InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family Instincts ❯ Family Instincts - Where'd She Go? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Family Instincts - Where'd She Go?
By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of InuYasha. I just like playing with the characters.
Kagome hung up the phone. “Both Aoimaru and Midoriko are on the way over. They were a little surprised to hear that their brother was making them uncle and aunt.”
“Why all the fuss?” said Akamaru. “They've been supplying each other with nephews and nieces for centuries, now.”
“Yes,” said Kagome, “but this is your first. Aren't you excited?”
“I suppose I'd be more excited if Uncle Sesshomaru over there weren't glaring at me like I had just initiated the end of the world.”
“At least this Sesshomaru doesn't let his male reproductive organ do his thinking.” A sneer curled the lip of the Great Lord of the Western Lands. “You are worse than my brother was back in the feudal era.”
Sesshomaru turned to his brother. “You followed that damned undead miko around despite the fact she sickened you.”
Kagome was staring at Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru turned to Akamaru. “This Sesshomaru finally reasoned it out. InuYasha used the undead miko to balance Kagome's effect.”
“Just where are you going with this, brother?”
The Great taiyoukai continued. “When Kagome went into heat, the scent of the undead miko would curb his arousal.” Sesshomaru noted the death glare his brother was giving him. “And when the undead miko wasn't around, my brother would flee into the forest…”
No, InuYasha didn't like where this was going one bit.
“…where he would relieve himself.”
“Sesshomaru! You bastard!”
“This Sesshomaru only tells the truth.”
Kagura was holding her fan in front of her to mask her giggling.
Akamaru was chuckling despite the seriousness of the situation. Nyoko was giggling into Akamaru's armpit.
Kagome had a distant look in her eyes, plus a slight smile. She refocused on her mate. “You never told me that.”
“Feh! It's not something a guy talks about, you know.”
“There were times I tracked your group by that scent alone.”
Kagome grabbed InuYasha's arm as the hanyou tried to storm past her and out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?”
“To get Tetsusaiga. I'm gonna shove it up his ass.”
Kagome concentrated and a barrier appeared across the kitchen doorway. “There will be no up-ass-shoving today.”
Kagura tapped her mate on the nose with her closed fan. “And you, oh Great Lord of the Western Lands, will stop teasing your brother.”
“Then we must address this matter seriously.”
“It's just a baby,” said Nyoko. “This happens all the time.”
“Perhaps,” said Akamaru, “it would help if we told Nyoko who Naraku was and what this baby might be.”
“That Naraku?” said Nyoko in disbelief. “But he's only in stories! We had to read about him in junior high school. The story of the evil hanyou who wanted to rule Japan and of the good hanyou…” Nyoko looked again at InuYasha.
“Oi. Here.”
“…and the powerful miko…”
Kagome smiled. “Here.”
“…a-and I think there was a monk and a taijiya…”
“Miroku and Sango,” said Kagome, wistfully. “They were good friends. Some of their descendants come to visit now and then.”
“…and how could I forget the great youkai lord and his mate, the wind sorceress?”
Sesshomaru gave the slightest of smiles, only to be struck in the head again by his mate's fan.
“You are so vain, your royal Fluffiness.”
“Oi, Kags. How long did it take you to figure that out?”
Sesshomaru spoke through gritted teeth. “The problem, Nyoko, is that the baby you now carry may be a reincarnation of Naraku.”
“You wish to destroy it?”
“Naraku should not be allowed to come back into this world.”
“Feh! I will agree with the bastard on that.”
“But we can't just kill it,” said Kagome.
There was a knock on the door, accompanied by what sounded like an electrical discharge followed by a string of invectives.
Midoriko's muffled voice (outside the door) could be heard saying, “And that, dear brother, is why I let you knock.”
“Sorry!” called out Kagome as she let down the barrier on the back door. “It's safe now,” she called out.
Aoimaru entered, shaking his hand. “Sheesh, mom. Go a little easier on the barriers.”
Midoriko came in behind her brother and immediately walked over to Akamaru and Nyoko. “So you found the little lady who was causing the trouble…and got her in trouble?”
Akamaru looked up to discover his sister sticking her tongue out. “You're certain she's…”
“The earth moved.”
“Oh…yeah. Ha-ha.”
“Did mom tell you she and Nyoko had simultaneous orgasms?”
“I thought mom only did that with dad.” Midoriko looked to her mother, who, along with InuYasha, was glaring back at her. “What does that make? 247? 248? 249? Or more?”
“There's only one this time,” said Kagome. “But this is Akamaru and Nyoko's first!”
“…which just might be the reincarnation of Naraku,” piped in Aoimaru.
Akamaru raised his hand. “Thanks for reminding me.”
“All I'm saying is that there's nature, then there's nurture,” said Kagome.
“With all due respect, miko, this is Naraku we're discussing. Do you really want to take the chance that he will be reborn?” asked the Great Lord of the Western Lands.
“A child can turn out good or bad, according to how he or she is raised. And either way, the child has the same DNA.”
“This is Naraku.”
“But if he were raised `good,'” countered Kagome.
“Oi. It would still be Naraku,” said InuYasha.
“No it wouldn't.”
“You have too soft a heart, miko.”
While everyone was arguing, Nyoko discovered that Kagome had forgotten to put the ward back up on the back door. “I need a little air,” she thought, and stepped outside.
She found herself in an extensive garden complete with fountains, play areas for children, and what looked like hot springs with benches built in for convenient, outdoor bathing. Nyoko found it delightful. These people weren't evil. Rather, they were a family...a family she wouldn't mind being part of. Nyoko sighed. Since she had lost her mother and father, she had missed being part of a family.
She thought about Akamaru. She didn't know why she had felt so compelled to be with him, but now she felt like she really was falling in love with him. Could she actually trust these feelings?
She thought about Akamaru and the picture that entered her mind was that of the man naked, in bed, with a raging…
No, that was lust. But then, maybe that was all that attracted him to her! She hung her head. It was lust, that's all. Someone like him - handsome, rich, a great family - probably had a girlfriend, or even girlfriends. Inu-youkai mate for life, they told her, but did that mean they couldn't play the field beforehand?
Would he come to resent her?
Nyoko started getting the odd feeling that she should walk to the front of the house. In fact, she felt compelled to walk out front. When she got there, there was a lone van with tinted windows. The side door slid open.
“Uncle Bengoshi! Uncle Seijika!”
“Hello, Nyoko,” said Bengoshi.
“What are you doing here?” asked the girl.
“We were afraid you were at this place,” lamented Bengoshi.
Seijika, always overdramatic, threw an arm over his eyes and wailed, “It's the same sad story: innocent girl hoodwinked by spoiled, young rich kid…then thrown aside when he's tired of her. Maybe even after he's had his way with her and she's…sob…pregnant!”
“Akamaru isn't like that!”
Seijika wailed even louder. “Then it's true! You've allowed the pervert to dishonor our family name!”
“You do not understand. He is…”
“We know what he is!” exclaimed Bengoshi. “Now, get in so we can take you away from this evil place.”
“But I…”
Seijika reached out, grabbed the hapless girl by the arm and dragged her inside. “This Akamaru is evil.”
The car sped off.
Back inside the house, Akamaru suddenly looked up. “Nyoko!”
“Oi. What about her?” InuYasha looked around, noticing that the girl had wandered off.
Akamaru was touching his arm, where a kanji symbol seemed to be glowing. “She's in danger!” Akamaru raced out the back door.
“Oh dear,” said Kagome.
InuYasha stared after his son. “How did he…?”
“Oops. Guess I forgot to put the ward back up on the back door.”
“Then we had better hope that he catches her,” declared Sesshomaru.
“I'll get Tetsusaiga!” shouted InuYasha as he raced out of the kitchen…
…only to bounce back, slightly stunned.
“Oopsie. Forgot to take that one down.” Kagome smiled and waved InuYasha on. “Okay, it's safe now.”
Kagome's mate was back in a flash with Tetsusaiga. “I'll help Akamaru find her!”
“Wait, InuYasha!”
The hanyou looked to his mate.
“Kind o' reminds you of old times, huh?”
InuYasha just stared at his mate for a moment, then turned towards the back door…only to find Akamaru coming back in.
“She's gone. Her scent trail leads out front to the street, then disappears. It's like someone grabbed her and pulled her into a car,” said Akamaru.
Everyone looked at Sesshomaru.
“It is obvious. The people who orchestrated all this, the people who conspired to bring Akamaru and Nyoko together for the purpose of siring the reincarnation of Naraku…they are the people who grabbed Nyoko…and the baby.”
“But why?” said Akamaru.
“Because your `job' is done,” said Sesshomaru. “Now, undoubtedly, they will use deceit to beguile your mate and enlist her help in bringing forth the newest incarnation of that foul beast, Naraku.”
“Then we will stop them.”
All eyes turned to Kagome.
“We owe it to Akamaru, Nyoko…and our grandson…”
“…who is probably the reincarnation of Naraku.”
The hanyou looked at his mate and quailed. She was giving him another one of “those” smiles.
“You will not speak of our grandchild that way.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. “Hn.”
A/N: Why is it that, in the eyes of (well, most) grandparents, children can do no wrong? Is there such a thing as nature vs. nurture in the world of InuYasha? And what of the beast trapped under Mount Fuji? (Okay, it probably won't be back, but I can't resist teasers.)
Remember, this is a rewrite.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!