InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ He. Wait. She? ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wait. She?


I was walking home. Slightly in a daze. I found out something life shattering today. Something I’d been oblivious to for the past fourteen years.

“So, I found out something today…” I looked at my brother who was sitting on the couch, laptop on his (where else?) lap. He nodded in my direction, barely paying attention.

“Well, you know that one guy? The one that always hangs out with me and Miroku?”

He nodded and continued typing away.

“Well…” I paused. I seemed to be taking this news fairly well so far…considering… “He’s a she.”

All noise stopped. Everything was dead silent. Sesshomaru slowly looked up, his right eye twitching all the way. “But…he- No she’s! seen me naked…”

I nodded, knowing exactly how he was feeling. He- she had seen me naked too…I never questioned his wanting to change in privacy. I respected that. I mean, he’s always been weird…I just never questioned…WHY DID I NEVER QUESTION!?

Okay…This is a little prologue-teaser-type-thing to see if I really should write this story. I mean, I’m not going to unless people are actually going to read it. I’d rather not waste my time. But I was with my friend Maryssah and I forget what we were talking about, but this idea suddenly came to me….So yeah…Review to let me know if you would read this story or not. Thank you!!!!!

Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid