InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I am the Moon ❯ Two Fronts ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: I do not own Inuyasha; Rumikio Takahashi does.
Two Fronts
I stayed in Sapporo and we cleaned out some straggler tsuchigumo. I continued to get drained but forced myself to continue to fight. A week after Quon and Chen had come to Sapporo they had shown me almost every nook and cranny of the lands around the city. The Byakko finally went back to Hunan and Yuudai was thrilled. Quon had been exceptionally respectful and Yuudai had bordered on belligerent. I ended up back in the West to mountains of paperwork. I dragged my correspondence to my sire's study and he looked up. I smiled wanly and he nodded. He scoot over and allowed me room. I sat and started opening letters. He looked at me and I met his eyes.
“You are not well.” He commented.
“Tired.” I remarked.
“You plan to invade Ming China?” he asked bluntly.
“No. I plan to wait them out and strike back when they do. The Wanli Emperor has lost control of his own government and his eunuchs are making threatening moves to the south and along the Manchurian border. I will crush them if they cross my borders.” I said.
“You plan on ruling.” He remarked.
“I plan on seeing to my pups my Lord. I plan on providing each pup with their own land and principality.” I stated.
“You intend for this family to control most of mainland China.” He said.
“Hai.” I nodded.
“You are ambitious. This is why the nobles are pacified. You open up opportunities for commerce and monies to them.” He observed approving.
“Hai. Yoshiko need not be betrothed to Ling. I suggest letting it stand in name only for now.” I said shrugging.
“I shall let it stand as long as it pacifies the council.” He remarked.
“You never intended to honor it did you?” I asked.
“No.” he admitted.
“Why did you not tell mother?” I asked confused.
“She never gave me a chance. She was so angry she flew into a rage.” He said.
“I am sorry about it all; I truly am. I never disliked Quon, I always found him intriguing.” I admitted.
“It still shocks me that an inu and Byakko could even like the other let alone mate. Are you pupped?” he asked.
“No.” I said.
“Then why are you so exhausted?” he asked arching a brow.
“A lot going on.” I remarked reading.
“Why do you insist on lying to me?” he demanded.
“What makes you think I am pupped?” I asked.
“I have a pregnant mate. I should know Asuna.” He stated in a stern voice.
“There are many that would see an inu-Byakko as an abomination my Lord. As far as any are concerned I am not pupped.” I stated.
“I am not anyone Daughter. You possess much yoki but you are still my pup. You may conquer half the world but you are still my heir. I walked you to sleep as an infant and I have shed blood on your behalf.” He stated affronted.
“I carry.” I admitted.
“You will need to sequester yourself in Hunan at some point.” He stated arching a brow.
“Hai. It is getting harder to do what I need to do Father.” I said sighing.
“I understand but do not lie to me. I am still your sire and Lord.” He stated bluntly.
I nodded and inclined my head. He nodded as well and went back to his own administrative work. I opened a letter from Sheng and I scanned it quickly.
“Son of a whore!” I snapped then stood up.
“What?” he asked.
“The Ming have moved troops into Lingyuan!” I snapped.
“I shall see you later it seems. If you have need of my fang as always let me know.” He said.
I bowed and quit his study. I went to my chambers and shook Yuudai awake. He looked up at me in irritation and I showed him Sheng's letter. He read it and cussed. He stood up and pulled his haori back on. I watched him strap on his armor on and I did the same. I grabbed his hand and we ported to Shenyang.
Ichigawa met Yuudai and I at the front gate. I still had not forgiven the ningen government that had supported Jing against Katashi and I intended to crush them. I went inside the palace and was glad that the twins and Hana were at the Western Palace. Sheng met me and I nodded to him. He handed me reports and the more I read the angrier I became. Ang Chi stood in the doorway of the Lord's chambers. I went to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
“Mother. What do you want to do?” he asked.
“Call the council.” I said holding onto the doorway.
“Mother?” he asked softly.
“Could you please have some food sent for? I need to lie down.” I said quietly.
“Jun? Have some beef and oolong sent for please?” Ang Chi asked.
“Hai my Lord.” She said bowing.
Ang Chi helped me to the bed and I lay down. Sheng walked in and perused me. I closed my eyes and wondered if I needed Guang. My former mate laid a hand on my back and I looked up gratefully.
“Are you ill?” he asked softly.
“The tsuchigumo have been busy and I have been in Sapporo as of late.” I stated.
“They still will not back down?” he asked in anger.
“No. The funnel known as Ishin is the younger brother of Hisashi. Naraku was Hisashi long ago. There is old animosity and I am beginning to wonder at it. I know Naraku is not Hisashi per say but he has remembered that life and he seems to act quite a bit like the former tsuchigumo lord.” I said with my eyes closed.
“I still sense Naraku but he has much more powerful shields than even you.” Sheng remarked.
“Ah well believe me it was a pain to break down those shields.” I chuckled softly.
“The boys are well and Hana?” he asked.
“They are well. They want to see Jin though.” I remarked.
“Asuna we have had this discussion! They are my sons.” He hissed.
“He is their uncle! They miss their Aunt Jun as well.” I said.
“Then let them come here. I am not from Panyu no matter if they think or not.” He said stubbornly.
I shook my head at his stubborn nature and I laid my head back down. We still loved each other we just could not seem to get back to where we had been and at this point I did not blame him.
“Is it true you sealed an alliance with the Byakko with a political mating?” he asked me.
“Hai. Quon and I are friends anyway. His sire is extremely ambitious and I get the advantage of calling upon not only the Byakko but the Amur and Bengal tigers as well.” I said.
“All three?” he asked impressed.
“Hai.” I replied.
“I met them awhile back.” He said remembering.
“Hai Quon told me. He said you were interesting and highly intelligent. He also remarked that you found some tigresses rather fetching.” I replied with a smirk.
“That was quite awhile ago!” he snapped.
“Who am I to judge? I find it amusing now. Maybe you should seek out a tigress?” I chuckled.
“Kamis Asuna you have changed.” He said chuckling as well.
“Ah well.” I said smirking.
“My Lady your food has arrived.” Jun said coming in.
“Thank you Jun! I swear I want to steal you to come to Shanghai!” I said grabbing the tray.
She laughed then bowed. She left and Ang Chi came in and sat next to me.
“Are you keeping up with your studies?” I asked my son.
“Hai most of the time.” He remarked.
“Sheng?” I asked.
“He has snuck away to go hunting but he has been diligent.” Sheng remarked.
I nodded and at that moment Yuudai and Ichigawa came in. They were arguing like they always did. They were very good friends but whereas Yuudai was bold and forceful; Ichigawa was conservative and reserved. Ichigawa bowed and Yuudai came to my side.
“What do you two want to do?” I asked.
“I want to wait it out but Yuudai insists we strike them now.” Ichigawa said glaring at Yuudai.
“Look we strike a decisive blow and they shall learn not to enter Manchurian borders.” My mate stated.
“I say we route them and cut them off from the borders Yuudai! Damnit the ningen hate us enough as it is. Why not try a little diplomacy as well.” Ichigawa offered.
As much as I disliked the ningen government of the Ming; I tended to agree with Ichigawa. I laid back and felt my yoki wane suddenly. Yuudai felt my face and I was burning up.
“Asuna? Chuusin?” he shook me.
“Huh? I am sorry. Karuson we need to try Ichigawa's approach but I swear they show one more aggressive move then you have leave to crush their forces at Lingyuan.” I stated.
Yuudai nodded and felt my head and then my hands. He looked at me concerned and he looked at Ichigawa and he nodded for him to meet him outside. I watched Yuudai and Ichigawa leave the room and I raised my brow to them. Sheng moved to my side and felt my head as well. He too felt my hands and they were ice cold. Sheng quit my presence as well.
“She is getting worse and she will not seek a healer.” Yuudai stated.
“When did this start?” Sheng asked coming up.
“A week or two maybe. We have been so damn busy crossing Honshu fighting the damn tsuchigumo she has not slowed down. She was taken by Ishin their leader and he had injected her with his shoki. I wonder if her mixed nature is not handling the toxin.” Yuudai stated.
“Why would this Ishin take her?” Sheng asked.
“To piss off Naraku. I swear the whole thing makes me sick at times.” Yuudai grumbled.
Sheng looked at the door and wondered.
“Maybe she is suffering from a shoki within and not one from out.” Sheng stated.
“What the hell are you going on about Lord Sheng?” Ichigawa asked.
“Holy shit!” Yuudai said pushing past and went back into the room.
“General Yuudai she is burning up!” Ang Chi stated in a near panic.
“She did this before when she was struck down by a Byakko's shoki; it entered her blood and caused a fever.” Yuudai stated as Sheng and Ichigawa came in.
“You think a Byakko got to her?” Ichigawa asked.
“Hai and I know which one!” he hissed.
They all looked perplexed and Ang Chi looked up.
“I can take you and Mother to Hunan.” He stated.
“Hai. Ichigawa I will be back and attack the damn Ming.” Yuudai said as Ang Chi laid hands on him and his mate.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
Ang Chi had ported them close to the palace and he knew the truth. Mizuki had told him and he was terrified. Yuudai carried her and they came upon a green and gold palace. There were Byakko warriors and they saw their Prince's mate in the hands of an inu. A shout was heard and the gates opened. There was a Byakko that came forward and Yuudai growled fiercely.
“Inu back the fuck off! What is wrong with Lady Asuna?” he remarked.
“I need a healer. She is suffering from a fever. Feel her hands! They are ice cold just like a Byakko's shoki.” Yuudai snarled.
“Hand her to me.” The Byakko said.
“Who are you?” Yuudai hissed.
“I am Cheung and I am her brother in law.” He said grabbing Asuna.
“Prince Cheung, I am Ang Chi and she is my mother. Please let General Yuudai carry for he is her mate consort of the Western Lands.” The young inu said.
“This way dirty dog!” Cheung hissed.
“Funny you call me dirty and you seem to actually care about my mate.” Yuudai hissed.
“She is unusual for an inu.” Cheung retorted.
Yuudai growled and followed the Byakko prince. Cheung brought the trio to the throne room and Yuudai laid her on some pillows. A tigress came forward and sat by Asuna and felt her head. She spoke rapidly to another Byakko and that one ran off.
“Get your hands off of her!” Yuudai snarled.
“Inu I mean her no harm. She is very dear to me.” The tigress said.
“I said get your hands off of her!” Yuudai growled again.
“General Yuudai please.” Ang Chi said.
“Young lord she may be your mother but she is my life, do you understand?” Yuudai said in a forced calm.
“Hai Yuudai but she is my mother and I love her very much.” Ang Chi said softly.
Yuudai nodded and watched the tigress like a hawk. He noticed a bunch of tigers milling about and saw a red haired tigress eyeing Asuna. He started growling again terribly and the whore smirked. Yuudai looked up and saw the Byakko Lord known as Chen but did not see the Byakko heir.
“General Yuudai. What is wrong with Asuna?” he asked.
“Ask your fucking son!” Yuudai hissed.
“I understand you are upset inu but you are in my palace surrounded by all my kind. I suggest just a bit of civility will do.” Chen stated bluntly.
“Your son did this to her and where is he?” Yuudai asked narrowing his eyes.
“My son is a warrior and has been putting down the spiders on this Lady's request.” Chen stated.
Yuudai grumbled and the Byakko Lord came forward and felt her head. Yuudai again saw the red female staring hatefully at Asuna and he growled loudly.
“Lanfen! Quit provoking the inu!” Meifen snapped.
“Yes Lady Meifen.” The red said bowing.
Chen felt Asuna's head and it was bad. The cub was taxing her body badly. Chen picked her up and the inu started growling again. He glared at the general and jerked his head to follow him. Chen decided to put her in his chambers and he wondered if she needed Augusta.
“Inu do you think she needs her mother?” Chen asked.
“Lady Augusta is confine to her bed. She carries my Lord's pup.” Yuudai answered.
“I understand that general but Lady Augusta could lie next to her daughter.” Chen said irritated.
“Lord Sesshomaru is rather fierce when she is pupped.” Yuudai answered.
“Right. Like he is not at other times.” Chen muttered.
“Byakko you are an ass!” Yuudai hissed.
“I am also Lord here inu. Hold your tongue or you will lose it.” Chen hissed.
Yuudai grumbled and he followed the Byakko to some opulent chambers. He laid her on the bed and turned. Meifen was there to hold Asuna's hand.
“I am getting her Lady Mother.” Chen stated.
Chen grabbed Yuudai and produced his shoki mist and pulled Yuudai with him. They appeared near the study of the Western Lord and Yuudai snarled.
“Shut up inu. Get your Lord.” He commanded.
Yuudai knocked on the study door and Sesshomaru called out. Yuudai entered followed by Chen. Sesshomaru stood immediately and stared at the Byakko and then Yuudai. Chen bowed out of custom and so did Yuudai.
“Is it Asuna?” he asked raising a brow.
“Lord Sesshomaru-sama Asuna has taken a fever and the Byakko Lord thinks Lady Augusta would be of comfort to her.” Yuudai said thinly.
“My mate is confined.” He said bluntly.
“Lord Sesshomaru I mean no disrespect and I can assure you that my chief mate would skewer my male parts if anything were to befall your Lady.” Chen said respectfully.
“I will bring Augusta here and General Yuudai you will see to her at all times. The tsuchigumo have again made moves on Sapporo and this Sesshomaru is needed there.” He said obviously torn.
“My Lord I will guard my Lady with my life.” Yuudai said reverently.
“Would you like some help in suppressing the arachnids Lord Sesshomaru?” Chen asked.
“Hai. That would be agreeable.” Sesshomaru said.
Sesshomaru quit his study and went to his chambers. Augusta looked up and smiled so warmly his heart nearly stopped. She was beautiful and they had reconnected on every level. He had been supremely stupid when he had disavowed her. He was madly in love with her and always would be.
“What is wrong?” she asked concerned.
“You know Asuna carries the Byakko's pup or cub. She is apparently starting to show some form of illness.” He said.
“I have to go!” she cried.
“Hai I know. Lord Chen is here with Yuudai and they will take you but I want you to stay off your feet!” he said forcefully.
“Lord Chen?” she asked.
“Hai. Once he takes you he is returning to help me with the Tsuchigumo in Sapporo.” Sesshomaru stated.
Augusta nodded and he picked her up.
“Swear to me that you will stay off your feet.” He demanded.
“On your ancestors I swear.” She said.
“Alright. I want this pup Augusta. I want to see you give birth as you should.” He murmured.
“I know my darling I do as well.” She said kissing him softly.
He groaned and wished like hell he could rut with her but he would not while she was in danger of losing the pup outright.
“It will happen soon enough my love. Kamis know I want to feel you.” She said searching his eyes.
He smiled at her and she snuggled against his chest.
“You are not a monster. You never were. Your parents and that family were monsters.” He said softly in her ear.
“Stop! I will start bawling.” She said tightly.
“You need to know I never thought ill of your heritage. You need to know I respect your strength and dignity.” He said ghosting her lips.
“Sesshomaru.” She said tearing up.
“I love you and I always have. Your very person may be irritating at times but it is what draws me to you. You challenge me and make me want you all the more.” He stated pressing his cheek against hers.
“I love your backhanded compliments.” She said with a grin.
“Come.” He said as he carried her to his study.
He walked in with her in his arms and he laid her in Yuudai's arms.
“I am not a rag doll Sesshomaru!” she stated in irritation.
“You carry my pup and you will submit on this.” He said sternly.
“Thank you Yuudai.” Augusta smiled.
Yuudai nodded and was amazed at how slight the Western Lady was. Chen nodded to Sesshomaru and produced his shoki mist and took all three of them to his direct chambers. Meifen looked up and saw Augusta in the inu's arms.
“Hello Lady Meifen. Yuudai you can sit me in a chair.” Augusta said annoyed.
Yuudai deposited her gently and the Western Lady rolled her eyes. Chen kept his eyes elsewhere and Augusta looked down.
“Okay Yuudai I want you to go with Lord Chen and help Sesshomaru.” She commanded.
“My Lady he ordered me to your side.” Yuudai said flatly.
“Yuudai there are tsuchigumo in Sapporo and pardon me Lord Chen. Asuna would throw an ever loving fit if it fell to Ishin. Lady Meifen will make sure I stay right next to my daughter. Sesshomaru will get over it. Now be a good boy and do as you are bid.” Augusta said.
Meifen giggled and Yuudai's jaw dropped. Chen looked around and very amused.
“Lord Chen is your healer here?” Augusta asked.
“He is with Quon in the field.” Chen answered.
“Okay. Ling and Cheung can port as well can you send them after your eldest?” Augusta asked.
“Already done Augusta.” Chen answered.
“Lord Chen may I speak with you a moment in private?” Augusta asked.
“Yes. Meifen will you get General Yuudai and Lord Ang Chi refreshment?” Chen asked.
“Yes my Lord.” She said bowing.
The tigress showed Yuudai and Ang Chi out and Augusta winked at Ang Chi. The boy looked relieved and went without protest. Augusta waited till they were gone and she looked up at Chen.
“I am pleased you are well. It is gratifying to see you exuberant.” He said simply.
“Chen I am sorry you saw me so weak. It is not like me to be such a dolt.” She stated ashamed.
“We are all allowed moments of weakness. You and your beloved were at very bad odds. I am relieved to hear that you have regained your union.” He said very calmly.
“You are in turmoil right now.” Augusta stated.
“No. I swear I am not. Give me credit that what happened will affect my judgments.” He said coolly.
“I am not saying that Chen.” She said perplexed.
“Look we rutted only once and it is of no consequence.” He said uncomfortably.
“We made love.” She said softly.
“That implies more emotion than either of us feels. I need to aid your mate and assure that Quon gets here. He loves Asuna and this cub; he is going to be devastated.” Chen said stiffly.
“So now you will act as if nothing occurred. It is for the best I suppose.” She said looking away.
“Yes it is for the best. Again I am gratified that you are happy.” He stated with a bow.
Chen retreated and Augusta moved slowly over to Asuna. She felt her head and she was so hot. Her hands were freezing and Augusta leaned down and her feet were as well. She put her hand to her belly and she felt the cub. She pulled her hand back and was stunned. The tiny being was powerful and apparently it was developing its shoki already. Asuna was not immune to the Byakko's yoki and it was seeping into her system.
Chen walked towards the throne room and he finally saw Quon. His son's face was full of concern and he came up to his father.
“Ba? Did Cheung tell me right? Is she sick?” he asked.
“Yes. Come.” Chen stated.
Guang came up behind and followed the royals. Quon's tail was thrashing about and Guang put a comforting hand on the prince's shoulder. Quon looked grateful and he entered his father's chambers and saw Lady Augusta already there. Quon went and took Asuna's hand and it was ice cold. The Byakko prince looked up and realized it was shoki.
“The cub is not supposed to make shoki yet!” he lamented.
“Quon calm down. Your cub is producing shoki and he is fine right now. Give me your hand.” Augusta said.
She took his hand and pressed to her belly. He felt his son move under his hand and he looked at the Western Lady.
“He is powerful Quon. He is like Mizuki and she had her youki abilities from the womb.” Augusta said.
“That is not normal Lady Augusta! Cubs are not supposed to produce shoki until they are at least ten.” He said nervously.
“He is only half Byakko Quon. Asuna is half inu and produces a toxin as well. This cub is strong because his parents are strong.” She said comfortingly.
Guang came forward and felt the inu female's head. He spoke to Quon and he nodded.
“He wants to try and bind the cub's yoki. Can that be done in the womb?” he asked.
“I do not know.” Augusta said concerned.
The Byakko healer grabbed Quon's hand and had the prince produce his shoki into his pestle. Augusta watched carefully and the Byakko started mixing different things.
“Quon. There is a Tengu named Tamiko. She has the ability to bind yoki as well. She resides on the islands.” Augusta said.
“Where do I find her?” he asked.
“She actually resides near Sapporo. She should foresee you coming. Go and see if she knows what to do.” Augusta said.
“Yes.” Quon said then kissed Asuna gently.
He leaned down and murmured his love in her ear. He backed away and produced his mist and went to Sapporo. Chen locked eyes with Augusta for a moment then turned on his heel and left. He went in search of Yuudai and found the inu with Meifen. He looked uncomfortable and Chen walked up and grabbed the inu and ported out.
Quon moved through the all too familiar forests of his old home away from home. He mused on the loss of the city but what he had gained; he would do it again he knew. He was looking deep in the forest for a structure that would be covered in fauna. He was being watched and he turned around slowly.
“I am looking for the Tengu named Tamiko!” he said aloud.
“You found her.” Tamiko said.
“My cub is hurting Asuna.” He said.
“Well Prince Quon it seems I am going to Hunan.” She said walking up to him.
“What are you?” he asked.
“I am myself. I care for the Western House.” She said looking at him.
“If you are Tengu does that not make you inu?” he asked.
“Hai some maybe.” She said.
“You are confusing.” He said shaking his head.
“Come let us help Asuna. Your cub is very strong young prince and very strong willed. He pulls from his mother right now.” Tamiko said.
“She will be alright?” he asked.
“We will make it better.” She said.
Quon put a hand on her and brought her back to Hunan. Tamiko saw Augusta and smiled.
“Well Tamiko you have been busy.” Augusta observed.
“You and Sesshomaru are well?” she asked.
“Hai.” Augusta replied.
“Very good.” Tamiko said softly.
She felt Asuna's head and she was hot. She sat next to Guang and the two smiled at the other. She lifted Asuna's hand and her Dakkasou was pulled forth from her claws and Tamiko dripped it into Guang's pestle. He nodded and Augusta watched like a hawk.
“How did you draw her toxin forth?” Augusta asked intrigued.
“Press her wrist here and up with some force.” She said smiling.
“Why is the cub releasing shoki so soon?” Quon asked.
“It seems the Byakko is dominant in him. You and Asuna are both taiyouki and so is he. Asuna is an extreme for her species. You have yet to realize even your full potential young prince. As inu appears dominant in Asuna the tiger is dominant in this little man. You are perceptive; put your hand on her belly and open your mind. He is purring.” Tamiko smiled.
Quon did as he was told; he broke into a smile as he “heard” his son purring. He looked down at Asuna with such tenderness that Augusta had to hold her breath.
Quon held her up and Guang opened her mouth and slowly poured the brew down. He massaged her throat. Tamiko began mixing her own brew from Guang's herbs.
“This will not go away but we can help ease the fevers. Asuna will have to slow down and we all know she does not like to do that. Prince Quon the Ming are pressing here and the tsuchigumo press in the islands. Help her.” Tamiko stated.
“I will.” He said.
“You will need to be here for her to birth him. He is such a big and healthy little man.” Tamiko replied.
“Yes.” He answered.
“Lady Augusta you saw what I used?” Tamiko said.
“Hai.” She answered.
“Tell Yasu how to do it as well. Asuna will go back to Japan soon.” She said.
“I understand.” She stated.
“Guang it is good to see you again my friend.” Tamiko said rising.
Tamiko took Augusta's hand and she ported them to the West. Augusta looked surprised and Tamiko sat beside her.
“Listen to me well Augusta. This pup is your first and will not be your last. You will experience real pains.” She said touching the Western Lady's cheek.
“You are being cryptic with me?” she asked.
“I suppose.” Tamiko said rising.
“Who are you Tamiko?” she asked again.
“I fell in love Augusta. I am a Tengu; we are like inu but not. The ancient inu of old are more like us. I loved Touga and swore I would protect his family. I was his lover for awhile and I was around when Asuna went back. I did not appear as I do now. He did not know what I did. I am sorry for how he treated Sesshomaru; he had come to hate Natsumi so much for all her betrayals and intrigues. She tried to have him assassinated at one point. He fell for Izayoi and he was beyond me then. I begged him not to go; I begged him not to fight.” She said sadly.
“How did you restore my womb?” she asked.
“Simple really. I pulled your yoki forth to heal you completely.” She said softly.
“You are more than youki; why did you not have a family?” Augusta asked.
“I cannot have my own. This house has become my family. I am not all powerful Augusta and I do not see everything; I try and help when I can.” She said happily.
“You are precious Tamiko and I am sorry that Touga hurt you.” Augusta said.
“Touga is like Asuna. He could never settle and was always restless. Asuna is very much like her grandsire and so is Inuyasha.” She said wistfully.
“How is Inuyasha like Touga?” she asked intrigued.
“So headstrong and so fearless; he faced more than he should. I did what I could with him as well but he is so like Touga. He looks so much like his father.” She smiled.
“You love him.” Augusta observed.
“Like the son I will never have. I have tarried too long. Send Sesshomaru my best.” Tamiko said standing.
She leaned down and kissed Augusta's belly.
“You be well too little man.” She said smiling.
Augusta grinned and Tamiko did too. She ported away and Sesshomaru came in. Augusta looked surprised and he seemed wistful.
“It explains much.” He said.
“How long were you there?” she asked.
“I heard it all. I felt your aura and came to see what was going on. Natsumi is and was a scourge on this house.” He said shaking his head.
“Can I kill her then?” she asked hopeful.
“Unfortunately no. She can rot on that island for all I care though. We are having a son?” he asked.
“Hai. Did you wish for a girl?” she asked touching his cheek.
“It does not matter to me. He is from you.” He stated.
“You are heading north? Asuna will be okay but she will have to take in a draught to ward off the fevers.” She stated.
“Chen and Yuudai are here. I am relieved that she will be okay.” He said.
“Asuna would not want the tsuchigumo lord killed.” Augusta stated firmly.
“I know him not and I will not spare him Augusta. Asuna may have pity for him but I have none. He has attacked my lands and my cities.” He growled.
“He has a son Sesshomaru! Please.” She begged.
He looked at her and hissed softly.
“Damnit Augusta you ask too much.” He said stubbornly.
“Mercy is not weakness.” Augusta insisted.
“Fine! I will only maim him if I face him. Kamis onna you would kill my mother but have me save an enemy?” he asked.
“Natsumi deserves to go to hell! She was the mother to the most wonderful inu and she treated you as her meal ticket.” She snarled.
He chuckled and kissed her head. He stood up and again felt his heart swell.
“Youshiro is calmed down some also. Yuudai has Baku training him personally and he is always exhausted.” He snickered.
“Good! He wants to be a warrior.” She said smugly.
He kissed her hand and she looked at him wickedly. He felt a rush of pleasure skirt down his spine and to his groin.
“Love you.” She said with a licentious smile.
He groaned and straightened himself. He made sure to imagine very erotic scenes in his mind and Augusta giggled. He left reluctantly and would rather have stayed there preferably buried in her heat and hearing her words of love and moaning his name.
The spiders had attacked and Sesshomaru got a good look at the funnel web named Ishin. He favored Naraku and that infuriated him. He also watched the Byakko Lord fight. He hated to admit that the tiger was an incredible warrior but there it was. He dispatched the tsuchigumo with ease and he purposely fought his way closer to Ishin. The arachnid saw him and did a double take.
“Where is Asuna?” he demanded.
LADY Asuna is not available; you shall have to endure this Sesshomaru.” He stated in a bored tone.
“I asked a question inu! Where is she?” he hissed.
“My heir is in the midst of illness but I shall inform her of your interest.” The Western Lord replied.
“She saved my son from a Bird of Paradise. You are her sire and I will not fight you.” He said stepping back.
“You attack my grand pup's lands and you intend not to fight me?” Sesshomaru said amused.
“These are Asuna's lands.” He retorted.
“They are the Lady Hana's lands that I administer till she comes of age. You invade her lands so therefore you will fight me.” The Western Lord said swinging Tokijin in response.
The youki blade met with armor and shattered it right off the tsuchigumo lord. Ishin hissed in anger and released his silk suddenly and jerked hard on the blade. Sesshomaru released his Dakkasou as blades and cut right through the web. The arachnid had to aggressively block the inu whom he knew had trained his biggest adversary. This particular dog was better with a blade than his daughter and that said he was a goner. He snarled in fury and released his shoki and disappeared.
“Vermin.” He said resheathing Tokijin.
He turned and the tsuchigumo were being beaten but the toll had been heavy. He watched the Byakko throw his shoki as ice and watched with interest. He felt Naraku and whirled on him in second. He had Bakusaiga drawn and Naraku jumped away from his dreaded blade.
“Put that damn thing away! I swear mutt I will pummel your aristocratic ass in a heart beat.” Naraku hissed.
“Die.” Sesshomaru growled.
Naraku moved with lightning speed to avoid narrow blows from the flesh rotting fang. The damn blade would stop his regenerative abilities and it hurt like hell. Sesshomaru grew bored and sheathed Bakusaiga and went after Naraku with his claws. The two were moving with dizzying speed and Sesshomaru shoved his hands almost straight through Naraku and the acidic toxin burned and sizzled his flesh. He grunted in pain and wrapped his bone like appendage around Sesshomaru and squeezed. The Western Lord too grunted as the sharp bone like thing ripped into him.
“Vermin!” he hissed.
“Well you are just a pile of dog shit Sesshomaru.” Naraku chuckled.
The inu surged his yoki and broke through the bone and whirled in circle with his energy whip and Naraku was cut in several places. The former hanyou grew frustrated with the Western Lord and out stretched his hand and pierced the inu through the upper chest and arms. He ripped his elongated limbs back and the inu youki touched the appendages with his toxin and ate right through it.
“I hate you!” Naraku hissed.
“The feeling is mutual.” The inu hissed right back.
“Well well well; big brother this is quite interesting. You bed his daughter and hate her sire. I need not kill you; I can just sit back and watch the old dog here do it!” Ishin said from behind Naraku and Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at Ishin and Naraku snarled in rage.
“I am not your brother! I am Naraku.” He growled.
“Ah well Naraku you bear the same mark as I. Shall I tell you of Hisashi Lord Sesshomaru?” Ishin said hatefully.
“I know enough.” The inu stated.
“Well then. You really must keep your filthy hands off of his daughter you know Naraku. I removed your mark and restored her beautiful skin. Do not try anything or you will not make it one step. I have studied up on you.” Ishin remarked.
“You seem awfully taken with my heir tsuchigumo.” Sesshomaru stated in his bored tone.
“I hate the fact she is involved. She is lovely in more than one way; she has compassion and passion for what she believes. She is a rare onna and it is my pleasure to know her.” Ishin stated leaning against a tree.
“You know Ishin you are a wretched and delusional fool. You have an unhealthy interest in my mate.” Naraku stated in a very nasty tone.
“Well this is not all about her or you for that matter. When you killed our father you tore apart our kind. For the past millennium I have worked tirelessly to bring us back together. Then you come back as this and you cause all kinds of mischief that causes my kind death. That little stunt you pulled with the slayer village and then playing what was his name; oh yes Hitomi. You caused the ningen to murder innocent tsuchigumo because of that. You may have convinced an angel to love you but for me big brother, you deserve oblivion where your soul never returns!” Ishin espoused.
“You are an idiot!” Naraku yelled.
“He has you pegged Naraku.” Sesshomaru quipped.
“Shut up mutt no one asked you!” he hissed.
“So Lord Ishin you attack my lands in this process?” Sesshomaru stated in his baritone.
“I do when it meets my objectives. You are stretched rather thin nowadays.” Ishin remarked.
Naraku moved suddenly and impaled Ishin through his chest missing his heart. He released his miasma and the tsuchigumo grunted. Ishin shoved his blade into Naraku's side and released his own venomous shoki. Naraku fell back in horrid pain and Ishin kept his composure while blood poured from the wound. Sesshomaru watched with interest and actually started to walk away.
“This is not over mutt!” Naraku hissed.
“For now it is.” Sesshomaru smirked.
Ishin looked at the inu and he moved off. Naraku staggered in pain and disappeared into his miasma. Ishin fell to knees and quashed the pain of the miasma. It was as potent as his venom and it spread like wild fire. It would not kill him but make him wish for death. He produced his own shoki cloud and disappeared.
Chen casually walked beside the inu lord and eyed his wounds.
“Shall I transport you and I back to the West?” he asked.
“Hn.” He muttered.
Chen recognized that the inu was in pain so he just barely touched him and produced his mist and brought him back to the West and Augusta.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
I sat up slowly and I was freezing. I looked around and recognized Chen's chambers and saw Ang Chi and Quon. I looked to my left and saw Lady Meifen too. Guang handed me a cup and I drank it. I scowled at the taste and stuck my tongue out.
“Sorry inu but that will enable you to keep the fever at bay. It seemed Byakko shoki produces a fever within you and our cub is making copious amounts of it.” Quon stated.
“I see. Well make more so I can get up and go on about my business.” I stated.
“Asuna this is serious.” He stated firmly.
“Well so am I Quon.” I said standing up.
“Inu will you listen to me?” he demanded,
“I am listening; I am hungry and I am going to hunt. Now when I am done I shall sit and listen to what you have to say then I will ignore half.” I said walking out of the chambers.
He followed me as well as Ang Chi. I was walking and I had turned my head to retort to Quon when I saw his face and a blade that went deep into my left side of my belly. It scraped my hip bone and I went down. I saw Lanfen and the look of pure hatred on her pretty face. I pressed my hand to the wound to staunch the bleeding and I lashed out. I pulled the blade out and was on her so quickly and I slit her throat. I felt hands pull me back and I saw that I had not cut deep enough and she was sputtering. Quon was about to break her neck literally when Chen came upon the scene. I kept my head down lest the whore saw my tears.
“Quon no!” Chen hissed.
Quon looked up and his eyes were red.
“Ba she stabbed my mate.” He snarled.
“She is Aleksei's daughter. Take Princess Lanfen and stitch up her wounds. You will be confined until your father arrives.” Chen stated with authority.
“Ba!” Quon hissed.
“Quon Hu you will listen to me!” Chen snapped.
I was helped up and horrid pain shot down my leg. Guang picked me up and he spit on the Amur princess. Chen looked ready to kill her himself and Quon was pacing back and forth.
“I will kill you myself Lanfen! I will petition your father for your death!” Quon hissed.
My breath was heaving and I was removed to Quon's chambers. Quon was beside me immediately and I looked up at him. Guang had pressed a cloth to the wound and he pulled out thread and a needle.
“Quon! Kamis it hurts.” I said softly.
“Shush my love. Guang said he can fix it.” Quon said softly.
“The cub?” I said in a strained voice.
Guang spoke in the tongue I did not speak. Quon nodded and looked at me.
“She missed your womb. He is fine.” Quon stated quietly.
I closed my eyes and wished I could get up. I wanted to kill the Amur whore.
“What will happen to her?” I asked.
“If Ba follows tradition and Lord Aleksei does as well then I can put her to death.” Quon said fiercely.
“I want to do it.” I said clenching my teeth.
“Asuna no. I should have publicly dismissed her and I did not. This is my fault.” He said angrily.
Chen came in followed by Lord Aleksei. He looked grieved and he bowed. I turned my head and Quon eyed the Amur male.
“Prince Quon forgive me for having not recalled her home. I shall leave her punishment to you.” Aleksei said.
“I want her death.” Quon stated bluntly.
“Please be reasonable Prince Quon.” The other male said.
“She intended to kill my cub. How about I stab her in the same place and we shall see if she ever can bear offspring.” Quon stated viciously.
“She was your lover at one time Quon! Do not be so cruel!” the Russian tiger snapped.
“She tried to kill my cub and she injured the nu zi that I have pledged myself to before the Byakko, Amur, and Bengal. What do you suggest I do to an attempted murderer?” Quon asked in anger.
“You would have made a mate of her at one time.” Aleksei stated.
“You suggest I make her my concubine? Not no but hell no!” My Byakko hissed.
“I suggest a flogging.” Chen said.
Aleksei looked extremely uncomfortable but nodded. Quon looked highly agitated and narrowed his eyes.
“You do it Lord Aleksei. Punish your daughter for her betrayal so she will not do it again.” Chen stated firmly.
“I will do it in the morning Chen.” Aleksei said bristling.
“I want it public.” I said hoarsely.
“It will be.” Chen said firmly.
Aleksei left and Chen looked at me to assure himself of my well being. Quon glared at his father and the Byakko lord sighed.
“Quon she was your betrothed at one time. You mated Asuna against tradition and decorum; Lanfen was bound to want retribution for your pushing her aside for a canid.” Chen stated reasonably.
“Ba I do not give a fig if I had been mated to her! Asuna carries my cub and I am the one that marked the inu. I made the decision and she should have come after me.” Quon said in a growl.
“But Asuna is the nu zi in your life. You would do well to only mate once my son.” Chen said shaking his head.
“I had intended that all along.” Quon said.
“My boy you are like your mother.” Chen said sighing.
“Is that so bad?” he asked.
“No. You have a romanticized view of the world as a whole. You mate what we all agree should be our blood enemies and you get her with child. I have come to adore Asuna; believe me this family loves you but you are more pragmatic.” Chen stated.
“Hai I understand what you are saying.” I acknowledged.
“Well I can and did make my own decision.” Quon said in a snippy tone.
“Like hell you did. You took one look at Asuna and your head spun.” Chen said chuckling.
I blushed and Quon glowered at his sire and Chen continued to chuckle softly.
“Did you engage the tsuchigumo?” I asked Chen.
“Yes. Your sire is a most incredible swordsman. Naraku and your sire fought then Naraku and the spider leader then fought. It was confusing but both Naraku and the spider were injured badly.” Chen remarked.
I sat up in concern and Quon helped me up. I heard Guang grumbling in his dialect of Chinese and I put my finger to my lips.
“I have to go.” I said.
“Asuna you were just stabbed and running a fever. I think Naraku would understand.” Quon said flatly.
“Quon I need to go.” I said kissing him and teleporting away before a fight started.
“Damn her!” Quon snapped.
I was tired and weak but I went to Naraku first. I went to the castle and he was on his futon in pain. I held his face and he looked at me.
“Why did you fight my sire?” I asked slowly undressing him.
“He started it.” He said stubbornly.
My hands were shaking badly but I continued to undress him.
“Asuna what is wrong?” he asked.
“I was stabbed. Do not worry on it. The Ming have settled in Manchuria; it begins.” I said brushing his hair off his forehead.
“Can you call on Kenta and have their healer come here? I feel like crap worked over.” Naraku stated closing his eyes.
“I can do that. I need to take some medicine myself but I will send Kenta as soon as I reach him.” I said kissing him softly.
“I am sorry you are unwell. I should be smarter than what I was today but I got the bastard too.” He smirked.
“Good.” I said softly.
I ported to the ookami tsuchigumo nests and they were surprised. Kenta came forward and I bowed.
“Naraku engaged Ishin and was struck by his venom. He is in severe pain and it makes him ill.” I told Kenta.
“I will bring him the healer. What of you? You look like hell.” He said.
“Shut up.” I said backing away.
Kenta chuckled and I made an obscene gesture. I pulled on my senses and I felt Ishin. I used my remaining strength and ported to him. I leaned against a pillar and I recognized his Vietnamese dwelling. He was fast asleep on his futon and I moved forward. I felt his head and he came awake. His eyes were clouded in pain and I saw his chest bound tightly. I looked at him and I moved to check on Karu. I followed my nose and I found Karu in his own web fast asleep. I went over to the boy to assure myself he was well and I brushed his black hair off of his forehead. He stirred a little but nestled down further into his web. I slipped from his chambers and went back to Ishin. He was awake and watching me. I sank to the floor at the base of the pillar and shut my eyes. I had not asked how long before I needed the fever reducer.
“Asuna?” Ishin called.
“Hmm?” I murmured.
“You are not well yourself.” He remarked.
“I will be fine. Are you alright?” I asked in sheer exhaustion.
“Hai. His miasma is very potent.” He admitted.
“Hai. I am not immune to it.” I said softly.
My head lolled to the side and I saw Ishin rising and coming to me. He felt my body and he hissed.
“Asuna you are burning up.” He said concerned.
“Hai. The cub releases a shoki. He is draining my yoki as he grows.” I said fighting to stay awake.
“What is it you need?” he said lifting my chin.
“Unsure. I was stabbed by an Amur; I think I may miss her flogging but I slit her throat.” I said giggling.
“Inu you are becoming delirious.” He said shaking me gently.
“You did a number on Naraku. He will be abed for a few days.” I admitted.
“Nobu!” Ishin called out loudly.
“Kamis it is cold.” I said shifting uncomfortably.
“Asuna listen to me.” Ishin said shaking me.
“Should not care. Karu is alright; he is such a sweet boy. He loves his chichi so much. He cried when I captured him. I knew the tsuchigumo was not evil.” I muttered.
“Inu snap out of it.” Ishin demanded.
Nobu walked in and I looked over at him. I smiled at him and he laid hands on my head and neck. He looked at Ishin and the healer picked me up. He laid me on the futon and I stared up at the ceiling. I was shaking from a frightful chill and I saw Ishin concerned.
“Shall you draw your blade now? I need to go.” I said struggling to rise.
I felt claws to my neck and I went limp.
“Kamis what is going on?” Ishin asked Nobu.
“This babe she carries is mixed species my Lord. You would not normally see a canid and a feline produce offspring. The Byakko tigers are producers of a freezing shoki; this wars with her own body and toxin she carries. The silver inu are immune to ninety percent of the known toxins and poisons including our own venom.” Nobu said.
“Could this potentially kill her?” he asked.
“If left unchecked. This creature is draining her own yoki to grow. I need to read to figure out what needs to be done. She needs warmth my Lord; I suggest you hold her close to your body.” Nobu stated rising.
“Hai. Help me with her.” Ishin commanded.
Nobu helped maneuver the inu and his lord kept her close to his body. He made sure she was warm and he went to do research. Ishin looked down at the onna he had called an angel and she still shivered. She murmured every so often and she was cursing the Ming. He chuckled and it seemed she dreamed about warring too. He felt an evil pleasure that she was here instead of with Naraku at the moment. He hoped the bastard was in severe pain for days. She was shaking and he felt her hands. It seemed strange that her body was so hot and her extremities freezing. Nobu came back in with a scroll and he was deep into it.
“What do you need?” he asked.
“I need the shoki of a Byakko tiger and her own toxins are the main ingredients. I will have to go to Hunan. I can milk the shoki from a tiger's claws. I will be back within half a day. If you can manage bring her into the springs. That will help keep the fever down.” Nobu said.
“Hai. Hurry my friend.” Ishin said.
“I understand my Lord.” Nobu bowed and produced his own venom cloud.
Ishin fell asleep and was awakened when Karu came in and snuggled up at his feet. He looked down at his son and smiled at the boy.
“What is Lady Asuna doing here father? Did she bring Mizuki?” he asked softly.
“No Karu and I am trying to keep her warm; she is ill.” He answered.
“I can snuggle up next to her on the other side.” He offered.
“Hai.” Ishin said smiling.
His son climbed to the other side of the futon and snuggled next to the inu under the coverlet. Karu looked back and sighed. His web was more comfortable. He could not understand why the adults preferred the flat beds.
“Your web reminds you of your mother's womb.” Ishin chuckled.
“You were listening in my head again father!” Karu said indignant.
“Hai I was. You ran after me again in Sapporo and almost got yourself killed. This inu here brought you to me and killed the foul beast that had captured you! I will listen till you learn to mind me!” Ishin snapped.
“I do not want to be here alone! I can help you!” Karu insisted.
“Karu you are not even an adolescent yet. Your venom is not even potent enough yet.” Ishin commented.
“Well you keep coming back injured!” Karu snapped.
“I am also almost a thousand summers; there is a big difference between that and thirty three. You are a great fighter but you are still training. You thought I would want you going after a seasoned warrior like the Lady Asuna in Shanghai and you could have been killed.” Ishin admonished him.
“I am not an infant!” Karu hissed.
“Karu hush right now!” Ishin hissed right back.
Asuna stirred a little and rolled over and faced Ishin. Her eyes were closed still and he noticed she had light magenta markings on her eyelids. Her hair was matting to her forehead and he grew concerned.
“Karu help me up.” Ishin commanded.
“Hai.” He said and moved around the futon and helped his sire up.
Ishin grimaced but pulled Asuna into his lap and slowly stood up. Bastard had gone nearly through his body. He carried her to the huge hot springs this sprawling mansion was built around. Karu parted from him and he laid her down gently and undid her kimono. He spread open the heavy silk and exposed her feverish body. Her belly swelled just slightly and he had to pull her forward and she stirred just a little. She went back out and he slipped into the water with his hakamas still on. She moaned and shivered some. He sat in her in his lap and the back of her head rested on his shoulder.
“Asuna.” He said softly.
“No.” she groaned.
“Inu it is Ishin can you wake up?” he asked softly.
“No.” she moaned again.
“Lady Asuna wake up.” He demanded.
“Let me sleep you damn eight legged bug.” She hissed in anger.
He realized she was still very much asleep and it astonished him she knew who he was. He did not further try to wake her up and he dozed himself with her sitting there.
Nobu came back to the Vietnam mansion and he went to the springs when Ishin's futon was empty. The inu was sitting facing out with her head on his Lord's shoulder. Ishin too was asleep and they looked peaceful. He went over to the two and he felt the inu's head. She was still too hot and he hauled her out of the spring and covered her with her kimono. Ishin came to and looked at Nobu.
“I got the shoki. I had to break the hand to get it but here it is. I got quite a bit to make a large batch of this stuff.” Nobu said.
“Thank you Nobu. I would hate to see her perish.” Ishin admitted.
“Uh huh.” His long time friend and healer said.
He lifted her hand and looked carefully at her claws and wrist. He looked at how to make her toxin come to the surface of her claws.
“It comes through her claws?” Ishin asked.
“Hai. They are not hollow which surprises me. The toxin must seep through the dense claw itself.” Nobu said fascinated.
“Just figure out how to make her body react and quit studying her.” Ishin said annoyed.
“Hai sorry. Different species fascinate me my Lord.” Nobu said.
“I know. You will capture an enemy so you can study its anatomy; kind of gross.” Ishin said grimacing.
“Ishin we are giant arachnids in our so called true forms and our humanoid forms are nothing like our true ones. Look at the tigers and they maintain some of their true form in their humanoid ones and the inu are more like us.” Nobu said enthusiastically.
“Boring.” Ishin stated leveling his healer a stare.
“Yeah whatever. Ah here we go.” He said working a muscle in her wrist and her Dakkasou seeped to the tips of her claws.
Ishin watched as her poison dripped into a stone pestle. It was made of marble and the natural finish was being eaten away by the green toxin. Nobu was fascinated and proceeded to mix a little of the Byakko shoki and some other herbs.
“Enough of her poison would kill us.” Nobu stated.
“How much can she release?” he asked curiously.
“As much as she wants it seems. This is really nasty stuff!” he said grinning.
“Kamis you are strange in your interests. Do you even look at onnas in passion or do you look at them as specimens?” Ishin laughed.
“I like to copulate like any male.” He said indignantly.
“Kamis that stuff smells horrid. She probably will want to vomit with her sense of smell.” Ishin remarked.
“Open her mouth.” He ordered.
Ishin opened the inu's mouth and Nobu poured small amounts of the vile stuff. He massaged her throat and she choked anyway. She gasped and tried to fight against the medicine.
“Asuna it is Ishin. Wake up!” he said shaking her gently.
I choked on the vile medicine from earlier and I whined. I just wanted to sleep and nobody would let me sleep. They continued to pour the stuff down my throat and I swallowed and I wanted to vomit. Finally it seemed as they were done and I laid my head against stone and laid there. My eyes were half open and I watched Ishin with feverish eyes.
“I am so tired. Kamis you are beautiful.” I murmured.
“Asuna you are still fevered.” He commented.
“huh?” I asked.
“You are feverish from your babe.” He said.
“Oh. Can I sleep now?” I asked.
“Hai. Go to sleep. Do you wish me to take you back?” he asked me.
“No. You are so warm.” I said smirking.
“Hai well so are you.” He retorted.
“You are beautiful. Kamis! I am so tired.” I murmured again closing my eyes.
“Inu wake up for just a moment.” Ishin replied.
“Are you going to take me?” I asked.
“What?” Ishin asked in shock.
“Hai. You feel so marvelous.” I said smiling.
“Inu what has gotten into you?” Ishin asked.
“I put some widow venom in there as well. She is feeling no pain; I am sure you noticed the stab wound.” Nobu stated with a smirk.
“You inebriated the inu?” Ishin asked appalled.
“Oh for Kamis sake Ishin! She is feeling no pain and probably rather good about now.” Nobu said standing.
“You are leaving me alone with her?” he asked taken aback.
“Hai. I will take her to some spare chambers if you wish.” Nobu remarked.
“Take her to my mine.” Ishin said getting out of the hot springs.
Nobu picked me up and I smiled at the funnel web. He looked at me sheepishly and looked over Ishin. I watched the tsuchigumo lord shrug and I was carried off. Moments later I was lowered onto a futon and covered by a coverlet and my kimono slipped out from underneath the blanket. Ishin came in and slipped into the futon next to me and turned away. I was not pleased at being ignored and I ran my hand down his leg. He grunted and I laughed lightly.
“Asuna! Nobu gave you some medicine that has made you less inhibited it seems. Try and sleep to restore your yoki. I am sure you are missed.” He said.
“Ishin you did not fight my father did you?” I asked running my hand down his thigh.
“I tried not to. I had not realized how much you favor him. He was most insistent I fight him and I backed off.” Ishin muttered.
“Why would you do that?” I whispered into his ear.
“You need ask? You saved Karu from that filthy avian and you did not kill him when you had the chance at Shanghai.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said continuing to run my hands over his side and thigh.
“Asuna sleep. I need rest as well.” Ishin stated closing his eyes.
“Is that widow venom supposed to do this?” I asked.
“It is a potent venom and can numb pain. Apparently in you it makes you drunk so to speak.” Ishin sighed.
“Oh.” I muttered.
I pressed my chest close to his back and into his warmth. I wrapped my left hand around his staff and he shifted against me.
“The last time you kidnapped me you decided to make me feel amazing. Shall I return the favor?” I asked softly.
“I was angry and in a very foul mood. This is wrong on way too many levels Asuna. You are not yourself.” He said evenly.
“You are not taking me.” I nearly purred in his ear.
I very lightly ran my hand over his emerging stiffness. He again shifted as if trying to get away from it.
“You are telepathic; do you have any other psi abilities?” I asked softly.
“Just heightened awareness; I can sense things quicker than most species.” He grunted.
“So you are not telekinetic?” I asked sweetly.
“No.” he bit back a groan.
I ran my hand a little tighter along his length and he did moan softly for me. I ran my tongue along the shell of his ear and Ishin was tense.
“I keep trying to relegate you to strictly adversary status and you continue to thwart my efforts. You will knock katanas with me but you will not truly fight me or my sire for that matter. Shall I show you some of my yoki?” I asked.
“I think we should rest. I think that you are not doing what you usually would.” He groaned out as I tightened my grip on him.
“Truly? If I am less inhibited it means I want to do this.” I stated in a thick voice.
He thrust in my hand and I concentrated on changing the sensation; he gasped very softly and released a throaty and very sensual moan.
“I have had your blood. Does it feel warm and wet?” I asked in a sultry tone.
“Hai.” He moaned out.
I smirked and he was shamelessly thrusting in my tight grip. I kept my own ardor at bay and his breathing was increased. I felt his mind brush mine and I warmed at the intimacy.
“Just a bit harder?” I asked him sweetly.
He grunted again and I tightened just a fraction more. He was loosing his concentration and let loose. I could feel his body tensing and I sucked on his pulse point. He let out a low throaty moan that sent little spasms of pleasure along my spine and he went rigid. I could feel his release and he stayed silent for a few minutes.
“Your yoki can be quite wicked.” He groaned softly.
“You liked?” I asked.
“Hai.” He breathed.
“We are even.” I muttered softly.
“So if I was to pleasure you again then you would owe me?” he asked amused.
“Is that not how revenge works?” I retorted in a deep voice.
“Inu I think you are a female who has the appetite of most males. You thirst for battle and you seem to excessively enjoy coupling.” He stated.
“Did you not say that was a turn on so to speak?” I asked in a heated tone.
“Hai it is. Weak females are not common amongst my people. As much as I hated Airi she was highly attractive to most tsuchigumo.” He said looking away.
“Who killed my sister in law?” I demanded.
“It matters not. It was a battle and she died as a warrior.” He said tightly.
I pulled away from him and stripped the coverlet from us both. I pushed him onto his back and I sunk onto his length. His head came up and he released a strangled moan.
“Maybe you will answer me now.” I said fighting my own need to grind against the tremendous pressure he created.
“Do not just sit there!” he demanded.
“Answer my question.” I hissed.
I tightened my walls in a vise like grip and I rocked my hips barely. I pressed my weight down to pin his hips and he was getting crazed.
“Move!” he hissed.
“No. Tell me who killed Airi.” I demanded again.
I tightened and released my walls around him and if he had not been injured I would have been thrown off by now. His eyes were clouded in a mindless lust.
“You killed the tsuchigumo yourself. You dispatched him at Kyoto.” He said thinly.
“Really? Would you lie to me?” I asked.
“No.” he nearly barked.
“Does this feel good?” I asked him wickedly.
“I think you are depraved!” he growled.
I smirked at him and I did not feel any pain or I would have felt my hip. I sat there a moment longer and Ishin looked as if he was plotting my death. I would be lost if I started moving but I started to grind against him slowly. He cried out and I nearly did. I pressed my chest to his lightly and sucked again along the side of his neck. I lifted my lips to his ear as I moved my hips against his lightly thrusting hips.
“You make me crazy. I lose myself and I have no idea where I begin when you are inside of me.” I whispered.
He thrust up against me and growled loudly.
“Ishin!” I moaned.
“Deeper! Kamis! I need more inu. Give me more.” He groaned.
“How?” I managed.
I shifted my position and he sat up with great effort. I was in his lap and he held my hips. He was frustrated by the lack of deeper thrusts and he snarled.
“Lay me back.” I gasped out.
He grunted again and lowered me onto my back and thrust deeply. I felt my hip in a distant way and he pushed into me hard. I had awakened his hunger and he was desperate it seemed to quash that need. I moaned beneath him and he captured my head between his arms that he used to hold himself up.
“Open yourself to me; please.” He demanded softly.
I lowered my shields and he was in my mind prodding me and pushing me. I was gasping his name and he was actually doing the same. I felt him all over and the dull ache started in my loins. His ebony hair fell forward and I lifted a hand to run through it. I felt him trying to hold himself back and I surged my yoki and lifted my hips to meet his and he stiffened with ferocity and his release pulled me into one as well. He crashed his lips against mine and consumed me in his intensity. His tongue mated mine and his kiss threw me again into bliss. He groaned as my sheath tightened around him and I wondered briefly how many times we would end up rutting. I felt him moving again and I was lost.
I was awoken by Nobu and he pressed a cup to my mouth. My hip was killing me and I drank the vile brew.
“I put a little less widow venom than last time. You were rather loose with your tongue.” He chuckled.
“Thank you. Where is Ishin?” I asked.
“Hunting.” He answered.
“Do you make giant webs and catch your prey?” I asked.
“Sometimes when we want to be lazy.” He chuckled again.
I hissed as I moved my hip. Nobu looked at it and looked concerned.
“Who did this to you?” he asked.
“A tigress that was rather put out I carry this cub.” I said.
“Do you trust me?” Nobu asked.
“Hai.” I replied.
He pressed his claws to the stab wound and controlled the release of his venom and it numbed the pain. I nodded to him and he handed my plain white haori and hakamas.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Not a problem.” He said standing.
“I am going to hunt as well.” I said.
“You need to have that draught every two to three hours till that babe is born.” He said.
“Thank you.” I replied again.
“Just be careful.” He stated.
“Hai.” I smiled.
“You should not smile; you are too beautiful when you smile.” Nobu grinned at me.
“You are a flirt.” I said amused.
“Ishin swears I am a bore.” He laughed.
“I cannot reconcile his behavior.” I said seriously.
“He is not evil.” Nobu said walking away.
I walked outside and into the jungle. I stretched my awareness and felt Ishin's aura.
-Have you caught anything? - I asked in his mind.
-I would but you seem to have a knack for disturbing my dinner. - He pathed back.
-Where are you? - I thought.
-Around. - He replied amused.
-You are in your true form and I have seen you once as such. Should you like to see mine? - I pathed.
-That would be interesting. - He thought.
-Do you always hide? - I asked looking around.
-I am not exactly a four legged predator. - He pathed amused.
-Can you see me? - I asked.
-Hai. - He thought back.
I willed myself to transform and the winds grew up around me. I looked around in my true inu form and scented for Ishin.
-You will not find me that way. - He pathed amused.
-I am scenting a meal or did you find it all? - I thought back.
-I have only caught a deer. - He replied.
-Well you do what you do and I am going to run down mine. - I pathed back laughing.
I caught the scent of a deer and I ran after it. I took it down quickly and ate my fill. I went to the local stream and cleaned my muzzle and drank the cool water.
-Where are you? - I thought.
-Around. - He thought amused.
I started scenting and stretching my awareness; I literally could not find him. It became a game as I hunted the giant arachnid that was Ishin. I stood up on my hind legs on a tree and scented upwind. I caught a very faint scent and I followed it.
-You are good! - He laughed in my mind.
I caught site of his leg and a moment later he was in his humanoid form. I changed form as well and he moved forward and pushed me gently against a tree.
“You found me. I am normally not found unless I choose to be.” He said lifting me a little and I wrapped my legs around his hips.
“You have almost no scent which is odd.” I stated.
“I mask it.” He murmured.
“Thank you for having that draught made for me. You now know I have a weakness to Byakko shoki.” I said as he lowered his lips to mine.
“No youki is immune to that shoki. Byakko can really be quite deadly.” He whispered against my lips.
“So when you attack next time shall it be with our swords or claws?” I asked as his lips touched mine.
“I will not fight you personally.” He said then started devouring my lips.
I was a fool for responding but I did. I knew when our forces clashed that I would have to attempt to take him on but I would have no will for it. I was confused again about him and I just wished he would back off but I knew he would not. He ripped his lips from mine and started kissing along my neck.
“Asuna.” He murmured.
“Hmm?” I murmured back.
“I think you need to go. I need you again but this is getting too complicated.” He stated softly.
“You really want me to leave? How about we discuss our next battle against the other?” I teased.
“I think that your cohorts will be looking for you soon. I have no wish to be discovered.” He stated nipping my throat.
“How many times have we coupled?” I asked in a teasing tone.
“I do not know. I lost count.” He breathed against my neck.
“Shall I come check on you the next time you are injured?” I asked.
“Hai.” He said chuckling.
He lifted my chin and stared into my amber brown eyes and sighed. He shook his head and I ground myself against him. He groaned and it seemed he surrendered to his desire.
I was back in Shenyang after I spent a couple of days nursing Naraku back to health. He was grumpy and very ill tempered. He had no idea that I had been ill and I kept it that way. I kept the supply of draught with me and drank the very vile stuff. Nobu had made me quite a bit and I was planning an incursion against Ming China. I had missed the flogging of Lanfen and that saddened me but I would live. Quon actually showed up in Manchuria and Jun brought him into the study. I looked up and smiled.
“Hello Prince Quon Hu.” I said.
“You did not come back. I have been out of my mind.” He said sternly.
“Well I was not okay and I passed out in the North. The healer made me the draught but I shall need more in a day or two.” I shrugged.
“Asuna this is getting dangerous. If his shoki stays in your system too long then you will die.” He said sitting down.
“Then I shall have to be careful.” I said smiling.
“Do not try and charm me inu! I had no idea that a pregnancy could do this to you.” He said regretfully.
“Stop worrying. I am fine and he is fine. I was thinking of the name Zihao for him.” I said taking his hands.
“A Chinese name?” he asked surprised.
“Hai. You are a Chinese Byakko are you not? Zihao Hu, do you care for it?” I asked.
“I think it is perfect. Ba will be pleased beyond measure.” He said smiling.
“Have you been here before?” I asked.
“I was very young. Lord Katashi and Ba had a very complex rivalry.” Quon admitted.
“Yeah well Katashi had that affect on people.” I said scowling.
“It is past inu.” He said brushing my cheek.
“Hai you are right.” I said smiling softly.
“Asuna? You in here?” I heard Sheng call.
“Hai!” I called out.
Sheng walked into the study and stopped short when he saw Quon. He looked at me then at Quon. He bowed and Quon did the same.
“You are Quon Hu of the Byakko right?” Sheng asked.
“Yes.” Quon answered.
“Well Asuna I think you should explain to our eldest son why we do not bring our hunts into the dojo.” Sheng said amused.
“What?” I asked laughing.
“Hai. He said he was going to skin it and save the hide. I tried to explain that he is inu and does not need a hide.” Sheng laughed.
“Hiroto did this?” I laughed loudly.
“Hai.” Sheng said amused.
“Prince Quon will you excuse me whilst I deal with my heir?” I said rising.
“I have not met your eldest twin.” Quon stated.
“Come Prince Quon. He is a serious pup but he is five.” I said smirking.
Sheng seemed highly curious and I raised a brow at him. He gave me a dazzling smile and followed me.
“Are there any cousins you have Quon?” I asked.
“I have many.” Quon laughed.
“Sheng here said he should like to meet a tigress.” I said smiling at my former mate.
“Asuna!” he growled.
“I have several lovely female cousins. If you would like I can introduce you.” Quon said.
“Well I can meet onnas on my own thank you!” Sheng snapped.
“Were you two not mated?” Quon asked in my ear.
I shook my head in the negative and he nodded.
-What are you doing? - Sheng thought to me.
-Trying to fix you up with an onna. Just because we did not work out does not mean you should be celibate. I can read your thoughts still. - I pathed back.
-Do not go there! - He growled in my head.
-Go where? I should like to see you happy! I love you Sheng regardless of anything but I know I am not good for you! - I thought back.
-I do not need you finding me a rutting partner. If I should like I can still make you climax quite easily! - He snapped in my mind.
I rolled my eyes and walked forward. Quon could sense the telepathic conversation and stayed out of it.
My maidservant Shusin ran to me and bowed.
“My Lady! Lord Jin is here and insists he see you now!” Shusin bowed.
“What?” I asked surprised.
Quon actually hissed softly and there was no love lost between the Panyu and Byakko. I followed Shusin and Sheng hung back. I walked into the study and I bowed to Jin.
“Jin what is wrong?” I asked.
“Did you mate a Byakko?” he demanded.
“Hai. It is a political union.” I said.
“You are inu!” he hissed.
“You are just now hearing this? It happened several weeks ago.” I said sitting.
“You are an inu princess not a kamis damn tigress.” He said sitting,
“Jin. My own nobles are in support of me. In fact they are waiting to hear when I give the Byakko prince an heir.” I said arching a brow.
“You sell yourself out for land and an empire! What the hell has happened to you!” he growled.
I was angry and I glared at him with contempt.
“I make my own destiny! I make my own rules and I will not cower away from anything or anyone. This alliance benefits me and my family. It makes us stronger.” I said bluntly.
“You still let that uppyr bastard control you even in death! You sell yourself for power because you felt weak!” he said in anger.
“Why do you care what I do? We are no more and where were you when I was taken?” I asked raising my voice.
“Asuna, I failed in that but I cannot believe you would mate a Byakko for power. You have made decisions based upon your heart.” Jin stated.
I knew both Quon and Sheng were near and I did not want old pain dredged up in front of them.
“I do not owe you any explanation. Go back and isolate yourself as always.” I said calmly.
“You could never give me your heart; just a piece.” He said bitterly.
“Jin. I will not discuss this further. Sheng stands not a hundred feet from here and I will not discuss what happened between us anywhere near him. You and I should never have been. I hurt you constantly because I could not give up on Sheng. He is back and I cannot even make it work with him. I make what I have work now. My heart is a mess as always. Some things I do are for power yes and yes I felt weak.” I said calmer than I felt.
“Why a tiger?” he asked.
“He has become a close friend and I talk to him about everything. He knows me; he knows Asuna not the Western Heir or the regent of Manchuria.” I said shrugging.
“He is a tiger! You know I could challenge this mating. Your son is my heir.” He stated angrily.
“Does the fact that Jia Li was taken by a Bengal factor in. The Byakko are not the Bengal.” I asked him.
“I hate any tigers. Lord Chen took my father's life! You think I would like them?” Jin said dangerously.
“Was Panyu at war with Hunan?” I asked.
“Hai.” He growled.
“I am sorry that your sire was killed by Chen but that has nothing to do with me.” I said narrowing my eyes.
“Hai it does now. You ally yourself with the Byakko and I will go against you in a heart beat!” Jin stated coldly.
Quon came in and he was livid. He walked straight up to Jin and grabbed him.
“Threaten her or my lands again you filthy excuse for a dog and I will finish what my sire started!” Quon hissed.
“You could not match me in anything you over grown lap neko! Have you bedded her?” Jin growled.
“What I have done or not done is not your business Panyu! She is not your business! Your father was an overlord who would have decimated my kind and my sire killed him in self defense you son of a whore!” Quon said as his shoki started seeping out of his claws.
“Jin really this is enough. What I do or do not do is none of your concern. The West is in support of me and that is all I really need.” I said rubbing my temples.
“This is not over Asuna. This is a travesty! You may have uppyr blood but you have a true form! You are inu; where is your pride?” he hissed.
“Pride?” I snarled.
“Hai.” Jin said narrowing his blue eyes.
“Carry yourself out of here and I hope you calm yourself enough to maintain something but I do not need Panyu.” I said sitting down.
Quon dropped Jin and stepped back. He came around the desk and took my hand. I stared at Jin with a raised brow.
“You have become something. You took Tekeshi to your bed and you became an arrogant foolish onna.” Jin said calmly.
“Tekeshi started all this. Tekeshi is the one that wanted all this and I finish what he started.” I said bluntly.
“You have become the perfect Chinese ruler. Well I will not bow to you.” He hissed then stood.
“I am not asking you to but you will not command me like you used to do.” I said in a nasty tone.
“I loved you.” He said in anger.
“I am sorry that love was not enough.” I stated looking away.
“No you want what an onna should not! You want to be master.” He said standing.
“You wanted an obedient bitch and I told you that I was not she. Teegan should have been your mate and not I.” I said softly.
“Well she is dead because you could not let go of the past. This is not over.” He said leaving the study.
Sheng walked in and he was angry. He was shielding heavily so I could not snoop. Quon had let my hand go before my other former mate had walked in.
“My son is his heir?” Sheng said.
“It was done after your demise. He was trying to honor you.” I said shaking my head.
“Well I am alive now and I think I have a say in where my sons go and do.” Sheng stated.
“Well I cannot see Jin being too friendly after today. Write to him and tell him your wishes. You are the twins sire and have every right to have your wishes known.” I said rubbing my head.
“Inu you hands are getting cold.” Quon said softly.
I grabbed a cup that held the draught and swallowed it. Nobu had made it with the widow venom and it helped the ache in my hip that would not go away.
“Sheng I need to stop the Ming. I also need to sleep.” I said standing.
“What about the tsuchigumo?” he asked.
“What about them?” I asked in return.
“Will they attack again?” Sheng queried.
“They will attack again. They are only united along the coast of China and Japan; that is one faction. The scorpions seem to be mercenaries and there are factions deeper in China and all the way to Egypt. Shezmu-sama and Anupu-sama are there now fighting them.” I said exhausted.
“I see. Yuudai needs to be here. Is the new vice-general Baku very good?” Sheng asked.
“Hai he is very good at what he does.” I said.
“I will see you later Koi.” Sheng said.
My heart hurt but I went on about my business. Quon ported away later and I dealt with my oldest son and explained that hunting was for outside and not a dojo. He had told me he had wanted a trophy from this particular hunt and I chuckled. He was by far my most serious pup. Kazuo ran around and was very outgoing. Kazuo and Mizuki fought all the time and one of them usually hurt the other. Hana was sweet natured and was a lot like her chichi. She just was very laid back and did not get upset about much. The younger twins were still developing their personalities but Nori was very soft spoken and had a terrible temper. Ken'ichi was happy all the time and would drag Nori all over the palace. They would sit and babble at each other and I was sure they were talking. I had no idea what infants had to say but they were busy. I ported back to the Western Palace with my draught and a heavy heart.
“Naraku please go to sleep!” I hissed.
“I am sure I know where the bug hangs his haori! I just need to get close Asuna.” He said obsessively.
“Naraku! Your mate is fixing to leave your futon and sleep in a tree!” I cried.
“Shush and listen.” He stated ignoring me.
He had been in a mood since his encounter with Ishin and would not let up. I did not want to see Ishin die so I would quietly warn him if the time came. I picked up the coverlet and stood up; I walked out of the room to the nursery and lay down with Mizuki. She snuggled up next to me and I saw Naraku in the doorway. I glared at him.
-Sorry my sweet. Come back? - He pathed.
-Hai. - I thought.
I kissed my daughter then crawled out of the futon and dragged myself by to our futon. My body continued to be taxed and I would need to go to Hunan soon. Naraku did not seem to notice too much right now and I left it that way. I lay down and he pulled me into his arms.
“You need to quit porting all over creation. You are not allowing your body time to replenish itself.” He stated softly.
“I need to go to Manchuria tomorrow. I know you worry but I will be fine.” I said closing my eyes.
“Asuna you took care of me after the bug got me. Allow me to help care for you.” He said nuzzling my neck.
“You are a delight but I need sleep my heart.” I said sleepily.
“I can sense your need for rest. I love you.” He murmured.
“Hai. I love you more.” I said playfully.
“There is my inu.” He smiled.
“The Kamis made you devilishly handsome.” I said yawning.
“You know what I think of you.” He smirked.
I was drifting lightly and I heard shouts in the distance. I sat straight up and jumped up. Naraku was up as well. I went and threw on a haori and hakamas followed by my armor.
“Naraku the pups! Can you port them to Shanghai?” I asked.
“Hai. I will be right back.” He hissed softly.
I slung my fang into my obi and ran down the hall. I was angry and wondered if every youki now knew of Naraku's castle. I made it to the courtyard and I moved into the surrounding forest. I saw shadows and felt auras. This was a tsuchigumo attack and there were scorpions too. I wondered if Ishin was involved but I started working on slashing and fighting. Kenta and other ookami tsuchigumo stayed around the castle now. I heard the shouts of them as well. I felt Naraku reappear close to me and he morphed a limb into a bone spear. I took on a scorpion and I had to dodge and parry to avoid a blow. I truly did not have the strength to fight but I did anyway. Naraku watched me as he dispatched the arachnids as well. He touched my shoulder and he was forcing his own yoki into me. It helped and I start slashing and clanging other katanas. The fighting was too close quarters for me to effectively let loose any sort of yoki. I jumped to avoid a low swipe of a blade and I felt silk on my hand. I cut it with the Kumosaiga and whirled in a circle and took down a widow female. I rushed another widow and shoved her to the ground and sat on her with my fang to her throat.
“Who leads this rabble?” I hissed.
“Ishin!” she hissed right back.
“Where is the funnel?” I asked.
“I know not inu bitch!” she snarled.
I quickly sheathed my fang and snapped her neck. I stood up and expanded my awareness but I did not feel Ishin at all. I pulled my fang but I was grabbed painfully and my arms were pulled roughly behind my back.
“Well an inu bitch. I wonder what that bastard would do if I raped his bitch.” The voice said.
I tried to fell him with my will but I was beyond exhaustion. I struggled but his grip was painful and I pulled on Naraku's yoki profoundly and I mentally pushed the arachnid to the ground and he screamed. He let me go and blood came from his ears. I released my mental hold and I grabbed my fang and ran him through.
“He would kill you but it seems I have done it first.” I said as he slowly died.
Naraku was doing quite well and I moved forward amongst the melee. I went up a small hill and I had to kill a scorpion that reminded me of a bird of paradise. His claws were striking at me and I sliced right through both of them. I saw a huge black funnel web and could not tell if he was Ishin. I jumped up and into a tree and then right by the giant arachnid. A back leg knocked me backwards hard and I landed on my rear. I could not take a chance of pathing and the creature turned and saw the thing it had kicked. It was not Ishin and I transformed into my true self. I growled terribly at the tsuchigumo and swiped it with my paw. It actually jumped back and snapped its jaws at me. It turned itself around and released its silk to slow me down. It pierced my side with its jaws and I whined loudly. I swiped the beast and released my Dakkasou within my saliva and I bit into the creature. I heard a high pitched screech and released it. I backed up and it transformed. It was a young tsuchigumo male. It was not Karu but this one was around my age. I transformed and pressed my blade to his throat.
“Do it inu whore!” he yelled.
There was a strong resembalance to Ishin and I hauled him up and kept my blade to his throat.
“Who is Ishin to you?” I demanded.
“My mother is his cousin!” he snapped.
“Your blood just saved your life.” I hissed.
“Whore!” he yelled.
“Where is Ishin?” I demanded fiercely.
“Sendai. We have taken the city back and in force.” The funnel snapped.
I lowered my fangs to his neck and bit in forcefully. I needed this beast's yoki and a connection would allow me to pull from him some. He shouted in pain and I pulled forth his own power and I channeled. I appeared at Sendai with the blade still at his throat.
“My fang could make you cease to exist in all forms including your soul.” I threatened.
“Kill me.” He snapped.
I was losing strength quickly and I sank to my knees with the tsuchigumo. I was bleary eyed and fighting the drain on my yoki. I shoved the Kumosaiga into the ground and let loose a small wave that erupted near a small group of arachnids. I saw two go down and I kept my claws imbedded in the funnel. I felt a strong aura and I whirled and pulled a dirk. I pressed the blade to Ishin's throat and I was losing all strength.
“You had the Northern Castle attacked? My pups were there! Mizuki was there!” I hissed at him.
“I ordered no such thing!” Ishin retorted.
“You may hate Naraku but my pups are innocent like Karu!” I said.
“Asuna I have been here taking back my city. I did not order the attack on the bastard's castle. I would go there alone.” He said.
“Who is this?” I hissed.
“My second cousin. He is a general of sorts.” Ishin answered.
I sensed no deceit and kicked the younger funnel brutally in the back.
“I ought to kill you. My offspring is innocent!” I screamed.
“Inu you are getting to weak.” Ishin stated.
I took the dirk and shoved it deeply into the leg of Ishin's second cousin. He did not scream but pain was evident on his face. Ishin pulled me back and I fought back forcefully.
“Asuna that is enough!” he growled in my ear.
“Let me go Ishin.” I snarled.
“Inu stop it now! You will not win.” Ishin hissed.
I pushed Ishin with all my might and I grabbed my fang. I would not be taken by a large group of tsuchigumo. I pointed the blade at his throat and he did not move.
“You are right we are enemies. If one of my soldiers did not have leave to attack then he would be put to death. He is a member of your family and thus spared. Never attack one of my residences if you value your life. I place the life of a youngling above anything.” I said emphatically.
“I will deal with my cousin. I would never hurt you on purpose inu.” He said flatly.
I withdrew my fang and again sank to my knees. He moved closer and I was shaking.
“Asuna. You have pushed yourself too far again.” He said in a low voice.
“Leave me alone.” I snapped.
“Asuna I did not order the attack!” he hissed.
“Go take back your city and deal with your cousin. I do not need your assistance.” I said coldly.
He narrowed his obsidian eyes and I rolled away from him. I pulled myself forward and lay on the ground.
“Gorou take yourself into the castle and send Nobu now!” he yelled to his kin.
“Hai cousin!” he said in anger.
The other funnel left and I was shaking badly. Ishin came over and held me to him.
“You should not bear the Byakko another cub. This can kill you do you not understand?” he yelled at me.
“You lied about sending your warriors. You did send them to the north.” I said looking at him hatefully.
“No, I did not send them. If I was going to attack it would have been very personal and I would have come myself. That bastard has reinforced his barrier and I have been unable to break through.” He admitted.
“I will go.” I said jerking myself away from him.
“You cannot even stand!” he snapped.
I fought the blackness and I transformed into my sphere. I pushed myself as far as I could but finally collapsed. I actually fell from some height and landed roughly. I laid my head on the ground stared at the grass. I could not have gotten far and I actually crawled some. I did not know why I was blaming Ishin and I figured I was getting delirious again. I needed to have this cub or it would kill me. I laid there fighting off oblivion. I heard talking from a short distance and I weakly looked up to see ningen samurai. They were both heavily armored and wore helmets. They were in shock at seeing a youki this close and a weakened one at that.
“Please do not stare; it is rude.” I said softly.
“What is a youki doing here?” one on the left said in hatred.
“Fighting a battle, what do you do for a living?” I asked sarcastically.
“Are you hurt youki?” the one on the right said.
“Allow me the privilege of your names.” I snapped.
“Kobayashi Hideyasu and Nakamura Masatoshi.” The one on the right stated.
“Masatoshi shut up!” the one on the left said.
“So Nakamura-sama you do not hate youki?” I asked softly.
“Youki are living beings.” He said shrugging.
“I am Lady Asuna of the Western Lands.” I said struggling to get up.
“Truly?” Nakamura stated.
“I see you have heard of my house.” I said weakly.
“Let the youki trash alone Masatoshi!” the other samurai stated.
“Keep running your trap ningen and I will separate you from your tongue!” I threatened with a growl.
“Hideyasu go on. I intend to help her; you may do as you wish.” Nakamura stated.
The other ningen spit at me and I snarled at him. He quickened his step and I rolled onto my back.
“Do not fret Nakamura-sama. I shall be fine.” I lied.
“I have never seen a youki close to death as you are. Do you have allies close by?” he asked.
“I have an aunt and uncle in Edo.” I said.
“That is a couple days journey on foot but I do have a horse.” He suggested.
“I would owe you ningen.” I said flatly.
“Allow me to help you up.” He said.
He pulled me up gently and seemed surprised.
“You are light.” He said amazed.
“This surprises you?” I asked amused.
“Hai.” He said bluntly.
“I need to sleep.” I murmured.
“Hai. Where were you battling?” he asked me.
“Near Sendai.” I said closing me eyes.
“I need you to stay awake a moment longer.” He said as we approached a horse.
“Alright.” I stated.
He pulled me up and assisted me onto the beast. I had never ridden one and it was new to me. He got on behind me and I laid my head back against his chest armor.
“Sleep lady youki.” He said.
“Inu. I am inu.” I said falling to sleep.
I awoke and I was freezing again. The samurai Nakamura Masatoshi had a blanket around me.
“You are awake.” He said softly.
“Hai. Where are we?” I asked.
“About half a day from Edo. Who shall I ask for in Edo?” he asked me gently.
“Higurashi Kagome and Inuyasha.” I said laying my head back.
“You are burning up.” He said.
“Hai. Youki can get fevers from wounds and toxins. I do not catch common illnesses.” I said closing my eyes.
“You said you are inu.” He said in a quiet voice.
“Hai. I am the granddaughter of the Inu no Taisho. You are apart of the Toyotomi Hideyoshi Shogunate?” I asked.
“Hai. How did you know?” he asked surprised.
“Your armor is distinct. I am a warrior young samurai.” I stated.
“You are fascinating.” He said blushing.
“How old are you ningen?” I asked curiously.
“I am twenty four.” He stated.
“I am one hundred nine summers.” I said softly.
“You are young.” He replied.
“Hai so are you.” I retorted.
“I meant no disrespect.” He blushed again.
“I did not take it as such.” I fought to stay awake.
“Please sleep more inu.” He stated quietly.
I succumbed again and passed out. I know not how long I slept when I was being lowered and I startled awake. I saw Nakamura eyes and they were a light brown. His hair was not in traditional samurai style and I looked closely at him.
“Are you from the ningen imperial family?” I whispered.
“Hai. You are a clever onna.” He whispered back.
I felt him hand me over and I saw my uncle's amber eyes.
“Uncle Yasha!” I cried relieved.
“My girl what have you been doin!” Inuyasha asked roughly.
He felt my head and hissed.
“Kamis damn it Suna you are burning up!” he said.
I turned and looked at the royal samurai and cleared my throat.
“If you need my fang or my help; I am at your service Nakamura.” I said softly.
“Please call me Masatoshi.” He said warmly.
“I am Asuna.” I said.
“I take my leave of you.” He said bowing.
“Hmph!” my uncle snorted.
Inuyasha carried me into his new dwelling and my aunt jumped up. She looked horrified at my state. She felt my head and pointed to a bedroom. Inuyasha laid me on the futon and my Aunt pressed her hands ready to use some holy energy to heal. I grabbed her hands and shook my head no.
“I am pupped Aunt Kagome.” I said.
“A pup is doing this?” she asked horrified.
“He is half Byakko. They are elemental youki and he is producing the freezing shoki of his kind.” I said softly.
“Kamis honey!” she said frightened.
“I have been delirious and the tsuchigumo have the draught but I was so angry at Ishin.” I said closing my eyes.
“Who is Ishin baby?” she asked.
“A funnel web.” I stated.
“Where is he honey?” she asked again.
“Sendai. He did not attack the castle his cousin did. I cannot let Ishin die.” I murmured.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled.
“Oi?” he came in.
“Yasha I need you to stay with Suna.” She stated.
“Where you goin?” he demanded.
“To catch a spider.” She said jumping up,
Kagome had ridden hard and her horse was exhausted. She did not go around trying to find youki but she needed this Ishin creature to save her niece. She was coming up on Sendai and she saw giant tsuchigumo and she shivered. She saw one in humanoid form come forward and she allowed her holy powers to come forth.
“Uh uh I would not do that.” Kagome said smirking.
“Miko trash!” the tsuchigumo spit.
“Look bug eyed freak! I need the arachnid named Ishin. My niece is dying.” She hissed.
“Why would a ningen need our Lord?” the spider asked.
“She is a youki. I am the Shikon Miko.” She said bluntly.
“Lady Asuna.” The tsuchigumo stated.
“Yeah.” She snorted.
“Lord Ishin has been searching for her.” He said.
“So where is the bug?” she asked.
“Look miko he is a lord not a common youki.” He snarled at her.
“I will purify your ass so fast if you make another move towards me.” She said in a growl even Sesshomaru would be proud of.
A tall ebony haired and obsidian eyed tsuchigumo came forward upon hearing the ruckus. He saw a ningen woman on horseback and came to her.
“Ningen who are you?” Ishin called.
“I am Kagome and Lady Asuna is my niece.” She stated.
“Where she is? She is ill.” Ishin demanded.
“She is in Edo. She indicated that the tsuchigumo could help.” Kagome said.
“I am Lord Ishin. She was not herself and was acting most strange.” He said concerned.
Kagome dismounted and looked at the tsuchigumo standing before her and marveled. The Greek statues she had seen as a child seemed ugly in comparison.
“You wiped out Edo. Why would you help Asuna?” Kagome asked bluntly.
“I have come to know the inu and respect her. She carries a tiger within her womb and it is poisoning her slowly.” Ishin said quietly.
“Hai she told me. Look are you a teleporting youki?” Kagome asked.
“Hai. Send for Nobu now.” He told his soldier.
“Why was Asuna in Sendai?” she asked bluntly.
“Sendai is my city and the West had taken it. I took it back.” Ishin answered candidly.
“You are her enemy?” she asked in disbelief.
“Technically hai. Like I said I respect her values. She is honorable.” Ishin shrugged.
“Right. You are this concerned because she is honorable.” Kagome snorted.
“She is a friend when not on the battlefield. She has saved my son's life.” Ishin said indignantly.
Kagome noticed another tsuchigumo coming.
“Did you find her Ishin? She is going to be bad off.” Nobu said.
“You have the draught?” Ishin asked.
“Hai my Lord.” Nobu answered.
“Come miko.” Ishin said grabbing her and Nobu.
Ishin produced his shoki and they all disappeared within it. He had made them appear near the cave of Onigumo. Kagome looked at it and shivered visibly. Ishin noticed but said nothing, it was rumored that Naraku was from this village. She led the two tsuchigumo into her house. Inuyasha jumped up and pulled the Tetsaiga.
“What the fuck!” he snapped.
“Hanyou.” Ishin said narrowing his eyes.
“You look like Naraku!” Inuyasha hissed.
“Never compare me to that filth!” Ishin snarled.
“Okay boys down!” Kagome said.
She motioned to Nobu and he followed the miko into a small room. Lady Asuna was sprawled across the futon and moaning in her fevered state.
“I do not know if she will make it to the birth. She is getting worse.” Nobu said.
“What if she was not always moving around?” Kagome asked.
“I do not think that has anything to do with it. The cub is producing more shoki the bigger he grows.” Nobu stated.
He pulled out a vial and he lifted her head to pour the draught into her mouth; Kagome massaged her throat and Nobu laid her back down.
“Spill about the head spider.” Kagome demanded.
“Excuse me?” he asked not understanding.
“What is going on between your head bug and my niece.” She said.
“I have no idea. One day they are at each other's throats and others they have civil conversation.” Nobu said shaking his head.
“Why does he look like Naraku?” she asked softly.
“Naraku is the reincarnation of my lord's brother. There is no love lost and Ishin wishes to see him destroyed.” Nobu stated.
“Ah well he and Inuyasha should get along. Naraku is no friend of ours either. Asuna is in love with him. She seems to have a thing for bad boys so to speak.” Kagome stated brushing the sweat soaked hair.
“The draught should work soon. I have added widow venom to help bring down the fever quickly.” He stated.
“Gotcha.” She said,
“You speak strangely onna.” Nobu observed.
“Yeah well not from these parts.” She said dryly.
Ishin came in and saw the inu princess. She was glistening in sweat and Ishin looked at the miko.
“How did she make it so far?” he asked.
“A samurai helped her. He said he found her near Iwaki.” Kagome replied.
“May I speak with her alone?” Ishin asked.
“Hai.” She bowed and the tsuchigumo healer left as well.
Ishin sat down on the futon and pulled her to him.
“Asuna wake up.” He demanded softly.
She stirred and looked at him weakly. Her eyes were dull and his heart twisted.
“Inu I did not order the attack.” He said softly.
She moaned and closed her eyes again and sagged. Ishin was worried and picked her up. He came from the room and nodded to Nobu.
“What the fuck do you think your doing?” Inuyasha hissed.
“I am taking her where she can be helped more.” Ishin replied.
“Who are you?” the hanyou asked.
“A friend.” He answered.
“Look she is my asshole brother's kid. She is family and you are no one to us; so you can put my niece down or my brother is gonna hang me by my balls.” Inuyasha snapped.
“Your testicles are not my problem hanyou.” Ishin smirked.
“Keh. I said put her down bug!” he snapped again.
“Inuyasha is it? I care more for this onna than I should and I assure you I can care better for her than that mongrel son of whore Naraku can!” Ishin growled low in his throat.
“You really don't like him do you?” Inuyasha asked.
“By the Kamis I wish him death ten times over as I know you do. Asuna has saved my son more than once and I owe her. The least I can do is try and save this son.” He said flatly.
“Take her.” The hanyou nodded.
“Thank you.” Ishin stated leaving the dwelling.
“Did I so the right thing Gome?” Inuyasha asked his mate.
“I pray we did.” She answered.