InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Prove It! ❯ Shoe scuffs on the Rooftop ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well I only got three reviews, two of them the same, one being an apology from angel-up-above-heaven. I'd just like to say thanxs for your three reviews. Hope that satisfies you readers. Here we go!
Summary: (Inu/ Kag Daughter) Hoshi moves to the Tokyo to start her new life over. Back home, she got into some trouble. And is sent to live with her Uncle Sesshoumaru to finish school, and stay out of trouble while she's there. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have the greatest luck in the world. Picking fights with snobs at her new school, always in confrontation with her cousin, and an icy relationship with her uncle. Let's just hope she can make it; or her other option, go down swinging.
Chapter 2
Shoe scuffs on the Rooftop
Hoshi bounced up and down in the comfy leather seats, and enjoyed every second of it because of her ability to find fun in every little thing imaginable. She kept bouncing as she scanned the inside of the limo. It was quite large for a limo. There small plasma that could hide away when she pressed the down button on the car's handle. Earlier she messed with it, an example of her ability, making it hide and appear again.
She stopped though when Fudo stated, “Excuse me Miss. Hoshi, no matter how many times you press those buttons, all that plasma is forever going to go up and down.”
Hoshi sat back in her seat after that, finding her interest died down now.
It was pretty much a peaceful day. Rich kids were walking down the streets, businessman talk about business, and there were no skateboarders in site. Hoshi was very irritated by this fact.
Shoot there wasn't even any graffiti on any of the buildings.
But then saw the limousine have a Sun/ Moon roof. You can probably guess what she is about to do. Of course why wouldn't she pop out of it all the out to the torso? She pressed the knob that slid the window open.
Her nose met with the new smells around her, and she took in big whiffs of it. It was sunset, and rays of light popped out the sides of tall buildings giving the city an orange glow to it all. She wriggled a bit more until she was quite literally sitting cross legged on the car. The limo came to a complete stop at a stoplight, and an idea came to mind. She took out her mp3 player, scanned for a few night clubbing songs, put it on shuffle, and started to dance on the car!
Mind you, Fudo, the driver, had no idea of these happenings until the car begin rocking from side to side. Perplexed by this he tried looking for an explanation. He looked outside the car to see if some kids were the cause of this; half right on that one! His attention was caught when a bunch of students gathered on the corner pointing at something. Some boys took out some camera phones, and started clicking away.
Also, the sounds of honking horns of neighboring cars filled the lane. He wondered what all the commotion about wanting to know what was catching everyone's attention. He looked up to see waving arms, and feet, and then it hit him. He snapped back to the passenger seats to see Hoshi wasn't there. He opened the car door open, and started shouting, “Hoshi get off the roof this instance!”
His voice penetrated the headphones, and she looked down seeing Fudo's face. She was slightly impressed at how he kept his face straight from his obvious concern for her safety.
“All right Fudo.” she laughed. “Hey, open up the door window.” She asked with curiosity.
Fudo slumped back into his seat and proceeded to do so. The crowd had long gone seeing how the show was over, Boys were now scrolling through the photos they got of her, and started asking each other who she was. They had hoped they would see her again some time soon. Boy's one track minds are puzzling; don't you agree?
Fudo wondered what his passenger was thinking when she asked for him to open the car widow. He looked up in the rearview mirror, and saw Hoshi climb through the window head first. She slipped through falling on the leather seats with air venting out from the pressure.
“Sorry but the top's gonna need a new wax job!” she huffed as she flipped back over in a sitting position.
Fudo started driving when the car in front of them moved in the lane.
“Miss Hoshi, you need to be more careful. It's my job to drive you safely to your Uncle's estate.” He said with worry.
Hoshi popped up towards the window of the car, arms crossed over the opening. She took one hand out revealing a CD. She flailed a bit trying to get the CD in just right, then letting when the car stereo CD got a hold of it, sucking it in. She turned the volume up to medium. She looked around the
“Now Fudo,” she said without taking her eyes off the stereo, ”Didn't I ask you-“ taking her hand off the volume dial, and pointing an accusing finger at him,”- not to call me by names showing some sort of superiority?” Before he could answer with a `yes' music begin to blare out of the speakers in the back.
“Gotta go; Favorite band on; tell me when we get there, `kay?”, she said excitedly. The window closed up as soon as she zipped in the back.
From just the power of the bass, the closed windows buzzed from the force. Every time the car would stop at needed moments, citizens would stare in confusion of the shaking limo. People could see a silhouette of someone jumping around in there causing most of the shaking, and rocking.
By now the sun finally set and all were out to play. The sidewalks were filled with partygoers, people just getting out of their jobs heading to the bars, clubbers getting ready or a night of fun, and rebellious teens.
Anyways, Fudo kept going along knowing the directions to the estates. After a few street signs, he turned on a road leading to the richer housing neighborhoods. These were sliding wood doors, cobblestone driveways, and well kept grounds manors. Small electric lanterns kept the street light at each doorway, and the car lane.
`Definitely gonna be called a neighborhood menace here.' Hoshi said with a positive for sureness.
She had sung very loudly the whole time during the songs that played just because she wanted to make a lot of noise. The CD tracks stopped playing, and her throat felt a little sore from the shouting, and decided to let it rest a bit. She crawled towards the window to the front seat, knees rubbing against the limos carpet, and reached a hand towards the window,
Fudo kept his attention on the road, and then heard the sound of some knocking on glass.
It came more towards his right ear so he assumed it was Miss Hoshi knocking on the separation glass. It was; the window went down a bit, and a black wrist cuffed hand popped it.
`Hand me my CD please!' it pointed repeatedly to the stereo.
Fudo pressed the eject button, it made whirring signs, and it popped the CD out. Her hand started motioning for him to give it to it, but not in a demanding way. It's just a CD of her favorite band that she stood in line for it for three and a half hours when it came out. He brought it up to the hand, and as he reached a bit to grab it, he moved his wrist to make it out of reach.
This game continued a bit; he enjoying every second of his denial of letting her grab it, she getting annoyed every second he denied her possession of it.
The hand made a fist making motions of him being in future pain. Fudo saw this, and just by being with her for only a few hours, he didn't doubt for a minute that she would do it too. He handed her the CD not showing his slight fear, and it disappeared.
This time it came back with a friend covered with randomly colored rubber bracelets, and gestured a thanks. Then one reached over patting his head like a child doing a good deed, but then it started rubbing the baldness of it. It disappeared when he showed an annoyed expression through the rearview mirror.
Fudo couldn't help but laugh at this, and his attention was back on the road. He turned down another street seeing the sign `Blue Dragon Manor'.
“We're almost there Miss Hoshi.” He told her since she told him to tell her when they would be there.
The hand popped back out with its thumbs up. She didn't gesture him saying her name in that way since she had given up telling her to call her by just her name.
“And I also believe your Aunt will be at the front door to greet you!”
The thumbs up began to shake with excitement.
“And your older cousin, Mariko, is there.”
The thumbs up turned immediately into a way thumbs down since it lied on the window pane, and she pressed the down button.
“Do you not like your cousin?” he asked in confusion.
She brought out her other hand forming a head, and then another hand came in choking the `throat' and started to make the sound of someone being strangled. The head part plopped down showing it was dead.
“No! You don't really mean that…do you?” he asked in questionable fear.
She made a hand into a head again, and she came out with a red sharpie pen symboling a knife cutting across the `throat' and she continued marking blood trailing down.
“…” Fudo was in complete shock.” AH here we are Miss Hoshi. Your uncles estate” he announced trying to get over the `act' he saw.
Hoshi went back the passenger seat, opened the Sun/ Moon roof, and stood up on the seats. She saw an iron rod fence, twelve foot fence by the looks of it with cement block posts holding it together ever few feet rather than the sliding wood doors the pasted on the way here.
“So this is my new home” she said to herself. All of her enthusiasm, and excitement melted away. “Watch out for me here dad” she said looking up to the star filled sky.
She tried to hold back it back, but one tear slipped through falling off her cheek on a closed up, shaking fist.
It mixed with some of the blood that dripped from her clenched fingertips.
Kinda weird with those story turners at the end of chapters huh? Sorry, but had to do it guys. Write whatever you want about it in reviews. It will be easy to write this in the plotline since I went through the same experience last year. I miss him.