InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feeling ❯ Ill ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Ill
Category: Drabble
Author: otempora01
Rating: G (blink and you miss it M/K)
Challenge: Feeling
Words: 472

Kagome opened her eyes and sneezed, disoriented.

She appeared to be in some kind of cabin with a warm weight over her that she assumed to be a
very heavy blanket. Curled up by her side was a slumbering Shippo, while by the door sat
Inuyasha, eyes closed, hand forever on his Tetsuiga.

Miroku was sitting by her feet, also apparently sleeping, while Sango was curled up on a mat a
few feet away. She sneezed again, trying to remember where she was.

Oh, right. They'd been trekking through the snowy mountains for days and Kagome, for once ill
prepared for the trip, had been begging Inuyasha to either stop or allow her to go home and get
some warmer clothing. He'd denied both requests. The last thing Kagome remembered was
vision clouding and the ground rushing up to meet her.

"Kagome, you're awake."

She pushed herself into a sitting position and looked at Miroku, whose now-open eyes were fixed
on her. Slowly, she nodded. "Wh..." Her voice sounded hoarse. She cleared her throat and tried
again. "Where are we?"

"An abandoned cabin in the mountains. Sango and I brought you here on Kirara while Inuyasha
returned to your time to retrieve your clothes." Miroku said, looking amused. "He was very worried."

"I'll bet." She replied dryly. "It's his fault."

"You should go back to sleep," Miroku got to his feet and stooped down beside her, pulling the
blankets up further. "You'll need the rest. I'm certain that when you wake up again, Inuyasha will
be awake to demand we start searching for the jewel shard."

Kagome sneezed in response.

She turned away from him and curled into a ball, trying to think around the fuzziness in her head
and half-expecting the warm pressure on her lower back minutes later.

"Miroku... are you groping me while I'm sick?" Kagome asked, glancing back at him. She blinked
in surprise as he used that hand to slide an arm around her for support while the other moved
towards her with a spoon full of medicine.

"I'll take offense to that when you're healthy." He said lightly, tipping the medicine into her
mouth and waiting until she'd swallowed before releasing her. Kagome blinked again.


"Go back to sleep, Kagome."

She watched him clean off the spoon and place it and the medicine back in her bag, then return to
his position at the base of her mat, sitting Indian style and folding his arms as his eyes slid
closed. Kagome swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat as an inexplicable warm feeling
pooled in the pit of her stomach, then laid back down, exhaling slowly.

"Goodnight, Miroku."

She heard him murmur something as she drifted off, but her dreams swallowed her before she
could even begin to wonder what it had been.