InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feeling ❯ Feeling ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Feeling
Category: Drabble
Author: Winter Ashby
Rating: PG-13 ( T )
Challenge: Feeling
Words: 500 exactly

Naraku was dead. Kikyou was not.
Kouga was dead. InuYasha was not.
Kagura was dead. Sesshoumaru was not.
Kohaku was dead. Sango was not.
Kirara was dead. Shippou was not.
Miroku was dead. Kagome was not.
Thus the era of the Shikon no Tama was brought to fruition with tears and idle dreams left to
fester in the dwindling dawn of the bloody moon's demise.
Kagome could no longer feel the wind on her skin or the tears in her eyes. She had the sinking
impression that she was broken.
She wept for Sango, who'd lost so much. She wept for Kouga, who in another life, she could've
loved. She wept for Miroku – who died in her arms.
He lived long enough to see his right hand whole and unblemished. His smile was sad and
broken, because he lived to see the end of the curse.
But it wasn't enough to save him.
Only the Shikon no Tama had that power.
So she closed her eyes and wished for all the lives that were stolen.
She was asking too much, and she knew it. There was a price, and she willingly sacrificed
everything if it meant that her beloved companions would return, even if it was without her.
The world melted away, into the orange and pinks of a new dawn or ending day. She was stuck in
limbo, not dead yet, but no longer alive. And she was greeted with a familiar face, shinning in the
false daylight.
She smiled and flung herself into his arms and wept for herself, who would die.
"Tell InuYasha that I'm sorry." She clutched his robes and quivered a plea to his ears; because
even if he was just a figment of her imagination, he was comforting.
He touched her hair, and she could feel his heartbeat against her cheek. She smiled through her
tears and looked up at his crystal eyes and clairvoyant perception.
"Tell Sango-chan that I will miss her." A tear slipped and she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Tell Shippou-chan to be strong." Another tear, another life that would continue without her.
"Tell Kouga-kun that Ayame-chan is waiting for him." The tears were streaming now,
uncontrolled and uninhibited.
"What about me, Kagome-sama, what words will you leave me?" His silken voice purred past
her mounting fear and insipid panic.
"I have nothing to leave you." She answered him truthfully. What did she have to offer a man
who could see through her, and was always there when she needed him most? Even if it was just
to sit and NOT say a thing.
"That doesn't seem fair, now does it?" and she wondered then, just how well she knew this man
– and to what extent he knew her very soul.
"Mirok-sama… hold me." She begged franticly. "Please, I don't want to die alone!"
His arms circled around her and she buried her face deep in his robes until she couldn't feel
anything anymore.
She died in his arms.