InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ Hanyou to Man...err...Boy ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Feudal Fairy Tale

Starlight Demon 22

Warning: I do NOT own Inuyasha, the other characters, or the plot from the manga or anime. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and everyone involved with that whole thing. I only own my own character, Akemi, other than that no.

Chapter 6- Hanyou to Man...err...Boy
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Inuyasha returned to normal the next morning, though both he and Kagome couldn’t stop blushing all through breakfast. Grandpa was silent as he ate and prepared to spend the day outside the hut to get away from them. He had informed both Souta and Li before he went to bed, he was not moving in to a dishonorable house like they were.

Inuyasha and Souta left the house, taking their traps with them to set in the forest before returning to work on the hut. Kagome and her mother gathered herbs and such for their new hut, and some to leave with her grandfather, for the winter. Inuyasha expected the hut to be finished soon at the rate he and Souta were working. They both were getting more done than any of the village men working on one hut together. Of course they have Inuyasha’s claws, which helps with the wood, and his speed, which also helps some.

Kagome and Li stopped by with some meat they had dried in baskets for a small hut outside the main one for the food. They were impressed by how large their new home would be and the location of it all. The river, as Souta had informed them, was very close, though not too close that they’ll ever feel the chill off of it during the winter. Even the forest was within a reasonable range for their hunting and privacy. The village was within sight and easily accessible for Kaede and Kagome to travel without the dangers of what lives within the forest.

“Inuyasha! Souta!” Kagome called as they walked up with the dried food. They had also brought some water and lunch for the boys to eat. Both looked up at Kagome’s voice and smiled as they noticed the food and water. Getting down they met them and everyone sat down outside the house as Kagome and Li handed them platters of their lunch.

“How’s the work coming?” Li asked curiously as she looked around. “It looks great so far.”

“Thanks, it’s definitely coming along quicker than expected. We should be able to move in early next week,” Souta said as Inuyasha nodded in agreement, his mouth too full to speak. Kagome smiled and nodded as she nibbled on her food.

“Do you need us to do anything for it?” Li asked as she served herself something to eat.

“Just the usual, if you can,” Inuyasha said as Li nodded. She knew what he meant, she had furnished a hut of her own once and knew what was needed by new owners. Mats, a stove, and all the basics, which she would be more than happy to provide for her new home as well. “Would you like a tour?” Both girls looked at him surprised.

“Really? It’s that far?” Kagome asked surprised. Inuyasha shrugged and nodded as he prepared to show her.

“Why don’t you show Kagome, Souta will show me after we eat,” Li said smiling as Inuyasha and Kagome nodded. They walked inside as Souta looked at her confused.

“But mama, I’m done,” he said confused.

“And they need some alone time,” Li informed him. “Despite what your grandfather doesn’t want, Kagome and Inuyasha have feelings for each other, they’re just afraid to admit it. I’m hoping some alone time may change that.” Souta nodded and shrugged. He figured he’d understand it when he was older.

As they walked through Kagome marveled at the hard work put into their new home. She smiled as she noticed all the potential bedrooms. “So, where do I sleep?” Kagome asked curiously. Inuyasha seemed to blush as he thought of what he wanted to say to that.

“I was thinking...” he said softly as she looked at him confused. “That maybe...if you wanted to...stay” She smiled and blushed as she looked away. If her grandfather had heard that he would have drug her to Hojo without a hesitation and just handed her over to him. Kagome blushed as she turned to look at him. Inuyasha watched her facial reactions and grew desperate. He wanted to convince her she wanted to stay with him and eventually be his mate, though he didn’t deserve someone like her.

“I would love to...Inuyasha...” Kagome said shyly as he looked at her surprised. She smiled warmly at him, though the blush still stained her cheeks a beautiful pink. He couldn’t help but smile and gently take her hand.

“Then,” he said as he slid a door open and made her gasp in surprise, “this would be our room.” The room was easily one of the largest in the place, but it was also obviously one of the more comfortable rooms in the house.

“It’s beautiful,” she said in awe. It was filled with windows that allowed all the sunlight they could get in, and yet it wasn’t overly warm or cold. There was more than enough room for all the possessions they could ever get in a life time.

“Only the best for you,” he said softly as he slid his arms around her waist. Kagome blushed even further at the sweet sentiment and leaned into him some. She had finally come home, despite living with her grandfather for so many years and adjusting to that house, this was home. Not just the building being rapidly completed by Souta and Inuyasha, but Inuyasha and the people moving in to it.

“It’s wonderful,” Kagome said as she turned to him. Inuyasha smiled and hugged her tightly, not pushing it with a kiss, though Kagome did want one. They had decided they’d take it at the other’s pace, not truly knowing what that was. “So, Souta and mama have their own rooms, what are all the others for?” Kagome asked curiously. Inuyasha seemed to blush at that, though her naivety struck him almost stupefied.

“That’s something we’ll have to discuss later,” Inuyasha said thinking of a more appropriate time to discuss pups with her. Of course he had to get her to agree to mating first, and that might very well be it’s own challenge. Kagome nodded in agreement as she looked around the rest of their home before joining her brother and mother outside.

“It’s beautiful inside, and everything’s so large,” Kagome said as her mother smiled and nodded. The women were shown Inuyasha’s great idea, a meat shed for the dried meats and everything in store for the winter. Kagome and Li put the food they had brought for it inside and then prepared to return to the village. Kagome wanted to work in her herb garden and Li wanted to start on dinner and drying some more of the meats they had brought home earlier in the morning.

“You love my sister, don’t you, Inuyasha?” Souta asked as they returned to work placing in the last of the floor in the last room. Inuyasha looked at him curiously and shrugged a little as he worked. “It’s kind of obvious, everyone seems to notice but Kagome. Granted, she’s never really shown interest in guys before, so you should feel honored she’s paying you attention.” Inuyasha smirked amused at that. It was obvious Kagome didn’t find any of the village guys worthy, only because she seemed to be of a different breed than these villagers.

“Your sister and I are friends, one day, hopefully more than that.” Inuyasha admitted after a bit. Souta smiled as he worked, nodding that he understood. “Though your grandfather would be more than happy to put an end to that idea.”

“Don’t worry about Gramps, he’s crazy, but harmless.” Souta said as Inuyasha looked at him curiously. “He would never truly upset Kagome, even though I’m sure he came close by trying to force her onto Hojo. If he upsets her, she can claim his line of the family was wrong and her powers came from Mama’s, which would mean he’s the weaker one. He knows Kagome well enough to know, if she’s furious, she can do anything.” Inuyasha chuckled.

“Yes, I can see that with your sister,” Inuyasha said as they placed the last of the boards. “Looks like this is all done. Just furnishing the place and making sure it’s safe before the women move in.” Souta nodded before looking down to think. “What’s up, squirt?”

“I was wondering, how do you know?” Souta asked him confused. Inuyasha looked at him blankly for a second. “How do you love a girl?”

“Found a nice female in the village?” Inuyasha asked as they got back onto the roof to double check it. Souta flushed bright red shaking his head and denying anything of the sort, though it was obvious he was lying terribly. “It’s hard to tell,” Inuyasha said as he thought about it. “With your sister it kind of came as a surprise. I knew she was different when she didn’t walk into the forest shooting purification arrows at me with the hag.”

“Kaede?” Souta asked as if confirming she was truly a hag.

“Yeah, that’s the one, and she just slowly grew on me. One day she’d be fighting me as if I were here greatest enemy and the next we’d be sitting under the Goshinboku and relaxing together as if we were the greatest allies known to anything.” Inuyasha said as Souta nodded, sitting down on the roof and listening. It was great hearing this, though he knew Inuyasha was as much a novice as he was on the subject. Inuyasha was staring off into space as he remembered the fights, the way she looked when she was angry with him. It was one of the few things that sent both chills down his spine in worry she’d hate him and the thrill of a rush in his blood for a decent fight, never worrying about her friendship with him.

“She’s one of the few females who looked at me twice and didn’t run away screaming,” Inuyasha said as Souta looked at him sadly, Inuyasha rarely spoke of his past. “I would do anything for your sister, and it’s obvious by the last night she’d do just about anything for me.” Souta nodded as he thought about the argument for Inuyasha to be removed from the hut the night before. Grandpa didn’t know what was going on with him, as he had hidden himself in Souta’s room, but he hated the influence he thought the hanyou had over Kagome and demanded him removed from his hut. By then they had started work on this one so it didn’t matter what he said, they’d be gone anyway. Since then Grandpa had been careful around Kagome and Li while trying to convince Souta he wanted to stay with him.

Souta, despite the attempt to stay out of the feud, has yet to voice his opinions. So far he has decided he wants to move into the home he built with Inuyasha for his family, as he was technically supposed to be the man of the home. Inuyasha was helping him to become that and within his grandfather’s hut, he was going to always be the child.

“There is a girl...” Souta said as he thought. Inuyasha smirked as he worked on the roof, making sure it was solid to hold out the water. “Hitomi, the village head’s daughter.”

“I thought so,” Inuyasha said as Souta blushed at being obvious about his feelings. “But like you said of me and Kagome, it’s only obvious to everyone but her. Apparently girls need things like that spelled out.” Souta laughed and nodded in agreement as they finished up before heading into the forest to check on the traps for the day.

They returned to Grandpa’s hut at sun down with the empty traps. The meat was hanging in the new meat hut drying, having been prepared by Inuyasha and Souta. They had also gone to the river and bathed to get the stench of blood and death off of them from the animals.

“You’re back late,” Li said as Gramps looked anywhere but at them. Kagome was working on a yukata by the fire and looked up with a smile and quick hello before returning to work. Inuyasha sat by her and watched as she stitched the cloth together. Li put dinner out, causing everyone to put down what they were doing and eat peacefully.

“The hut looks good boys, no wonder you both come home so tired,” Li said as Inuyasha and Souta nodded in agreement. She piled the food up for them and then served herself, Kagome, and Grandpa, who looked furious at being served after a hanyou. They ate peacefully, speaking softly about the days events thru out the village. Kikyo sightings were being reported to Kaede, worrying the villagers that she’ll be there to cause trouble.

“You should all show her some respect!” Grandpa said shrilly. “She is an honorable woman!”

“She’s the walking dead,” Inuyasha said with a disgusted look on his face, “she should be resting peacefully, not walking around and blaming everyone for her death.”

“She is a powerful miko, one of the most powerful this village has ever seen,” Grandpa said defensively, “that kind of power deserves respect.”

“But Kagome’s doesn’t?” Li asked him sharply. Grandpa looked at her stunned as Kagome just silently ate, choosing to ignore the conversation at hand. Souta looked sadly at his older sister but also remained silent, he knew an argument like this with his grandfather was one you’d never win; his beliefs were like stone, impossible to break.

“Kagome is still in training,” Grandpa said as he looked at Li, waiting for her next retort to what he was saying. “Kikyo is a highly trained, powerful miko. The fact that she has retained her powers upon death proves this!”

“Grandpa, those aren’t natural powers,” Kagome said softly. “She absorbs the spirits of young women when they die, she’s no longer pure. The purification she can do now is not the purification she did before. It’s part of the magic that brought her back.”

“Impossible,” he said as if that were the end of that.

“Then explain the soul collectors?” Kagome shot back. He looked bewildered and confused as to what to say to that. “Pure spirits do not need soul collectors to collect souls for them. Kikyo needs to be put back in peace, she’s supposed to be resting among the dead.” Her grandfather seemed to shocked to speak to her for the rest of dinner, it was obvious Kagome was taking her responsibilities as a miko seriously. But it also worried him that she’d try something drastic, if for nothing more, than to prove him wrong.

“You alright?” Inuyasha asked her after dinner. They were seated outside the hut enjoying the last of the warm nights.

“I don’t understand why he’s so hard,” Kagome said softly. “When Souta and I were younger, he wasn’t this way. Now it’s all about honor and requirements. Souta is honor bound to become the man of the house, because Grandpa doesn’t think he’ll live much longer, and I’m honor bound to marry someone because I can’t reside on my family’s generosity forever. It makes no sense. And this thing with Kikyo, well, you’d think he was in love with her or something.”

“Maybe he was,” Inuyasha said with a shrug as Kagome looked at him confused. “Your grandfather’s about the right age to have been alive and the same age as Kikyo when she was living. He might have been frightened by her return, especially as she was when he remembers her, but it might also have brought him a type of joy.” Kagome nodded as she sighed and thought.

“Grandpa is many things, but what he’s turned into was never one of them. For some reason he keeps pushing me to marry Hojo.” Kagome said as she thought about it. Inuyasha shrugged. As far as he knew, in the hierarchy of the village, Hojo was not very high up. His family was an average farming family, mother and father constantly heading into the fields to work. Hojo didn’t want their life, working in the fields, like others did of their parents. Instead he became a priest, though why no one understood. He wasn’t very proper, let alone spiritual and Inuyasha was certain Kagome’s proper-loving grandfather was sure to see that. But the older man didn’t seem to blink an eye at him. It was unusual, to say the least.

“Well, I wouldn’t be too hard on him, he’s old. You’d never forgave yourself if he died thinking you were angry with him or hated him.” Inuyasha said as Kagome smirked a little. He knew her better than she figured. Kagome sighed as she tried to figure out what was going on, leaning on Inuyasha a little as she stared at the stars. Inuyasha smiled at her, though a feint blush crossed over his cheeks.