InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Falling to Pieces ❯ Intro chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: OMG I haven't written anything in about a month. This is a new story, I have no promises to give except I'll try to update weekly. It's something I just kind of came up with and it has no direction.
My name is Kagome Higurashi…I am 18 years old and I think I'm addicted to everything that is wrong for me. Well maybe I should explain first…I got my first serious relationship two months ago. Sesshomaru…there's novels I could tell you but essentially he is my Edward Cullen…I love him more than anything in the world. He's been a couple of my firsts, including my first kiss. But that's a totally different thing in the world. He loves me even though he has a weird way of showing it. Sometimes I question his affections for me; I know in my heart that he feels the same. Oddly enough he's the one that brings the inner child out in me; I can be myself around him. He has made a ton of mistakes; he slept with Kagura, lied to me and told me she's just a “friend”, told me he didn't use a condom. He is attracted to immature little whores who don't have anything on their minds except sex. I can't be patient with him; he definitely knows how to destroy my mood and my world. Well let me set up this scene from last night…him and me alone in the car, he was about to drop me about to drop me off before curfew:
“Kagome, I have something to tell you” Sesshomaru started.
“Just say it, Sess, do it quick” I insisted, glancing nervously at the clock.
“I'm…so sorry. I know I told you I was a virgin, and we planned to lose our virginity to each other but before we started going out, I slept with Kagura…” He mumbled.
“Ok…” at this point, I had nothing to say, I wanted nothing more than to bust into controllable tears but I remained calm. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face him.
“It was only once. She broke up with Naraku that night that night and we did it that one time...but she made it clear that it was only for that one time and it'll never happen…I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you” His eyes were pointed outside the window.
“I have to get inside or I'll be late. I'll talk to you later” I hopped out and struggled into the house. Man I was feeling whooped. Everything Sess told me, being a virgin, loving me, Kagura being “just a friend”…was all a lie. How can I believe him anymore? He claims he loved me, that I'm the only one that cares about him, I'm important to him, but he's purposely talking to other girls and looking for casual hookups.
The Day he told me that awful news, which I still don't know what to do. In one hand, I love him, he's important to me, I trusted him. I want things to work out but we'd need to get counseled, we'd need to get tested, we need more honesty. But how much can I expect when he's already lied. But back to the point, which if you haven't noticed, I'm easily sidetracked. I sent him this text: If there are other options, I don't want them, they're not worth my time, cuz if it's not you, oh no thank you. I like us just fine; you are the rock in the sand, you're a smile and a cry, you're the joy thru the pain, you're the truth thru the lies, no matter what I do, I know that you can always count on you. But now I want to change the lyrics.
He is constantly upsetting me. One minute he's my light, he's my love, but he's always a big part of my stress, a huge part of the reason I don't sleep at night and worry all day. Beside him, my mom was deeply bothering me, my old high school friends are changing, and my school (Tokyo U) is harder than I thought. After I got in the door from Sess's talk, I was yelled at:
“Who is this boy Inuyasha is talking about? Who is Jankotsu?” Mom questioned.
“What are you talking about? Jankotsu is a friend of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's” I answered
*Interjection* for those who don't know, Sess and Inuyasha are brothers, and I like them both. I met Yasha (I call him Yummy) after I started going out with Sess. Jankotsu met one thru them and instantly liked him, but he's a bit too feminine and his sexuality is questionable so I don't feel anything for him. Anyways back to the story…
“Why did Inuyasha post on your wall asking if you like Jankotsu and want him to be your boyfriend? Are you secretly dating him?”
*Interjection* Sorry, my mom knows Sess and I broke up over three weeks ago cuz he was being too cold and distant. She also know we're talking again but just to see if we can work in out. She met Yummy and wants me to give him a try so I am but she doesn't want me dating while I'm in school.
Back to the Action…
“No, Jankotsu is too young and too feminine for me, plus I'm still getting to know Inuyasha. I had a rough conversation with Sess and I haven't seen Face book all day” I replied.
“Well contact Inuyasha and ask him about the post! What happened with Sess now?” She asked.
“He told me that in May he slept with Kagura, so he lied about being a virgin” I said while I began texting Inuyasha about the Face book posting (which I took down).
“I told you that boy is no good, Call Sess and tell him there's a second chance” I got a reply from Inuyasha saying that Jankotsu must have used his CPU to do it and he's going to cuss him out the next time he sees him; I tell Yasha that yeah Jankotsu got in trouble for it.
“I'm not dealing with any of this tonight” I ended the conversation that way. My mom went to the gym, and I babysat Souta. Meanwhile, Sess texts me and asks about how I'm feeling.
Sess: Hey
Me: What do you want?
Sess: How are you?
Me: Did you use a condom?
Sess: No…
Me: *Blank text*
Sess: I got tested though
Me: And?
Sess: IT came back negative. Kagura gets tested every month and her tubs are tied.
Me: Good for her
Sess: I didn't tell you before because I didn't want to hurt you
Me: Oh, like I'm not hurting now
Sess: What do you want me to say? I didn't tell you because it was 5 months ago and I know you'd act like this
Me: Well what do you expect? You lied to me, hid this for five months, and told me right before I had to go.
Sess: I'm sorry
Me: Does honesty mean anything to you?
Sess: Somewhat
Me: Wow, I can't deal with this right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
I still stayed up another hour after that messing around on Face book then I went to bed. When I got up, I was still sleepy. I was cranky, irritable, etc but Mom insisted I go with her to take Souta and some of his friends to Chuck E Cheese. I was thoroughly upset at the entire situation more than a little bit but not willing to go.
Mom and I talked well when the kids were playing.
“Explain the Inuyasha, Sesshomaru thing to me” She insisted.
“My feelings for Sess aren't gone, not even close. I can admit they're going away but not right away. I am trying to talk things out with him but it's so hard with not being done. As for Inuyasha, I'm getting to know him but it's complicated with him and Sess being brothers, plus I still like Sess, even though I knew he's wrong for me” I explained.
“I don't like Sess, sleeping with nasty skanks like Kagura is not good; he didn't consider your health. When he didn't tell you about it right away, he didn't consider your feelings when he hid it for 3 months either. Don't consider him in the running for your heart cuz he's not worth it, honey” Mom tried to reach out and stroke my head but I moved away.
“I know. I have no logical reason to stay with him, but my reasons are pure emotional. I can't leave him alone ma, he's just confusing me. He says he loves me and he spends time with me, etc. Just give me time to deal with this my own way” I said, once again retiring this conversation.