InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heartbeat ❯ More Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heartbeat ch. 3

Disclaimer: Since absolutely no one is reviewing, I 'm going to keep going just for the fun of it. So it would be nice if you reviewed, but I'm not going to beg for reviews anymore.

" Kikyo let go of your arrow."

" Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha ran and jumped in front of Kagome holding his sword up, protecting the both of them. It bounced off the sword and ended up almost hitting Naraku.

" You didn't hit us."

" Kikyo! how are you going to let him do that."

" I won't Naraku, I won't"

Kikyo got ready with another arrow, and aimed it at Kagome yet again. This time she aimed it right at Kagome's heart.

" Inuyasha I will kill you!" Naraku said coming towards Inuyasha, and dropping Kagome.

" I don't have time for this Naraku." Inuyasha said as he fought back.

Since Kagome was finally free from Naraku's clutches, she decided it would be a good idea if she ran. She ran towards the forest and when she was pretty sure she had lost Kikyo she took a chance to catch her breath. But just as she thought she had gotten away, she heard the cold voice of Kikyo,

" Reincarnation, you will die now."

She raised her arrow and got ready to shoot………

Diclaimer: I have nothing else to say, but read and review.