InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgetting Yesterday ❯ The Gray Zone ( Chapter 3 )

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By KagandInu

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.

Chapter 3: The Gray Zone

“Have you found her yet?” a thick voice asked out of the darkness.

“Not yet.” replied his second in command, Bankotsu.

“Why not?” now the voice was right behind the commander’s ear.

“Well, you already know the answer, the FBI has her as a top secret case, not even our boys who are undercover have a high enough rank to get a peek of the profile.”

Naraku was silent, which made the older man nervous. “I--”

“By the next time that you walk into this room, you had better have something in your hands that will lead me to my love. You understand?”

Bankotsu nodded, the tone that his master had taken up was a deadly and threatening one, something that he heard more and more often lately. “Yes, my lord.” he said with a deep bow.

“Good now get out of my sight.” barked the gang leader.

As Bankotsu scurried away, the younger man sat behind his desk chair and thought about Kagome. Where is she? was a question that he pondered frequently. The last time that he had been with her was the night that he had killed her family.


“Put the girl down and surrender yourself Naraku!” the FBI had yelled at him through a megaphone.

“Never, she is mine, as she will always be.” he had shouted back defiantly, no one was going to take his prize away from him.

The evil half demon was so preoccupied with the encroaching law enforcers, that he failed to notice that the SWAT team had accompanied them. Which, was very unfortunate for Naraku, because they had scaled the shrine and were on the roof behind him. Three SWAT members had aimed their guns at the half demon, and within seconds they pulled the trigger simultaneously. Two of the bullets grazed his skin as he swiftly turned to avoid them, but he wasn’t agile enough to escape the third, which burrowed deeply into his right forearm, forcing him to drop Kagome onto the cold concrete.

“Damn, I should’ve had Bankotsu come too.” he muttered angrily to himself. Naraku glanced sadly at the body of his girlfriend on the ground, and was about to kiss her on the cheek when a barrage of bullets was upon him. The evil demon dodged all of them, and jumped up onto the roof, where the three were reloading their weapons, moments later, their bloody remains rolled off of the roof. Jumping back down to the doorway of the shrine, Naraku noticed that Kagome wasn’t in the spot where he had left her. “What the fuck?” he said out loud, turning to the crowd of policemen and FBI agents that blocked his way out.

While he had been on the roof, other SWAT members had quickly retrieved Kagome’s bloody body and had put her in the back of an ambulance truck, allowing the EMTs to take over. There were five ambulances in the large congregation of men and women, to throw off any of the gang members from harming Kagome.

“She’s lost a lot of blood.” one EMT reported, as he hooked up some IVs into the unconscious girl’s arm.

“Put pressure on that wound, we’ll radio for the other four trucks to get out of here, she needs to get to a hospital immediately.” his partner replied.

“What about the other three?” the first one asked, “Don’t we need to wait for them first?”

The woman who was his partner shook her head, “No, didn’t you hear the SWAT report that they’re all dead?” With that she radioed the other four and they all headed for the hospital.

Meanwhile, Naraku was scanning the mix of vehicles for an ambulance, where he was sure that they would take Kagome. “Naraku put your hands up, you are under arrest, by the United States of America.” a voice snapped him out of his search.

“You blithering fools, where have you taken Kagome to?” he shouted, “I will never surrender, and I will take back what is rightfully mine!” with that Naraku began running at the first line of officers.

The head chief was ready for this, and signaled to his men to let loose their artillery, they threw out a few smoke bombs, coupled with plenty of bullets from their automatic guns. The black-haired half-demon cursed under his breath, and receive two more shots in the arm. Knowing he was out numbered, Naraku broke up out of the smoke cloud and landed on the roof. He sprinted toward the backstreets of Tokyo, and before anyone could stop him, the leader of the Japanese Terrors gang became one with the night.

“Damn it! We lost him men, surround the ambulances and get to your lookout posts, tonight is going to be a long one.” he said over his walkie talkie.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Naraku buried his head in his hands, Why? he asked himself. Why would my love, Kagome betray me? Looking up at an old photo of them, that was sitting in a frame on his desk, he gazed into her perfect face. The half-demon still loved the traitor, he knew that, he also knew sooner or later she would explain to him face to face what pushed her to go to the FBI.

He sighed out loud, and put the photo down, “I suppose it isn’t entirely your fault, my love.” Naraku said out loud as if to Kagome. “I knew you didn’t approve of my drug peddling in America, but who could turn down such a fantastic deal? I guess that I just got careless and didn‘t cover my tracks, or how else would they‘ve found you?” During the last months before his girlfriend had disappeared, Naraku’s labs had created a hybrid kind of methamphetamine. Not only would the drug allow you to experience a crazy high, but also give you inhuman strength, even demons who took it would feel a large surge of power. The only downside for people who took the drug, was that even after just one hit they were hooked; there wasn’t a current antidote on the market to cure the people, so they had to keep buying from his vendors. Not only did he spread the new drug through the streets of Japan, but also Europe, parts of South Africa, and America. His gang was booming, and with MethEdge sold by him, profits soared into the billions and Naraku was loving it. He couldn’t get enough of the money that seemed endless, and the power that came along with the new drug was even more beneficial, but Kagome wanted him to stop. She told him that so many people were getting hurt, and that if he just stopped selling the drug, its affects would wane on the people, and they would be alright. But, Naraku wouldn’t heed her words, instead he was angry with her insolence.

“You don’t understand Kagome! These people want and deserve to be hooked to my drug. Without me or MethEdge, they would probably be on some other drug regardless of what it was.” he had snapped at her when she brought it up as they were dining in his villa.

“Naraku, I can’t believe that you would say something like that! Even if they were on some other drug, you would be doing mankind some good by not adding to the choice of drugs that they pick up.”

“Stop being so naïve!” he roared, “I won’t allow you to speak of this with me again, unless you agree with me, I don’t care whether or not these peasants are harmed while taking this drug. You understand?” At that point in their conversation, she only nodded curtly and stabbed viciously at her food.

Remembering that conversation, Naraku slid his drawer open, pulled out a cigar, and lit it up. Kagome was going to be back at his side soon, he just knew it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

“Hey Kaede!” Kagome chirped into her cell phone as she walked down the street with hundreds of other people surrounding her.

“My dear, how was your first day?” inquired the old woman.

“It was… how do I put it? Interesting, I guess.”

The elder chuckled, “You’ll have to tell me about it as soon as you get home, be in soon alright? There is a lot that must be done before you are officially settled in.”

“Ok, I’ll talk to you later. Bye!” Kagome replied.

“See you later.”

With that the high school teen shut her phone and walked into Tully’s Coffee. She smiled at the cashier and ordered a Caramel Macchiato, a few minutes later she was sitting by the window, watching as people rushed by to get somewhere. Sipping on her mug of sweetened coffee, she wondered where all of these people could possible be in such a hurry to get to a four in the afternoon. Probably their families at home, she thought sadly to herself. She looked down at the whipped cream that was drizzled with caramel, and began stirring it into the rest of the hot drink. Gazing back out of the window, something caught her attention, How could I have not noticed them? she thought wearily to herself as she pulled on a pair of sunglasses.

Not too far down the street, a trio of Shikon Academy students were walking languidly to Miroku’s large Skyline Penthouse on the top floor of Hotel Frank. His father was paying for him to stay there, in exchange for Miroku to graduate from high school, and stop chasing so many women around.

“Inuyasha why are you pouting like a five-year old again?” Sango asked annoyed with his snappish attitude.

He glared at his friend, “I don’t know about you Sango, but I don’t like that new girl, she totally got me in trouble, first with that bastard, Koga, then with Satou for not having her in my presence when I was down at the office. I think she‘s hiding something too.”

“That was your own fault, don’t blame her for your own stupidity! You’re being paranoid, I happen to think she’s nice.” the dark-hair girl shot back.

“I would have to agree with the lovely Sango. Asuka is quite nice.” Miroku added with a mischievous smile.

“Wait, how would you know?” Sango asked, but quickly forgot about it as she noticed her half-demon friend sniffing the air suspiciously.

“What are you doing Inuyasha?” she asked her friend confused.

“I can smell her here…” he replied with gritted teeth, as he began looking around. He glanced into Tully’s window and almost missed her, she had changed into a pair of skinny jeans, black ballet flats, and an old Beetle’s T-shirt. What had made him do a double take was the fact that she was wearing sunglasses inside the building, it was almost dark outside; and also the green, puffy jacket that she had thrown on the back of her chair, which he had seen her wear earlier. Without thinking about the consequences he bolted to the window, where Kagome was sitting on the other side. He began rapping on the glass and shouting, “Yo new girl! Hey you! I know you can hear me, don’t try to ignore me!”

Oh my God, Kagome thought mortified, just pretend he isn’t there, I won’t survive anymore questions that he throws at me once he gets the chance! She tried reminding herself. It was difficult though, because now he was pounding on the window with both hands and shouting very loudly. Please go away, please go away. Kagome continued blocking the hanyou out and pulled out a book, attempting to read it. The whole coffee shop was silent and staring at the young woman, who was vigilantly ignoring the scary looking man outside. A little girl clutched her mother’s hand and began crying.

“WENCH!” Inuyasha continued shouting, he had stopped assaulting the windows, but was now pressing his face against the glass and glaring down at her.

“Mind if we sit here?” a female voice asked politely. Kagome looked up and instantly recognized the guy who she had run into that morning and Sango from the ladies room, she nodded enthusiastically. “Go ahead!”

“This is my friend Miroku--”

“My fair lady, how your bosom calls to me,” he was down on his knee by her bar stool, and had somehow captured one of her hands in his. “Will you do me the honor of bearing my children?” The pervert asked as he placed a disgustingly wet kiss on Kagome’s dainty hand.

The only response he received was a slap on the face, and Kagome fuming above him, “You sicko! Get away from me before I make sure you won’t be able to have kids!”

“I guess that is a ‘no’ then.” Sango just rolled her eyes, “Really was that necessary Miroku?”

At that point Inuyasha had realized that there was a door into the shop, and decided to follow his friends in, so he could question the new girl without any problems.

“Hey baka! You had better answer me woman!”

Kagome just stared at the fool, how much more of him was she going to have to deal with? Sure he was super attractive, with his beautiful hair framing those golden eyes. His tall stature, with what Kagome could already tell was a hard, muscled body underneath the uniform, and cute doggie ears to cap it all off. But his attitude, and the way he talked down to her was almost worst then the feeling the raven haired girl got when Koga looked at her in the classroom. It was a total turn off.

“Ma’am? We’re going to have to ask you to leave. You and your friends are making my other customers uncomfortable, and they requested that you exit immediately.” The manager had come over to kick them out. Kagome was shocked, why was there a commotion wherever she went? She gather all of her belongings quickly, and put her sunglasses away too, how weird would it be to wear them when it was dark?

“Of course, I’m so sorry for the trouble that we have caused you!” she exclaimed and began pushing all of her classmates out the door. “Come on guys, we gotta go!”

“Will you knock it off? I’m going jeez!” Inuyasha threw over his shoulder, the four bursted out of the door.

“Well that wasn’t embarrassing at all.” Kagome said out loud.

Sango snickered, and pretty soon all of them were laughing. “Ha-I can’t believe that you stood out there for so long Inuyasha!” Miroku snorted

“Hey it wasn’t my fault, I was angry alright?” they were all walking toward Hotel Frank, “Why were you ignoring me wench?” the hanyou asked a little agitated.

“Um, I figured that you were still angry at me for what happened before, so I didn’t really think that we could talk properly without you blowing a fuse.” she lied about the first part, but it was the only lie that came to mind when Kagome panicked.

Once again Inuyasha heard her heart rate speed up, “Sure you did. Why are you lying again?”

“Excuse me?” she looked up at him feigning confusion.

“Stop pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about!”

“I can’t pretend when I really have no idea what you’re bumbling and blaming me for.”

“Oh really! Now you’re going to play that game?” Inuyasha was furious, what the hell was the matter with this new girl, why was she so mysterious, and most importantly, why wasn’t she telling the truth? Now both Miroku and Sango had stopped to watch what was going to happen next.

Kagome could tell that if she didn’t do something soon, her cover was going to be blown, so she told the truth. “I find you revolting, and I wish to have nothing to do with you. I have no desire to talk to you at all.” The other three students stared at her in shock. “You’re rude, you have no manners, and you don’t even have the decency to call people by their actual name. I find your company terribly demeaning and tiresome.” The brown-eyed girl hadn’t felt so good in such a long time, by telling the truth, she felt a little like her old self, before Naraku. Inuyasha could not have been more enraged.

“Fine, if you feel that way then you can just leave!”

“Thanks, I have to get home anyway, it was nice seeing you two.” she said turning to Sango and Miroku. “Later.” With that Kagome turned around and began walking the other way toward Kaede’s uniquely large and airy home.

“That wench!” Inuyasha spat out with venom, “I can’t believe that she said that shit and expected it to just fly.”

“I think she was just telling you the truth Inuyasha, that’s what you wanted all along right?” Sango asked amused as they reached Miroku’s hotel and were greeted by the doorman. “The truth hurts.” His perverted best friend added as they stepped into the elevator. “Keh, whatever.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“And so that’s why I got here just a little bit later.” Kagome finished explaining to her guardian.

“I see. So this hanyou boy likes you?” Kaede asked with a small smile.

“I highly doubt it, last thing I heard from him were insults directed at me.” the young woman replied while putting the last of her clothes away.

“Oh well then, I thought that it might be helpful to have someone around to protect you from all of the dangers you face out of these walls. But, never mind.” The old woman said wistfully.

Kagome scoffed, “I don’t need his help. He’d probably get in the way if I did end up having to escape somehow.”

Kaede just waved her comment away, “You never know. Anyway, Agent Morgan call a few minutes ago and told you to get on your webcam so you can what is it, debrief?” Kagome smile with delight, she hadn’t spoken to her tutor in a few days now. “Ok, would you mind excusing me then?” her elder just nodded and hobbled out of the room. My room, she thought to herself as she booted the computer up, I am so lucky! Indeed, Kagome was very lucky, she was allotted the second largest room of the old Victorian house, it was painted a light lavender and had a beautiful view of San Francisco, in the distance she could see water twinkling in the night. A king sized bed was pushed against the left side of the room, and on the right there was a humongous walk in closet. Kagome’s clothes didn’t even fill up half of it, the hardwood floor under her feet were nice, and gave a more modern feel to the whole room. Her desk was adjacent to the bay windows, which were framed with the lightest purple silk.

Within moments, she had the webcam program booted up and she was looking at the stern face of Agent Morgan. “Kagome how are you doing over there?” a smile spread across her beautiful teacher’s features.

“I’m doing alright I guess, Kaede is so nice, but there are a few people at Shikon High that I could defiantly do without.”

Agent Morgan chuckled, “I’m sure you’ll get along with them just fine. But, there is another reason that we need to talk Kagome.”

“What is it?” the teenager asked a little worried, a knot was beginning to form in the pit of her stomach.

“We’ve picked up on his gang’s activities, and lately it seems as if they’ve been snooping around our files, looking for you.”

A cold shiver ran down Kagome’s spine, she knew that he wouldn’t ever let her go, it was only a matter of time. “Has they gotten anything yet?” she asked.

“No, that is why I want you to work on blending in as much as you possibly can, and don’t blow your true identity to anyone! Only Kaede is to know who you are out there alright?” Kagome thought of how hard it had been for her today to maintain her false identity. “I understand, but I want to see him dead.”

Her mentor just shook her head, “In due time he will be prosecuted, and will be punished for what he has done. Until then, you need to stay low and get back on your two feet, eventually, you’ll have to testify against him. That’ll be your chance to put him away for good.”

Kagome nodded, and was about to tell Agent Morgan about the attack that she had experienced in the hallway at school, but decided not to. Why should she worry the people who had helped her through this mess, that much more? “Ok.” she said softly.

“Chin up kid! Keep holding on, we’ll bring him to justice soon. I have to go, be safe Kagome.” With that, the monitor’s screen went a static gray. The raven-haired girl sighed and turned off her computer as she headed down the stairs to the kitchen where Kaede had dinner ready. “Sit down! I hope you’re hungry, because I’ve made a special feast for us tonight!” Kagome smiled and did as she was told, this meal was going to be delicious.

Alright, another chapter just as I promised! I’ll have Chapter 4 by the end of the week, so adios until then! Please drop a review in to let me know how you liked it!
