulder, his golden eyes humorous, "Really? Seems to me the last time you tried, Kirara was on guard duty and had you flattened to the ground before you got within shouting distance of the springs."

Miroku wore a hang-dog expression, slowing his pace. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he jogged to catch up to his friend. "But Kirara's curled up asleep in the hut with Shippo," he said, his eyebrow waggling mischievously.

"Kami-sama, why do I have to be the accomplice to a hentai?" Inu-Yasha asked the darkening sky. "For the last time, Miroku, no, I will not be spying on them. Remember what night it is?"

"Hai," Miroku nodded. "It is the night of the new moon." He smiled like a child that had answered a question correctly in class.

Inu-Yasha scowled like at him like an angry teacher. "And what happens on the night of the new moon?" he asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"Well, usually Kagome heads back to her time and you go lurk in the branches of the Goshinboku," Miroku replied, his expression showing that he didn't see Inu-Yasha's point.

"And WHY do I do that?!" he asked, even more irritated.

Miroku cast a glance around, greatful they had left the village and entered the forest. 'At least this arguement won't draw a crowd,' he thought, forgetting to answer his companion's question.

"Houshi!" Inu-Yasha ground out, clamping his hand on top the inattentive man's head, effectively halting him.

"Nani? What did I do now?" Miroku asked, attempting to free himself and failing.

"Baka, were you even listening to me?" Inu-Yasha fumed. He removed his hand, noticing with dismay that his claws were gone. 'Kuso, the sun must have set.'

Looking up and rubbing his offended head, Miroku noticed Inu-Yasha's hair in the dim light. Mainly, its color; it had gone black. His ears were now on the sides of his head instead of the top, where they belonged. 'I forgot,' Miroku thought, his face falling. "Gomen, Inu-Yasha," he said, bowing. "I had forgotten. If you want to be alone..." he stopped when Inu-Yasha interrupted him.

"Now how am I supposed to get up there?" Inu-Yasha asked the tree before him.

Miroku's gaze followed his companion's, realizing said tree was the Goshinboku. 'Guess he really can't just leap up like he usually does.'

"Well, since you ruined my plans for the night, I guess I could come with you," Inu-Yasha mumbled the last part, averting his gaze to the trees roots under his feet. Raven bangs hid dark violet eyes.

"With me?" Miroku puzzled slightly before realization smacked him upside the head. "Oh!" he exclaimed, clapping giddily. "You mean to spy on the girls, ne?" he asked quietly, elbowing his friend gently in the ribs.

Inu-Yasha smacked himself in the forehead, 'What was I thinking?!', then slid his hand down his face as he followed Miroku's disappearing form. "Damn ningen eyesight," he muttered to himself.

"Shhh," Miroku whispered, a finger going to his lips.

Even in the failing light, Inu-Yasha noted the twinkle in the other man's eyes. 'He REALLY needs to get laid. Wait a minute, why am I worrying about him? Fuck him - er, not literally. I really need to get laid,' Inu-Yasha's thoughts trailed off, and he sighed as he approached Miroku, who was motioning eagerly for him to come closer. He tried to restrain himself from laughing at his hentai friend as he came to stand next to him, crouching slightly and peering between branches of a bush to catch sight of the springs. All laughter faded at what he saw. Kagome and Sango were barely visible, only their heads and shoulders above the water's surface. Near the edge of the pool, a few feet from Kagome, stood... "Kikyo?" he breathed.

~Moments earlier, at the hot spring~

"So, Sango, do you think he'll try it tonight?" Kagome winked at her friend, rinsing suds off of her body.

"Not if he knows what's good for him," Sango growled in reply, ducking her head under the water to rinse her hair. She surfaced, wiping water droplets from her face. "Kagome, are you planning on heading home after this? Or are you going to stay tonight?"

Kagome bit her lip, studying the conditioner bottle in her hands. "Ano, well, it is kinda late, so I thought I might as well just stay. Why?"

"No reason, really. It's just that on the night of the new moon, you usually head home for a few days," Sango replied, smiling.

"Well, I don't have school for another few weeks, so there's no real reason to go back right now. Unless you wanted some alone time with Miroku?" Kagome smiled slyly before ducking underwater to rinse conditioner from her hair. She just missed a playful splash from Sango. Sango crossed her arms and glared at the spot where she had gone under, waiting for her friend to resurface. Kagome did, only not where she expected her. Sango spun around, fixing her glare on the sputtering girl. Saturated raven locks plastered to her face, water spraying as she flipped them back. She opened her eyes to see Sango's glare turn quickly to surprise. "Sango, what is it?" she asked.

"Behind you," Sango replied, sinking lower in the water, only her shoulders and head visible.

Kagome spun around, ready to slap Miroku silly for spying on them. Her hand stopped mid-air, and floated down to break the water's surface. She too sank down, realizing her exposure. "Kikyo?" she whispered, confused. "Inu-Yasha's not here, try the Goshinboku."

"I did not come here to speak to him," Kikyo replied blankly, taking in Kagome's shocked expression. She stood near the water's edge, soul stealers occasionally flying around her. "I came to see you."

"M-me? Nani? Wh-why do you want to see me?" Kagome squeaked, slightly panicked. 'Where's my bow? Oh, there it is, by hiraikotsu. Behind Kikyo. I wonder if I could reach it before she reacted?' Kagome unconsciously inched closer to her weapon. 'Wait, I'm naked, I can't just go running around like this!' she realised, her cheeks flushing crimson.

"Have no fear, I do not intend you any harm," Kikyo soothed, seeing the girl's distress. "I see you have collected many shards of the shikon. A little over a third."

Kagome's hand flew to her neck, where she kept the shards in a small glass jar tied around her neck. She never took it off. "They're mine, I collected them myself! You won't take them from me!" she yelled, suddenly becoming defensive.

Kikyo laughed, the sound of dry autumn leaves blown by the wind. "Foolish girl, I do not wish to take them from you. I merely come to give you information."

Kagome eyed her suspiciously, still refusing to release the shards. "Go on," she prodded.

"All of the shards have been found," Kikyo stated, waiting a breath to gauge Kagome's reaction. The girl gasped, her eyes wide. "You have yours, and Naraku has the rest. And there is still the matter of that pesky ookami you have allowed to hold onto two shards. But he is no threat."

"So, you're saying that to complete the jewel," Kagome was interrupted by the sound of snapping branches and rustling leaves. She turned to see Inu-Yasha, Miroku not far behind, burst from a nearby bush breathless and red-faced. Idly, she noticed his dark hair. 'The new moon,' she thought.

"I knew I should have brought Kirara!" Sango yelled, reminding Kagome of her presence. She had been quiet through her and Kikyo's exchange, and she had forgetten about her. "I expect this from Miroku, but you Inu-Yasha?! I thought you knew better," Sango spat derisively.

"Kikyo," Inu-Yasha said, ignoring Sango.

"Inu-Yasha," Kikyo acknowledged his presence, but continued to stare at Kagome.

"Why did you come to tell me this?" Kagome asked, returning her attention to Kikyo. "Don't tell me you want to help us?"

"In a manner of speaking," Kikyo replied, ignoring Inu-Yasha's attempts to catch her eye. "As the former guardian of the shikon no tama, I also desire it to be whole. Seeing as how the responsibility has been handed down to you with my soul, I require your assistance. Once Naraku is defeated and you hold all the shards, I will help you to complete and purify the shikon."

Kagome's eyes once again became suspicious. Inu-Yasha had ceased his efforts and now stood as Sango and Miroku; still, holding their breath. "What's the catch, Kikyo?" Kagome questioned.

"I see you do not trust me. I vow that I will not attempt to harm you or any of your companions. I only ask for one thing in return."

"And that would be?" Kagome prodded.

"Allow me to be the one to wish on the shikon," Kikyo replied.

"Nani?!" Inu-Yasha sprang to life, voicing all of their thoughts. "Wait just a second, Kikyo. That wish was promised to me!"

Kikyo shot him an irritated glare, "That was a lifetime ago. I would think that after all I have gone through, all of the pain and suffering, that this is a wish I have earned. This is the only way my soul can rest in peace."

Kagome pondered, knowing the decision was inevitably hers, no matter her friends' concerns. "You promise not to cause any harm to myself or my friends? Either directly or indirectly, by your hand or your wish?" she asked.

"Kagome, there has to be another way," Sango reached out, her hand brushing the other girl's shoulder.

"Hai, I promise. On the vows I once took as a miko," Kikyo replied, nodding. Her eyes burned into Kagome's.

Kagome nodded to herself, taking a deep breath. It came out in the form of a long hiss. Tension filled the air, everyone waiting for her reply. "In that case, I agree," she stated, raising her eyes to meet Kikyo's stare. She studied the woman's eyes for a moment, searching for a sign.

Kikyo's eyes remained the same, cold and flat. She simply nodded to signal she had heard before floating away, carried by her soul stealers.

~*A/N: Whew! There, got that plot rolling. Now where to go from here? I'm sure I'll figure it out. Until then, review and let me know what you think. Also taking suggestions/votes on the title. Ja ne, minna!*~