InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Good Advice ❯ Worth the Effort ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own Inuyasha and I make no money from these stories.

This is the LAST chapter of this fic. I know it needs more and may get a sequel eventually, especially since I love high school fics so much.

Chapter 6 - Worth the Effort - (Into the Sunset - 3377)

Kagome and Sesshoumaru were once again working with clay while they waited for their last projects to be re-fired after glazing. The miko was explaining to him, much more patiently this time, exactly what needed to be done. By that indicator alone, the taiyoukai knew he'd made a great deal of progress. They'd been working side by side for a month now and she had certainly warmed up to him, but so long as she was fighting her feelings, no more progress could be made.

"So, are you ready for your audition today?" Sesshoumaru asked during a lull in her instructions.

"Yeah, I had Inu help me practice last night. I'm still nervous though. This will be my last play here and I really want it to be memorable."

"I would be happy to run lines with you any time."

She shot him a confused look for a moment before stammering her reply. "Inu... Inu's fine. He doesn't mind helping me."

"Yes, but we are in the same class and Inuyasha does not even take drama. Would it not make more sense to do it together?" He tried his damndest not to smirk at her as she blushed and looked away. That wouldn't help things in the slightest. He was trying so hard to find a new way to get closer to her and drama was perfect. He didn't doubt she would get a large role. If he could get her to agree to practicing lines together, then the amount of time they spent together could easily double and he would no longer have to suffer through the weekends without her.

"I... I don't know. We'll see if I even get a part."

"We both know you will," he said in a slightly deeper, seductive tone. "You have starred in every production the school has put on since you started taking drama."

Her eyes snapped to his face in surprise. "How... how do you know that?"

"I know you think very little of me, Kagome, but I was not averse to experiencing the arts before my transfer. I attended every single play and was impressed each time with your performance."

"I don't think badly of you, Sesshoumaru," she lied through her teeth. Guilt flooded her mind. Sure, she'd wanted him to know she wasn't interested in him, that he wasn't completely irresistible to the female population. She'd never intended to give him the impression that she hated him, though. She didn't believe in hating someone that she didn't even know and now that she'd gotten to know him, he wasn't really that bad of a guy, so long as he wasn't faking, that is.

"I do not blame you, Kagome. I know that I have a tendency to come off arrogant and condescending. I was rather shallow and even hateful at times. I suppose it is a product of my upbringing. My mother was always sure to make sure I knew how much better I was than everyone else and the student population never did much to dissuade from that."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Sesshoumaru," Kagome said softly, more than a little surprised by his confession.

"Perhaps not, but I wanted to anyway." He allowed the conversation to die down, sensing just how uncomfortable she was. He could only hope that she had actually heard him because he'd meant every word. He understood now that his worth was not measured by his parentage, his status and popularity, or his appearance. No, his worth was determined by what he could contribute to the world, by his actions and choices, and most importantly, by her.

He now desired nothing more than to be considered worthy in her eyes. Until he was, he was nothing, a nobody. He ached for her approval and would do whatever was necessary to get it, even if it meant giving up everything he owned and starting from scratch. Even if he had to surrender his image, to lose the adoration of every student in the school. Only her opinion mattered to him anymore.


"Welcome, everyone," the drama teacher said from the stage once the bell had rung announcing the start of class. "First, I'd like to announce that I have chosen our male lead, Sesshoumaru Taisho." The entire auditorium erupted in both cheers from the females and groans of annoyance from the males. Once they quieted down, he continued. "And since he's been selected, I thought it would be helpful to have him run lines with each girl who wants to audition, so I can see not only your acting ability, but the stage chemistry of each pair." Now several squeals echoed through the large room and the teacher rolled his eyes. "We'll be going alphabetically. Sesshoumaru, can you come up on stage for me?"

Sesshoumaru fought down the desire to sigh. There was only one girl he wanted to run lines with, but now he was stuck interacting with every girl in class. This would be unpleasant.


The last half hour had to have been the longest of his life, and Sesshoumaru spent the whole time cursing the fact that so many of the girls in class had last names that started with the first half of the alphabet. Each and every one of them used their audition as a reason to touch him, the bolder among them practically hanging off his body. He wanted nothing more than to rip them all to shreds, but he controlled his temper, knowing her time would come.

It had finally arrived, her turn, and he struggled to keep from twitching with his anxiousness as she climbed the stairs to the stage. Kagome stopped almost six feet away from him and immediately the teacher directed her to get closer. She took only a few more steps and when Sesshoumaru saw the annoyance on the teacher's face, he closed the distance between them. He could tell she was nervous, but when he spoke the first line, she followed immediately. She didn't need to look at the script she had rolled up into a tight tube and clutched tightly in one hand.

As the drama of the scene grew, he moved even closer, eventually putting his hand at the curve of her waist and pulling her against him. It was obvious she was uncomfortable with their proximity and his touch, but she still managed to finish the scene before quickly pulling away and heading back to her seat. Meanwhile the teacher/director applauded loudly. Sesshoumaru allowed himself to relax and went through the rest of the auditions on autopilot. She would get the part, he was sure of it. She would be his co-star, giving him a very good reason to spend more time with her.


By the time Journalism rolled around, Kagome had finally calmed down. The way he'd touched her had heated her blood in an entirely new way that she'd never experienced before. It felt so good, so right, and she hadn't been able to get the feeling out of her head for quite some time. She didn't like it. She wasn't supposed to be with him. She didn't want to be with him, so why did she ache to feel that way again?

The miko sat at her desk, flipping through the newest set of letters for her advice column, the one she now shared with Sesshoumaru. She sighed heavily. No matter how much she wanted to, she just couldn't seem to get away from him. When she saw him walk through the door, her head dropped to the desk with a groan. She really didn't want to have to deal with him right now, but they had to work together to choose and then respond to a few letters.

"Are you alright?" Sesshoumaru asked, honest concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," she mumbled without picking up her head.

"If this is about your audition, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You just seemed so nervous and since I knew you really wanted a large role, I thought maybe I could help you out. You did wonderfully, by the way. I expect you to get the female lead."

Kagome lifted her head and narrowed her eyes at him. "I didn't need your help, and it isn't nice to touch someone without their permission."

"Again, you have my deepest apologies."

The miko rolled her eyes and returned to flipping through the letters. Sesshoumaru eyed her nervously. He had been hoping to pull out a few selections to show her, including the one he'd added to the rest yesterday. Now he could only pray that she chose that one, because this was his last chance to get her to give him a shot, to take his changes at face value and maybe even agree to date him. No one had been able to think of any other ideas so, if this plan failed, he was screwed.

Kagome skimmed through each letter, setting a few aside, and once she'd finished she handed a pile to Sesshoumaru. "I think these ones are do-able. Why don't you pick three that you like and then we can get started."

The taiyoukai flipped through the small stack, mentally sighing in relief as he found the one he and his friends had written. He selected two more and then returned them to her. "Do you wish to write our responses together, or independently?" He already knew the answer, because she obviously wanted nothing to do with him at the moment, but he asked anyway.

"Let's just each write our own replies, okay?" Sesshoumaru nodded and accepted the first letter she handed to him, settling in to get to work.


The next morning, Sesshoumaru headed straight to the journalism classroom and snatched up a copy of the freshly printed paper. He flipped to the right page and his eyes quickly scanned her response to his secret letter. A wide smile showed on his face. This was perfect.


The time was quickly approaching to put the second half of their plan into motion and Sesshoumaru was anxious. Waiting for her to arrive for pottery was torture. Sitting through attendance in silence was a nightmare. Finally they were given the green light to get to work, and the taiyoukai jumped at the opportunity.

"Kagome," he said softly, hoping to get her attention. When she looked up at him, he smiled a genuine smile that took her breath away. "I was wondering if, perhaps, you would do me the honor of allowing me to take you to dinner tonight, maybe a movie as well." He watched as her eyes widened in shock. She dropped the tool she'd been using and it clattered as it bounced off the table, forgotten.

"You're seriously asking me out?" He hated the disbelief in her tone. Why was it so hard for her to accept that he was interested in her? He'd been putting in some serious flirting for quite a while now, and yet this still came as a surprise?

"Of course. So, do you accept?"

She looked like a deer caught in headlights and her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water for several moments before replying. "I... I need some time to think about it. Can I tell you later?" Oh how she wanted to just tell him no, that she wouldn't be caught dead out on a date with him, but all her previous reasons to maintain her distance had crumbled and a part of her brain was screaming 'Yes!'. She didn't know what to do, how to proceed, and she knew she needed help.

"That is fine," he said with a nod. "I can wait."


Inuyasha yelped as Kagome snuck up behind him at his lunch table and tweaked an ear. "What the hell, Kags? You scared the crap out of me!"

She just gave him a look before jerking her head to one side, hoping he would understand that she wanted to talk to him elsewhere. He nodded and rose, following her out of the cafeteria, a folded paper sticking out of his back pocket.

"What's up? You look freaked out."

"I am freaked out!" she whispered harshly. "Your brother asked me out!"

"And? You know you like him. Why not give him a chance and go? Who knows, you might have fun."

"You know I can't do that! I can't like him. I just can't! What if everything about him is fake? What if it's all an act, leading up to a big scene where he announces to everyone that no woman can resist him?"

Inuyasha laughed. "Does this scene come with high production values too? Kagome, stop being so dramatic. Besides, don't you think you're being a bit of a hypocrite?"

"What? How?" she hissed angrily.

The hanyou pulled the paper from his back pocket and thrust it in her face. "Read your own advice, the second letter."

Kagome focused on her column, confused as to what this had to do with anything, and read.


There's this guy that has always gotten on my nerves, but lately I've gotten to know him and he seems so different than I'd thought. I think I'm starting to fall for him and he's made it obvious he's interested in me too. But I'm afraid that it's all an act, that he's pretending to be who I'd want him to be so that I'll like him. How can I know if he's for real? Is it worth risking getting my heart broken?
Signed, Wary of Love

Dear Wary of Love,
Why do you suspect it's an act? Maybe you judged him without all the facts. Now that you've taken the time to get to know him, it makes sense that he isn't who you assumed. You should never judge a book by its cover. You never really know a person until you spend time with them and really try to learn about them. If you have feelings for him and he reciprocates the interest, I say go for it. Sure, you might get hurt but that's a risk in every relationship. Who knows? Maybe he's the perfect guy for you. It would be a shame to miss out on what could be a wonderful relationship because of fear.
Give it a chance!

Dear Wary of Love,
Have you considered that, in spending time with you, he has genuinely changed for the better? We are all changing all the time, influenced by internal and external factors. If you spend your life guarding your heart from all possible pain, you are guaranteed to end up alone, a heartache all its own. If he asks you out, I think that you should at least consider going. The more time you spend together, the more you will learn about each other. If you decide you don't really like him after all, no harm, no foul, but if you don't even try, you will never know. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been?


Kagome scowled at her best friend. "What does this have to do with me?"

Inuyasha sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Kagome, the letter writer has the exact same problem you do. She's afraid the guy she likes is pretending to be someone else. She's afraid he will break her heart. Think about it, Kags."

Silence dragged out between them for several minutes as Kagome did just that. She considered the letter and the advice she had given, wondering why the similarities hadn't jumped out at her immediately. Was she right? Should she give him a chance? That's what she'd told a stranger to do. Was that advice somehow good enough for the letter writer, but not for herself?

Sesshoumaru's response seemed to echo in her mind as well. It seemed possible, that spending time with her trying new things had changed him. He seemed so different, but at times he was exactly the same. She had always assumed terrible things about him, and just two days ago he'd confessed his faults so freely, faults that didn't seem nearly so obvious any more.

Who was she to judge him when she didn't even really know him, all because she was irritated by how all the girls in school threw themselves at him. It wasn't like he took advantage of that fact. He didn't jump from girl to girl, using her until he got bored and moved on to the next. The more she had gotten to know him, the more he seemed like a pretty good guy. So why was she still so afraid?

"Kagome, I promise you, he's not faking it and he has no intention of hurting you. He really likes you, really cares about you. Please, give him a chance so he can stop pouting about it," he finished with a chuckle. "You make him happy in a way I've never seen him before. I'm serious."

"But I'm scared, Inuyasha. What if it doesn't work? What if he finds out he doesn't like me after all? What if...?"

"Every couple has those same questions floating around them. Everyone feels that same fear. The difference is, not everyone tries to hide from it. Some people face it head on. He's scared too, Kagome. Anyone would be when starting a new relationship. Just... just give it a chance. Let him take you out and show you a good time. You won't regret it, and if you do, you can pull my ears all you want in retaliation."

Kagome couldn't help but laugh as she threw her arms around the hanyou's neck. "Okay, you're right. I can't spend my life hiding from possible pain. I really do like him a lot, so I guess it would be stupid to turn him down when I actually want to say yes."

"Exactly. So go tell him."

He watched as Kagome blushed and shook her head. "Not yet. I have to figure out how."

Inuyasha sighed and shook his head. "Whatever, Babe. Just do it soon, alright?"

"Okay, I will."


When Inuyasha returned to the lunch table, he was smiling, and he gave his older sibling a nod. The hanyou's smile spread quickly to the taiyoukai. From there it infected the monk and then the wolf as well. Finally, things were going right.


Sesshoumaru was nervous as he headed towards the auditorium, though he didn't really understand it. She was going to say yes, going to agree to go on a date with him. Why should he be worried then? Still, he couldn't shake the feeling. As he got closer, he noticed loud voices, and when the door to his next class came into sight, he knew why. The teacher had posted the cast list. Just a few moments of listening got him the information he wanted. Kagome had, in fact, gotten the female lead, just as he had suspected.

He pushed his way through the crowd of angry and jealous females and made his way to his usual seat. In an attempt to distract himself, Sesshoumaru pulled out his script and started reading through his favorite part again, the part when he would get to kiss Kagome onstage. He hoped, though, that he would have kissed her long before opening night, maybe even tonight if things went well.

The taiyoukai was startled out of his thoughts as someone plunked down in the seat beside him. His nose immediately told him it was the girl he was waiting for, and he looked up, locking eyes with her.

"Sesshoumaru," she said nervously, though a smile still showed on her lips. "If you still... I mean, if the offer is still good... I... damn."

"Kagome, have you decided if you would like to accompany me on a date this evening?" he asked, hoping to help her out while setting it up to hear the word he was looking for.

Her smile widened and she nodded. "Yes."

Unable to stop himself, Sesshoumaru leaned closer and brushed his lips across hers. It was quick and chaste, but sent a wave of tingles through each of them.

"Wow," Kagome whispered softly.
