InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 1: The Protector is Born ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
sorry about how weird the prologue looks. That was the first time I’ve ever posted anything on Media Miner. But here’s the next chapter. Enjoy and comments would be awesome. (I already have over 15 views!!!)

If it sucks then please tell me what I could do to make it better. It you like it then you can tell me that too- it would be good motivation- and if I have any mistakes then I’m sorry, they are accidents and sometimes I don’t spell check. xoxo Mikey



Chapter 1: The Protector is Born

The sky was clouded, as it has been for almost 500 years. The human race was dwindling in morale and strength. Their last hopes lied with the Empress-who was in labor- and her unborn baby. Once, the humans thought that it was the great priestess Kikyo who would end the year-long war and give humans victory. But, their expectations were not met.

The labor room was filled with screams from the Empress; she hoped that this intense pain would end soon. Her midwife and servants scrambled to make their Lady as comfortable as possible while still ensuring the survival of both the Empress Higurashi and her child. Another agonizing scream escaped the lips of the sweat covered woman. Her long brown hair was matted to her forehead in strands.

Outside the room stood the guards- clad in black outfits of tight fabric and armor of different colors ranging from dull grays to bright blues. They had just come back from another battle with the enemy. Some clutched their wounds, others held on to the lifeless bodies of their comrades. They heard the screams of their Lady and hoped she would be alright. More so, they hoped that her baby would be the one they had prayed for.

The Emperor was in his personal chambers, pacing back and forth listening to his beloved’s screams of pain. “Please,” he murmured, “let it be a boy.” It was true, the Emperor was in need of a male heir, but he had only been in control of the humans for 10 years. Little did he know that tonight was a night filled with magic and wonder. Tonight, his heir would be born. The Emperor knew of the prophecy that gave the humans reason to fight. The death of one will bring about rage and war to the humans and demons, but the Protector will come and bring peace to both worlds, the Emperor thought casually. This prophecy had been passed down through the royal lines for centuries, but never had the man thought he would live to see the day when there was no fighting. He had no hope, and yet, he still went on.

Just then, a servant appeared at the other side of the screen, requesting his attention. “My Lord, the moment is here. Your wife is about to birth your child.” The servant bowed in respect to the man as he left the room and ran to the labor room where she lay. The Lord entered the room moment before a small cry was heard, announcing the arrival of the Emperor’s first-born. “My love,” his wife spoke suddenly, a small bundle in her arms, “Come and see your daughter.” The Emperor was disappointed at first-he truly did desire a male child- but when he held the squirming girl in his arms, his heart could not help but love her. Unexpectedly, a large beam of light entered through the window and landed on the infant. “The sun!” exclaimed the Empress. The sun had been trapped behind all the smoke to ward off demons and the enemy‘s own demonic aura.

“This is a good sign my Lady,” the midwife Kaede stated. “This infant is the one. It says so in the prophecy itself. The Protector will clear the skies of all evil and set the sun free from its suffocating prison.” The old woman looked out the window as she spoke.

“Are you telling me Old Lady Kaede that my first-born is the Protector?” questioned Emperor Higurashi while examining the little girl. She had opened her eyes now. The girl was playing with the light almost as if it were a butterfly. Her large gray-blue eyes sparkled in the light. Her skin was perfect in every way; pale and smooth, completely untouched by hate and war. She already had little tuffs of black hair curling around her face. Her small hands extended upward when she saw her father. The Emperor loved her dearly.

“Yes my Lord. I can sense it in her. She has the powers of a miko like her mother but much stronger and she is only an infant,” Kaede explained.

“I can sense it as well my love. Her powers exceed that of mine and Kaede’s. She might even have been a rival to Kikyo. I can also sense the heart and strength of a warrior, like yourself my darling, but much stronger. She will be the key to human survival.”

“If I may be so bold my Lady,” Kaede said once more, “But I think that this child might be the reincarnation of the great priestess. I can see her spirit in the babe.”

“I see Kaede. You are our most trusted friend. I will believe you priestess.” At that moment the baby let out a giggle.

“My love, what will you name her?” asked the Empress. Her face was still covered in sweat though her hair was now pushed away from her face. The Emperor could tell that his love was exhausted. The new father held the princess up into the beam of sunlight, he noted that she looked like an angel.

I shall name her… he thought, concentrating on something that would fit both her evident beauty and strength. “Kagome.”


In the Western Lands the demon Lord was speaking with his second son. “InuYasha, are you alright?” The Lord sensed a small change in his half-demon son. He hadn’t seen his son in awhile so this was new.

“I’m fine father. Any news of the latest raid against the enemy?” The man had been lying of course. He did not know why but for some reason his heart pulsed slightly. Something new had arrived in this world and InuYasha could sense that somehow, he was connected to it.

The Lord disregarded what he had sensed earlier and gave his son news of the enemy. “The humans are still very strong but their numbers are dwindling slowly. Soon they will be completely destroyed.” The Lord sighed, exhausted and sad to see his mate’s race refuse to subjugation.

“I’m surprised that they lasted this long to be quite honest,” stated the Lord’s first son Sesshomaru, appearing out of the shadows in the conference room. He was quite a feminine looking demon, but his cold stare gave his enemies a glimpse at his power. Sesshomaru was the spitting image of his father, fur and all. His white and red kimono was covered with armor, his hair long and pure silver, flowing free unlike the demon Lord, whose hair was tied up into a pony tail. His sword, Tenseiga was tied to his waist. “Pitiful vermin, like cockroaches.”

The Lord seemed angered by this statement. “Sesshomaru, you said you and I had business to discuss. So, discuss it instead of cowering behind malice statements about my mate’s race!” Sesshomaru was slightly taken aback by his father’s sudden rage for his father was known for his resolve, but bowed in respect moments later.

“Yes father. I had hoped that it would be in private though…” Sesshomaru glared at his half-brother standing not far from himself. The Great Demon Lord saw this. “InuYasha, leave us.” His command was still filled with exhaustion but had his resolve in it once more.

“But father! I have every right to hear what Sesshomaru has to say! I-” but the Great Demon Lord cut off his younger son.

“InuYasha I said go. You have not been within these castle walls for sometime and your mother missed you. Now that you are back from the mountains recruiting you must visit with your mother. Now go, her Lady is waiting.” The Lord did not look at his son as he said this, showing InuYasha that their conversation was over.

InuYasha knew that there was no point in arguing. “Yes father.” He bowed to the great demon before leaving to see his mother. InuYasha hadn’t been at the castle grounds for a few months and the familiar scents gave him some comfort, but his soul was still restless. He raced towards his mother’s private room fast, eager to see her again.


“Now Sesshomaru, what is it you must discuss with me?” the Lord asked his son once InuYasha left. His son never requested to speak with the Lord ever since he had chosen a human woman as his mate after Sesshomaru’s mother died in a raid. It seems that the situation became worse when InuYasha was born and he had entrusted Tetsusaiga, the sword that could slay 100 demons with one stroke, to InuYasha and Tenseiga, the sword said to save 100 lives with one stroke, to Sesshomaru. The Lord would not change his mind though, no matter how much his son fought him. Hopefully, Sesshomaru would be able to open his heart with Tenseiga.

“Father,” Sesshomaru said still kneeling in front of his father but looking up to look directly at the great demon as he spoke, “I sent Jaken to the realm of the humans to gain some idea of how they survive like they do. He relayed to me some very interesting news.” Sesshomaru paused to let the words sink in.

“Tell me what your servant found out my son.” The Lord seemed suddenly interested.

“Jaken told me that they had a prophecy of someone whom had the power to bring peace, They refer to him as the Protector,” Sesshomaru stated eloquently.

“What is this prophecy?” He had heard of something like that among is advisors but he did not know what specifically it stated. At that moment a small, green, imp-like demon appeared carrying the Staff of Two Heads. He bowed in respect.

“My Lord, at the young master’s request I traveled the land to find the secret of human survival. During my travels, I came across a young girl singing. I asked her what it is she was singing for I had never heard the tune and she replied with this:

It is a prophecy that gives us hope and the ability to live and survive even after so many years of fighting and death. The death of one will bring about rage and war to the humans and demons, but the Protector will come and bring peace to both worlds. This being will clear the skies of all evil and set the sun free from its suffocating prison, but not alone. A being that is of neither worlds will accompany the Protector. The two companions will bring peace to their souls and the world.

The Great Dog Demon’s amber eyes widened in surprise. “Jaken, Sesshomaru, I thank you of this news. I will ask the Empress if she knows of such a prophecy,” the Lord stated while summoning a small fox demon to go and retrieve his mate. “Now if you have nothing else to say, leave me while I talk to my mate.”

“B-but my Lord,” Jaken stuttered, “There is more news.” Jaken was terrified of Sesshomaru’s father but felt that he needed to know this tidbit of information.

The Lord was slightly irritated now. “Then speak up Jaken.” The small demon gulped.

“The girl said that the Empress of the human realm had given birth to a young princess and at her arrival the sun shone for the first time in 500 years then disappeared behind the smoke and demonic aura. I am not sure if this is of any use to you my Lord but maybe the Empress will know it’s significance.”

“Thank you Jaken. Now leave me Sesshomaru and take your servant with you. My mate is here.” The Lord’s gave was past his son and Jaken. At the screen stood the Empress, waiting for permission to enter.

“Yes father.” Sesshomaru then disappeared with Jaken in a small blue orb of light and out the room.

“Enter my love,” boomed the voice of the dog demon. The Empress entered and her mate stood from his seat and walked to her. “Come to the garden with me Izayoi, I must ask you something.”

“And I you dearest,” the Empress responded. Lady Izayoi was indeed beautiful in her 12 layered kimono, making her pale skin seem bright and glowing. Her dark hair was long and free, flowing as she walked with her mate.

They had reached the garden next to the conference room. The Lord felt like a teenager when he saw her. “You go first my love.”

“My dearest, I was speaking with InuYasha earlier. I must say I was surprised to find him as such.”

“What do you mean?” The Lord was confused at the woman’s words.

“Surely you noticed that our son was somewhat different when you saw him?” the Lady asked, gazing towards the dark sky.

“I did but I disregarded it when he said he was fine. He seemed, I’m not sure what it was, like he was being drawn towards something. Is that what you noticed?”

“Indeed. I’m not sure what happened to him in those mountains, but our son is a teenager and is sure to be changing.” The Lord agreed with his mate.

“Where is he now my love?”

“I thought it would be obvious, InuYasha is visiting the priestess’s grave. He hasn’t been there in a few months. His heart still aches as if she died only yesterday. I hope that one day, someone can reach the void where his heart lies and take on the difficult task to heal him.” There was a moment of silence between the two before the Lady spoke once more. “What is it that you wanted to speak to me about dearest?”

“I heard some interesting news today from Sesshomaru and his servant Jaken.” He chose to leave out his son’s remark about how humans are similar to cockroaches. “It was about a prophecy the humans have. Do you know of it my love?”

“Yes I do. It is about the Protector is it not?” Izayoi looked her mate in the eye.

“That would be the one.”

“What is it you wish to know about the priestess Midoriko’s prediction my Lord?”

“I already know the prophecy, but I wish to know if there is a sign of his arrival. Also, I wish to know about the being that is of neither worlds.”
“You ask both an easy question and a difficult one my dearest. You are not the only one to ask them either. When Midoriko made the prediction centuries ago, the Emperor of the human race at the time asked those same questions. Midoriko told him that even she did not know of the being that the prophecy spoke of.”

“And what of the sign my love?” the Lord questioned.

“Midoriko also said to the Emperor that the world will know of the Protector’s arrival into the world when the sun awakes from its sleep and shines down on the promised being.” Realization hit the Emperor as he recalled Jaken’s words from earlier. The sun shone for the first time in 500 years then disappeared behind the smoke and demonic aura.