InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4:
After everyone had finished eating, Kagome practically pulled Inuyasha into his car. “What are you doing Kagome?” Inuyasha yelled as Kagome pushed him into the driver's seat. She didn't answer until they were both in the car and driving away to the amusement park. “I needed to talk to you…” she said softly. He shrugged and asked
“Well I have been thinking about my dream… W-why do you have ears?” Kagome asked and pulled of Inuyasha's bandanna. His eyes widened. “I actually don't know…” he said as he drove up to the ticket booth. “For two please” He said and paid the man. He then steered into the parking lot. They sat in the car silently until Inuyasha broke the silence. “My half brother doesn't have dog ears but he does have elf looking ears.” Kagome tried to stop from laughing. “I know it is kinda funny” He said and sat back. “My mother didn't have anything. She was human. My dad on the other hand looked exactly like my brother Sesshoumaru.” He stared out the window as if ashamed of what he had said.
Kagome couldn't think of anything to say. She just stared at him and thought `Damn, he is hot! And very kind…' Suddenly without warning they both turned to each other and said “Will you date me!?” at the same time. They both blushed as red as the reddest rose then Kagome said “I-I would like that very much…” He smiled as they both got out of the car. They saw Miroku and Sango and waved happily while holding each others hands.
Miroku saw them and smiled as Sango gave him a lecture about how the date wasn't about them but about Kagome and Inuyasha. Miroku tapped on Sango's shoulder lightly and she screamed “What!?” he turned her around and her jaw opened wide. “My Lord they sure do fall in love easily.” Sango said and Kagome and Inuyasha walked up to then, both with BIG smiles on there faces.
Sorry its so short. I had a great idea for the next chapter!!!
Review lots!!!
Bri Bri