InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Be There For You ❯ Forgiven ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 26: Forgiven
Inuyasha found himself on the grassy hillside. He relaxed slightly as he realized that the potion Miroku gave them worked and that he was now able to connect with Kagome in the dream.
Kagome was huddled beneath the tree; twitching and crying out as if she were in the midst of a nightmare. Making his way over to her, Inuyasha reached out to touch her shoulder. At his touch, Kagome's eyes flew open and she drew back with a gasp. He watched with tears in his eyes as Kagome curled into a tight ball and started weeping harder than before.
“I am sorry, Inuyasha. I never meant to hurt you. It is all my fault. I am not worthy of your friendship. I am sorry…” Inuyasha couldn't listen to her incoherent rambling any longer. He picked Kagome up and cradled her body tightly against his. She struggled for a moment but Inuyasha only held her tighter.
“Kagome, listen to me.” She whimpered and continued to apologize and cry. “Kagome…” Inuyasha sighed in frustration as he failed to get her attention. He could feel the despair radiating from the soul connection.
`How can I get you to listen to me, Kagome?' Inuyasha sat rocking the weeping woman as he tried to come up with a plan. After a moment, Inuyasha loosened an arm and took Kagome's face in his hand. Tilting it towards his, he captured her lips with his own, stilling the spill of words from her mouth. He concentrated on sending as much love through the bond to Kagome that he possibly could, hoping that it would be enough to bring her back to him.
At the first touch of Inuyasha's lips, Kagome stiffened and then slowly relaxed. She tentatively began returning the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Inuyasha reluctantly broke off the kiss and leaned back, looking into Kagome's eyes. “I love you, Kagome.”
“Inuyasha?” Kagome searched his face for a long moment, feeling the love that he was pouring through their shared bond. Sighing deeply, she leaned into his warmth and loosely wrapped her arms around his waist. “I am so sorry Inuyasha.”
“Shh. You have nothing to apologize for. I love you with all that I am. Never doubt that, Kagome.”
“But I saw you with Kikyo…”
“Will you allow me to explain what really happened that day?” Kagome gave a slight nod.
“Kikyo had come over for help on some chemistry problems. I had been sleeping until she showed up at the room. I wasn't really thinking clearly as we sat on my bed and went over the problems. Kikyo obviously had been planning on something like this for quite a while. When she heard you in the hallway, she threw me back onto my bed and started kissing me. I was shocked and couldn't move for a minute. That is when you came in. When you ran out, I threw her off and tried to follow you, but you were already gone.”
Kagome allowed his explanation to sink in. “I understand what you are telling me. However, I am having a hard time believing it. You and Kikyo looked like you were enjoying yourselves.”
Inuyasha sighed and laid his cheek on the top of Kagome's head. He decided to try a different tactic. “Kagome, have I ever intentionally hidden anything from you?”
“You mean other than the soul connection?”
Inuyasha blushed. “That was not intentional, but yeah.” Kagome shook her head. “I have not lied to you either.” She sat up and started to say something, but Inuyasha silenced her with a finger to her lips. “Think back to that day, Kagome. Did you feel anything through the soul bond?”
She looked at him blankly. “What?”
“Did you feel any emotion through the bond when you saw me with Kikyo?”
Kagome hesitated before shaking her head. “No, I don't think so. Why?”
“Think about it for a moment. If Kikyo and I were making out, I definitely would be thinking lustful thoughts, which you would have picked up through the connection. Did you sense anything even remotely like that?”
Kagome shook her head again. “No, I didn't. If anything, all I felt was shock, but I think that it was just me.”
“Some of it was probably from me.” Kagome flashed Inuyasha a huge smile before drawing him into a passionate kiss. When they finally broke for air, Inuyasha chuckled.
“I bet that you can feel that through the bond!” Kagome blushed deeply before starting to giggle softly. Laying her head against Inuyasha's chest once again, she gave a big sigh.
“I am sorry I doubted you, Inuyasha. I should have listened to you and to the others when you tried to explain.”
“I am sorry as well, Kagome. It was partially my fault for allowing Kikyo to get me in that situation in the first place. You don't carry any of the blame here, though. It all belongs to Naraku.”
“Naraku? What does he have to do with this?”
“Naraku and Kikyo are engaged. When he met you down on the pier, he managed to inject you with a toxin that allowed him to control your dreams. He was able to block me from your dreams and also manipulate you into believing the worst. The soul connection became strained and was causing the headaches. If we hadn't been able to reconcile, we would have been dead by morning.”
“Why would they do this to me?”
“Who knows? Maybe Kikyo wanted to get back at me by hurting you.” Kagome sat quietly in Inuyasha's arms; both of them relaxing in the glow of their love for one another.
A dark mist appeared out of nowhere and fell over the hillside where the two lovers sat. When it lifted, Inuyasha and Kagome found themselves standing on a flat plain. Kagome gasped and Inuyasha spun around to see her dressed as a miko from feudal Japan. Looking down at himself, Inuyasha found that he was now wearing a red haori and carried a battered sword that looked suspiciously like the one in the shrine's gift shop.
“What the hell? Where are we and what are we wearing?”
“Inuyasha, your ears!” He put his hands to his head, only to find that his ears were now on top of his head and were shaped like a dog's. Not only that, but he now had fangs and claws.
“What do you think of my `dream', Inuyasha?” Inuyasha turned and saw a dark haired man wearing the kimono of a feudal lord.
Placing himself in front of Kagome, Inuyasha began to growl. “You must be Naraku!”
A/N: Yeah!!!!! I have surpassed the 100 review mark for my story! Thank-you everyone who has reviewed! I hope that you continue to enjoy the story. Please continue to read, enjoy and review! Thank-you