InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted House, Haunting Past ❯ Good Night ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry it took so long.. I was really needing some inspiration. Thanks for all your reviews!!!!

Anyway, enough with the babbling. If you have reviewed, then thanks SOOO much. I wuv you guys!! *hugs* I’m gonna try hard to make my chapters as long as possible. Thank Moon essence1 for a nice looong (Well, long for me..) juicy chapter!! ^_^

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Haunted House, Haunting Past ch.6

Inuyasha sat in his tree watching over the sleeping girl that still laid there on the ground.

It was getting dark and the wind was really getting cold.

If she didn’t wake up soon, she could get really sick.. But it wasn’t like he cared or anything like that.. It was bad enough she had taken over his house..

Inuyasha continued to watch her.

He didn’t understand why she fainted like that. Maybe he was a better ghost than he’d given himself credit for..

But why was she was able to see him? Why could she see him now, when she hadn’t seen him any other time? A few times she had acted as though she had seen him, but only for a minute.

Kagome stirred slightly. She groaned as she slowly regained consciousness. ‘I guess it really was a dream after all..’ Kagome thought as she woke, opening her eyes.

Kagome took in her surroundings, finding herself on the ground. ‘Or not..’ She got up and looked around. No one was there, but the tree still stood in front of her in the dim light of the moon, the demon boy still pinned to the tree.

“It was all real..” her voice was barely above a whisper.

Inuyasha jumped down from his perch.

The girl jumped back and let out an ear-piercing screech causing him to flinch and his hand to defensively cover his sensitive and throbbing ears. The sound echoed through the whole area and birds miles away flew from the trees.

“Shut the hell up, Wench!” He shouted at her. ‘How could such a small girl make such a noise?’ he wondered.

She immediately shut up and looked at him with a weird expression on her face.

He sighed in relief that the horrible noise had stopped.

Kagome just looked at him. She didn’t know what to think. Her emotions went through her like a fast forward through a movie.. There she went again with the movies..

“Kagome!!” A voice siddenly echoed distantly from the direction of Kagome’s house.

Kagome turned toward the voice, momentarily distracting her. It was her mom. Kagome looked up to the sky as if just realizing it was dark. She knew that her mother was probably worried about her. Suddenly she remembered the ghost demon boy, her gaze turning back to where he once stood.

‘Wait, where’d he go?’ Kagome looked around, but didn’t see him anywhere.

“Kagome!!” She heard her mother call again.

Kagome sighed. If she stayed any longer, her mother would probably send a search team after her.

She made her way to the door of the huge stone wall. Right before she could reach it, he appeared again right in front of her. She didn’t have time to stop, but instead of running into him, she went right through him.

He just stood there with his arms folded across his chest and rolled his eyes at her.

She took one glance at him before she took off back to her house.

“Hey, where do you think your going, bitch? I’m not done talkin to you!” He caught up to her and walked beside her, easily keeping up with her pace.

Kagome ignored him and just kept going. She pressed her hands to her ears to block out his insults and curses. ‘He’s not real. He’s not real. He’s not real..’

She stopped abruptly and spun around to face him. “You’re NOT real!!” she shouted at him before she turned again and kept going.

He stood there surprised for a minute before catching up to her again. “Oi wench, I am real! If I wasn’t real, then why are you talking to yourself?”

Kagome ignored him. She could finally see her house and quickened her pace to meet her anxious mother at the door.

~ * ~

Kagome had stayed unusually quiet at dinner. How could she eat when he was staring at her like that?

Inuyasha sat carelessly on the counter and made random smart-aleck comments.

Kagome was the only one able to hear him and it was beginning to get on her nerves. It was starting to get harder and harder to ignore him.

She picked idly at the food on her plate.

"Not hungry?" Mrs. Higurashi guessed as she watched her daughter across the table.

Kagome nodded. “Can I please be excused?”

~ * ~

Well, if she wasn't convinced that ghosts were real from all the stories her grandpa told, she most definitely was now.

Kagome sighed angrily and went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas since that stupid, stubborn, rude, thinks-he-knows-it-all JERK, wouldn’t leave her alone! Not to mention, he was a demon ghost!!!! Even Kagome was beginning to doubting her mental state. She had tried to ignore him and thought that maybe if she did, he'd go away. But he just would not leave!

He’d called her names, sat there and annoyed her while she ate, followed her to her room, and even through all that, she had somehow managed to ignore him. But after he refused to leave when she needed to change, that’s when she couldn’t take it anymore!

Kagome sneezed as she left the bathroom and headed back to her bedroom. And now she was getting a cold!!

Kagome threw open her bedroom door.

Intense golden eyes met yellow-green ones as Inuyasha and Kagome’s cat Buyo was having a staring contest. Inuyasha looked up at Kagome who stood scowling at him in the doorway.

“Why won’t you leave?” Kagome’s voice was calm, yet oozing with venom and her expression was just as dangerous as the one he gave her.

“This is my house! You leave!” he spat back at her.

“Your house? What do you mean this is your house?”

Inuyasha didn’t get the chance to reply before Kagome’s mother knocked on the door before pushing it open.

“Kagome, sweetie, who are you talking to?” her mother asked glancing curiously around the bedroom.

“No one!” Kagome replied quickly, watching the ghost demon boy out of the corner of her eye. Thank goodness her mother couldn’t see him. Who knows how she’d react.

“But I could have sworn I heard you talking to someone..”

Kagome searched for an excuse. “Oh, that! I-I was.. I was practicing.”

Kagome’s mom raised one eyebrow. “Practicing? For what?”

“Umm.. I was.. I was practicing for.. a play?” Kagome mentally kicked herself. ‘Way to go, Kagome. Couldn’t you think of a better excuse than-‘

Her mother’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Really? Are you having a play at your school?”

Kagome blinked a few times in surprise before glaring at the ghost who was still on the bed watching in amusement.

“Uh, yeah.” Kagome hoped her smile was convincing.

“Oh, that’s nice. Let me know when it is. I’ll be sure to be there.”

“Sure mom. I’ll let you know.”

Kagome’s mother nodded and kissed Kagome on the forehead before leaving the room.

Kagome waited a few seconds before rushing to the door and making sure her mother was gone before closing it shut.

"Nice going," Inuyasha smirked at the peeved look on her face.

Kagome crawled under her blankets, ignoring the ghost that still sat at the foot of her bed and shut off the light on her nightstand.

They sat in silence before she gathered the courage to break it. “So, what’s your name?”

He snorted. “Why should I tell you?”

“Well, unless you want me to keep calling you ‘demon ghost boy’..” Kagome trailed off and waited for him to say something.

When he remained quiet, Kagome let out a defeated sigh. ‘I guess he’s not going to tell me..’

“Inuyasha.” he said quietly.

Kagome blinked and sat up to face him even though she couldn’t really see him in the darkness of her room. “What?”

“My name, It’s Inuyasha.” He said irritated.

Kagome smiled and laid back down on her pillow. “Good night, Inuyasha.”

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A/N: I can’t really decide if I like this chapter, but I felt a little rushed to post it, because I really wanted to get it done before my mom’s b-day, which is in two days. It will also probably be awhile before my next update, but I’ll try to make it up to you all with more long chapters!!

Also, I’d like to thank Sesshy’s Mate20: I really needed to hear that!! I hope you don’t change your mind. I hope you all keep reading and that I don’t mess it up!!