InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Have You Ever? ❯ Have You Ever? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
An Inu Yasha Song Fic written by HieiKitty

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha or the song "Have You Ever?" so don't try to sue me cause I got no money anyways.

"Have You Ever?"

Have you ever loved somebody so much

It makes you cry

Have you ever needed something so bad

You can't sleep at night

Have you ever tried to find the words

But they don't come out right

Have you ever, have you ever

Kouga sighed as he sat on a boulder looking up at the night sky. Earlier that day he had tried to talk to Kagome once again to tell her how he felt about her but that Inuyasha got in the way. No matter how much he tried, he could never be alone with that girl who stole his heart. He wanted so much just to tell her how much she meant to him and how that he would never do anything to harm her physically or emotionally.

Have you ever been in love

Been in love so bad

You'd do anything to make them understand

Have you ever had someone steal your heart away

You'd give anything to make them feel the same

Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart

But you don't know what to say

And you don't know where to start

It pained him to know that she had feelings for that inu hanyou when they could be focused on him who actually loved her. He knew that Inuyasha held feelings for the girl but would never show them to her. Inuyasha was hurting them all. He hurt Kagome by not telling her about his feelings and going off to Kikyou. He hurt Kouga because he had stolen the heart of the woman he loved and yet does nothing to love her in return. Kouga sighed and leaned back to look at the stars above him. The night sky was clear and the light from the stars were vivid. Nothing was wrong except for one little thing. Kagome wasn't by his side.

Have you ever loved somebody so much

It makes you cry

Have you ever needed something so bad

You can't sleep at night

Have you ever tried to find the words

But they don't come out right

Have you ever, have you ever

Kagome. She knew what Kouga felt for her yet all she wanted to be was friends. That's what she thought anyways. The more Kouga came around and continuously told her how much he cared about her was starting to take affect. When he came and visited her earlier that day, he seemed so unlike his self. Almost as if he had something really important on his mind. Before he could even begin to talk to her, Inuyasha had gone in between the two protecting Kagome like always. At these times, she couldn't tell if Inuyasha really did care about her or if it was just because she could sense the sacred jewel shards. Kouga has always told her that he loved her for that and because she was loyal and strong. Kagome sighed and looked up at the night sky staring at the stars.

Have you ever found the one

You've dreamed of all of your life

You'd do just anything to look into their eyes

Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to

Only to find that one won't give their heart to you

Have you ever closed your eyes and

Dreamed that they were there

And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care

Was Kagome scared to give her heart to the ookami youkai? Could she ever stop loving Inuyasha to love someone else? She didn't know. Kagome sighed and closed her eyes. She was surrounded by her friends who cared for her and protected her during battles. Then why did she feel like something was wrong? Why? "Kagome, what's wrong? You've seemed a little down since this morning." Sango pointed out. Kagome opened her eyes and looked at her best friend. Could Sango sense her disturbance? No. It must have been her imagination. Kagome gave Sango a little smile and shook her head. "I'm fine, Sango. Really." Sango nodded and went back to polishing Hiraikutsu. Miroku, Inuyasha, and Shippou were engulfed with their own conversation to notice the short exchange between the two. Kagome went back to looking up at the stars. For a strange reason, she felt that Kouga was looking up at the same stars thinking about her as she thought about him.

Have you ever loved somebody so much

It makes you cry

Have you ever needed something so bad

You can't sleep at night

Have you ever tried to find the words

But they don't come out right

Have you ever, have you ever

Kagome. Why could she just accept his feelings and become his mate? Kouga slammed his fist against the hard rock beneath him. He couldn't stand it. Why? Why does she keep caring if she doesn't even love him? Why? How could Kagome act like he wasn't more than a friend even after he admited his feelings for her? How could she let him keep feeling this pain within his heart? Kouga looked down at the ground. "God damnit, Kagome. What do you want me to do?!" He raised his fist and slammed it into the boulder once more. No matter what he did, he couldn't get out his frustration. He's tried before. Tried to get rid of these useless feelings. But an image of Kagome would just appeared in front of him causing him to remember her. He couldn't take it.

What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby

What do I gotta say to get to your heart

To make you understand how I need you next to me

Gotta get you into my world

'Cuz baby I can't sleep

Kouga stood up from his sitting spot. Ginta and Hakaku were watching their leader from above. They could plainly see that the ookami was pissed at something but they couldn't tell what until his sudden outburst. Kouga was in not in the mood to hear about their shortage of food that night. That was minal compared to what he was going through. "Kagome, no matter what I do, your feelings never change." Kouga suddenly said aloud. "I can only do the thing that will get rid of these useless feelings for you. I hope you're happy with Inuyasha." The ookami quickly shoved his clawed hand through his chest and through his heart. The scent of ookami blood filled the air.

Have you ever loved somebody so much

It makes you cry

Have you ever needed something so bad

You can't sleep at night

Have you ever tried to find the words

But they don't come out right

Have you ever, have you ever

Inuyasha's nose twitched as the horrid scent approached his nose. He instantly recognized the scent. When he had stopped talking in the middle of his sentence, everyone stared at him waiting to know what was wrong. "Inuyasha, what's wrong? Is something on its way?" Miroku asked the inu hanyou. Inuyasha shook his head and looked up at the sky with a blank face. "That mangy wolf is finally dead." When Kagome heard this she began to cry her heart out. She knew this was going to happen! She knew! The girl cried into her hands trying not to believe what Inuyasha had just told her. She didn't want to believe. She would do anything to make it so it wasn't true. "No. Not Kouga."

The End

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