InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Every Soul ❯ Love Conquers All ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
Love Conquers All
(He he I'm sorry I couldn't resist)
“Kikyo.” Inuyasha said desperately, “Kikyo? KIKYO!” He lifted his hands up to the sky in defeat and despair.
“May Buddha finally grant her the peace she never received here.” Miroku made a holy sign with his hands and bowed his head.
“Kagome….no.” Inuyasha brought his clenched fists to his eyes and, “Grrrrrrrr KAGOME!”
“Wonderful Inuyasha wonderful!” Naraku said laughing and clapping and advancing on Inuyasha and Miroku. “Better than anything I could have dreamed up. That was most amusing indeed. You have made this Naraku's day.”
Inuyasha just stood about five feet away from Naraku, facing him. Miroku came to his side but Inuyasha shoved him away. “See to Sango Miroku. For now, it's just me and him.”
Miroku started to protest, but seeing the look on Inuyasha's face, he turned and ran back to Sango who, with Kikyo's death, was starting to come around.
Inuyasha faced Naraku and withdrew his Tetsusaiga. He knew that he probably wouldn't be able to defeat Naraku, even with the Tetsusaiga. But if he was going to go, then he was going down fighting. Then at least, he could be with Kagome again.
Naraku, still laughing, poised himself for an attack. Inuyasha grasped the fully transformed Tetsusaiga in his hands and bade the blade, “Please Tetsusaiga, help me stay alive long enough to inflict as much damage as possible on this foul creature.” They both leapt at each other and the battle was begun.
Miroku meanwhile, had run to Sango's side and was helping her gently to sit up. The wound in her chest was bad but on closer inspection, it wasn't mortal, it wasn't even close to her heart and in all likelihood, Sango would make a full recovery. It took Miroku every bit of restraint in him not to rush to her and grab her in a hug that would never end. Even he had been surprised at how the thought of her dying had affected him. “Heh.” He thought to himself as he locked his arms under hers to brace her. “Perhaps Inuyasha wasn't the only one in need of some soul searching.”
Sango sat up and after realizing what had happened to Kagome, with tears in her eyes, she looked over to where Kikyo lay. “You know Miroku, despite everything, I do feel bad for her. Her suffering must have been intolerable. Not that it's an excuse mind you. But I do hope she's found the peace that she so desperately desired.” Sango lowered her head and closed her eyes in a silent prayer, then she opened them and almost missed it. Luckily, Sango's demon slayer training never let her down. “Miroku. What's that?”
Miroku looked towards the dead priestess and nearly choked. A very faint but visible white orb of light was hovering just above Kikyo's chest. Though the wind was strong, it did not move. It simply hung there, faint and flickering. Miroku, wanting desperately to believe it but at the same time not quite daring, moved carefully over to the light and peered as closely as he could. It was at the same time opaque and sheer. As he stared, he found he could see through to the core of the light. He took all of the concentration he possessed and focused on that point of blinding light. He hoped and wished and all of a sudden, he heard it. He thought it was only in his mind until he heard Sango come up beside him and say, “Miroku, did I just hear that ball of light talk?”
Inuyasha and Naraku were at even throws with each other. For every swing Inuyasha landed, Naraku countered with poison gas, and sharp tentacles that ripped at Inuyasha's skin. They were just barely staying out of the way of each other's most deadly attacks. Inuyasha was running on some well-placed fury and grief but he didn't know how much longer he could hold out. He was about to yell for Miroku and Sango to help him when he felt a large and powerful aura sweep over him. He stopped dead and would have been dead if Naraku hadn't felt it as well, causing him to also stop in his tracks. They both looked over to where Miroku and Sango were kneeling over Kikyo's corpse, talking to a large ball of flickering light!
“What are you?” Miroku asked although he hoped desperately that he already knew the answer.
The orb of light spoke with a voice they all heard in their heads as well as with their ears. It resonated a feeling of purity in all of them with every word. “I am Kikyo. I am Kagome. I am the Shikon Jewel's protector. I am the pure soul of one who has been chosen to guard the most sacred relic of our time.” The orb glowed bright with every word that it spoke. “My purity is what kept the sacred Shikon Jewel safe. But that purity was destroyed when I was split in half. Some of my essence was captured in the fake body of Kikyo that was full of bitterness and pain. There I dwindled and was nearly destroyed. The other half of my essence remained in the pure hearted body of Kagome where I was nourished and made powerful. Now that I am whole again, my essence is complete but not yet as powerful as it was.”
“How is it that you did not return to heaven when Kikyo was killed?” Miroku asked, puzzled and momentarily forgetting the battle before him. To his shock, it was Kikyo's voice that answered.
“I was not killed. I was already dead. The pain and bitterness I held inside me turned this soul black and nearly destroyed it but its work is not yet completed. Please forgive me for my mistakes and please, please return me to where I truly belong.”
“You are forgiven Kikyo.” Sango said with tears coursing down her eyes. She looked to Miroku but he had already gone over to where Kagome lay, picked her up and was bringing her over to where her soul, her complete soul was waiting.
Miroku laid Kagome on the ground next to the soul and watched as it hovered over her from head to toe. It crept back up her body and finally stopped when it reached her chest.
Inuyasha was shell-shocked. His eyes surely were deceiving him. Kagome's soul had been released and was actually returning to her body! Kagome was going to be okay! “Thank God.” He said quietly to himself.
Naraku was furious! His plans were going cock up in a big hurry. He thought he was rid of that blasted priestess and her ridiculous reincarnation and now it looked as if they would both survive in the body of that little witch! What was more, Naraku was correct in assuming that Kikyo could not destroy him. Her dark powers had no effect. But Kagome, she was a completely different matter. She had almost destroyed him once and that was with only half a soul. Naraku could not let her take possession of this whole soul. It could be his undoing. Quietly, while the others were distracted, Naraku crept up behind Inuyasha and with lightning speed sent out a razor sharp tendril. Before anyone could even register that anything was wrong, the tendril impacted Kagome's body, piercing her side!
Inuyasha saw too late what had happened and roared his fury as he lashed out with Tetsusaiga and sliced off the tentacle. He raced back at Naraku waving his sword expertly, trying to keep him busy. “Help Kagome! Do it quickly!” He yelled to the others.
Sango had screamed when she saw what had happened. The thorn had pierced deep and the would was massive. “Oh Kagome no. Not now. Not when we're so close.” She began to cry again but stopped suddenly when Kagome's soul rose up in front of her face. It hovered in front of Sango's amazed eyes for several seconds. Sango looked extremely sad at first but then her expression changed to one of determination and she nodded. Miroku just looked at her. He had not heard anything but it seemed the soul had spoken to her. Then the soul turned a bright red and shot straight into Kagome's chest. Sango sat up straight and leaned over Kagome.
“Kagome? Kagome are you alright?” She said anxiously. She could have cheered when Kagome's eyelids fluttered, then opened wide. She settled for a few happy tears instead. She leaned in and carefully gave her best friend a large hug, and she was glad when she felt it returned, however weakly.
“Sango, Miroku.” Kagome could only whisper their names. Her body was alight with pain. All the pain from the injuries she suffered in Nanoransu's cave came back with a vengeance. And there was this new pain as well. Her side was on fire and she could feel wet, sticky blood on her hands as she groped the wound. “What happened? The last thing I remember is Kanna pointing that damn mirror at me and then…Shippo! God is Shippo okay?”
“Shhh Kagome.” Sango said gently. “It's alright. You're out of the cave and Shippo is just fine.”
“But what…” She couldn't finish the sentence because it occurred to her, in her pain filled daze, that someone was missing. “Where's Inuyasha?” She turned her head slowly to the right and saw Inuyasha, covered with enough blood himself to be going on with, fighting Naraku with everything he had. “Inuyasha!”
“Kagome no not yet.” Sango put her hands on Kagome's shoulders to stop her from moving. “Not yet. Miroku, go and help Inuyasha. I have to tell Kagome something.”
Miroku looked at Sango's face and felt it better not to ask. He jumped up and went to assist Inuyasha.
“Sango what is it? What could possibly be more important….”
“Hush Kagome.” Sango said sternly but not unkindly. “There's something you need to know about what happened here just now.” She leaned down and whispered into Kagome's ear. Kagome's eyes widened in shock and then understanding. Sango, with tears of impending grief in her eyes, straightened up and said, “Are you up to this?”
“I've never been more up to anything in my life.” Kagome, knowing her fate but with the strength and heart that won Inuyasha's love, managed to sit up and ignoring the tumultuous pains in her body, she even managed to stand up. Then with Sango's help, Kagome limped over to where the battle was raging.
Inuyasha had been wounded several times and even though Naraku had been wounded as well, Inuyasha was tiring quickly. Miroku's presence was a great help but even the two of them were having a hard time. When Inuyasha heard Kagome's voice, it took everything in him not to turn and run to her. When he heard it coming closer he didn't even try to stop himself from saying, “Sango! What the hell are you bringing her over here for? Battle here, safe over there. Can't you tell the difference?”
“Inuyasha put a sock in it!” Kagome yelled harshly, wincing from her pain. “I don't have a lot of time left and I need you to pay as much attention as you can to what I'm about to do okay?”
“Huh?” Inuyasha said, trying to look at Kagome without getting flayed by Naraku. “What are you talking about? Why don't you have time?”
“Just pay attention and trust me okay?” Kagome took her position and Sango handed her a bow and arrows.
Naraku saw the wench limp over to where he was battling the half demon and the monk. He saw her kneel and take the bow and arrow. He saw her aim it at him, pull the string taught and let go. He saw the arrow become engulfed in a white light of power and fly straight at him. And then…he saw the arrow bounce off of his aura and fall to the ground, useless.
Naraku could have danced with glee. “It seems that even with your soul restored to you, your injuries are too great. I suspect you've not much time left. Your pitiful human body will soon cease to live.” He chuckled viciously. “You cannot possibly hope to defeat me.”
“Not alone no.” Kagome actually smiled through gritted teeth. It was then that Naraku realized he made a grave mistake. He had been so worried that Kagome's sacred arrow would harm him, he had forgotten to pay any attention to his other adversaries, thinking that they would be of no threat. But while Kagome had distracted Naraku with her faulty arrow, Sango had quickly told Inuyasha and Miroku what to do. They were now arranged as follows; Inuyasha at the front, his Tetsusaiga raised and ready; Sango just behind, ready to throw Hiraikotsu; Kagome was off to one side ready with another arrow and Miroku was just behind her, holding her steady and lending her as much of his power as he could.
Naraku looked at this assortment of people before him and let out a laugh. “Haven't we been through this before? None of you has the power to defeat me. And your fake priestess there hasn't enough strength to even strike me.”
“Naraku.” Inuyasha said calmly. “You always were an arrogant bastard.” Before Naraku had a chance to reply, Inuyasha roared out “WIND SCAR!” A giant wave of energy blasted towards Naraku. At the exact same time, Sango bellowed “HIRAIKOTSU!” and let fly her huge boomerang shaped weapon. As these deadly weapons raced towards their target, Kagome took all of the spiritual strength left inside her battered body and poured it into her last arrow. She let it loose along with the barrage of energy from the others and as it raced towards its shocked target, pure white energy poured from the tip.
Naraku had no time to move, no time to react at all. As he felt the energy impact him and as he felt his body disintegrate, he had time enough for one thought, “But no one can defeat me.” And then in a flash of pure, white, blinding light, Naraku was gone. Only the baboon pelt that he had used as his disguise for so long was left behind. On top of it, looking completely innocent compared to all the trouble it had caused, lay the almost complete Shikon Jewel. Finally free of Naraku's grasp.
Miroku walked over to Naraku's remains and picked up the Shikon Jewel. He stood for a moment, contemplating it, then he focused again on Naraku's remains. With a grim look, he opened up his air void for the last time and watched as what was left of Naraku was sucked into the eternal nothingness. When every last bit was gone, Miroku turned his hand around and watched, his heart beating faster than ever before, as the deadly hole in his right hand, that had been a threat to his life since he was born, slowly became smaller, smaller, it disappeared.
The four friends stood silently, letting the truth wash over them like the cleanest summer rain, taking away all pain and suffering. Naraku was gone. Finally and forever. Defeated once and for all not by one of them, but by all of them. Together.
“Wow!” Inuyasha jumped a mile at the sound and almost flipped on little Shippo who had run over to see what had happened. He made to whack the little fox over the head but instead smiled and patted him on the head instead! Shippo grinned at him and then looked at all his friends who had done this great deed. But wait, he couldn't see one of them. “Inuyasha, where's Kagome gone?”
Inuyasha whirled around but Kagome was not there! “Kagome! Kagome?” Sango's sudden whimper sent chills down his spine. “How much more of this can you expect me to take?” He muttered painfully to whatever fates were playing this too cruel trick, knowing full well what he was about to see. He stepped beyond Sango and saw Kagome lying on the ground, as lifeless as before. He ran to her and felt for a pulse. There was none. He barely felt Sango and Miroku race over to him and kneel beside Kagome.
“Kagome! Kagome please open your eyes!” Miroku prodded.
“The soul told me before it returned to her. It said her injuries...f-from the cave and then from Naraku. They were just too severe.” Sango said between sobs as she held her friend's cold hand. “It told me what to do but Kagome….She held on long enough to finish off Naraku but then her body…” She couldn't continue.
Inuyasha could feel what was left of the earth under his feet give way. He wanted to yell at Sango for moving her and putting her in more danger but he knew that wasn't right. They had needed Kagome's sacred arrow to kill Naraku and Kagome knew it. She had been in so much pain and yet…
“Why did she have to be so brave about it?” Inuyasha whispered. “Why couldn't she have stayed out of it? There would have been another time, another opportunity to kill Naraku. What the hell am I supposed to do now?” Inuyasha closed his eyes and felt the grief filling his every pore. Why was it always this way? Why did every woman he loved have to die?
Miroku, with tears in his eyes, began to say a mass for Kagome. Sango cried into his shoulder and Shippo clung to Sango. They all took comfort from each other but Inuyasha wanted no comfort. The grief was terrible but he wanted it all the same. If it was all he had left of Kagome then he wanted it with him for the rest of his life.
He stood up and walked away from the grieving group. He had gotten no more than five steps when he heard a low buzzing sound, almost like a hive of bees. He looked up into the sky, half expecting to see a swarm of Siamyosho, come looking for their master, but the sky was clear. He heard a small gasp and an exclamation of “Oh!” from behind him. He didn't want to turn around (he just couldn't take it anymore, any of it) but his feet disobeyed his commands. He slowly turned on the spot and at first, could only register Sango, Shippo and Miroku's shocked faces as they stared down. Not wanting to look at Kagome's lifeless body anymore (and yet powerless to stop himself) he dropped his gaze and could have dropped dead himself at the sight before him.
Kagome was glowing! And as the glow filled and surrounded her Inuyasha could hear a voice in his ear. “My final wish granted.”
“Kikyo?” Inuyasha said staggered. It was her voice but her body hadn't so much as twitched from its position on the ground. Then he remembered Kikyo's dying words: “There's nothing left to do now but make my final wish to whatever God's rule this world.”
“Her final wish…to save Kagome? And it was fulfilled?” Inuyasha couldn't know for sure and as Kagome's eyes opened once more and she sat up, completely wound free, he found that he couldn't care less. He forced his tears of joy and relief back and walked over to where Kagome was now sitting, hugging and talking animatedly with the others. He simply stood there looking down at her with what he hoped was an unimpressed look on his face. But when she looked up at him and smiled her bright, glowing smile, he lost all composure. He dropped to his knees, grabbed Kagome in his arms and kissed her! He felt her arms wrap around him and he no longer cared who saw the tears coursing down his cheeks. He couldn't do anything to stop them anyway.
He hugged her close to him and he could hear her whisper in his ear, “I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier Inuyasha.” Inuyasha's eyes opened wide and he began to laugh. He laughed hard and long and if possible, pulled Kagome even closer to him. He could hear her start to laugh too and he thought it the most beautiful sound in the world. The tears that were still falling made the laughter feel even better. He sat with her there, not wanting to let go, with Miroku and Sango holding each other and smiling beside them, and Shippo clinging to Kagome's leg, happy tears falling from his little eyes.
And that is where we will leave them. You don't really need me to tell you how they eventually got moving (with Inuyasha absolutely refusing to let Kagome out of his sight for a long time, we know it pissed her off but we also know how stubborn our favourite half demon is). You don't really need to know that they carried Kikyo's remains back to her home village and buried it back in its original resting place. Or that despite the fact that Naraku is gone and they are finally in possession of the Sacred Shikon Jewel, that it's not complete and they still have some searching to do, (including for the shard that was buried in Nanoransu's cavern) Important information all of it but I hardly think that it is worth spoiling such a wonderfully happy ending. Wouldn't you agree? ^_^
Author's Note: Well that's it. My reviewers of Every Heart asked for a sequel and I hope this suffices. Thanks for reading and reviewing.